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Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi Vol 3, No 05 (2014): Kajian Ilmu EKonomi
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Ilmu Ekonomi

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This article focused on analyzing (1) the influence of banking transaction cost, moral hazard, adverse selection, and externality cost toward the banking dependency of public property companies in Indonesia; (2) the influence of capital market transaction cost, moral hazard, adverse selection, and externality cost toward the capital market dependency of public property companies in Indonesia; (3) the influence of banking dependency, capital market dependency, construction cost, marketing cost, credit interest rate, national economy and inflation rate toward the performance of public property companies in Indonesia; and (4) the prospects of the banking dependency, capital market dependency, and performance of public property companies in Indonesia. The data used is a panel data with 45 observations (15 companies during 2010-2012). This article uses Common Effect Model Regression to answer all research questions. The research concludes that (1) banking transaction cost, moral hazard, adverse selection, and externality cost do not significantly influence the banking dependency of public property companies in Indonesia, with adjusted R-squared of 17,57%; (2) capital market transaction cost, moral hazard, adverse selection, and externality cost significantly influence the capital market dependency of public property companies in Indonesia, with adjusted R-squared of 50,00%; (3) banking dependency, capital market dependency, construction cost, marketing cost, credit interest rate, national economy and inflation rate significantly influence the performance of public property companies in Indonesia, with adjusted R-squared of 28,46%; and (4) the banking dependency and performance of the companies tend to slow down in 2013-2015, while the capital market dependency tends to slightly grow. Keywords : Property Performance, Banking Dependency, Capital Market Dependency.
Jurnal Pembangunan Nagari Vol 5 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Badan Penelitian and Pengembangan (Balitbang), Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30559/jpn.v5i1.178


Indonesia agreed and has compiled related rules to be able to align the direction of national development with SDGs, up to the regional level, following UCLG ASPAC directives to localize SDGs. However, the alignment effort is only at the provincial level and still in the planning stage despite the running of SDGs nearly reached its one-third period. This research aims to trace the efforts of the Bukittinggi Government in synchronizing RPJMD for 2016-2021 with SDGs. A qualitative approach with the case study method by Yin (2018) was used in this study, with data collection techniques in the form of documentation comparison between RPJMD and SDGs. It is found that out of 17 goals of the SDGs, the Bukittinggi RPJMD synchronized 76% of SDGs goals or with a total of 38 performance indicators with different distributions to the SDGs goals. The SDGs with the most aligned/synchronous indicators with Bukittinggi RPJMD are in SDGs number 16, and the most out of sync goals are to SDGs number 7, 14, 15, and 17.
Model Dinamik Paritas Suku Bunga Indonesia Menggunakan Error Correction Model Elva Dona; antoni antoni; gina elmizan
JURNAL PUNDI Vol 1, No 3 (2017)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (531.334 KB) | DOI: 10.31575/jp.v1i3.10


The purchasing power parity doctrine in determining exchange rate changes focuses on  price factor changes (Jiang, Li, Chang, & Su, 2013)This study examines how currency and interest rates interact with each other to achieve a balance position in the foreign exchange market.Through this approach the exchange rate is determined by the balance of demand and supply between two currencies. This approach also explains how the influence of economic variables such as money supply, national income, price level, and interest rate on the formation of currency rates. Data using  the first quarter of 2000 through the fourth quarter of 2013, With econometric analysis through cointegration approach and Error Correction Model will be tested the validity of interest rate parity condition in Indonesi.Estimation of the error correction model variable (V), indicating that the variable passed the t test at 5% confidence level. It indicates that the models specification is acceptable and there is cointegration between the observed variables.
Deiksis Waktu dan Waktu Referensial dalam Sastra Lisan Minangkabau Sheiful Yazan; Arwemi Arwemi; Gina Havieza Elmizan
JENTERA: Jurnal Kajian Sastra Vol 11, No 2 (2022): Jentera: Jurnal Kajian Sastra
Publisher : Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/jentera.v11i2.5204


