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Government Accountability in Border Management at Riau Province Ahmad Fitra Yuza; Jumiyanti Syafitri
MIMBAR (Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan) Volume 38, No. 2, (Desember, 2022) [Accredited Sinta 2] No 10/E/KPT/2019]
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/mimbar.v0i0.9328


Abstract. Borders are an inseparable part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, which must be defended at all costs because they are related to state sovereignty. Border areas often experience various problems, one of which is infrastructure development, thus requiring special management so as not to cause ongoing problems. This study aims to determine how government accountability affects border management in Riau Province. The research method used is the descriptive-qualitative method. The results of the study show that accountability carried out by local governments in border management in Riau Province is still experiencing various obstacles. Weak accountability in law enforcement causes accountability constraints in the process of resolving border management problems in Riau Province. Accountability of government programs and policies in border area management is hampered by limited funds for border area development and a lack of coordination among relevant agencies.
Diklat Review : Jurnal manajemen pendidikan dan pelatihan Vol 6 No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Komunitas Manajemen Kompetitif

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35446/diklatreview.v6i3.1169


Terdapat beberapa kendala dalam memberikan pelayanan administrasi kepada masyarakat di lokasi mitra yaitu Kantor Walikota Nagari Painan Timur Painan. Pertama, belum adanya inovasi yang dilakukan Pemerintah Nagari dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kepada masyarakat. Permasalahan selanjutnya adalah pandemi Covid-19 yang masih ada, sehingga masih riskan bagi masyarakat untuk datang ke Kantor Wali Kota Nagari untuk mendapatkan pelayanan. Melihat dari permasalahan tersebut, maka dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini perlu memberikan solusi yang dapat digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah. Metode pengabdian dilakukan oleh mitra penyuluhan yaitu Pemerintah Nagari Painan Timur Painan selama 1 hari. Hasil penyuluhan adalah mitra memahami pentingnya inovasi pelayanan di lingkungan Kantor Wali Nagari. Selain itu, mitra memahami cara membuat inovasi layanan sederhana menggunakan WhatsApp dan media email. Tindak lanjut dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah adanya kesepakatan kerjasama antara Prodi Ilmu Pemerintahan dengan Pemerintah Nagari Painan Timur Painan.
Village Government Governance In Determining Border Tapes Between Buluh Manis Village And Pematang Pudu Village In Bengkalis District Ahmad Fitra Yuza; Jumiyanti Syafitri
Jurnal Kajian Pemerintah: Journal of Government, Social and Politics Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021): Maret
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/jkp.2021.vol7(1).12013


This research examines the Governance of Village Governments in Determining Boundaries which have problems regarding Governance in the settlement of boundaries. This study aims to determine village government governance in determining the boundaries between Buluh Manis Village and Pematang Pudu Village in Bengkalis Regency. This type of research, which is located in Buluh Manis Village, Bathin Solapan District and Pematang Pudu Village in Mandau District, is descriptive with qualitative methods, namely research that seeks to describe the object or subject under study in accordance with what it is, and to explain variables and indicators. The results of the study regarding Village Government Governance in Determining the Boundary between Buluh Manis Village and Pematang Pudu Village in Bengkalis Regency were analyzed through four indicators. First, the accountability is both normative accountability and positive accountability can be correlated well because the Bengkalis Regency Government in solving this problem is responsible for the authority assigned to it as it has done several stages of solving the boundary problem between Buluh Manis Village and Pematang Pudu Village . Second, the transparency, namely the openness of the process in the formulation of public policies and the action of its implementation can be seen by the community knowing how the process in the formulation of decision-making to determine the boundaries between Buluh Manis Village and Pematang Pudu Village or in the implementation action which also includes representatives from the community such as community leaders. Third, the participation is that the Bengkalis Regency Government has conducted mediation by opening a discussion forum between the parties involved in the completion of boundary determination. Fourth, the legal certainty that there is no legal certainty or applicable regulations set by the Bengkalis Regency Government in resolving the boundary problems between Buluh Manis Village and Pematang Pudu Village.
Shadow State In The Management Of Shock Market In Marpoyan Damai Dictrict, Pekanbaru City (Study In Shock Market Pahlawan Kerja In Marpoyan Damai District) Ahmad Fitra Yuza; Mochamad Andre Budiawan
Jurnal Kajian Pemerintah: Journal of Government, Social and Politics Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): Oktober
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/jkp.2021.vol7(2).12019


