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Evaluasi Kemampuan Guru PJOK Mendesain Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran pada Jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas di Kota Ambon Jacob Anaktototy; Mieke Souisa; Jusak Syaranamual
SPRINTER: Jurnal Ilmu Olahraga Vol. 3 No. 3 (2022): SPRINTER: Jurnal Ilmu Olahraga
Publisher : MAN Insan Cendekia Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46838/spr.v3i3.250


Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimana kemampuan guru mendesain rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran penjas pada jenjang pendidikan menengah di Kota Ambon. Metode yang digunakan yaitu “ex post facto”, dengan pendekatan “deskriptif”. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu format penilaian RPP. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu; observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan triangulasi. Sedangkan teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu “statistik deskriptif”, menghitung persentasi kemampuan merencanakan pembelajaran PJOK. Hasil yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini yaitu; (1) rata-rata skor perolehan subyek pada indikator kemampuan merumuskan KI, KD, dan tujuan pembelajaran, sebesar 47. (2) rata-rata skor perolehan subyek pada indikator kemampuan merumuskan langkah-langkah pembelajaran, sebesar 46. (3) rata-rata skor perolehan subyek pada indikator merencanakan penilaian pembelajaran (penilaian afektif-penilaian kognitif-penilaian psikomotor), yaitu sebesar 51. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoeh dalam penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kemampuan subyek dalam mendesain rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP) dengan 3 (tiga) indikator utama, yang terdiri dari (1) Kemampuan merumuskan Kompetensi Inti (KI), Kompetensi Dasar (KD), dan tujuan pembelajaran, (2) Kemampuan merumuskan Langkah-langkah pembelajaran, dan (3) Kemampuan merencanakan penilaian, masih dikategorikan “kurang”.
Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Servis Bawah Permainan Bola Voli Menggunakan Metode Demonstrasi Pada Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri 30 Buru Rosmayanti Umasugi; Jusak Syaranamual; Mieke Souisa
MANGGUREBE: Journal Physical Education, Health and Recreation Vol 4 No 2 (2023): MANGGUREBE: Journal Physyical Education, Health and Recreation
Publisher : Prgram Studi Pendidikan Jasmani Kesehatan dan Rekreasi, FKIP Universitas Pattimura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598/manggurebevol4no2page55-59


The identification, it can be explained that motivation students to use under serve in volleyball game is lowest, because facilities and equipment is not compare to the number of students. This research uses a demonstration method. The aim in this research is find out result of the bottom serve in volleyball games with the demonstration method at SMP Negeri 30 Buru. Data of classroom action research (PTK) was carry out in two cycles, there are cycle 1 and cycle II. Data for each cycle is obtained from the results of observations and performance tests based on indicators an assessment rubric. This score is final complete or not to continue in cycle II. serving volleyball in class VII SMP Negeri 30 Buru. the results of student ability tests during two cycles, namely cycle I 73.93%, cycle II 84.66%, there was an increase of 11% in the use of the demonstration method by teachers from cycle I to cycle II, an increase of 11%. improved. This shows that teacher's success in learning process.
The Effect of Endurance Training Onincreased Vo2max in Athleteswomen's Ssc Volleyball Susan Mersalina Anmama; A. Fenanlampir; Mieke Souisa
International Journal of Education, Information Technology, and Others Vol 6 No 2 (2023): International Journal of Education, Information Technology  and Others
Publisher :

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8374587


The aim of this study was to determine whether there was an effect of endurance training on increasing VO2max in female SSC volleyball athletes. This research is experimental research, where the author wants to know the ability of female SSC (sport science club) volleyball athletes to increase endurance. The design of this research is One Group Pretest-Posttest. The research results showed that the effect of endurance training using fartlek training showed real effectiveness in the sense of the word reliable as an exercise to increase Vo2max in SSC (sprot science club) volleyball athletes.
Jurnal Kesehatan Jasmani dan Olahraga (KEJAORA) Vol 6 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Kejaora (Kesehatan Jasmani dan Olah Raga)
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Jasmani Kesehatan dan Rekreasi, Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (259.022 KB) | DOI: 10.36526/kejaora.v6i2.1512


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penilaian psikomotor terhadap Teknik servis forehand dan servis backhand dalam permainan bulutangkis pada siswa kelas XMia SMA Negeri 8 Ambon. jenis penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan subyek dalam penelitianini yaitu guru PJOK di SMA Negeri 8 Ambon. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan sesuai dengan kharakteristik dari penelitian deskriptif, yaitu; (1) observasi, (2) wawancara, (3) dokumentasi, (4) triangulasi. Sedangkan untuk menganalisis data maka peneliti menggunakan Teknik analisis data kualitatif model alir dari Milles dan Huberman (Prastowo, 2011). Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini antara lain; (1) Penilaian psikomotor tiidak direncanakan dengan baik oleh subyek bahkan tidak direvisi, karena rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP) yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran daring di era pandemic covid-19, adalah RPP luring sebelum pandemic. (2) Hasil penilaian psikomotor tidak sesuai dengan rubrik dalam rencana pembelajaran, melainkan berisikan nilai-nilai peserta didik yang siap dimasukan dalam laporan pendidikan. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh, maka kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini yaitu (1) Kegiatan proses penilaian psikomotor siswa terkait materi keterampilan servis backhand dan Keterampilan servis Forehand dalam permainan bulutangkis pada siswa kelas X-Mia telah dilaksanakan, namun tidak tertuang dalam rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran, khususnya pada bagian rubrik penilaian. (2) Rubrik penilaian yang digunakan untuk penilaian, dalam rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang disiapkan oleh subyek bukanlah secara daring tetapi secara luring, meskipun proses pembelajaran berlangsung secara daring. (3) Hasil penilaian psikomotor dalam proses pembelajaran, tidak sesuai dengan procedure penilaian yang sesuai dengan rubrik penilaian psikomotor.
Curriculum 2013 Implementation Workshop Curriculum 2013 In Learning In The District of Babar Islands – Southwestern Maluccas Regions Mieke Souisa; Jacob Anaktototy; Wilhelmina Unmehopa; Mariana Hukubun; Emma Rumahlewang; Jonas Solissa; Johana Matitaputty
GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Fakultas Olahraga dan Kesehatan, Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1025.096 KB) | DOI: 10.36526/gandrung.v1i2.932


