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Search’s Critical Construction against Government’s Unreadiness in Handling Covid-19 Alfani, Hendra; Santoso, Budi; Prihatini, Lishapsari
Komunikator Vol 13, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jkm.131047


Mass media as the main channel of information was responsible for conveying information that became the public reference., a verified news portal at the Press Council, reported six investigative news stories high lighting the government’s unpreparedness in dealing with the spread of Covid-19. The news between 27 February to 14 March 2020 were the objects of this research. Based on the objects, this research focused on the construction of on the reality of the government’s unpreparedness. This study used a descriptive qualitative method through Robert M. Entman’s framing analysis model. The reports of this study werestructured into: Define Problems, Diagnose Causes, Make Moral Judgments, and Treatment Recommendations. On the aspect of Define Problems, the research showed misinformation and coordination. The aspects of DiagnoseCauses were being ignored because of safe feeling. On the aspect of Make Moral Judgments, it showed criticism of biased policies. Meanwhile, on Treatment Recommendations, the state/government must be able to protect its people. The conclusion obtained showed that saw the government’s unpreparedness as a reflection of the country’s failure to protect its people due to unprofessional actions and biased policies in handling Covid-19.
Political Communication Channel and The Phenomenon of Political Communicators in Indonesia Hendra Alfani
Communication Sphere Vol 1, No 1 (2015): November
Publisher : Communication Sphere

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ABSTRACTCommunications is one of the most important human activity. Every time a humancommunication activities in various forms and models. Communication activity shows that thereis a life that is taking place in society, where it occurs in the life of the interaction. Interactionstake place and take place because someone deliver the message in the form of certain formsand accepted others into his target, so those messages influenced the attitudes and behaviourof the parties in question. From the picture it looks that the object of study think thatcommunication takes place in a social system, is an important human activity. This issue isbecoming increasingly important in the review of political communication. Politicalcommunication encompasses the whole of society. The study of political communication will notbe perfect when interpersonal communications do not obtain a place that is important in thestudy. Although it must be admitted that most of the textbooks that discuss politicalcommunication in the United States are more focused on the role of mass media in politicalcommunications. Political scientists assumed that political communications including the studyobject of political science because of the messages conveyed in the communication processhad political characteristics, namely with regard to power, politics, State, Government, channel,communicators and komunikan involved in it to act in the position of them as perpetrators ofpolitical activity. Political scientists assumed that political communication is a symptom that isalways there in every political system, as well as other social scientists who assume that socialcommunication is an integral part of the community.Keywords: Communication, Politics, Channels and Communicators
PERSPEKTIF KRITIS EKONOMI POLITIK MEDIA Konglomerasi, Regulasi Dan Ideologi Hendra Alfani
Avant Garde Vol 2, No 2 (2014): AVANT GARDE
Publisher : Fakultas Komunikasi & Desain Kreatif - Universitas Budi Luhur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (148.203 KB) | DOI: 10.36080/avg.v2i2.34


Ekonomi politik media adalah kajian yang muncul atas pertimbangan bahwa keberadaanmedia dalam beragam faktor seperti kepemilikan, diversity media dan isi, pengelolaan media,konsumsi media, dan lain-lain mempunyai keterkaitan secara integral dengan politik danekonomi. Istilah “ekonomi politik media” merupakan istilah generik yang digunakan secaraluas untuk mengkombinasikan kerangka teoritik komunikasi dengan kerangka teoritik politikdan ekonomi. Keterikatan pada dimensi ekonomi dan politik menjadikan informasi menjadiajang yang rentan terhadap pengaruh keduanya. Sebagai entitas yang dikonstruksi media, apayang disebut sebagai ’informasi’ acapkali merepresentasikan kepentingan ekonomi sekaliguspolitik tertentu.
PERSPEKTIF KRITIS EKONOMI POLITIK MEDIA Konglomerasi, Regulasi Dan Ideologi Hendra Alfani
Avant Garde Vol 2, No 2 (2014): AVANT GARDE
Publisher : Fakultas Komunikasi & Desain Kreatif - Universitas Budi Luhur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (498.418 KB) | DOI: 10.36080/avg.v2i2.10


