Satiti Retno Pudjiati, Satiti Retno
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Secondary Syphilis, Anal Condylomata Acuminata, and HIV in Bisexual Male Patient: Another Point of View, Time Evaluation Based on CD4 and Management Dewi, Vina Ajeng Puspa; Pudjiati, Satiti Retno
Berkala Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin Vol 27, No 2 (2015): BIKKK AGUSTUS 2015
Publisher : Faculty Of Medicine Airlangga University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (623.775 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/bikkk.V27.2.2015.156-162


Background: A meta analysis study in China states that male bisexual has higher incidence rate for HIV and syphilis than male-sex-male. Syphilis eases the transmission of HIV, vice versa HIV breaches the integrity of mucosal epithelial barrier, allowing translocation virus and bacterial. Syphilis has higher incidence rates in HIV-infected compare with HIV-uninfected patients. Syphilis influences CD4 of patient. We try discussing a case of secondary syphilis in male bisexual HIV in another point of view, to find which one earlier based on CD4 count. Purpose: to understand another point of view, time evaluation based on CD4 and management in secondary syphilis, anal condyloma accuminata, and HIV in bisexual male patient Case: A 19 years old male bisexual patient complained erythematous rash all over his body, no itch or pain; TPHA 1/2560, VDRL 1/128, positive HIV 3antibody, and CD4 425cell/mm. Case management: HIV onset, considering decrease of CD4 in syphilis or not, are 2-5,8years and 3,08-7,7years, respectively. Therapy was given as single dose benzatin penisilin 2,4billion IU intramuscular. Conclusion:HIV infection occurred before syphilis. No differences in management with HIV-uninfected syphilis patient, more often evaluation interval needed.Key words: syphilis, HIV, bisexual, CD4, onset, management.
Erupsi Obat Fikstum Estri, Siti Aminah Tri Susilo; Pudjiati, Satiti Retno
Mutiara Medika: Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Vol 3, No 1 (2003)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/mmjkk.v3i1.1550


The fixed drug eruption is one of drug reactions most commonly found.. Clinical pattern of fixed drug eruption (FDE) is characterized by some lessions in the same region (site) for each of the same drug administration. FDE can be diagnosed only based on clinical patterns, from frequent history of drug administration that followed by lessions in the same region. The lessions can vary, including erytema macule or patch followed by an inflammation process and vesicula or bullae in the central lession. To confirm the causa of FDE, it is suggested to conduct a patch test or oral profocation test in several weeks after the lesion resolved. This paper reports the case of the pigmented tipe of FDE with suspected cause of paracetamol or difenhydramin HCl. The lession resolved with metil-prednisolon, mebhidrolin napadisilat and Na Cl compress. The confirmation of the cause of FDE could not be determined because the patch or oral profocation test could not be performed.Erupsi obat fikstum (EOF) merupakan salah satu bentuk reaksi terhadap obat.yang paling sering teijadi. Gambaran klinisnya mempunyai pola khusus, biasanya terjadi pada tempat yang sama setiap kali penderita terpapar obat yang sama dengan bentuk lesi yang sama. Penegakkan diagnosisnya berdasar gambaran klinis, berupa riwayat penggunaan obat yang berulang dan diikuti timbulnya lesi kulit pada daerah yang sama. Lesi kulit dapat bervariasi, mulai makula/patch eritem yang diikuti proses inflamasi sampai terbentuk bula. Untuk memastikan penyebab EOF sebaiknya dilakukan tes tempel atau tes provokasi oral beberapa minggu setelah erupsi obat membaik. Pada makalah ini dilaporkan kasus erupsi obat fikstum (tipe pigmented) dengan kemungkinan penyebab parasetamol atau difenhidramin-HCl. Lesi kulit membaik dengan pemberian metilprednisolon, mebhidrolin napadisilat serta kompres Na Cl. Kepastian penyebab EOF tidak dapat ditemukan karena tidak dapat dikeijakan tes tempel atau profokasi oral.
Erupsi Obat Fikstum Estri, Siti Aminah Tri Susilo; Pudjiati, Satiti Retno
Mutiara Medika: Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Vol 3, No 1 (2003)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/mmjkk.v3i1.1550