The 2013 curriculum has been approved and implemented in the Indonesian learning system, since a few years ago, to have undergone a number of improvements. Based on some studies in the cities of Ambon and Maluku particularly in the physical and exercise programs, indicates that a teacher's lack of ability to plan the learning process using the 2013 curriculum, both at an elementary level, middle school, and high school. Much of what follows, two are unfamiliar with the 2013 curriculum procedure in learning because it rarely participates in any related training. Subsequent methods used by teams for established purposes were achieved: (a) problem identification, (b) social approach, (c) discourse, (d) discussion, (e) evaluation, (f) drawing conclusions. Results based on the procedural process developed by understanding participants' concepts of curriculum 2013 implementation procedures, in both cases; (a) plan learning, (b) procedures in selecting and using and applying active learning models in saintifical, authentic and also thematic approaches in classroom learning, (c) the evaluation process in classroom learning, in order to create interactive students.
Socialitation and Simulation Game of the Volleyball Sand Sport in Babar Islands District of Southwest Maluku Regency Mieke Souisa; Jacob Anaktototy; Jusak Syaranamual
GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Fakultas Olahraga dan Kesehatan, Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36526/gandrung.v2i2.1384


Since 1996 the volleyball sand sports have developed in Maluku province, and there has been vocation in PON as well as being one of the regular sport events of the province Maluku. But volleyball sand sport is known only to a view counties and cities in Maluku province. Such the cities of Southeast Maluku (Tual), the Regency of Tanimbar Island (Saumlaki), the Regency of Buru Island (Namlea), and Ambon City. But in Southwest Regency (Moa), the volleyball sand sports is now means to know until this day. Than Southwest Regency MOA has never include the sport branch in both the POPMAL administration and the state of the region. Event without it’s being recognized as a means of development for the regency of Southwest Maluku. Babar Islands is one of the sub district in Maluku Southwest, it is far from the capital of Southwest Regency (MOA) and Maluku Province. It is a analized factor in the development of the volleyball sand sport branch on Kalwedo Earth. Thus community service activities that embody the volleyball basic skills by college of the academy of arts and sciences, perform devotionals aimed at introducing a volleyball sand sport to the community and those responsible. The method uses for achieving goals in this community service is: 1) identification problem, 2) social approach, 3) planning, 4) administration management, 5) matrial preparation, 6) execution, 7) reporting. The results is: 1) participants of both the sons and doughters volleyball and the socialist-in volved volleyball. 2) participants understand the rules of volleyball sand game. 3) entry to the games own game. 4) the means and infrastructure of the game’s of the volleyball games. 5) the volleyball sand sport and infrastructure help during public service activities by lecture and collages of study programe physical education in Babar Islands
Survei Motor Educability Mahasiswa Semester 1 Tahun Akademik 2023 Program Studi Penjaskesrek FKIP Unpatti Manis Belen; Mariana D. Hukubun; Mieke Souisa
Journal on Education Vol 6 No 3 (2024): Volume 6 Nomor 3 Tahun 2024
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v6i3.5554


The purpose of this study was to determine the motor educability of first semester students in the 2023 academic year, the penjaskesrek (PJKR) study programme. This type of research uses quantitative method analysis with survey techniques. Obtaining motor educability data through tests. The total population in the study was 46 students, determining the sample with porposive sampling technique obtained 30 female students. Sampling criteria by setting specific characteristics, namely age from 17-22 years. The test instrument used consists of 21 test items, namely: 1) On foot-touch head; 2) Sides lean rest; 3) Grapes vine; 4) One leg balance; 5) Stroke stand; 6) Double foot click; 7) cross-leg squats; 8) complete left turn; 9) one knee-Head to Floor; 11) Backward and forward hand kicks; 12) Arm circle in full squat; 13) Half-Tunnel Jump-Left Leg; 14) Three Dips; 15) Lateral Kick; 16) Kneel Leap to Feet 18) Full Left Turn; 19) The Top; 20) Single Knee Balancing; 21) Jump Foot. Data analysis techniques based on the number of percentage calculation intervals, by first scoring the raw data obtained based on five (5) categories, namely: Very High, High, Medium, Low, and Very Low. The results showed that the average mastery of motor educability in the Very High category was 19.04 per cent, the High category was 47.62 per cent, and the Low category was 33.34 per cent.