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Primary: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Vol 10, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Laboratorium Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (691.617 KB) | DOI: 10.33578/jpfkip.v10i2.8238


This study aimed to develop a feasible Indonesian spelling textbook for elementary school students. This book is a kind of material and practice books. This research utilized Research and Development (R&D), and adopted Four-D development model consisting of four stages: (1) define, (2) design, (3) develop, and (4) disseminate. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the stages were simplified and terminated before the disseminate stage. The subjects of the readability test were 5 grade II teachers, and 5 grade II students at SDN Bendo 1 Blitar City. The data were collected through questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The data were then analyzed by applying descriptive quantitative and qualitative method. The results revealed that the book was classified into feasible category. The book obtanined a percentage of 84.55% from the experts of materials and Bahasa Indonesian, and 83.75% from the experts of book design. Then, the result of readability test conducted to students obtained the percentage of 100% (very feasible).  Then, the result of interviews conducted to students resulted in a positive response towards the textbook. Furthermore, the result of readability test conducted to teachers obtained the percentage of 100% (very feasible). Based on the interviews with the teachers, it was revealed that the book facilitated teachers in the writing process using correct Indonesian spelling. 
Gaining Students’ Literacy through Local Wisdom of Blitar: Implementing of Gerakan Literasi Sekolah (GLS) Ida Putriani; Ervika Dewi Wahyuni; Siyono Siyono
Jurnal Iqra' : Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 4 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Iqra' : Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Ma'arif NU (IAIMNU) Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25217/ji.v4i2.611


This study aimed to explore the implementation of literacy activities in elementary school using children's literature through local wisdom of Blitar. Case study methods were applied in this research. The participants of this research were students from grades I until grade VI at Elementary School Sukorejo 1 Blitar. Collecting data used observation, interview, and documentation. The results showed that the implementation of literacy in elementary schools was carried out as a habituation procedure to read in literacy programmes. Planning literacy program was the most important part in the consistency of literacy implementation. The implementation literacy of children's literature on the local area of Blitar begins with the preparation of the program by the teacher, the implementation of activities with two methods, namely self-reading and reading aloud, and the evaluation literacy program conducted every two months. Keywords: Students’ Literacy, Gerakan Literasi Sekolah (GLS), Literary Local Wisdom
The Development of Local Wisdom-Based CAI Media for Mathematics Learning at Elementary School Desy Dwi Riana; Ida Putriani
Journal of Education Technology Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021): February
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jet.v5i1.29876


The modernization in education demands a renewal of the learning process. There needs to be an effort to create interactive and fun IT-based learning. Then, the fourth grade students are proficient and excited to operate computers, but the teacher has not fully integrated computers into the mathematics learning process. So, it is necessary to have computer-based learning media with a real context of local local wisdom. The objectives of this study are (1) to produce valid and interesting IT-based learning media (2) to create contextual mathematics learning that is integrated with local wisdom. This is development research which carried out using the ADDIE (Analyze-Design-Develop-Implement-Evaluate) model. The subjects of this study were fourth grade students. The techniques used to collect data were observation, interviews, and questionnaires. Data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. CAI media is made with adobeflash which contains material, practice questions, evaluation, and two interesting games. Based on the results of the media expert's assessment, CAI media was considered feasible with a percentage of 83.9%, while from the material expert's assessment, it was obtained 90.6% in the very feasible category. It can be concluded that the developed CAI media can be applied in the learning process. The implication of this research is that the existence of this learning media can help students understand the subject matter and realize IT-based learning.
Pengembangan Ebook Interaktif Taksi (Cerita Fiksi) sebagai Media Keterampilan Apresiasi Sastra Yulia Rohmatul Laili; Ida Putriani; Sripit Widiastuti
Musamus Journal of Primary Education Vol 3 No 2 (2020): Musamus Journal of Primary Education
Publisher : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Musamus University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/musjpe.v3i2.3499


Literary appreciation is the skill of understanding, living, and giving opinions on a literary work. Observations of literary appreciation learning in 3 elementary schools showed literary appreciation learning by lecture method, and 66% of children had difficulty appreciating stories. The purpose of this research is to develop an media interactive ebook Taksi (Fiction Story) that deserves to be used in the study of literary appreciation. This type of research is Research and Development (RnD) uses Borg and Gall development models that have been adapted using 7 steps (potential and problems, data collection, product design, design validation, design revision, readability test, product revision). Data analysis using descriptive quantitative. The percentage feasibility of interactive ebook Taksi (1) material and language experts is 86% (2) multimedia and learning media experts by 85%. Teacher readability test results by 88%. Student readability test results by 99%. Thus, media interactive ebook Taksi deserves to be used as a learning medium.
Pengembangan Modul Tematik Subtema Perkembangan Teknologi Transportasi Siswa Sekolah Dasar La'bati Nur Aqrimna; Ida Putriani; Sripit Widiastuti
Musamus Journal of Primary Education Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Musamus Journal of Primary Education
Publisher : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Musamus University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/musjpe.v4i1.3507


