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Analisis Pengembangan Dakwah Islam Dalam Perspektif Teori Struktural Fungsionalisme Hidayat HT; Emi Puspita Dewi
Intelektualita Vol 11 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Intelektualita: Keislaman, Sosial, dan Sains
Publisher : Wakil Rektor III Bidang Kemahasiswaan dan Kerjasama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/intelektualita.v11i2.14239


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan Majelis Tamasya Rohani (MTR) sebagai sebuah sistem sosial atau lembaga dakwah yang melakukan pengembangan dalam beberapa aspek dakwah Islam. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa MTR tidak hanya berhasil meneguhkan eksistensinya sebagai bagian dari lembaga dakwah, namun MTR mampu mengembangkan dakwah yang berawal dari metode bil lisan menjadi bil hal sehingga dakwah menjadi makin variatif. Dakwah yang tidak hanya membangun sisi ruhiyah umat tetapi sisi pendidikan, ekonomi dan budaya. MTR melakukan gerakan nyata untuk perbaikan umat dalam berbagai aktifitas atau programnya. Beberapa program dalam pengembangan dakwah tersebut seperti Program Durasi (Dhuafa Berprestasi), Rumah Tahfizh Supporting, Program Rihlah Ruhiyah dan Wisata Religi, Panti Asuhan Supporting, Khitanan Massal Gratis dan Simpul Jaring Dakwah MTR.
Analisis Pesan-Pesan Dakwah Pada Thoha TV Muhammad Irfansyah; Abdur Razzaq; Hidayat HT
Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Dan Media Sosial (JKOMDIS) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Mei - Agustus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47233/jkomdis.v3i1.663


This thesis is entitled "Analysis of Da'wah Messages on Thoha TV". The purpose of this study is as follows, namely to find out how the preaching messages carried out by Thoha TV Dakwah Media in conveying their da'wah messages and then to find out the supporting and inhibiting factors of Thoha TV's preaching when conveying their da'wah messages. This type of research is a qualitative research. There are two sources of data used and contained in this thesis, namely primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques use interview techniques, documentation techniques, observation techniques, and sampling techniques. Based on the research results that have been obtained, the Da'wah messages contained on Thoha TV are da'wah messages that discuss issues of Aqidah (belief), issues of Morals, Syari'ah issues and issues of Muhamalah. Supporting factors found on Thoha TV are da'wah media that are adequate and supportive in spreading da'wah through the media, preachers who have character and are competent in conveying their da'wah. Besides that, Thoha TV also found inhibiting factors, namely internal and external problems.
Strategi Dakwah dalam Pembinaan Ibadah Santri di Pondok Pesantren Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin Palembang Citra Mulyadi; Kusnadi Kusnadi; Hidayat HT
ULIL ALBAB : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Vol. 2 No. 7: Juni 2023
Publisher : CV. Ulil Albab Corp

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56799/jim.v2i7.2723


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran mengenai bagaimana santri dalam beribadah, strategi dakwah yang digunakan da’i kepada santri dalam meningkatkan kedisiplinan beribadah di Pondok Pesantren Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin Palembang dan faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalam menentukan strategi dakwah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang merupakan prosedur penelitian yang menghasilkan data deskripsi berupa kata-kata tertulis atau lisan dan perilaku yang dapat diamati. Penelitian kualitatif bertujuan untuk menjelaskan kondisi dan fenomena dengan sedalam-dalamnya melalui pengumpulan data. Adapun hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa gambaran dalam pembinaan ibadah santri sudah cukup baik, akan tetapi terdapat beberapa santri kurang disiplin dalam melaksanakan ibadah. Strategi dakwah yang digunakan da’i dalam meningkatkan pembinaan ibadah santri di Pondok Pesantren Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin Palemban antara lain mengawasi dan mengontrol secara rutin, menumbuhkan kesadaran diri santri, memberikan teladan, pemberian nasehat dan kajian Islam serta pemberian sanksi/hukuman. Adapun faktor pendukung adalah kesabaran da’i, lingkungan yang kondusif. Adapun yang menjadi faktor penghambat adalah perpulangan santri, adanya santri luar dan adanya kegiatan-kegiatan santri.
Yonetim Jurnal Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Yonetim
Publisher : Program Studi Manajemen Dakwah, Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi, UIN Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/yonetim.v6i1.18907