This research examines Shadows state in Management of shock Market. Marpoyan Damai District, Pekanbaru City (Study in the Shock Market Heroes Work, Marpoyan Damai District). This study aims to determine the Shadow Statein the Management of the Shock Market in Marpoyan Damai District, Pekanbaru City (Study in the Shock Market in Heroes of Work, Marpoyan Damai District). This type of research, which is located in the shock market of Work Heroes,Marpoyan Peace districts, is descriptive with a qualitative method, namely research that seeks to describe the object or subject under study in accordance with what it is, and to explain variables and indicators. The results of the research on Shadow Government in the Management of the Shock Market in Marpoyan Peace District, Pekanbaru City (Study in the Shock Market Hero of Work, Marpoyan Damai District) were analyzed through three indicator indicators. the first is Social Control or social control of the Pekanbaru City Government, the Marpoyan Damai District Government, and the Maharatu Village Government have carried out social control through curbing the management of the shock market but for the management of the shock market itself, the actors involved are local strongmen who have influential authority in the environment. people who do have the land to establish or organize the shocked market. Both Defense Strategies found that the market shock persisted even though it did not have an official permit because the market was able to meet the basic needs that were really needed by the community so that people prefer to make buying and selling transactionsin the shock market rather than the official market managed by the Pekanbaru City Government. Third Development of Local Existence, it is found that the local government is inferior to the existence of a local strongman, it can be seen through the ongoing market activity even though it does not have an official license or is included in an illegal market.
Evaluation Of The Implementation Of The Duty Of The Pamong Praja Police Unit In Enforcing Regional Regulations Pekanbaru City (Night Club Business Supervision Study) Ahmad Fitra Yuza; Centi Wardana
Jurnal Kajian Pemerintah: Journal of Government, Social and Politics Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Maret
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/jkp.2022.vol8(1).12020


From year to year nightclubs in Pekanbaru grow rapidly. such as being dissatisfied with the permits that have been given to the nightclub businessmen, which clearly violates Article 5 of Regional Regulation No. 3 of 2002. In the regionalregulation it is emphatically stated that the operating hours of entertainment venues in Pekanbaru City, but in reality currently almost all clubs Evenings in Pekanbaru City are closed in the early hours of the morning and some are evenuntil dawn. however, there is no firm stance taken by the Pekanbaru City Government regarding this violation. Not only that, night clubs business people also commit violations such as allowing nightclubs, being a place for transactions and the use of illegal drugs, selling liquor, providing women as entertainers, carrying out prostitution activities and becoming a gambling place. The purpose of this study is to determine the evaluation of the implementation of the duties of the CivilService police units in enforcing the Pekanbaru City Regional Regulation and its obstacles. The methods used are descriptive and qualitative methods; The informants in this study were Satpol PP personnel and night club owners. Data collection techniques are observations and interviews. the the results of the study are the ineffectiveness of night club supervision carried out by the Satpol PP because even though it is prohibited to operate, the night club remains open so that it is increasingly disturbing for people who gather. the obstacles found in this study are the absences of regulations that specifically regulate night clubs and weak coordination.
Role Of The Village Hade In Maintaining Peace And Order In Subdistrict Of Sorek Satu Subdistrict Pangkalan Kuras District Of Pelalawan Ahmad Fitra Yuza; Fitri Arnita
Jurnal Kajian Pemerintah: Journal of Government, Social and Politics Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Oktober
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/jkp.2022.vol8(2).12021


This study aims to determine the role of the village head in the maintenance of peace and order in Sorek Satu Village, Pangkalan Kuras District, Pelalawan Re- agency, this is a manifestation of fostering the life of the village community so that they can live more safely, orderly, peacefully, and peacefully. this type of re- search that the researcher uses in this research is a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach, namely research by trying to describe an object or subject that is meticulous in accordance with what it is and explains about variables bles and indicators in this case are norms, individuals as organizations in society, and individuals in the social structure of society. The types and techniques of data collection used consisted of observations, interviews and documentation. Based on the results of the research on the role of the village head in the maintenance of peace and order in the Sorek Satu Village, Pangkalan Kuras District, Pelalawan Regency, it can be concluded that it is less implemented or has less role. The ob- staff to the Lurah in maintaining peace and order in the community in Sorek One Village is the lack of coordination, lack of communication, and low com- munity participation.
Integrated Administrative Service Quality In Bantan District Bengkalis Regency (Study Of E-KTP Management) Ahmad Fitra Yuza; Handoko Putra
Jurnal Kajian Pemerintah: Journal of Government, Social and Politics Vol. 9 No. 1 (2023): Maret
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/jkp.2023.vol9(1).12022