Thematic learning in elementary school has obstacles in its implementation, one of which is related to the media. The results of the observation show that students need pictorial media. The purpose of this research is to develop learning media in the form of pictorial modules to support learning. The researchers used research development or Research and Development (R&D), according to Borg and Gall. The data collection technique used a questionnaire. Based on the results of material expert validation, it was 89%, linguist validation was 88%, and media expert validation was 84%. The results of the student readability questionnaire were 88%, and the teacher's readability questionnaire was 92%. The conclusion is the thematic module of the development of transportation technology for elementary students was developed suitable for use in learning.
Pengembangan media pembelajaran aplikasi pembagian (APEM) berbasis android untuk siswa sekolah dasar Sonya Indah Kurnia; Ida Putriani; Adin Fauzi
Jurnal Fundadikdas (Fundamental Pendidikan Dasar) Vol. 5 No. 1: Maret 2022
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/fundadikdas.v5i1.5632


Adanya permasalahan dalam kesulitan belajar matematika pada materi pembagian serta keterbatasan media pembelajaran sesuai kondisi saat ini yaitu pembelajaran online atau daring, sehingga siswa kesulitan memahami materi pembagian. Penelitian dan pengembangan bertujuan untuk (1) Mengetahui kelayakan media pembelajaran aplikasi pembagian (APEM). (2) Mengetahui keterbacaan media pembelajaran aplikasi pembagian (APEM). Penelitian yang digunakan termasuk jenis desain Research and Development (R&D).  Menurut Sugiyono (2017:407), model penelitian dan pengembangan terdiri  a) Potensi masalah, b) Pengumpulan data, c) Desain produk, d) Validasi desain, e) Revisi desain, f) Uji coba produk, g) Revisi produk. Jumlah populasi penelitian adalah 16 peseta didik yang berasal dari kelas III dan 9 pendidik di UPT SDN Kalimanis 02. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket, dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data mengunakan teknik analisis data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil validasi dari 3 validator ahli materi mencapai 87.5% dengan kategori “Layak”. Hasil validasi dari 3 validator ahli media mencapai 85% dengan kategori “Layak”. Hasil validasi dari 3 validator ahli bahasa mencapai 93.33% dengan kategori “Sangat Layak”. Berdasarkan angket keterbacaan media mendapat nilai 234 dari total maksimal nilai 250 sehingga mencapai persentase 93.6% dengan kategori “Sangat Layak”. Sehingga dapat disampaikan media aplikasi pembagian (APEM) dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai media penyampaian materi yang lebih menarik peserta didik untuk fokus dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran.
Pengembangan Buku Suplemen Pantun (BUPANTUN) Berbasis Ilustrasi untuk Siswa Sekolah Dasar Rizky Amellia; Ida Putriani; Ervika Dewi Wahyuni
Jurnal Penelitian Inovatif Vol 2 No 2 (2022): JUPIN Agustus 2022
Publisher : CV Firmos

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54082/jupin.69


Bahan ajar yang lengkap dan menarik menjadi salah satu komponen kebutuhan pengetahuan materi pada pembelajaran, namun sedikit inovasi yang dilakukan pada bahan ajar pantun untuk siswa sekolah dasar. Tujuan pengembangan BUPANTUN yaitu untuk mengetahui kelayakan dan keterbacaan berupa respon guru dan siswa terhadap bahan ajar BUPANTUN. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian pengembangan atau Research and Development (RnD). Sedangkan pendekatan yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif kuantitatif berupa deskripsi atau penjelasan, produk yang diteliti serta data yang diperoleh berupa data angka. Hasil dari penelitian berupa buku suplemen pantun BUPANTUN yang didesain menggunakan aplikasi publisher dan desain ilustrasi menggunakan corel draw. Untuk mengetahui kelayakan produk dilakukan validasi kepada tiga validator, diperoleh presentase sebesar 90% oleh ahli materi dengan kategori sangat layak, 87% oleh ahli bahasa dengan kategori sangat layak, 95% oleh ahli media dengan kategori sangat layak. Untuk mengetahui keterbacaan guru dan siswa dilakukan uji coba terbatas berupa uji keterbacaan, diperoleh presentase sebesar 91% oleh siswa dengan kategori layak untuk digunakan, dan diperoleh presentase sebesar 90% oleh guru dengan kategori layak digunakan.
Panrita Abdi - Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol. 6 No. 4 (2022): Jurnal Panrita Abdi - Oktober 2022
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/pa.v6i4.21328