The fixed drug eruption is one of drug reactions most commonly found.. Clinical pattern of fixed drug eruption (FDE) is characterized by some lessions in the same region (site) for each of the same drug administration. FDE can be diagnosed only based on clinical patterns, from frequent history of drug administration that followed by lessions in the same region. The lessions can vary, including erytema macule or patch followed by an inflammation process and vesicula or bullae in the central lession. To confirm the causa of FDE, it is suggested to conduct a patch test or oral profocation test in several weeks after the lesion resolved. This paper reports the case of the pigmented tipe of FDE with suspected cause of paracetamol or difenhydramin HCl. The lession resolved with metil-prednisolon, mebhidrolin napadisilat and Na Cl compress. The confirmation of the cause of FDE could not be determined because the patch or oral profocation test could not be performed.Erupsi obat fikstum (EOF) merupakan salah satu bentuk reaksi terhadap obat.yang paling sering teijadi. Gambaran klinisnya mempunyai pola khusus, biasanya terjadi pada tempat yang sama setiap kali penderita terpapar obat yang sama dengan bentuk lesi yang sama. Penegakkan diagnosisnya berdasar gambaran klinis, berupa riwayat penggunaan obat yang berulang dan diikuti timbulnya lesi kulit pada daerah yang sama. Lesi kulit dapat bervariasi, mulai makula/patch eritem yang diikuti proses inflamasi sampai terbentuk bula. Untuk memastikan penyebab EOF sebaiknya dilakukan tes tempel atau tes provokasi oral beberapa minggu setelah erupsi obat membaik. Pada makalah ini dilaporkan kasus erupsi obat fikstum (tipe pigmented) dengan kemungkinan penyebab parasetamol atau difenhidramin-HCl. Lesi kulit membaik dengan pemberian metilprednisolon, mebhidrolin napadisilat serta kompres Na Cl. Kepastian penyebab EOF tidak dapat ditemukan karena tidak dapat dikeijakan tes tempel atau profokasi oral.
Allergen profile of facial ACD to cosmetics among patients at Tertiary Referral Hospital in Yogyakarta Alfieri, Alessandro; Indrastuti, Niken; Febriana, Sri Awalia; Pudjiati, Satiti Retno; Waskito, Fajar
Journal of General - Procedural Dermatology & Venereology Indonesia
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Background: Cosmetics are a part of life for most of the population and may cause allergic contact dermatitis (ACD), especially on the face, as the primary exposure of cosmetics is on the face area.Methods: This research was conducted retrospectively using secondary data. The research subjects and demographic data were taken from the registered list of patients at Dermatology and Venereology Outpatient Clinic Dr. Sardjito General Hospital with a clinical picture of facial ACD due to cosmetics. Patch tests were carried out from January 2017 to December 2020.Results: From three years period, 26 patients were diagnosed with suspected facial ACD due to cosmetics and underwent patch tests. Of the total 26 patients, 3 patients did not show any reaction to the patch test. On the 23 patients who had reactions on the patch test, there were 66 points on the skin that showed a reaction to allergens. Of the 66 points, 37 points gave a positive reaction picture, with the most common allergen causing the reaction being cobalt(II) chloride hexahydrate (n=4, 10.8%). Then, from 29 points that gave doubtful reactions, the allergen that caused the most reactions was potassium dichromate 0.5% (n=4, 13,8%).Conclusion: The allergens that most often give a positive or doubtful reaction on the patch test of this study are metal compounds (cobalt and potassium dichromate). This study only looks at the patch test that gives a reaction without looking at the clinical relevance related to cosmetics use.