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Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36085/jkmb.v10i2.3668


Urolithiasis is a stone formation in the urinary tract that includes kidney stones, ureter stones, bladder calculi, and urethra. Urolithiasis is a disease of the urinary system that occupies the third position, where the prevalence reaches 10% and continues to increase in recent decades. Virginia Henderson proposes a theory of basic human needs that is appropriately used as the basis for the nursing assessment. The study aims to illustrate the application of Virginia Henderson's theory for nursing assessment in patients with urinary system disorders. The method used is a case study with an instrument based on 14 domains of basic human needs according to Virginia Henderson's theory. The results of the study showed there are basic needs that are problematic including eating and drinking needs, self-protection and hygiene, a sense of security and comfort, relaxation, and health services. Analysis of the data group with the Standard Diagnosis Keperawatan Indonesia obtained four nursing diagnoses each preoperative and postoperative phase. The results of the study showed that the application of Virginia Henderson's theory to patients with urolithiasis found 5 basic needs that had problems, there is eating and drinking, protection and personal hygiene, a sense of security and comfort, relaxation, and health services. In addition, Virginia Henderson's theory approach can be used as an assessment model, especially in the case of the urinary system. Further studies are needed to obtain a standard form of nursing assessment model based on Virginia Henderson's theory of basic needs.
Bakti Sosial Pengabdian Masyarakat Melalui Khitan Massal Gratis dalam Rangka Dies Natalis Universitas Negeri Malang Ke-68 Muhammad Putra Ramadhan; Ronal Surya Aditya; Qory Tifani Rahmatika; Yhenti Widjayanti; Eri Yanuar Akhmad Budi Sunaryo; Anita Sulistyorini; nurul evi
ABDIMASKU : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat UTND Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Edisi Januari 2023 - Juni 2023
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Tjut Nyak Dhien

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36490/jpmtnd.v2i1.439


Abstrak Khitan merupakan salah satu prosedur bedah yang memiliki latar belakang alasan agama yang kuat, utamanya adalah Agama Islam berdasarkan ajaran dari Nabi Ibrahim AS dan menjadi kewajiban bagi laki-laki. Di masa pandemi Covid-19 ini sangat berpengaruh pada jalannya kegiatan berkhitan karena ketatnya protokol kesehatan. Tim Panitia Dies Natalis Universitas Negeri Malang beserta beberapa pihak lain yaitu Poliklinik UM dan Badan Dakwah Masjid Universitas Negeri Malang (BDM UM) untuk memberikan bantuan khitan massal gratis bagi anak-anak dalam acara bakti sosial pengabdian masyarakat di masa pandemi ini yang sesuai dengan protokol kesehatan. Tujuan dari adanya kegiatan bakti sosial pengabdian masyarakat khitan massal ini adalah untuk mengkhitankan secara massal para anak-anak muslim yang akan memasuki usia baligh di lingkungan Malang, terutama anak-anak yang kurang mampu secara ekonomi. Metode yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan ini yaitu dengan menyebarluaskan informasi kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat melalui kunjungan langsung ke yayasan- yayasan di Malang, sosial media, dan penghimpunan dana melalui crowdfunding. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu telah dilaksanakannya khitan massal pada tanggal 15 Oktober 2022 di Poliklinik Universitas Negeri Malang. Peserta khitan massal sebanyak 26 orang dari berbagai kalangan masyarakat. Tenaga medis yang terlibat sebanyak 6 orang dan asisten tenaga medis sebanyak 33 orang dari Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan. Kata kunci : Kesehatan anak; khitan; pandemi Abstract Circumcision is a surgical procedure that has a strong religious background, mainly Islam based on the teachings of Prophet Ibrahim AS and is an obligation for men. During the COVID-19 pandemic, this greatly affected the course of circumcision activities due to strict health protocols. The Malang State University Anniversary Committee Team, along with several other parties, namely the UM Polyclinic and the Malang State University Mosque Da'wah Agency (BDM UM), provided free mass circumcision assistance for children in community service social service events during this pandemic in accordance with health protocols. The purpose of this mass circumcision community service activity is to mass circumcise Muslim children who will enter puberty in the Malang environment, especially those who are economically disadvantaged. The method used in this activity is to disseminate information on community service activities through direct visits to foundations in Malang, social media, and fundraising through crowdfunding. The result of this community service activity is that a mass circumcision was carried out on October 15, 2022, at the Malang State University Polyclinic. The participants in the mass circumcision were 26 people from various circles of society. There were 6 medical personnel involved and 33 medical assistants from Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Sports Science. Kata kunci : child health, circumcision, pandemic
NURSING UPDATE : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Keperawatan P-ISSN : 2085-5931 e-ISSN : 2623-2871 Vol 14 No 1 (2023): MARET
Publisher : NHM PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36089/nu.v14i1.1043


