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The Role of Islam in Shaping the Idea of Indonesia Imanuddin Abil Fida; Benny Prasetiya
AJIS: Academic Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 4, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/ajis.v4i1.816


This study will describe information that Islam plays a role in influencing the struggle in determining the main ideology of the Indonesian people. Some Indonesian Muslim leaders strive to determine the foundation of the country in studying Indonesian history requires a proper understanding of the role of Islam. Before independence, the movement of Islam in Indonesia was divided into two major currents: traditionalists who developed in the countryside and modernists who grew up in urban areas. The current type of research is critical analysis. This research is based on library research and textual analysis of relevant materials taken from primary and secondary sources on history, development, change and transformation. The results of this study reveal that nationalism does not conflict with Islam and therefore Muslims can apply it in their lives. This is because nationalism can be used to obtain peace among the people whether they are Muslim or non-Muslim. Nationalism will not harm Islam and Muslims in Indonesia because nationalism is part of Islam. They allow the application of man-made laws such as nationalism as long as they are suitable for Muslims. However, their acceptance of Pancasila as a state ideology is a reflection of their commitment to Indonesian nationalism.
Concept of Fiqh Mu’amalat Between Nahdlatul ‘Ulama and Persatuan Islam: Comparative Study Imanuddin Abil Fida
EKSYAR : Jurnal Ekonomi Syari'ah & Bisnis Islam Vol. 2 No. 1 (2015): EKSYAR : Jurnal Ekonomi Syari'ah & Bisnis Islam
Publisher : Study Program Ekonomi Syari'ah, Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Muhammadiyah Tulungagung

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This article compares the concept of basic thought of Fiqh Mu’amalat by two contemporary religious organization in Indonesia, Nahdlatul ‘Ulama and Persatuan Islam. Both organizations have some disagreement in some issues such as the use of reason in religious interpretations. As a traditionalist movement, the NU holds that the four Madzhab (Sunni school of Islamic law and jurisprudence) provided a reliable and systematic framework therefore no further amendment, and as such Muslims should simply follow and adhere to the ruling of the Madhhab. On the other hand, PERSIS being modernist movement holds that the al-Qur’ān and the al-Sunnah are the only fundamental truths for Muslims and that adherence to Madzhab is not necessary. Therefore, those disagreement has caused a keen debate in their concept of Fiqh Mu’amalat. Despite some those debates, both have some similar thought mainly in concept of usury. To get some understanding about both organizations, the overview of their intellectual development will be elaborated.
Liberalisme Dalam Pendidikan Islam Di Perguruan Tinggi Imanuddin Abil Fida
JIE (Journal of Islamic Education) Vol 1 No 1 (2016): JIE (Journal of Islamic Education) Mei
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah (STIT) Muhammadiyah Bangil in collaboration with Association of Muslim Community in ASEAN (AMCA)

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This article departs from the fact that the law in Indonesia is buried. Although the education is not the main factor which is caused to the bad of law, but the Islam education is play a siginifacant role for the law. It is because Islamic education is ‘the main school’ for law enforcer. In term of law, the knowledge of morality, justice, liberty and truth must be the most important subject in order to product law enforcer with their morality. In fact, those values is abused. Therefore, Islamic education as one of the main subject in universities have to play an important role with the good construction of knowledge. It is because Islamic education will shape the worldview of students in their live. When their worldview is problematic, we can not expect litigious society. This article reveals that the concept of Islamic education which is based on al-Qur’an and the Sunnah has close link with law. It is unfortunate if the concept of Islamic education which is taught in universities was wrong so as produce people who do not care laws.
Upaya Perempuan Single Parent Dalam Mewujudkan Fungsi Keluarga Bagi Anak (Studi Kasus Di Kelurahan Jati, Kecamatan Mayangan, Kota Probolinggo) Tiara Syahani Sugiarto; Imanuddin Abil Fida
SANGAJI: Jurnal Pemikiran Syariah dan Hukum Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Oktober
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah IAI Muhammadiyah Bima