Ekonomi politik media adalah kajian yang muncul atas pertimbangan bahwa keberadaanmedia dalam beragam faktor seperti kepemilikan, diversity media dan isi, pengelolaan media,konsumsi media, dan lain-lain mempunyai keterkaitan secara integral dengan politik danekonomi. Istilah “ekonomi politik media” merupakan istilah generik yang digunakan secaraluas untuk mengkombinasikan kerangka teoritik komunikasi dengan kerangka teoritik politikdan ekonomi. Keterikatan pada dimensi ekonomi dan politik menjadikan informasi menjadiajang yang rentan terhadap pengaruh keduanya. Sebagai entitas yang dikonstruksi media, apayang disebut sebagai ’informasi’ acapkali merepresentasikan kepentingan ekonomi sekaliguspolitik tertentu.
Jurnal Komunikasi dan Budaya Vol 1 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Komunikasi dan Budaya
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Baturaja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (198.505 KB) | DOI: 10.54895/jkb.v1i2.751


In the rapid development of technology, new media, which are digital media for the public to access information, the emergence of digital media has left the mainstream media behind and made people make changes in the choice from mainstram media to digital media. Divusion theory of innovation that discusses the development of technology adopted by the community and continues to innovate in its development and Denis McQuail's theory that discusses new media, these two theories are considered to be sustainable with this research. The qualitative descriptive method by means of in-depth interviews is used as a research method to obtain valid data (valid). From the results of this study explains that the lunggaian villagers have changed their choices in accessing information from the mainstream media to digital media which are considered easier and more practical for access and lagging behind the mainstream media. From the results of this study it can be concluded that the development of media ranging from radio newspapers, television to digital media at this time the people of Lunggaian Village Lubuk Batang District also participated in the development even though in rural areas they use media ranging from radio, black and white tv then color tv to currently with online-based digital media that is getged.
Pelatihan dan Pengurusan Pirt Produk Kopi dan Gula Aren Bumdes “Karya Usaha” Desa Sipatuhu Kabupaten Oku Selatan Akhmad Rosihan; Bambang Sulistyo; Hendra Alfani; Alip Susilowati Utama
Artinara Vol 1 No 02 (2022): Artinara
Publisher : Universitas Budi Luhur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36080/art.v1i02.46


Pengabdian kepada masyarakat, yang terfokus pada masyarakat desa dengan pengembangan potensi ekonomi untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat desa mitra, diharapkan dapat memberikan dampak positif. Program ini dilaksanakan di Desa Sipatuhu, Kecamatan Banding Agung, Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan, Sumatera Selatan tahun 2019-2021. Sipatuhu, memiliki potensi sumber daya hasil perkebunan yang berlimpah, khususnya kopi robusta dan gula aren terbesar di Sumatera Selatan. Pemerintah Desa dan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDES) Karya Usaha dan usaha masyarakat di Sipatuhu bergerak bersama untuk mewujudkan harapan tersebut. Tahun pertama dilakukan pemetaan kendala, potensi dan koordinasi. Tahun kedua peningkatan kapasitas, pengembangan kualitas produk, dan pemasaran melalui website, dan tahun terakhir (2021), dilakukan bimbingan teknis dan pendampingan pengurusan Surat Izin Pangan Industri Rumah Tangga (PIRT) sebagai langkah awal perluasan pemasaran produk. Selain itu izin PIRT juga menjadi syarat untuk mengurus label makanan sehat dari Badan Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan (BPOM) dan sertifikat halal dari Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI). Upaya ini mendapat dukungan dari Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten OKU Selatan dan antusiasme yang tinggi dari pengelola BUMDES Karya Usaha dan para pelaku usaha ekonomi produktif olahan kopi dan gula aren di Desa Sipatuhu