Hemodialysis is the most preferred renal replacement therapy. Besides having a therapeutic effect, hemodialysis also has side effects, namely intradialysis complications. The intradialysis complications are related to Interdialytic Weight Gains (IDWG) because if patient have higher IDWG level, make more fluid will be excreted during hemodialysis. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of intradialysis complications based on the IDWG level. This research used a descriptive design involving 90 hemodialysis patients in one of hospitals in Malang. The data collection technique was carried out by observing the patient every hour during hemodialysis. The results of this study indicate that the higher the IDWG level, the higher the number and frequency of intradialysis complications. Nurses need to optimize their role in assessing, monitoring, planning and documenting patients undergoing hemodialysis so that they can reduce and prevent problems that may be experienced by patients during hemodialysis.
Pendampingan Kesehatan (Tim Medis) Kegiatan Wisata di Gunung Bromo Ronal Surya Aditya; Ardhiyanti Puspita Ratna; Dinta Sugiarto; Nurul Evi; Eri Yanuar Akhmad Budi Sunaryo; Qory Tifani Rahmatika; Yhenti Widjayanti; Muhammad Putra Ramadhan; Achmad Masfi
Jurnal Nusantara Mengabdi Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): Juni
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jnm.v2i3.1947


Purpose: To ensure the safety and health of tourists. They also play a role in maintaining the security of tourists in the area. In addition, the accompanying medical team can also provide health services such as light health checks, simple medical procedures, and providing health information to tourists. Methodology: The target is foreign students who are on holiday in Bromo, with the criteria of students taking comparative studies at Malang State University and attending Malang. This will make it easier for the medical team to provide emergency medical care if there are tourists who need it. This aims to monitor the health of tourists and provide first aid if there are tourists who need it. Must-have medical equipment such as defibrillators, oxygen, resuscitation equipment, and so on. This can include how to manage common health symptoms and steps to prevent disease. Results: Several cases were encountered in the health assistance, namely: bruises (contusions), cramps and bleeding. Overall tourists can return to health and return from Bromo without any comorbidities. Conclusion: Traveling to the mountains can cause serious injury if proper precautions are not taken. In addition, it is important to follow the guidelines given by experienced climbers, avoid trails that are too dangerous, and not take excessive risks when doing activities on the mountain. With proper preparation and wise precautions, we can reduce the risk of injury and enjoy a safe and enjoyable mountain travel experience.
Meningkatkan Kualitas Hidup Lansia melalui Skrining Berat Badan di Tlogomas Malang Nurul Evi; Achmad Masfi; Eri Yanuar Akhmad Budi Sunaryo; Yhenti Widjayanti; Muhammad Putra Ramadhan; Qory Tifani Rahmatika; Nurma Afiani; Ronal Surya Aditya
Jurnal Nusantara Mengabdi Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): Juni
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jnm.v2i3.2056


Purpose: The well-being of the elderly can be reflected in their health condition, both physically, spiritually and socially which enables everyone to live productively socially and economically. Modern lifestyles have changed human attitudes and behavior, including diet, smoking, consumption of alcohol and drugs as a lifestyle so that people with degenerative diseases (diseases caused by decreased organ function) are increasing and life threatening. The purpose of this community service is in the form of weight screening in the elderly. Methodology: The method used is measurement and examination as well as providing education. Methods for measuring body weight and conducting counseling about healthy lifestyles for the elderly in Tlogomas Village. Results: The results of the screening conducted, of the 55 participants who took part in the examination, found 29 normal people, 11 people had problems related to weight with obesity, and 15 people had problems less than normal. Conclusions: This Community Service Program runs smoothly and can provide benefits to the community. The results of this Community Service Program can be used as a reference for improving the health status of the elderly. Limitations: The area for community service is limited to the Tlogomas area. Contribution: This research is useful for the elderly in improving a healthy lifestyle in the gerontological area.
Meningkatkan Kualitas Hidup Lansia melalui Skrining Frekuensi Kegiatan Fisik di Tlogomas Malang Eri Yanuar Akhmad Budi Sunaryo; Yhenti Widjayanti; Nurul Evi; Muhammad Putra Ramadhan; Qory Tifani Rahmatika; Achmad Masfi; Ronal Surya Aditya
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Umat Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Agustus
Publisher : Jurnal Pemberdayaan Umat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jpu.v2i2.2240


