PGSD, FKIP, Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia

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Studi Deskriptif Karya Kolase Dari Kain Perca Pada Pembelajaran Seni Budaya dan Prakarya Kelas IV C SD Negeri 05 Kota Bengkulu frenky abdul karim; Pebrian Tarmizi; Hasnawati
JURIDIKDAS Vol 5 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/juridikdas.v5i2.23265


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses pembuatan dan hasil karya kolase dari kain perca di Kelas IV C SD Negeri 05 Kota Bengkulu. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Subjek penelitian pada penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IV C SD Negeri 05 Kota Bengkulu dengan jumlah 35 siswa yang terdiri dari 17 siswa laki – laki dan 18 siswa perempuan. Instrumen penelitian pada penelitian ini adalah peneliti sendiri dengan menggunakan pedoman observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data melalui koleksi data, kondensasi data, penyajian data, dan menarik kesimpulan. Teknik keabsahan data melalui triangulasi dan member check. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu (1) proses pembuatan karya kolase dari kain perca dimulai dengan menyiapkan alat dan bahan yang akan digunakan, membuat rancangan gambar yang akan dibuat, menggunting kain perca sesuai dengan bentuk gambar yang sudah dirancang, dan menempelkan bahan yang sudah disiapkan. (2) hasil karya kolase dari kain perca berdasarkan unsur – unsur berupa unsur titik, garis, warna, bentuk, bidang, dan tekstur dan prinsip prinsip berupa prinsip irama, keseimbangan, kesatuan, dan pusat perhatian. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah siswa telah mampu membuat karya kolase dari kain perca dengan proses yang benar dan hasil karya yang telah dibuat siswa sudah mengandung unsur – unsur dan prinsip seni rupa.
analysis of montage work on Sbdp learning in class 4 elementary school bengkulu city state: Analisis karya montase siswa pada pembelajaran SBdP di kelas IV Sd negeri 04 Kota bengkulu Akhmad Sobari Mukhtar Shihab -; Dwi Anggraini; Hasnawati
JURIDIKDAS Vol 5 No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/juridikdas.v5i3.25675


This study aims to analyze five student montage works based on elements of fine art in class IV SD Negeri 04 Bengkulu City. This type of research is qualitative and uses document analysis methods to obtain data with specific purposes and uses. The results of the study were five student montage works. The instrument used was document analysis and the data collection technique used in this study was to look at the student montage works. The results of this study were obtained by collecting five student montage works, then the works were analyzed based on the elements of fine art, namely points, lines, planes, colors, shapes, textures, and darkness. The results of the analysis, namely the results of five student works, namely jungle forest, let's play, landscapes, let's garden, and protecting the environment are analyzed based on the elements of fine arts including dots, lines, planes, colors, shapes, textures, dark and light. Of the five works, the researcher analyzed each work based on the elements of art. The first work, namely the jungle of the work has seven elements of fine art including the elements of point, line, plane, shape, texture, color, darkness and light. The second work, namely let's play, has seven elements of art, namely point, line, plane, shape, texture, color, darkness and light. The third work is scenery, namely points, lines, planes, shapes, textures, colors, dark and light. The fourth element, let's gardening, is that there are elements of art that appear, namely points, lines, planes, shapes, textures, colors, dark and light. Furthermore, the fifth work, namely protecting the environment, contains elements of fine art consisting of points, lines, planes, shapes, textures, colors, dark and light.
Teknik Menggambar Berbasis Finger Painting Pada SBdP Seni Rupa Siswa Kelas I SD Negeri 58 Kabupaten Lebong: Teknik Menggambar Berbasis Finger Painting Pada SBdP Seni Rupa Siswa Kelas I SD Septeh Giovani Putri Septeh; Hasnawati; Bambang Parmadi
JURIDIKDAS Vol 5 No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/juridikdas.v5i3.26022


This study aims to describe the techniques and results of drawing-based work finger painting in Cultural Arts and Fine Arts Skills for class I SDN 58 Lebong Regency. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive research. The research subjects were class teachers and first grade students at SD Negeri 58 Lebong Regency. Instruments on this study namely, the researchers themselves using observation guidelines, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out by collecting data, condensing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. Data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The results of this study are (1) based drawing techniques finger painting consist of blocking, 1 finger spiral and point, 1 finger straight, 1 finger rotate, 1 finger circular 1 finger raised curved, 2 oblique lines, 2 fingers rotate, 3 fingers wave, 3 fingers curved, and 3 fingers rotate from these techniques technique 3 rotary finger has not been applied in this study. (2) Results work of drawing technique based finger painting contains the elements and principles of fine art. the elements that exist are points, lines, planes, colors, and textures while those that are not yet available are shapes, space, and darkness. Then on the work of technique-based drawing finger painting has fulfilled the principles of fine art namely unity, rhythm, balance, center of attention, proportion, and contrast.
Studi Deskriptif Hasil Karya Mozaik Berbahan Dasar Biji Kopi pada Pembelajaran SBdP Siswa Kelas III SDN 80 Rejang Lebong Ridho Permadi; Hasnawati; Neza Agusdianita
Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan Dasar (Kapedas) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): September
Publisher : UNIB Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/kapedas.v2i2.28141


This study aims to describe the results of mosaic works made from coffee beans on SBdP content of class III students at SDN 80 Rejang Lebong. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive research, with observation techniques, interviews and documentation. The subjects of this study were 4 mosaic works by class III students at SDN 80 Rejang Lebong. The research instrument used is the human instrument. Data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is a qualitative descriptive technique using the Miles & Huberman interactive model. The results of the research on 4 mosaic works contained 6 elements, namely dot elements applied using coffee beans in the drawing pattern, line elements were applied in making picture patterns, plane elements were non-geometric or irregular, white elements were applied to the base/background and the original color of the seeds coffee, two-dimensional shape elements have no volume, real and grainy texture elements. The results also show that there are 4 principles, namely the principle of rhythm is found in the arrangement of coffee beans, the principle of balance is found in good repetition, the principle of unity is seen from the orderly arrangement of coffee beans, the principle of center of attention shows the characteristics of the work of each group. In making coffee bean mosaics, the elements and principles of fine art have been applied.