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PENGEMBANGAN USAHA KULINER DI DESA TAPUS, SUMATERA SELATAN Ersa Dinda; Selly Mariska; Ade Irmawati; Andini Apriyanti; Monica Sapitri; Anita Anita; Emilda Emilda
SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan Vol 6, No 4 (2022): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jpmb.v6i4.10624


ABSTRAKUMKM memiliki peran penting bagi perekonomian. UMKM khususnya pada bidang kuliner di Desa Tapus belum berkembang karena mayoritas mata pencaharian warga di Desa Tapus adalah petani. Padahal banyak potensi desa yang bisa dikembangkan. Usaha Angkringan Bar – Bar merupakan usaha angkringan yang ada di Desa Tapus, Sumsel tetapi usaha angkringan tersebut tutup dan lokasi angkringan tidak dimanfaatkan lagi. Tujuan pelaksanaan kegiatan ini adalah untuk membuka dan  mengembangkan usaha angkringan sebagai salah satu upaya mengembangkan usaha kuliner di Desa Tapus, Sumsel. Dalam pengembangan usaha UMKM melalui usaha angkringan di Desa Tapus, Sumsel diperlukan waktu satu minggu. Pelaksanaan pengembangan usaha angkringan ini dilakukan dengan melakukan pengembangan tempat usaha, menu, dan pemasaran. Dari hasil pengembangan usaha angkringan ini menunjukan adanya respon postif dari warga Desa Tapus, hal ini terlihat dari warga desa yang antusias datang ke angkringan. Selain itu, terjadi peningkatan pembeli yang berdampak pada meningkatnya omset penjualan. Hasil pengembangan usaha angkringan ini diharapkan dapat dipertahan dan bahkan ditingkatkan. Kata kunci: pendampingan, pengembangan UMKM; bauran pemasaran ABSTRACTMSMEs have an important role in the economy. MSMEs, especially in the culinary field in Tapus Village, have not developed because the majority of residents' livelihoods in Tapus Village are farmers. Even though there is a lot of village potential that can be developed. The Bar-Bar Angkringan business is an angkringan business in Tapus Village, South Sumatra, but the angkringan business is closed and the angkringan location is no longer used. The purpose of this activity is to open and develop an angkringan business as an effort to develop a culinary business in Tapus Village, South Sumatra. In developing the UMKM business through the angkringan business in Tapus Village, South Sumatra takes one week. The implementation of this angkringan business development is carried out by developing business premises, menus, and marketing. Based on the results of the development of this angkringan business, it shows a positive response from the residents of Tapus Village, this can be seen from the enthusiastic villagers who come to the angkringan. In addition, there was an increase in buyers which resulted in an increase in sales. The results of this angkringan business development are expected to be maintained and even improved. Keywords: mentoring; MSME development; marketing mix
The Influence of Physical Work Environment and Work Discipline on The Performance of Celikah Health Center Employees Monica Sapitri; Meilin Veronica; Muhammad Bahrul Ulum
ProBisnis : Jurnal Manajemen Vol. 14 No. 5 (2023): October: Management Science
Publisher : Lembaga Riset, Publikasi dan Konsultasi JONHARIONO

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62398/probis.v14i5.338


This study aims to determine how the influence of the physical work environment and work discipline partially and simultaneously on employee performance at the Celikah Health Center, Kayuagung District, OKI Regency. In this study collected through distributing questionnaires with 80 respondents. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis models, with t tests and F tests. While what is used to see the extent of the accuracy and feasibility of the research instrument (measuring variables) is used validity and reliability tests. The results of this study indicate that partially the physical work environment has a significant effect and work discipline has a significant effect on employee performance at the Celikah Health Center, Kayuagung District, OKI Regency. The results of the F test analysis and the coefficient of determination show that simultaneously the physical work environment and work discipline have a positive and significant influence on employee performance at the Celikah Health Center, Kayuagung District, OKI Regency. This shows that the better the physical work environment and the higher the work discipline that exists in employees, the better and higher the performance produced by employees of the Celikah Health Center, Kayuagung District, OKI Regency.