Panut Setiono
PGSD, FKIP, Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia

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Pengembangan Modul Berbasis Eksperimen untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Peserta Didik Kelas V SDN 122 Rejang Lebong Rara Oktaviana; Dalifa Dalifa; Panut Setiono
JURIDIKDAS Vol 5 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/juridikdas.v5i2.16799


AbstractThe purpose of this study was to develop the experiment-based module to improve the critical thinking skills of fifth grade students at SD Negeri 122 Rejang Lebong which can be used as a guide for teachers. This research is a Research and Development (R&D) with a modification of the 4-D model, but in this study it was only carried out until the third stage, namely define, design and develop. This experiment-based module is validated by materials experts, design experts and linguists. The module developed was responded to by two teachers of SD Negeri 122 Rejang Lebong. The data analysis technique used descriptive statistical analysis, namely the results of expert validation assessments, teacher responses, and student trials, as well as qualitative descriptive analysis of expert validation comments and teacher responses. This study resulted in an experiment-based module to improve critical thinking skills with a material expert assessment of 91.35 in the very valid category, 96 linguists validation in the very valid category, 96 design validation in the very valid category, and the teacher's response of 96 in the very good category. used as the final product of development. The results of the pretest and posttest trials of students obtained a score range of 0.5 with a medium category, meaning that the developed module can improve the critical thinking skills of fifth grade students of SD Negeri 122 Rejang Lebong.Keywords : Module, Experiment, Critical Thinking Skills
Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Make a Match Untuk Meningkatkan Sikap Kerja Sama dan Hasil Belajar Siwa pada Pembelajaran Tematik di Kelas IV SDN 45 Kota Bengkulu teta herlina; Sri Dadi; Panut Setiono
JURIDIKDAS Vol 5 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/juridikdas.v5i2.23924


This study aims to improve the attitude of cooperation and learning outcomes of the class IVA students at Elementary School 45 Bengkulu City by applying cooperative learning model with Make a Match type. This research is a Classroom Action Research. The subjects in the study amound to 19 students with 9 female and 10 male students. The research instruments used are observation and test sheets. The data analysis techniques in this research observation sheet that uses the formula for the average score, the highest score, the lowest score, the difference in score and the range of values for each criterion. The test data was analyzed using the formula of average values and the classical learning percentage. The average results of implementation cooperative learning model type Make a Match of first cycle is 62.50 enough categories. The increase second cycle which is 89.50 very good categories. The average cooperation attitude result of the first cycle is 7.38 in the enough categories. The increase second cycle which is 13.53 very good categories. The results of learning ips subjects, first cycle average was 69.74 with classical completion of 63.16%. The second cycle is percentage more increase then the first cycle that is 81.84 with classical completion of 89.47%. The result of learning Bahasa Indonesia subject, first cyle average was 70.92 with classical completion of 57.89%. The second cycle is percentage more increase then the first cyle that is 83.82 with classical completion of 89.47%. There fore, the implementation of the Make a Match type of cooperative learning model can increase cooperation attitudes and learning outcomes of students in thematic learning in class IVA Elementary School 45 Bengkulu City,
Pengembangan Pengembangan E-Modul Peninggalan Sejarah Kolonialisme Belanda di Bengkulu pada Pembelajaran Tematik Terpadu Kelas V di Sekolah Dasar: Pengembangan E-Modul Peninggalan Sejarah Kolonialisme Belanda di Bengkulu pada Pembelajaran Tematik Terpadu Kelas V di Sekolah Dasar Mufidah Mahdiyah Mahdiyah; Pebrian Tarmizi; Panut Setiono
JURIDIKDAS Vol 5 No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/juridikdas.v5i3.25475


This study aims to develop an e-module learning media of the Dutch colonialism history in Bengkulu at an integrated thematic learning fifth-grade elementary school. The research type was "research and development" (R&D) with the ASSURE model. The instruments used were product validation sheets, teacher response questionnaires, and student response questionnaires. The data analysis technique used descriptive statistical analysis of the results of the expert validation assessments, teacher responses, and student responses and qualitative descriptive analysis of the comments from the experts’ validation assessments, teacher responses, and students’ responses. The results of the material expert validation showed a score of 92%, and the media expert validation showed a score of 97.5% with a very valid category. The teacher's response showed a score of 89%, and the students' responses showed a score of 94.33%. The overall results showed that the e-module learning media for the Dutch colonialism history in Bengkulu is very valid and adequate for use in learning.