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Bricolage : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 3, No 01 (2017): BRICOLAGE: Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (467.505 KB) | DOI: 10.30813/bricolage.v3i01.842


Development model is always correlated with the Communication model evolves. Growth model to produce a top-down communication, Model Trickle down effect has resulted in a double take a step communication model. The Models turned out to create a gap of knowledge. The failure of the growth paradigm demands that the integral between growth and social intervention. These demands will have implications on the formation of interactive communication model development perspective. Although this perspective shortage theoretical foundation, this perspective provides the main instructions for implementing communication research. Keywords: Growth, Comuunicatian, gap, knowledge, interactive
Analisis Framing Acara Rosi di Kompas TV Episode Ganja: Mitos dan Fakta Periode 6 Februari 2020 Luqmannul Hakim; Nurtyasih Wibawanti Ratna Amina
DIGICOM : Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Vol. 1 No.1 Oktober 2021
Publisher : LPPM Stikosa-AWS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (562.495 KB) | DOI: 10.37826/digicom.v1i1.213


Penelitian ini mengambil masalah bagaimana Rosianna Silalahi dalam mengkonstruksi isu Ganja: Mitos dan Fakta ini dalam talkshow Rosi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui bagaimana media, dalam penelitian ini ialah talkshow Rosi dalam mengkontruksi isu ganja terhadap pemanfaatannya sebagai kebutuhan medis. Dalam skripsi ini, peneliti menggunakan metode analisis framing Robert Entman. Penelitian menggunkan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan kontruktivis. Dianalisis dengan menggunakan empat substansi framing Robert Entman yaitu: Define Problems (identifikasi masalah), Diagnose Causes (penyebab masalah), Make Moral Judgement (keputusan moral), Treatment Recommendationn (menekankan penyelesaian). Teknik pengunmpulan data yang digunakan berupa dokumentasi video dari talkshow Rosi. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa media massa adalah sebuah ladang industri. Institusi bisnis, yang tidak selalu objektif. Sehingga hasil dari media massa berupa program acara, teks berita akan dipengaruhi oleh pekerja pers dan kepemilikan media. Di sini, Rosianna dalam talkshow Rosi mengkontruksi isu ganja untuk pemanfaatan sebagai kebutuhan medis.
Pengaruh Kampanye Media Online ‘Kitabisa.Com’ Terhadap Minat Berdonasi Meganing Laras Saputri; Nurtyasih Wibawanti Ratna Amina
DIGICOM : Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : LPPM Stikosa-AWS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (512.303 KB) | DOI: 10.37826/digicom.v2i2.317

Abstract is a crowdfunding platform that is quite popular for raising funds in the form of a donation campaign since 2013 by raising the issue of social problems produced through Kitabisa to be distributed to the public to be used as a tool to get financial improvement. This research was conducted to measure how much influence the campaign on the website as a crowdfunding platform has on the interest in donating members of the Community, namely #OrangBaik Selected 100 respondents who meet the criteria of researchers from 5000 members taken from the community. This study uses AIDDA theory which explains a psychological process that occurs in the communicant audience in receiving communication messages. The method in this study uses quantitative correlation by providing a questionnaire via google form. With data obtained through a questionnaire distributed to 100 respondents. The results of the study show that the campaign can influence so that the interest in donating is equal to 58.2 percent. So it can be said that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that there is a relationship or there is a significant influence between the campaign on interest in donating community members.
Rebranding Program Rumpi Kuliner SHE Radio 99,6 FM Surabaya Yuliana Sukma Dewi; Nurtyasih Wibawanti Ratna Amina
DIGICOM : Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media Vol. 2 No. 4 (2022): Oktober 2022
Publisher : LPPM Stikosa-AWS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (570.459 KB) | DOI: 10.37826/digicom.v2i4.379