Purpose: The well-being of the elderly can be reflected in their health condition, both physically, spiritually, and socially which enables everyone to live productively socially and economically. Modern lifestyles have changed human attitudes and behavior, including diet, smoking, and consumption of alcohol and drugs as a lifestyle so that people with degenerative diseases (diseases caused by decreased organ function) are increasing and life-threatening. The purpose of this community service is the form screening for the Frequency of Physical Activity in the elderly. Methodology: The method used is measurement and examination as well as providing education. Methods for measuring the frequency of physical activity and conducting counseling about healthy lifestyles for the elderly in Tlogomas village. Results: The results of the screening conducted, of the 55 participants who took part in the examination, found 19 people had frequent activities, 11 people had problems related to physical activity with rarely doing activities, and 15 people had problems very rarely doing activities. Conclusions: This Community Service Program runs smoothly and can provide benefits to the community. The results of this Community Service Program can be used as a reference for improving the health status of the elderly. Limitations: The area for community service is limited to the Tlogomas area. Contribution: This research is useful for the elderly in improving a healthy lifestyle in the gerontological area.
Meningkatkan Kualitas Hidup Lansia melalui Skrining Index Massa Tubuh di Tlogomas Malang Achmad Masfi; Eri Yanuar Akhmad Budi Sunaryo; Yhenti Widjayanti; Nurul Evi; Muhammad Putra Ramadhan; Qory Tifani Rahmatika; Nurma Afiani; Ronal Surya Aditya
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Umat Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Agustus
Publisher : Jurnal Pemberdayaan Umat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jpu.v2i2.2241


Purpose: The well-being of the elderly can be reflected in their health condition, both physically, spiritually, and socially which enables everyone to live productively socially and economically. Modern lifestyles have changed human attitudes and behavior, including diet, smoking, consumption of alcohol, and drugs as a way of life so that people with degenerative diseases (diseases caused by decreased organ function) are increasing and life-threatening. The purpose of this community service is in the form of screening for Body Mass Index in the elderly. Methodology: The method used is measurement and examination as well as providing education. Methods for measuring Body Mass Index and conducting counseling about healthy lifestyles for the elderly in Tlogomas village. Results: The results of the screening conducted, of the 55 participants who took part in the examination, found 19 people had frequent activities, 11 people had problems related to physical activity with rarely doing activities, and 15 people had problems very rarely doing activities. Conclusions: This Community Service Program runs smoothly and can provide benefits to the community. The results of this Community Service Program can be used as a reference for improving the health status of the elderly. Limitations: The area for community service is limited to the Tlogomas area. Contribution: This research is useful for the elderly in improving a healthy lifestyle in the gerontological area.
Akseptor Keluarga Berencana : Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pemilihan Kontrasepsi DEPO MEDROXY PROGESTERON ACETATE (DMPA) Yhenti Widjayanti; Nurul Evi; Achmad Masfi; Muhammad Putra Ramadhan
Indonesian Journal of Professional Nursing Vol 4 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/ijpn.v4i1.5687


