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Bakti Sosial Pengabdian Masyarakat Melalui Khitan Massal Gratis dalam Rangka Dies Natalis Universitas Negeri Malang Ke-68 Muhammad Putra Ramadhan; Ronal Surya Aditya; Qory Tifani Rahmatika; Yhenti Widjayanti; Eri Yanuar Akhmad Budi Sunaryo; Anita Sulistyorini; nurul evi
ABDIMASKU : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat UTND Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Edisi Januari 2023 - Juni 2023
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Tjut Nyak Dhien

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36490/jpmtnd.v2i1.439


Abstrak Khitan merupakan salah satu prosedur bedah yang memiliki latar belakang alasan agama yang kuat, utamanya adalah Agama Islam berdasarkan ajaran dari Nabi Ibrahim AS dan menjadi kewajiban bagi laki-laki. Di masa pandemi Covid-19 ini sangat berpengaruh pada jalannya kegiatan berkhitan karena ketatnya protokol kesehatan. Tim Panitia Dies Natalis Universitas Negeri Malang beserta beberapa pihak lain yaitu Poliklinik UM dan Badan Dakwah Masjid Universitas Negeri Malang (BDM UM) untuk memberikan bantuan khitan massal gratis bagi anak-anak dalam acara bakti sosial pengabdian masyarakat di masa pandemi ini yang sesuai dengan protokol kesehatan. Tujuan dari adanya kegiatan bakti sosial pengabdian masyarakat khitan massal ini adalah untuk mengkhitankan secara massal para anak-anak muslim yang akan memasuki usia baligh di lingkungan Malang, terutama anak-anak yang kurang mampu secara ekonomi. Metode yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan ini yaitu dengan menyebarluaskan informasi kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat melalui kunjungan langsung ke yayasan- yayasan di Malang, sosial media, dan penghimpunan dana melalui crowdfunding. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu telah dilaksanakannya khitan massal pada tanggal 15 Oktober 2022 di Poliklinik Universitas Negeri Malang. Peserta khitan massal sebanyak 26 orang dari berbagai kalangan masyarakat. Tenaga medis yang terlibat sebanyak 6 orang dan asisten tenaga medis sebanyak 33 orang dari Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan. Kata kunci : Kesehatan anak; khitan; pandemi Abstract Circumcision is a surgical procedure that has a strong religious background, mainly Islam based on the teachings of Prophet Ibrahim AS and is an obligation for men. During the COVID-19 pandemic, this greatly affected the course of circumcision activities due to strict health protocols. The Malang State University Anniversary Committee Team, along with several other parties, namely the UM Polyclinic and the Malang State University Mosque Da'wah Agency (BDM UM), provided free mass circumcision assistance for children in community service social service events during this pandemic in accordance with health protocols. The purpose of this mass circumcision community service activity is to mass circumcise Muslim children who will enter puberty in the Malang environment, especially those who are economically disadvantaged. The method used in this activity is to disseminate information on community service activities through direct visits to foundations in Malang, social media, and fundraising through crowdfunding. The result of this community service activity is that a mass circumcision was carried out on October 15, 2022, at the Malang State University Polyclinic. The participants in the mass circumcision were 26 people from various circles of society. There were 6 medical personnel involved and 33 medical assistants from Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Sports Science. Kata kunci : child health, circumcision, pandemic
Pelatihan Aplikasi Android MH (Morbus Hansen) Mobile Pada Penderita Kusta dan Keluarga Ronal Surya Aditya; Lailatul Kodriyah; Nurma Afiani; Eri Yanuar Akhmad Budi Sunaryo; Anita Sulistyorini; Endang Soelistyowati
Jurnal Abdimas Jatibara Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Jatibara Vol.1 No.1, Agustus 2022
Publisher : STIKES Yayasan RS.Dr.Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29241/jaj.v1i1.1027


Introduction:Kusta adalah penyakit infeksi kronis yang disebabkan oleh Mycobacterium leprae, ditandai dengan sangat panjangnya masa inkubasi, kesulitan dalam mendeteksi tanda dan gejala. Indonesia menduduki urutan ketiga setelah India dan Brazil dengan jumlah penderita kusta sebanyak 20.023 kasusObjectives: membentuk kampung ramah kusta, dimana mereka tidak akan melakukan stigma pada penderita kusta, dengan cara memandirikan perawatan penderita kusta dengan memaksimalkan support sistem yang ada di sekitar penderitaMethods: Metode yang dilakukan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah pelatihan yang melalui 3 tahap, yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasiResults:  penderita, keluarga dan kader beserta perawat penanngung jawab dan perawat desa mendapatkan pengetahuan terkait dengan aplikasi kusta, serta berkomitmen untuk meningkatkan derajat kesehatan penderita kustaConclusions:  Program pengabdian pada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan penggunaan aplikasi kepada penderita kusta dan keluarga. Target yang hendak dicapai dalam program ini adalah peserta mampu mengetahui dan menggunakan aplikasi untuk peningkatan derajat kesehatan mereka. Hasil yang dicapai berupa kemampuan penderita kusta dan keluarga dalam meningkatkan derajat kesehatan mereka.  
Inovasi Lokal: Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Inovasi Lokal
Publisher : Tarqabin Nusantara Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62255/noval.v1i1.3


