Ricky Aditya, Ricky
Administrasi Bisnis, Fakultas Komunikasi dan Bisnis, Universitas Telkom

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Antibiotik Empirik di Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Aditya, Ricky; Kestriani, Nurita Dian; Maskoen, Tinni T.
Majalah Anestesia dan Critical Care Vol 34 No 1 (2016): Februari
Publisher : Perdatin Pusat

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Penemuan jenis antibiotik baru diimbangi dengan penemuan resistensi dari bakteri tersebut terhadap beberapa obat.Secara garis besar, antibiotik dibagi menjadi tiga golongan berdasarkan cara kerja, spektrum, dan efek bakterisidal.Terapi antibiotik terhadap pasien kritis merupakan hal yang menjadi perhatian di dunia akibat tingginya mortalitasdan morbiditas. Aspek efektifitas terapi terus menjadi perhatian akibat peningkatan kebutuhan ruang Intensive CareUnit. Kontrol infeksi dan pemilihan antibiotik yang sesuai merupakan intervensi utama dan harus menjadi prioritasdalam manajemen pasien kritis. Pengetahuan mengenai farmakokinetik dan farmakodinamik antibiotik merupakanfaktor yang esensial karena penentuan dosis antibiotik berkaitan dengan keluaran pasien kritis. Perubahan padavolume of distribution dan clearance antibiotik pada pasien kritis mungkin berefek pada target konsentrasi obatdalam serum. Hal ini menjadi bukti bahwa parameter pharmacokinetics (PK)/pharmacodynamics (PD) berperanterhadap efek obat yang terkait dengan keluaran pasien dan resistensi. Kata kunci: Antibiotik, farmako dinamik, farmako kinetik, ICU, pasien kritis The discovery of new types of antibiotic resistance offset by the discovery of bacteria to multiple drugs. In general,antibiotics are divided into three groups based on the spectrum shape, and the bactericidal effect. Antibiotictherapy for critically ill patients is a concern in the world due to the high mortality and morbidity. Aspects of theeffectiveness of therapy remains a concern due to the increasing needs of the ICU. Pemilihian infection controland appropriate antibiotic is a major intervention and should be a priority in the management of patients in criticalcondition. Knowledge of the pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) of antibiotics is essential todetermine the doses of antibiotics related to production factor of critically ill patients. Changes in the volumeof distribution and clearance of antibiotics in critically ill patients may have an effect on a target serum drugconcentrations. This is proof that the PK/PD parameter contribute to the effects associated with the drug and theoutput resistance of the patient. Key words: Antibiotic, Critical patients, ICU, pharmacodynamis, pharmacokinetis Reference Davies, JD. Origins and Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, 2010;74(3): 417–33. Waksman, SA. What is an Antibiotic or an Antibiotic Substance?. Mycoglia. 1947; 39(5):565–9. Bruton, LL., Chabner AB., & Knollmann CB. Goodman and Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 12th ed. California: McGraw-Hill Education, 2010. Aminov, RI. A Brief History of the Antibiotic Era: Lessons Learned and Challenges for the Future. Frontier in Microbiology. 2010;1(134). Davies, J. & Davies D. Origins and Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Review.2010;74(3). Saga, T. & Yamaguchi, K. History of Antimicrobial Agents and Resistant. Research and Reviews.2009;52(2). Kohanski MA, Dwyer DJ, Collins JJ. How Antibiotics Kill Bacteria: from Target to Network. Microbiology.2010;8(1). Mitchigan State University. Antimicrobial Resistence Learnig Site Pharmacology. 2011, Diakses pada 28 Oktober 2015 dari: http://amrls.cvm.msu.edu . Roberts, JA. & Jeffrey L. Pharmacokinetic Issues for Antibiotics in the Critically Ill Patient. Continuing Medical Education Article: Concise Definite Review. 2009;37(3):540–51. McKellar, QA., SF. Sanchez Bruni, & DG. Jones. Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Relationship of Antimicrobial Drugs Used in Veterinary Medicine. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 2004;27:503–14. Finberg, RW. & Guharoy R. Clinical Use of Anti-infective Agents: A Guide on How to Prescribe Drugs Used to Treat Infections. Springer Science & Business Media, LLC. 2012. p. 5–13 Maramba-Lazarte, CC. Determining Correct Dosing Regimens of Antibiotics Based on the Their Bacterial Activity. Pediatric Infectious Disease Society of the Philippines Journal, 2010;11(2):44–9. Levison, ME. & Levison JH. Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Antibacterial Agent. Infectious Desease Clinical North America, 2009;24(3):791–830. Bennet, PN. Brown, MJ. Clinical Phamacology, 9th ed. Spain: Elvisier, 2003.
Measuring privacy leakage in term of Shannon entropy Aditya, Ricky; Skoric, Boris
International Journal of Applied Sciences and Smart Technologies Volume 01, Issue 02, December 2019
Publisher : Universitas Sanata Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (723.568 KB) | DOI: 10.24071/ijasst.v1i2.1882


Differential privacy is a privacy scheme in which a database is modified such that each user?s personal data are protected without affecting significantly the characteristics of the whole data. Example of such mechanism is Randomized Aggregatable Privacy-Preserving Ordinal Response (RAPPOR). Later it is found that the interpretations of privacy, accuracy and utility parameters in differential privacy are not totally clear. Therefore in this article an alternative definition of privacy aspect are proposed, where they are measured in term of Shannon entropy. Here Shannon entropy can be interpreted as number of binary questions an aggregator needs to ask in order to learn information from a modified database. Then privacy leakage of a differentially private mechanism is defined as mutual information between original distribution of an attribute in a database and its modified version. Furthermore, some simulations using the MATLAB software for special cases in RAPPOR are also presented to show that this alternative definition does make sense.