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52266/sangaji.v6i2.1249


The family is the place where a person first learns the science of life before plunging into society. The government has regulated family functions in PP No. 87 of 2014 so that healthy and quality human and family resources can be created. However, the facts on the ground say that family integrity cannot be maintained forever. There are reasons for divorce or death that make a family lose one of the supports for the realization of a good family function. Separation with the condition that there are children in the results of a legal marriage makes a person have the status of a single parent. Even though the marital relationship has been broken, the function of the family for children must still be realized. This research will focus on examining the efforts made by single parent women in realizing family functions for children. How their understanding of family function will affect the level of success of a function in the family is realized. The efforts and obstacles they experience while being single parent women will also be examined in this study. By using an empirical approach that goes directly to the field and qualitatively descriptive data processing, it is found that the understanding of single parent women about family functions is very limited so that the realization of family functions according to the mandate of PP No. 87 of 2014 cannot be fully realized. The efforts and obstacles they encounter also depend on the age of the child, family conditions, and the reason for the separation.
IMTIYAZ: Jurnal Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 2 No. 2 (2018): September
Publisher : LPPM STAI Muhammadiyah Probolinggo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46773/imtiyaz.v2i2.12


The legal debate pertaining to the position of Islam di Indonesia has been emerged from the beginning of freedom hassle of Indonesia. Each leader and religious organization has the difference thought including Nahdlatul Ulama and Persatuan Islam. One of the difference was to what extent Indonesian Muslims stand of nationalism between Tauhid and the obligation of worship. Each has the dissimilar thought which has implications to their participation in Indonesian politics since the beginning of Indonesian freedom until New Order era. This article will discuss the difference thought between two organizations following some historical facts of their difference
IMTIYAZ: Jurnal Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017): September
Publisher : LPPM STAI Muhammadiyah Probolinggo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46773/imtiyaz.v1i2.49


Materi pembelajaran ilmu fiqih bagi siswa di Madrasah Aliyah menjadi salah satu inti (core) pembelajaran dikarenakan ilmu fiqih adalah pengetahuan yang akan menuntun siswa menjadi manusia yang mempunyai jiwa sosial tinggi. Dengan memahami konsep fiqih yang benar, siswa akan memahami bahwa perbedaan pendapat yang ada di kalangan masyarakat adalah sebuah keniscayaan yang tidak bisa terelakkan. Pemahaman tersebut akan membawa siswa untuk mempunyai sikap toleransi antar ummat Islam dalam menyikapi perbedaan pendapat. Hal ini menjadi signifikan mengingat muatan pembelajaran fiqih di Madrasah Aliyah selama ini hanya berkutat pada pemberian wacana sederhana tanpa penguatan untuk meningkatkan daya analisa siswa. Berangkat dari pemikiran tersebut diatas, tema-tema pelajaran fiqih di Madrasah Aliyah yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan sosial menjadi sangat penting agar siswa pada Madrasah Aliyah tidak hanya belajar doktrin fiqih yang sudah ‘matang’, namun juga mampu belajar untuk memahami akulturasi ilmu fiqih ke dalam kehidupan sosial masyarakat Indonesia. Tulisan ini bermaksud memberikan analisis mengenai peran fiqih dalam menanamkan pemahaman kepada siswa terhadap nilai-nilai syariat dalam kehidupan sosial. Teori dan konsep yang akan dijadikan rujukan dalam penelitian ini adalah fiqih sosial, konsep maṣālih dan maqāṣid syarÄ«’ah
IMTIYAZ: Jurnal Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021): September
Publisher : LPPM STAI Muhammadiyah Probolinggo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46773/imtiyaz.v5i2.146


