Amir S. Madjid, Amir S.
Department of Child Health, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta

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The effects of colloids or crystalloids on acute respiratory distress syndrome in swine (Sus scrofa) models with severe sepsis: analysis on extravascular lung water, IL-8, and VCAM-1 Dewi, Rismala; Supriyatno, Bambang; Madjid, Amir S.; Gunanti, Gunanti; Lubis, Munar
Medical Journal of Indonesia Vol 25, No 1 (2016): March
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (462.563 KB) | DOI: 10.13181/mji.v25i1.1204


Background: Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a fatal complication of severe sepsis. Due to its higher molecular weight, the use of colloids in fluid resuscitation may be associated with fewer cases of ARDS compared to crystalloids. Extravascular lung water (EVLW) elevation and levels of interleukin-8 (IL-8) and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) have been studied as indicators playing a role in the pathogenesis of ARDS. The aim of the study was to determine the effects of colloid or crystalloid on the incidence of ARDS, elevation of EVLW, and levels of IL-8 and VCAM-1, in swine models with severe sepsis.Methods: This was a randomized trial conducted at the Laboratory of Experimental Surgery, School of Veterinary Medicine, IPB, using 22 healthy swine models with a body weight of 8 to 12 kg. Subjects were randomly allocated to receive either colloid or crystalloid fluid resuscitation. After administration of endotoxin, clinical signs of ARDS, EVLW, IL-8, and VCAM-1 were monitored during sepsis, severe sepsis, and one- and three hours after fluid resuscitation. Analysis of data using the Wilcoxon test , Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Mann-Whitney test, unpaired t test.Results: Mild ARDS was more prevalent in the colloid group, while moderate ARDS was more frequent in the crystalloid group. EVLW elevation was lower in the colloid compared to the crystalloid group. There was no significant difference in IL-8 and VCAM-1 levels between the two groups.Conclusion: The use of colloids in fluid resuscitation does not decrease the probability of ARDS events compared to crystalloids. Compared to crystalloids, colloids are associated with a lower increase in EVLWI, but not with IL-8 or VCAM-1 levels.
MMP-9, brain edema, and length of hospital stay of patients with spontaneous supratentorial intracerebral hemorrhage after hematoma evacuation along with the administration of tigecycline Saekhu, Mohamad; Ibrahim, Nurhadi; Timan, Ina S.; Madjid, Amir S.; Muttaqin, Zainal; Ronokusumo, Teguh A.S.; Sastroasmoro, Sudigdo; Mahyuddin, Hilman
Medical Journal of Indonesia Vol 25, No 4 (2016): December
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (434.882 KB) | DOI: 10.13181/mji.v25i4.1520


Background: The high plasma level of matrix metalloproteinses–9 (MMP-9) is believed to disrupt the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and cause brain edema, as well as increase patient’s length of hospital stay (LOS). Tigecycline showed ability to reduce the MMP-9 level on study in animals. This study aimed to evaluate whether tigecycline can reduce the plasma levels of MMP-9; brain edema; and LOS of patients with supratentorial spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (SSICH).Methods: A randomized clinical trial (RCT) was conducted on 72 SSICH patients who underwent hematoma evacuation in eleven hospitals in Jakarta; 100 mg tigecycline (n=35) or 2 g fosfomycine (n=37) administered intravenously before skin incision as an prophylactic antibiotics to avoid post-operative infections. Plasma levels of MMP-9 were measured in all subjects before and on the first and seventh day after the surgery. Reduction of brain edema was assessed by comparing the extent of brain edema on computed tomography scan (CT scan) before and CT scan after surgery. The length of stay (LOS) was recorded at the time of hospital discharge either survive or death. Data were analyzed using Mann-Whitney and Chi-Square test.Results: There were non-significant statistical differences between two groups in the proportion of subjects with reduced MMP-9 levels on the first day (48% vs 50%; p=0.902; OR=1.1) and seventh day after the surgery (33% vs 48%; p=0.296; OR=1.9); proportion of the subjects with brain edema reduction (86% vs 80%, p=0.58); LOS (median 12 days vs 13 days, p=0.256; LOS ≥15 days 40% vs 27%; p=0.243; OR=1.81; NNT=8).Conclusion: On SSICH patients who underwent hematoma evacuation, tigecycline did not either reduce MMP-9 levels and brain edema or shorthen LOS.