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PENDAMPINGAN PENGOPERASIAN TIK UNTUK MENUNJANG PELAKSANAAN AKM DI SD NEGERI MARON Nabila Wahyuanna Azzunny; Lili Miranda Putri; Melinda Febriana; Muhimatul Aliyah; Adin Fauzi
SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan Vol 6, No 4 (2022): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jpmb.v6i4.11053


ABSTRAKAsesmen Kompetensi Minimum (AKM) merupakan asesmen yang mengukur kemampuan minimal yang dibutuhkan siswa untuk dapat belajar dan merupakan bentuk penyederhanaan dari Ujian Nasional yang begitu kompleks. AKM ini dirancang untuk mengukur capaian kognitif peserta didik yang meliputi literasi dan numerasi. Pelaksanaan pengabdian bertema teknologi pendidikan ini bertujuan untuk memberi pendampingan TIK kepada siswa peserta AKM di SD Negeri Maron. Sebelum pelaksaan program, koordinasi dilakukan dengan kepala sekolah dan wali kelas terkait dengan data diri siswa yang mengikuti program persiapan AKM, yang meliputi pendampingan TIK. Dikarenakan media TIK tidak sebanding dengan siswa yang ada, maka program ini dilaksanakan selama 2 hari dengan dibagi menjadi beberapa sesi per harinya. Kendala yang dialami selama pendampingan TIK dan simulasi AKM adalah beberapa laptop yang bermasalah dan siswa yang masih awam dalam mengoperasikan media TIK tersebut. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan pendampingan secara pribadi dalam mengoperasikannya. Setelah adanya pendampingan TIK dan simulasi AKM, siswa mampu mengoperasikan TIK untuk menunjang pengerjaan AKM. Kata kunci: AKM; pendampingan; TIK ABSTRACTThe Minimum Competency Assessment (AKM) is an assessment that measures the minimum skills required by students to be able to learn. It is a simplification of the complex National Examination. AKM is designed to measure the students’ cognitive achievement, namely literacy and numeracy. This community service, focusing on educational technology, aims to assist students in supporting the implementation of AKM at SD Negeri Maron. Before implementing this program, coordination was carried out with the school principal and the homeroom teacher regarding the personal data of students who participated in the preparation of AKM, which includes ICT assistance. Since the number of ICT tools is not comparable to the number of students, this program was implemented in two days, consisting of several sessions per day. The obstacles during the ICT assistance included technical problems and unfamiliarity of the students with ICT. As a result, personal assistance was strongly needed. After receiving assistance, the students are able to operate ICT to complete AKM. Keywords: AKM; assistance; ICT
JOSAR (Journal of Students Academic Research) Vol 9 No 1 (2024): March
Publisher : Universitas Islam Balitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35457/josar.v9i1.3316


The results of observations and interviews revealed that the use of learning media is still lacking, with most teachers only relying on the lecture method. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of VISIKO (Ecosystem Animation Video) teaching media in teaching ecosystem material to grade V students. This type of research follows the RnD method developed by Sugiyono, with limitations up to the seventh stage, namely product revision. The feasibility assessment of learning media is carried out by a number of experts, including material experts, media experts, and linguists. In addition, the readability score of VISIKO teaching media was tested by involving 10 representative students from grade 5 at SDN Sumberjo 01, as well as 5 teachers from SDN Sumberjo 01, SDN Bajang 01, and SD Alam Al Ghifari Blitar. The results showed that VISIKO (Video Animation Ecosystem) teaching media products received high feasibility scores from various validators, namely material experts by 87.6%, media experts by 98.8%, and linguists by 91.4%. With an average eligibility percentage of 92.6%, this product can be considered very viable. Limited trials involving teachers also resulted in a readability rate of 92.8%, while students gave a readability score of 97.7%. Based on teacher and student assessments, this product is considered very good and very easy to understand, making it suitable for use in learning ecosystem materials for grade 5 students.