This thesis is entitled "The Influence of Religious Tourism Attraction on Tourist Satisfaction at Bayt Al-Qur'an Al-Akbar Gandus Palembang". The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of religious tourism attraction on tourist satisfaction at bayt Al-Qur'an Al Akbar Gandus Palembang. This type of research used by researchers is using a quantitative approach method. This study uses primary and secondary data types. This study used data collection methods by observation, distributing questionnaires/questions, interviews. Respondents in this study were tourists who had visited the Bayt Al-Qur'an Al-Akbar Gandus Palembang religious tour with a sample of 95 people. The analysis technique used in this study was simple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing (t and r2 tests). To prove it, the data was processed using the SPSS version 25 for Windows program and tested with statistics with a significance level of 0.05. Those who get tcount > ttable (8.428 > 1.662) with a significance of 0.000 <0.05. The results of this study indicate that the tested tourist attraction has a positive effect on tourist satisfaction even though the correlation level is not too significant because the Adjusted R Square figure only has an effect of 0.433 or 43.3% while the rest is influenced by other variables or factors.
Strategi Manajemen Komunikasi Izi Perwakilan Sumatera Selatan Dalam Meningkatkan Eksistensinya di Palembang Selvia Yolanda Sari; Nurseri Hasnah Nasution; Hidayat HT
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

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This thesis is entitled Communication Management Strategy of IZI Representative of South Sumatra in Improving the Quality of Its Existence in Palembang. The purpose of this research is to understand the communication management strategy of IZI representatives of South Sumatra in increasing existence in Palembang and to find out the supporting and inhibiting factors. This type of research is field research, with primary and secondary data sources. While data collection techniques obtained by observation, interviews, and documentation. All data will then be analyzed descriptively qualitatively, namely by pouring the results into sentences that are arranged in such a way that they can become neatly arranged sentences. The theory used is the theory according to Parag Diwan which says that communication management is the process of using various communication resources in an integrated manner through the process of planning, organizing, implementing, and controlling the elements of communication to achieve the stated goals. The results of the study show that the communication management strategy used by IZI from South Sumatra in increasing its existence in Palembang is in accordance with the Parag Diwan theory, namely planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating. It's just less than optimal in its application. If it is used optimally, it will be easier for IZI to introduce it to the public and can become even more existent in the future. IZI's supporting factors are official permits from the Ministry of Religion and graduate employees from various campuses. Then the inhibiting factor faced is that IZI is a new institution and the number of employees is small while the range of work is very wide.
Manajemen Strategi Dewan Kemakmuran Masjid Agung Baitul Makmur Dalam Optimalisasi Fungsi Masjid di Desa Tanjung Keputran Kecamatan Plakat Tinggi Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin Muhamad Romli; Hidayat HT; Anang Walian
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

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This thesis is entitled "Management of the strategy of the Baitul Makmur mosque's prosperity council in optimizing the function of the mosque in Tanjung Keputran village, Plakat Tinggi sub-district, Musi Banyuasin district". The background of this research is the lack of activities and congregations that are present when participating in activities at the mosque held by the prosperity council of the Great Baitul Makmur mosque, Tanjung Keputran village. With the formulation of the problem: How is the strategic management of the Baitul Makmur mosque's prosperity council in optimizing the function of the mosque in Tanjung Keputran village, Plakat Tinggi sub-district, Musi Banyuasin district? This study uses a qualitative descriptive method which includes observation, interviews, and documentation as a means of data collection. Using primary and secondary data. Data analysis techniques used in this study include data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. In accordance with the results of this study, the strategy management of the prosperity council of the Great Baitul Makmur mosque, Tanjung Keputran village, Plakat Tinggi sub-district, Musi Banyuasin district, carried out by first planning a strategy, implementing the strategy, and evaluating and correcting the strategy. As the strategy carried out by the mosque's prosperity council includes coordinating all members of the mosque's prosperity council, approaching the community, determining activities, determining materials, setting schedules, determining mentors or teachers, and determining learning and study methods. However, the inhibiting factor of this research was the organization of DKM, some members of DKM who could not attend the activity and could not carry out their duties because there were activities that could not be left behind, constrained by distance and location and also the lack of congregations attending the activity. mosque. Keywords: Strategic Management, Optimization, and Mosque Functions.
Efektvitas Dakwah Melalui Metode Cawisan Dalam Meningkatkan Pemahaman Agama (Studi Jemaah Mushola Suponyono Palembang) M Ardi Alamsyah; Hidayat HT; Muslimin Muslimin
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

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This thesis is entitled "Effectiveness of Da'wah Through the Cawisan Method in Increasing Religious Understanding (Study of the Soponyono Mushola Congregation, 12 Ulu Village, Su II District, Palembang City)". The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of da'wah through the cawisan method in increasing religious understanding. This type of research is field research (field research) through a quantitative approach. The data sources used are primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques used observation, questionnaires and documentation. The theory used in this study is related to effectiveness according to Sutrisno with the indicators used to measure the effectiveness of da'wah through the cawisan method in increasing religious understanding, namely understanding the program content of the cawisan that is conveyed, right on target where the method used is right in changing the morals of the congregation, on time before changes occur in the congregation later, so that the goals desired by the congregation for life are achieved, and which makes real changes in the congregation's daily life. The results of this study found that the results of data processing with the SPSS version 25 program, which obtained a tcount > ttable value of (3.435 > 2.004) and a significance value of 0.001 <0.05, it can be said that there is an effectiveness of da'wah through the cawisan method in increasing religious understanding, this is also a sufficiently large coefficient of determination or Rsquare of 0.174 which indicates that the effectiveness of da'wah through the cawisan method in increasing religious understanding is 17.4%, while the remaining 82.6% is influenced by other variables outside the variables studied. Based on these data, it can be concluded that the effectiveness of preaching through the cawisan method in increasing religious understanding in the Soponyono Mushola congregation can be said to be quite effective.
Manajemen Strategi Travel Haji dan Umrah dalam merekrut jamaah Umrah di PT. Bina Insani Madinah Elsa Indah Rahayu; Hidayat HT; Muslimin Muslimin
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