Artikel ini membahas penerapan e-commmerce dalam hal menunjang strategi pemasaran pelaku UMKM di Indonesia pada masa pandemic covid 19 yang terjadi. Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif seperti dokumentasi dan kepustakaan. Pandemi telah berdampak besar terhadap aktivitas perekonomian pelaku UMKM sehingga penerapan teknologi digital dalam hal pemasaran perlu untuk dimaksimalkan. Penggunaan e-commerce tentu bukanlah hal baru bagi pelaku ekonomi. Namun, semenjak pandemi peningkatan pengguna e-commerce mencapai 91% menimbulkan persaingan yang ketat bagi pelaku UMKM yang mulai mengubah dunia e-commerce dalam memasarkan produk maupun jasanya ditambah lagi pandemi yang telah mengubah perilaku dan gaya belanja para konsumen. Teknologi digital sebagai solusi yang dapat dimaksimalkan oleh para pelaku UMKM guna mempertahankan usahanya di tengah pandemi dan e-commerce menjadi salah satu pilihan para pelaku UMKM untuk memasarkan produk ataupun jasanya di masa pandemi.
USRAH: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): April
Publisher : LPPM STAI Muhammadiyah Probolinggo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46773/usrah.v2i1.162


Marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman as consecrated by religion, with a noble purpose and purpose. Marriage is intended to bring about a happy, eternal family (home) surrounded by feelings of love, love, and peace between its members. To perform marriage must be met with the legal conditions for both bridegroom and bride, one of the marital requirements for the bride and groom. The status of a guardian is as important as it is known that the legal guardian of a woman is the guardian of nasab. In reality in Indonesia the ijab Kabul in marriage is often performed by religious affairs (cu) officials. This article speaks about marriage held in religious office by religious affairs in Leces Probolinggo
USRAH: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Oktober
Publisher : LPPM STAI Muhammadiyah Probolinggo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46773/usrah.v2i2.342


This study analyzes the active role of P2TP2A Probolinggo City in searching of €Žproblem solving of various domestic violence that occur in Probolinggo City. As €Žone of the government institutions formed through the mandate of the law, €ŽP2TP2A strives to carry out its main task, namely receiving reports of domestic €Žviolence cases and finding the best solution in solving them. The finding of the €Žanalysis is that the existence of P2TP2A is very much felt by the community. €ŽEvery year there are always problems that are reported and resolved through €Žmediation so as to maintain household harmony. In some cases, it continues to go €Žto court because the victim is adamant to use legal throught judge. €Ž
USRAH: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Oktober
Publisher : LPPM STAI Muhammadiyah Probolinggo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46773/usrah.v2i2.447


The word protection according to the Indonesian dictionary is a shelter or things (deeds and so on) that must be protected. Then, Law No. 23 of 2002 on child protection states that protection covers activities to guarantee and protect children and their rights in order to live, grow and participate optimally in accordance with human dignity, and to obtain protection from discrimination. If parents always protect and pay attention to their children as blessings of God and protect them from actions that can damage the future of the child, then parents should be responsible to keep and protect them. As stated in  Tafsir al-Qurtubi  which expressed the opinion of Ibn Abas in understanding the above verse: as a form of the command to the husband to protect himself and his family from the fire. The application of the verse in everyday life is to take care of one's self by observing the rules of religion and keeping the family by calling them to worship and pray to God, so they were saved from the fire. The most important issue that is always discussed by scholars of jurisprudence is the issue of parenting (Hadhonah) in order to maintain and sustain the continuity and preservation of the life of the newborn. Hadhonah is to nurture a child who has not been able to take care of his own life by providing something for the welfare and security, taking care of something painful and dangerous, educate and building himself physically and spiritually. Children are an Almighty's grace for parents, children are also mandated and jewelry for them, as well as pride in the future, but in addition, children can also be a slandered person or a test, even become enemies for their parents. The National Legal Development Board of the Department of Law and Human Rights provides an understanding that the harmonization of law as a scientific activity for the harmonization process (balance alignment) of written law that refers to philosophical, economic, and juridical values17 As from the description above, the harmonization of Islamic law into national law is a process of harmonization and alignment of Islamic law into national law as a form of making the legal product itself. From the description above, the author sees that the study of harmonization between Islamic law and national law is an interesting study because of the position of Islamic law as one of the National Law builders. In addition, this law is one form of the legal umbrella against childcare itself. So in the glasses of the author, this law is one form of implementing Islamic law into positive law. This is the first step in integrating positively of Islamic law into positive law. Therefore, the writing of this thesis entitled Child Protection according to Islamic Law and Formal Law with Law No. 23 of 2002 on Child Protection.Keywords: child, child protection, Islamic Law, Formal Law