Volunteers are individuals who voluntarily donate their time and effort to make a positive contribution to others without expecting financial or material rewards. The roles of volunteers before a disaster (pre-disaster) is as supporters in policy formulation, planning, disaster risk reduction, and community disaster prevention and preparedness. This community service (PKM) aims to provide education about the role of volunteers, especially health volunteers, in helping people affected by disasters. The PKM activity was aimed at listeners of the Kiprah Indonesia program, which was broadcasted on Program 1 of the LPP RRI Malang Culture Channel. This PKM activity took the form of a talk show held live at the Kiprah Indonesia event on the Culture Channel Program 1 RRI Malang 105.3 FM, and was also broadcast via live streaming on the official RRI Malang Youtube channel. The community service (PKM) was carried out on December 29, 2022, by broadcasting live on the Kiprah Indonesia event on Program 1 Culture Channel LPP RRI Malang 105.3 FM. The PKM program was a radio talk show. Health education provided by this radio talk show was expected to increase public knowledge about the disaster management cycle, the definition/understanding of volunteers in disaster management, the working principles of volunteers, the five pillars of volunteers in disaster management, the task/duties of volunteer organizations, volunteer management, and also landslide and flood disaster mitigation. This talskhow also aims to provide mitigation and preparedness measures to deal with disasters, especially floods and landslides
Inovasi Lokal: Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Inovasi Lokal
Publisher : Tarqabin Nusantara Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62255/noval.v1i1.8


Introduction: The welfare of the elderly can be reflected through their health conditions, both physically, spiritually and socially, which allows everyone to live a productive life socially and economically. Modern lifestyles have changed human attitudes and behaviors, including diet, smoking, alcohol consumption and drugs as a lifestyle so that patients with degenerative diseases (diseases due to decreased organ function) are increasing and threatening lives. Purpose: The purpose of this community service is to screen the Frequency of Physical Activity in the elderly. Methods: The methods used are measurement and examination as well as providing education. The method of measuring the Frequency of Physical Activity and counseling about a healthy lifestyle for the elderly in Malang. Results: The results of the screening conducted, of the 55 participants who took part in the examination, found 19 people were often active, 11 people experienced problems related to physical activity with infrequent activity, and 15 people experienced problems very rarely active. Conclusions: This community service runs smoothly and can provide benefits to the community. The results of this community service can be used as a reference for improving the health status of the elderly.
MEDICAL TEAM SUPPORT FOR TABLE TENNIS EVENT – LPTK CUP XXI UM 2023 Muhammad Putra Ramadhan; Lintang Widya Sishartami; Ronal Surya Aditya; Qory Tifani Rahmatika; Eri Yanuar Akhmad Budi Sunaryo; Nurul Evi; Achmad Masfi; Nurma Afiani; Yhenti Widjayanti
Inovasi Lokal: Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Inovasi Lokal
Publisher : Tarqabin Nusantara Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62255/noval.v1i2.15


Introduction: LPTK CUP strives to improve relationships and unity among LPTK (Lembaga Pendidikan Tenga Kependidikan) members. It achieves this by merging competitive elements with entertainment to promote a feeling of camaraderie and cooperation. Furthermore, LPTK CUP includes a range of sports competitions, including table tennis. Purpose: This study aims to comprehend the medical team's involvement in providing support during the table tennis event at LPTK CUP XII UM 2023. Method: The medical team is crucial in delivering general and specialized healthcare services (for sports injuries) throughout the table tennis competition at LPTK CUP XXI UM 2023. Additionally, various approaches are employed in this event, including 1) Acquiring Medical Equipment, 2) Collaborating with Relevant Entities, 3) Arranging the Placement of the Medical Team, 4) Conducting Screening and Medical Services, and 4occurredviding Health Education. Result: Most table tennis participants are less than 50 years old. Several injuries occur during the match, namely Abrasion, Shoulder Sprain, and Ankle Sprain. The injury management provided is based on the Rice Method for sports injuries.
DIFFERENCES IN PERSONAL SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT BEFORE AND AFTER ROLE PLAYING IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN 4-5 YEARS OLD Achmad Masfi; Muhammad Putra Ramadhan; Qory Tifani Rahmatika; Nurul Evi; Nurma Afiani; Eri Yanuar Akhmad Budi Sunaryo; Yhenti Widjayanti
Health Frontiers: Multidisciplinary Journal for Health Professionals Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Health Frontiers
Publisher : Tarqabin Nusantara Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62255/mjhp.v1i2.86


4-5 year olds should learn to improve personal social development. One effective way to improve personal social development is to play a role. The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in role play in personal social development in preschoolers (ages 4-5 years). The methode this research is Pre-experimental design using One Group Pra Post test design with sample of 30 respondents. The Sampling technique using purposive sampling using statistical test of Wilcoxon. A data Collection is done use Denver II only on the social development sector before intervention and after intervention. The result of the research shows that before the intervention of playing role as much as 25 (80,6%) children experience delay in personal social development. After playing role intervention role play a number of 12 children experience improvement in personal social development, so a number of 10 (32,2%) normal child 18 (58,1%) coution 3 (9,7%) child delayed. The result of statistical test shows that there is a difference of role play to social development in preschool children (4-5 years) with significant value 0,001 (0,001 <0,05). The conclusion in this study is that proper simulation of preschoolers should be done to improve the social development of children.