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ABSTRACT: This thesis is entitled “Hajj and Umrah Travel Management Strategy in Recruiting Umrah Pilgrims at PT. Bina Insani Madinah City of Palembang” This research is focused on the implementation of marketing strategies at PT. Bina Insani Madinah in marketing Umrah worship packages. The purpose of this research is to find out the marketing strategy as well as the challenges and opportunities in implementing the recruitment strategy for the Umrah congregation of PT. Human Development Medina. This type of research is field research with a qualitative approach. There are two data sources used, namely primary and secondary data sources. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. Miles and Huberman's data analysis technique with three stages, namely Data reduction, Data display, Conclusion drawing/verification. Furthermore, using marketing management theory (marketing mix) Edmund Jerome McCarthy. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the management strategy for recruiting Umrah pilgrims from PT. Bina Insani Madinah is in line with the marketing mix strategy which has four components, namely first, the product strategy creates various Umrah package programs that vary according to market demand and prioritizes quality. Second, the pricing strategy by setting appropriate and competitive prices. Third, the location strategy by determining the location of the head office and branches that are strategic and have the potential to distribute products. Fourth, a promotion strategy that is more effective in recruiting Umrah pilgrims is priority partners and alumni of Umrah pilgrims. The challenges in recruiting Umrah pilgrims are business competition such as price, product, service quality competition and the lack of understanding and trust of the public towards Umrah travel agents. The opportunity has a good corporate image and is committed to providing quality services.
Strategi Pembinaan Yayasan Az-Zahrah Terhadap Pembentukan Karakter Dan Akhlak Bagi Peserta Didik Yuniar Putri Utami; Eni Murdiati; Hidayat HT
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

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To realize the character building program, a strategic plan for character and moral development for students is needed. The research entitled "Az-Zahrah Foundation Development Strategy for the Formation of Character and Morals for Students". The purpose of the research is to find out about the Az-Zahrah Foundation's Development Strategy for Character and Moral Formation and the factors that influence the Az-Zahrah Foundation's Development Strategy for Character and Moral Formation for Students. This type of research is qualitative research. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews and documentation. Then data analysis techniques such as data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that (1) there are seven coaching strategies in forming character and morals that are inseparable from the delivery of religious material in religious activities, professional coaches will always instill disciplinary values in students so that they prioritize religious activities and exemplify commendable behavior, so that students are able to become good children care about the environment, achievement and noble character. (2) Az Zahrah schools have adequate facilities such as religious activities available prayer rooms, mosques, and places for special religious activities that support, then there is also the implementation of da'wah in schools that have sufficient funds so that students are very enthusiastic about participating in religious activities during class hours has been completed, as well as the existence of professional teachers in fostering and providing advice, so as to be able to realize students with good character and morals at the Az Zahrah Palembang Foundation school
Penerapan Manajemen Kinerja Islam Dalam Meningkatkan Kedisiplinan Kerja Karyawan PT Garda Utama Indokarya Palembang Putri Riski Alam Tasti; Hidayat HT; Emi Puspita Dewi
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

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This thesis is entitled "Application of Islamic Performance Management in Improving Work Discipline of PT Employees. Indokarya Palembang Main Guard”. The purpose of this research is to determine the application of Islamic performance management in improving the work discipline of PT employees. Indokarya Palembang Main Guard. The method used in this research is a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach that examines and explains the problem clearly. Data collection techniques include observation, documentation interviews, then data analysis consisting of data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions/verification. and disciplinary theory popularized by Malayu Hasibuan. The results of this research show that Islamic performance management aims to build performance in accordance with Islamic law, a job based on very strong sharia, and carrying out company management with good disciplinary rules as taught in Islam to become a good Muslim worker. PT. Garda Utama Indokarta hopes that employees can work wholeheartedly and diligently in carrying out worship, because work is also worship as Islam teaches its people to work diligently and seriously, solely hoping for Allah's approval. in accordance with the theory put forward by Malayu Hasibuan which states that discipline is a person's awareness and willingness to obey all applicable regulations and social norms, which consist of employee attendance every day, punctuality of working hours, employee relations or welfare, employee compliance with regulations. PT. Garda Utama Indokarya continues to improve discipline among its employees. Leaders provide motivational directions and guidance so that employees work in accordance with company regulations.