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Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jpkm.v28i4.37913


Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) memiliki kontribusi nyata dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi kota Bandung. Diperlukan penguatan kompetensi SDM UMKM dalam penggunaan teknologi digital sebagai upaya menumbuhkan technopreneurship, dalam menghadapi tuntutan daya saing global. Untuk mengembangkan kompetensi tersebut diperlukan keterampilan, keahlian, inovasi dan kreativitas dalam penggunaan platform digital marketing. Namun, pelaku UMKM di kota Bandung masih ada yang belum adaptif terhadap kompetensi tersebut. Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat diharapkan memberi solusi terhadap permasalahan tersebut berupa kegiatan penyuluhan keterampilan penggunaan berbagai platform digital marketing dengan metode pemaparan, diskusi dan tanya jawab serta simulasi secara offline. Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 14 Juli 2022. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi, kegiatan berlangsung dengan baik dan materi pelatihan sesuai dengan kebutuhan kerja. Tindak lanjutnya adalah perlu program keberlanjutan dengan pendampingan dosen Program Magister Manajemen Pascasarjana Universitas Widyatama beserta Kadin Kota Bandung untuk membangun technopreneurship serta kebersamaan antar komunitas UMKM melalui media Forum Informasi/KomunikasiKata kunci: Digital Marketing, Penguatan, SDM, UMKM, Technopreneurship
The effect of empowerment, learning organization, and organizational citizenship behavior on performance of employees Saeful Anwar; Nina Nurani
JPPI (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia) Vol 9, No 3 (2023): JPPI (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia)
Publisher : Indonesian Institute for Counseling, Education and Theraphy (IICET)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29210/020232017


Human resources in this case the workforce have a very important role in the Government, especially including empowerment, learning organizations, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) on employee performance at the Wanareja Urban Village office, Subang Sub-district, Subang Regency. The purpose of the study is to find out whether empowerment, learning organization, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) affect the performance of employees in the village. The research method uses descriptive quantitative verification. Researchers collect information by distributing questionnaires. The population of all Wanareja Urban Village office employees is 17 people. The data analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis, with the aim of knowing the strength of the relationship between variables and showing the direction of the relationship of each empowerment variable (X1), learning organization variable (X2), organizational citizenship behavior variable (X3) to Performance variable (Y ). The results of observations show that: (1) The influence of empowerment has a positive effect on employee performance with the results of 82.2%; (2) learning organization has a positive effect on employee performance with 90% results; (3) organizational citizenship behavior on employee performance with the results of 93.2%. So that employees are more flexible and responsive to the organization, allowing their employees to learn their work will definitely be better, and their performance will indirectly increase, and shows that the employee is well-behaved and his performance continues to improve.
The effect of empowerment, learning organization, and organizational citizenship behavior on performance of employees Saeful Anwar; Nina Nurani
JPPI (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia) Vol 9, No 3 (2023): JPPI (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia)
Publisher : Indonesian Institute for Counseling, Education and Theraphy (IICET)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29210/020232017


Human resources in this case the workforce have a very important role in the Government, especially including empowerment, learning organizations, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) on employee performance at the Wanareja Urban Village office, Subang Sub-district, Subang Regency. The purpose of the study is to find out whether empowerment, learning organization, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) affect the performance of employees in the village. The research method uses descriptive quantitative verification. Researchers collect information by distributing questionnaires. The population of all Wanareja Urban Village office employees is 17 people. The data analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis, with the aim of knowing the strength of the relationship between variables and showing the direction of the relationship of each empowerment variable (X1), learning organization variable (X2), organizational citizenship behavior variable (X3) to Performance variable (Y ). The results of observations show that: (1) The influence of empowerment has a positive effect on employee performance with the results of 82.2%; (2) learning organization has a positive effect on employee performance with 90% results; (3) organizational citizenship behavior on employee performance with the results of 93.2%. So that employees are more flexible and responsive to the organization, allowing their employees to learn their work will definitely be better, and their performance will indirectly increase, and shows that the employee is well-behaved and his performance continues to improve.
MSMEs HR Understanding on Copyright Protection of Creative Works Digital Marketing Social Media Platforms in The Digital Era (Study on SMEs assisted by Kadin City of Bandung) Nina Nurani; Nurul Hermina; Erwin Firdaus
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22441/jurnal_mix.2023.v13i3.014


Objectives: The human resources and individuals in MSMEs must have a comprehensive understanding of the importance of copyright protection which has been regulated in Law No. 28 of 2014 for assuring the existence of fair market and trade. This study aims to find out how the understanding of MSMEs HR towards copyright protection for digital creative works in social media platforms in the digital era.  Methodology: This study uses descriptive qualitative analysis and normative juridical analysis to assess the phenomenon that occurs in human resources in MSMEs. The data used is cross-sectional data from 40 MSMEs in Bandung, combined with legal interpretation and construction methods.Finding: The results indicate that 26% of MSMEs in Bandung City still do not understand the meaning and importance of creative digital marketing work as an asset. They need to get copyright protection as an exclusive right through registration. It also indicates that 14.7 % of MSMEs do not understand the consequence of digital content marketing copyrighted works if it gets commercialized as it provides royalty benefits. This finding implies and encourages more creative and innovative works for digital marketing in social media platforms for MSMEs to obtain business competitiveness in the digital era.Conclusion: A comprehensive understanding of the importance of copyright protection for creative digital works through registration is crucial. The active role of the government is needed to educate MSMEs. This study recommends that future studies can be done using a quantitative verificative method by adding and considering other variables such as MSME's performance and organizational culture.