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Hubungan Motivasi Remaja Terhadap Sikap Orang Tua dengan Pelaksanaan Vaksinasi COVID-19 di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kuta Alam Kecamatan Kuta Alam Kota Banda Aceh Tahun 2022 Afifah Irnanda; Nursa'adah Nursa'adah; Syarifah Masthura
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33143/jhtm.v8i2.2395


Motivasi yang berasal dari orang tua kepada anak sangat diperlukan dalam terlaksananya vaksinasi COVID 19 ini didalam motivasi terdapat dua bentuk motivasi yaitu motivasi intrinsik dan motivasi ekstrinsik. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui motivasi remaja terhadap sikap orang tua dengan pelaksanaan vaksinasi COVID-19 Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kuta Alam Kota Banda Aceh. Desain penelitian survey analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian yaitu sebanyak 746 responden dengan teknik proportional sampling diperoleh sampel sebanyak 88 responden. Penelitian ini dilakukan tanggal 07 s.d 27 Juni tahun 2022. Hasil penelitian univariat menunjukkan bahwa sebesar 70,5% tidak ada pelaksanaan vaksin COVID 19, motivasi remaja kurang baik sebesar 73,9%, motivasi intrinsik kurang baik sebesar 71,6%, dan motivasi ekstrinsik kurang baik sebesar 75,0%. Hasil uji chi square memperlihatkan ada hubungan motivasi remaja (p value = 0,001), motivasi intrinsik (p value = 0,001), dan motivasi ekstrinsik (p value = 0,003) terhadap terhadap sikap orang tua dengan pelaksanaan vaksinasi COVID-19 Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kuta Alam Kota Banda Aceh. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah pelaksaanaan COVID 19 dipengaruhi oleh motivasi remaja yang terdiri dari motivasi intrinsik dan ekstrinsik. Disarankan bagi petugas kesehatan untuk dapat memberikan informasi dan penyuluhan bagi orang tua yang memiliki anak khusunya remaja untuk mau memotivasi anak untuk ikut melaksanakan vaksinasi COVID 19 agar dapat mencegah penularan virus COVID 19 bagi tubuh dan orang lain sekitanya.Kata kunci: Vaksinasi, Motivasi, Remaja Motivation that comes from parents to children is very necessary in the implementation of this COVID 19 vaccination. In motivation, there are two forms of motivation, namely intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. The purpose of the study was to determine the motivation of adolescents towards parents' attitudes with the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination in the Kuta Alam Public Health Center, Banda Aceh City. The research design is an analytic survey with a cross sectional approach. The research population was 746 respondents with proportional sampling technique obtained a sample of 88 respondents. This research was conducted from 07 to 27 June 2022. The results of the univariate study showed that 70.5% did not implement the COVID 19 vaccine, youth motivation was not good at 73.9%, intrinsic motivation was not good at 71.6%, and motivation was not good at extrinsic is not good at 75.0%. The results of the chi square test show that there is a relationship between adolescent motivation (p value = 0.001), intrinsic motivation (p value = 0.001), and extrinsic motivation (p value = 0.003) towards parental attitudes with the implementation of COVID-19 vaccination in the Kuta Health Center Work Area. Banda Aceh City Nature. The conclusion in this study is that the implementation of COVID 19 is influenced by adolescent motivation which consists of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. It is recommended for health workers to be able to provide information and counseling for parents who have children, especially teenagers to want to motivate children to participate in carrying out the COVID 19 vaccination in order to prevent the transmission of the COVID 19 virus to the body and others around it.Keywords: Vaccinations, Motivation, Teens