Waste accumulation is a common problem in the community, including in the school environment. This problem occurs due to school residents' lack of knowledge and expertise in recycling waste. This activity aims to provide knowledge and practice in processing organic waste in the school environment into compost and MOL. The activity at SDN Kanigoro 03 Blitar with target partners of 20 students and two teachers. The activity stages are 1) presentation and discussion of materials about the types of waste and their processing, and 2) group practicum to process organic waste. The result of this community dedication is that it can improve students' understanding and ability to recycle organic waste by 82.19. Students and teachers can process organic waste into compost and MOL, as shown from the results of the response questionnaire with an indicator reaction level of 87.33%, learning level of 91.5%, and behavior level of 88.67%, and result level of 97%. The conclusion is that the understanding of students and teachers in processing organic waste increases and can process organic waste into compost and MOL. --- Penumpukan sampah di lingkungan sekolah menjadi masalah. Permasalahan ini terjadi akibat kurangnya pengetahuan dan keahlian warga sekolah dalam mengolah sampah, sehingga proses pengolahan sampah organik perlu dilakukan. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan praktek mengolah sampah organik di lingkungan sekolah menjadi pupuk kompos dan MOL. Kegiatan dilakukan di SDN Kanigoro 03 Kabupaten Blitar dengan mitra sasaran sebanyak 20 siswa dan 2 guru. Metode kegiatan yang digunakan yaitu 1) presentasi dan diskusi materi tentang jenis-jenis sampah dan pengolahannya, dan 2) praktikum secara berkelompok mengolah sampah organik. Hasil pengabdian ini menunjukkan pengetahuan siswa dan guru dalam pengolahan sampah organik sebesar 82,19. Siswa dan guru dapat mengolah sampah organik menjadi pupuk kompos dan MOL yang ditunjukkan dari hasil angket respon dengan indikator reaction level sebesar 87,33%, learning level sebesar 91,5%, behavior level sebesar 88,67%, dan result level sebesar 97%. Kesimpulannya adalah pemahaman siswa dan guru dalam mengolah sampah organik meningkat dan dapat mengolah sampah organik menjadi pupuk kompos dan MOL.
Publisher : Transpublika Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55047/jrpp.v1i2.340


The purpose of this study is to describe the application of Blitar local wisdom-based online literacy media and to explain the responses of Kalipucung 02 Public Elementary School students to Blitar local wisdom-based online literacy media. This research uses qualitative and quantitative approaches. This type of research is descriptive research. The results of this study were (1) the Si Cetar media was applied for two days in accordance with the goals of GLS in SD, namely instilling an interest in and fond of reading and (2) the results of students' responses to Si Cetar media were included in the very satisfactory category.
Pengembangan Ebook Interaktif Taksi (Cerita Fiksi) sebagai Media Keterampilan Apresiasi Sastra Yulia Rohmatul Laili; Ida Putriani; Sripit Widiastuti
Musamus Journal of Primary Education Vol 3 No 2 (2020): Musamus Journal of Primary Education
Publisher : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Musamus University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/musjpe.v3i2.3499


Literary appreciation is the skill of understanding, living, and giving opinions on a literary work. Observations of literary appreciation learning in 3 elementary schools showed literary appreciation learning by lecture method, and 66% of children had difficulty appreciating stories. The purpose of this research is to develop an media interactive ebook Taksi (Fiction Story) that deserves to be used in the study of literary appreciation. This type of research is Research and Development (RnD) uses Borg and Gall development models that have been adapted using 7 steps (potential and problems, data collection, product design, design validation, design revision, readability test, product revision). Data analysis using descriptive quantitative. The percentage feasibility of interactive ebook Taksi (1) material and language experts is 86% (2) multimedia and learning media experts by 85%. Teacher readability test results by 88%. Student readability test results by 99%. Thus, media interactive ebook Taksi deserves to be used as a learning medium.