Kontrasepsi suntik Depo Medroxy Progesterone Acetate (DMPA) salah satu metode kontrasepsi yang banyak digunakan pasangan usia subur. Ketidaktepatan pemilihan alat kontrasepsi dapat menimbulkan menimbulkan diskontinuitas penggunaan dan berakibat kegagalan kontrasepsi. Penyedia layanan kesehatan harus memahami hal-hal yang memengaruhi pemilihan sehingga dapat memberikan edukasi yang tepat terkait dengan pemilihan metode kontrasepsi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pemilihan kontrasepsi suntik DMPA. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif. Sampel penelitian ini sebanyak 36 akseptor KB suntik DMPA yang dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan teknik consecutive sampling. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari faktor individu lebih dari 50% responden berusia 21-35 tahun dan lebih dari 50% responden merupakan keluarga dengan ekonomi rendah, dari faktor kesehatan : lebih dari 50% responden memiliki anak 2 dan masih memiliki keinginan untuk memiliki anak kembali sehingga tujuan penggunaan kontrasepsi adalah menjaga jarak kehamilan dengan jarak >2 tahu, dari faktor kontrasepsi : Sebagian besar responden (75,8%) mengalami efek samping dalam penggunaan kontrasepsi dengan efek samping terbanyak adalah gangguan menstruasi dan Responden terbanyak (30,3%) memilih KB DMPA karena alasan murah/hemat dan faktor lain Lebih dari 50% responden mendapatkan informasi awal tentang kontrasepsi DMPA adalah dari petugas kesehata. Bagi petugas kesehatan disarankan dalam memberikan konseling kepada calon akseptor KB perlu memperhatikan latar belakang calon akseptor terutama terkait dengan usia dan tujuan KB sehingga lebih bisa memilih alat kontrasepsi secara lebih rasional.
MH Mobile Leprosy ANDROID APPLICATION TRAINING FOR EARLY DETECTION OF LEPER DISEASE IN CHILDREN FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS Supriadi Supriadi; Ronal Surya Aditya; Muhammad Putra Ramadhan; Qory Tifani Rahmatika; Nanik Zainiyah
Inovasi Lokal: Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Inovasi Lokal
Publisher : Tarqabin Nusantara Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62255/noval.v1i2.14


Kusta juga merupakan penyakit menular kronis yang apabila tidak diobati secara tepat dapat menyebabkan cacat fisik, psikologis dan sosial (1). Cacat fisik yang ditimbulkan oleh kusta menyebabkan stigma yang berkembang dimasyarakat membuat pasien malu untuk mencari pengobatan yang tepat sehingga kualitas hidup orang dengan kusta menjadi menurun dan resiko penularan kusta semakin tinggi (2). Namun, bukti terkini yang mengulas pengaruh stigma masyarakat terhadap pasien kusta masih sangat terbatas. Penderita akan menularkan meskipun sudah sembuh, bahkan pada anak keturunannya. Jarang sekali yang mengambil bagian untuk menyelesaikan masalah pada anak-anak. Selain itu, banyak sekali kasus anak yang tidak terdeteksi karena factor stigma dan social budaya (1,2).
MEDICAL TEAM SUPPORT FOR TABLE TENNIS EVENT – LPTK CUP XXI UM 2023 Muhammad Putra Ramadhan; Lintang Widya Sishartami; Ronal Surya Aditya; Qory Tifani Rahmatika; Eri Yanuar Akhmad Budi Sunaryo; Nurul Evi; Achmad Masfi; Nurma Afiani; Yhenti Widjayanti
Inovasi Lokal: Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Inovasi Lokal
Publisher : Tarqabin Nusantara Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62255/noval.v1i2.15


Introduction: LPTK CUP strives to improve relationships and unity among LPTK (Lembaga Pendidikan Tenga Kependidikan) members. It achieves this by merging competitive elements with entertainment to promote a feeling of camaraderie and cooperation. Furthermore, LPTK CUP includes a range of sports competitions, including table tennis. Purpose: This study aims to comprehend the medical team's involvement in providing support during the table tennis event at LPTK CUP XII UM 2023. Method: The medical team is crucial in delivering general and specialized healthcare services (for sports injuries) throughout the table tennis competition at LPTK CUP XXI UM 2023. Additionally, various approaches are employed in this event, including 1) Acquiring Medical Equipment, 2) Collaborating with Relevant Entities, 3) Arranging the Placement of the Medical Team, 4) Conducting Screening and Medical Services, and 4occurredviding Health Education. Result: Most table tennis participants are less than 50 years old. Several injuries occur during the match, namely Abrasion, Shoulder Sprain, and Ankle Sprain. The injury management provided is based on the Rice Method for sports injuries.