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Analisis Pengaruh Work Stress dan Work Load Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Perusahaan Manufaktur dan Eksportir Furniture Bekti Setiadi; Adam Ramadhan; Silvy Sondari Gadzali; Okma Yendri; Rhena J
Jurnal Kewarganegaraan Vol 6 No 4 (2022): Desember 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31316/jk.v6i4.4439


Abstrak Penelitian ini dimaksudkan agar dapat memperoleh data tentang pengaruh beban kerja dan stres kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan pada PT. Indoexim International, serta melihat seberapa besar pengaruh yang diberikan oleh variabel independen terhadap variabel dependen yaitu kinerja karyawan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif yang dilakukan kepada staf kantor PT. Indoexim International yang berjumlah 33 karyawan. Untuk memperoleh data primer, peneliti menyebarkan kuesioner kepada staf kantor PT. Indoexim International dengan sedangkan untuk data sekunder diperoleh dari pihak PT. Indoexim International, buku-buku, dokumen, dansumber lain yang dapat mendukung penelitian ini. Dalam menganalisi data, peneliti menggunakan aplikasi SPSS Statistics 2.5, dengan menggunakan persamaan regresi linier berganda, serta untuk menguji hipotesis penulis menggunakan uji t, uji F. berdasarkan dari hasil uji t pada variabel beban kerja dan stress kerja terdapat pengaruh secara negatif signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan. Berdasarkan dari hasil uji tersebut maka hipotesis dalam penelitian ini diterima. Kata Kunci: Beban Kerja, Stres Kerja, dan Kinerja Karyawan
The Significance of Social Entrepreneurship in Generating Solutions to Social and Economic Challenges Rhena J; Muh Ridwan Hayadin; Jeffriansyah Dwi Sahputra Amory
ADMAN: Journal of Contemporary Administration and Management Vol 1 No 3 (2023): December 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61100/adman.v1i3.154


In a global context, we face various complex social and economic challenges such as poverty, income inequality, unemployment, limited access to education and healthcare services, as well as environmental issues like environmental degradation and climate change. This research aims to identify the significance of social entrepreneurship in generating solutions to social and economic challenges. The method used in this research is a qualitative literature review drawing data from Google Scholar for the period 2004-2023. This study will conduct an in-depth analysis of various relevant articles, papers, and scientific publications found through the Google Scholar platform. The results of the study indicate that social entrepreneurship holds significant importance in addressing complex social and economic challenges worldwide. Through innovative, socially and environmentally oriented approaches, social entrepreneurship has proven itself as a force capable of bringing about significant positive impacts. From alleviating poverty to promoting environmental sustainability, the social entrepreneurship movement has inspired meaningful changes in how we think about business and development.