District Integrated Services provides e-KTP Management services. Districts play a roles in providing satisfactionto recipients of e-KTP management services However, in reality there are still many people who are still not satisfied with the achievement of the completion time for the services provided. The purpose of this study was to determine the Qualityof Integrated Administration Services in Bantan District, Bengkalis Regency (E-KTP Management Study) and to determine the inhibiting factors of the Integrated Administration Service Quality in Bantan District, Bengkalis Regency (E-KTP Management). learn). The research method used is a quantitative method with data collections techniquesthrough observation, questionnaires, interviews and documentation. Discussion on the Quality of IntegratedAdministrative Services in Bantan regency, Bengkalis regency in the management of E-KTP has not been implementedbased on standards operating procedures. so that it has not provided satisfactory achievements for the community.Conclusion the Quality of Integrated Administrative Services in Bantan regency, Bengkalis Regency in the managementof E-KTP has been implemented but has not been implemented optimally in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures starting from the completion of the time for making E-KTP. This is due to a lack of personnel and supporting infrastructure in providing services. Researcher's suggestion is that Kelurahan Officers in managing E-KTP should increase the number of officers in providing services and cooperate with officers and provide service support facilities in order to achieve maximum service.
Plantation Sector Policy Governance by the Regional Government of Riau Province (Leading Commodities Study) Ranggi Ade Febrian; Ahmad Fitra Yuza
Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun Vol 11 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun
Publisher : SCAD Independent

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26811/peuradeun.v11i1.802


This study tried to analyze the problems of the plantation sector in Riau Province from the point of view of governance policies carried out by the Riau Provincial government. Palm oil is still a leading commodity in Riau Province. This research problem focused on the governance of oil palm plantation policies in Riau Province as the first strategic issue. The added value of oil palm plantations had yet to improve the community's economy due to the slow downstream program. This study used the concept of governance, consisting of three dimensions: actor, structural, and empirical. Using qualitative research methods, this study concluded that the first dimension influences the policy governance of the oil palm plantation sector: actors were dominated by entrepreneurs, totaling 233 companies from an area of 1.569 million hectares. The two structural dimensions were dominated by six environmental studies on the management of oil palm plantation policies and the realization of the Riau Province APBD budget structure. The three empirical dimensions were dominated by land destruction and land conflicts for oil palm plantations, which impact the policies of the regional government of Riau Province.
DEFORESTATION POLICY GOVERNANCE IN INDONESIA Ahmad Fitra Yuza; Halimah Abdul Manaf; Zainal Zainal
CosmoGov: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan Vol 9, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Department of Governmental Science FISIP UNPAD

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/cosmogov.v9i1.44778


Deforestation is a threat to national security and a disaster caused by natural and human factors. Natural factors, namely the dry season resulting in forest fires and the human factor which takes over the function of forests to become plantations and illegal logging. This paper uses a literature study with the theory of policy governance. The research method is a qualitative descriptive method. The results of the study show that accountability in the management and protection of forests in Indonesia has not run optimally due to overlapping policies and legal certainty relating to forests or land use in Indonesia is still ambiguous so that law enforcement is weakened and there is a lack of of quality resources in enforcement. Weak participation can also be seen from the policies implemented by the Indonesian government that have not been able to involve the involvement of local communities to avoid or reduce the rate of deforestation that occurs. While in terms of transparency carried out by the Indonesian government, one of which is through the SLVT policy to realize transparent government administration in forest management, which has shown results, although improvement efforts are still being made so that transparency criteria can be met to the fullest.
Local government innovation model in Pekanbaru City, Indonesia: a study of public service mall Ranggi Ade Febrian; Khairul Rahman; Ahmad Fitra Yuza; Zainal Zainal
Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan Vol 13, No 2 (2023): (August 2023)
Publisher : Department of Government Studies Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26618/ojip.v13i2.10137


This research aims to find a model for implementing local government innovation in Pekanbaru City. One of the Innovation Public Service Mall innovations with the highest score is SMART PETAKU (Pekanbaru City Government Land Asset Management System) with a score of 820. However, there are still several innovations with the lowest score, one of which is the E-Archive with a score of 0. Using the theory of disruptive innovation ( Yu Hang, 2010), the basic design of this study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach from primary data sources obtained from in-depth interview techniques and secondary data, namely passive observation techniques. The research findings show that first, the success of the internal perspective is determined by the indicators of visionary and innovative local government head leadership, the right organizational structure with the establishment of a Public Service Mall, an organizational culture that is not separated from the pathology of democracy, and employee competencies that require development. Second, an external perspective determined by supervision from the Pekanbaru City DPRD, community participation, and appreciation factors that have a significant effect on the performance of the Pekanbaru City Government. Third, the marketing aspect is supported by the existence of a dynamic website from the content and information presented. Fourth is the technological perspective, where the Pekanbaru City Government through the Public Service Mall applies the E-Gov concept with application designs for requests and complaints. The conclusion of the study found the IEMT model with internal, external, market, and technology perspective dimensions. Recommendations for further research are collaborative governance studies in service innovation with the private sector at Public Service Malls which are still disproportionate.