Minangkabau oral literature is a folk literature that tells the story of the past, when people were not familiar with the clock as a means of telling time or modern time concepts such as hours, minutes, and seconds were not used by the community. This article describes how the Minangkabau people of the past explained the deixis of time and referential time. It also explains about the concept of time or time reference and the indication of time throughout the day, duration, time reference used, and the concepts of past, present, and future time. Katopusako utterances, petatah-petitih, and oral literature, such as Tambo Minangkabau, and kaba, especially the classic one, are used as data sources. Ferdinand de Saussure's semiotic theory was used in analysis to find signified data and the meaning of the signifier of the time deixis. The research findings show that time deixis gives an indication of time, time duration,and time reference. All time deixis of Minangkabau and referential time refer to the surrounding natural conditions and human routine activities, as the Minangkabau philosophy says,“alam takambang (nature) becomes the teacher”. AbstrakSastra lisan Minangkabau adalah karya sastra rakyat yang menceritakan kisah masa lampau ketika masyarakat belum mengenal jam sebagai alat penunjuk waktu, atau konsep waktu modern seperti jam, menit, dan detik belum digunakan. Artikel ini memaparkan bagaimana masyarakat Minangkabau masa lalu menuturkan deiksis waktu dan waktu referensial, menjabarkan konsep waktu atau rujukan waktu, serta menjelaskan indikasi waktu sepanjang hari, durasi, acuan waktu yang digunakan, dan konsep waktu masa lalu, sekarang, dan masa depan.Sumber data adalah tuturan kato pusako, petatah-petitih, dan sastra lisan, seperti Tambo Minangkabau, dan kaba, khususnya kaba klasik Minangkabau. Analisis data menggunakan teori semiotik Ferdinand de Saussure untuk menemukan data petanda (signified) dan menemukan makna penanda (signifier) dari deiksis waktu. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa deiksis waktu memberikan indikasi waktu, durasi waktu, acuan waktu, dan referensi waktu. Semua deiksis waktu dan waktu refensial Minangkabau merujuk kepada kondisi alam sekitar dan kegiatan rutin manusia sebagaimana filosofi Minangkabau mengatakan alam takambang jadi guru.
Pemahaman dan Minat Berinvestasi di Pasar Modal Mahasiswa PTKIN dan PTKIS di Sumatera Barat (Sebuah Penelitian Metode Mixed) Gina Havieza Elmizan; Vera Rahmawati; Anisa Talim
Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Sharia Economics (IIJSE) Vol 5 No 2 (2022): Sharia Economic: July, 2022
Publisher : Sharia Economics Department Universitas KH. Abdul Chalim, Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31538/iijse.v5i2.2165


Sharia investment is currently trending in the world of investment in Indonesia. Moreover, the current PTKI students are Generation Z, who are more familiar with the virtual world and the world of online investment. Thus, the understanding and interest of Generation Z in sharia investment needs to be analyzed in order to develop the Islamic capital market. The research article explains how high the understanding and interest of public and private Islamic university students towards Islamic capital market investment is. It uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative research is done by survey using Google Form, to 300 students at PTKIN/S in West Sumatra. The samples are 154 student respondents from 3 PTKIN and 129 students from 5 PTKIS. The effect of understanding on interest in investing in the Islamic capital market is significant. If understanding increases by 1 point, then interest will increase by 0.481 points. There is no difference in the investment interest of PTKIN students and PTKIS students. Qualitative research was conducted by collecting student arguments in FGDs related to the determinants and efforts to increase understanding and interest in investing in the Islamic capital market. Many determinants of understanding come from external, while interest is heavily influenced by internal factors. Efforts to increase understanding can be done by studying academically, using the internet more wisely, and attending seminars and discussions. Meanwhile, increasing interest, it can be done by increasing understanding, motivation, and interaction with Islamic capital market investment figures.