This study aims to investigate how the programming approach of a Surabaya radio station, She Radio 99.6 FM, in rebranding the Rumpi Kuliner program to catch listeners' interest. One of She Radio 99.6 FM's rebranding initiatives is the Culinary Rumpi program, which features broadcasts in the style of small talk from resource people and presenters who previously hosted the Rumpi Kuliner Dapur Manda program This name change was made to adjust the segmentation of middle-class housewives and to remove the figure element from the program name, this was also done due to a change in the program announcer. This study will conduct a qualitative descriptive analysis using the concepts of compatibility, habit formation, control of audience flow, and resource conservation from the data that has been gathered through interviews and direct observation (resource conservation). Sydney W. Head proposed the idea of broad reach, program power, and the urge to investigate She Radio 99.6 FM's strategic program in the Rumpi Kuliner rebranding initiative. Researchers have discovered that She Radio 99.6 FM is capable of rebranding the Rumpi Culinary program in accordance with the five factors by taking into account the preferences and interests of the audience.
Analisis Framing Walkout Amerika Serikat di G20 Pada Kompas.Com Novanda Zahwa Firdhaus; Nurtyasih Wibawanti Ratna Amina
DIGICOM : Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): DIGICOM : Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media Vol. 3 No. 1 Januari 2023
Publisher : LPPM Stikosa-AWS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (561.788 KB) | DOI: 10.37826/digicom.v3i1.420


This research is entitled "Analysis of the US Walkout News Framing in the G20 Meeting on Online Media". To complete this research, the researcher used six news scripts, which were motivated by the US exit from the G20 forum to boycott Russia who attended the forum after its invasion of Ukraine. The object of this research is the online media which makes the news. In this study, the researcher wanted to know how framed the news. The analytical method used is the method of Robert N Entman which has four elements, namely Define Problems (defining the problem), Diagnose Causes (estimating the problem or source of the problem), Make Moral Judgment (making moral decisions), Treatment Recommendation (emphasizing completion). The results of the study show that uses the issue selection process used in every news story that discusses the US walkout at the G20 forum. So that it shows that the news presented by tries to convey the highlight of the issue by showing the truth of the facts from the sources who were there at the time of the incident and understood the issues that occurred.
Strategi Pemasaran Digital Meningkatkan UMKM Kampung Kue Rungkut Surabaya firda Aulia; Dwi Prasetyo; Nurtyasih Wibawanti Ratna Amina
Prapanca : Jurnal Abdimas Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Prapanca: Jurnal Abdimas
Publisher : LPPM Stikosa - AWS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (250.047 KB) | DOI: 10.37826/prapanca.v2i2.357


Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises or MSMEs are currently in great demand by the public, one of which is the culinary sector. Such as MSMEs in Kampung Kue Rungkut Surabaya, where almost the entire population is MSME business actors. This community has been established since 2001 by Choirul Mahpuduah. Having 60 trading units is able to attract more than 100 customers per day. But unfortunately, this MSME business still has shortcomings, namely promotions in online sales to product photos that are less attractive. So our team, solved the problems that exist in Kampung Kue Rungkut, in the form of socializing content writing about product marketing to be promoted in online sales, practice photos and videos of products using simple supporting elements in order to attract more customers. Therefore, this research is intended to increase the promotion of culinary products in the Rungkut village cake, Surabaya. The type of research based on the form and method of implementation in this research is a field survey with data collection techniques, including observations and interviews with several entrepreneurs and community founders there. The results of this research are socialization and increase the experience of photo and video practice to the residents of the UMKM business in the kue rungkut village.
Analisis Framing Acara Rosi di Kompas TV Episode Ganja: Mitos dan Fakta Periode 6 Februari 2020 Luqmannul Hakim; Nurtyasih Wibawanti Ratna Amina
DIGICOM : Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Vol. 1 No.1 Oktober 2021
Publisher : LPPM Stikosa-AWS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37826/digicom.v1i1.213


Penelitian ini mengambil masalah bagaimana Rosianna Silalahi dalam mengkonstruksi isu Ganja: Mitos dan Fakta ini dalam talkshow Rosi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui bagaimana media, dalam penelitian ini ialah talkshow Rosi dalam mengkontruksi isu ganja terhadap pemanfaatannya sebagai kebutuhan medis. Dalam skripsi ini, peneliti menggunakan metode analisis framing Robert Entman. Penelitian menggunkan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan kontruktivis. Dianalisis dengan menggunakan empat substansi framing Robert Entman yaitu: Define Problems (identifikasi masalah), Diagnose Causes (penyebab masalah), Make Moral Judgement (keputusan moral), Treatment Recommendationn (menekankan penyelesaian). Teknik pengunmpulan data yang digunakan berupa dokumentasi video dari talkshow Rosi. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa media massa adalah sebuah ladang industri. Institusi bisnis, yang tidak selalu objektif. Sehingga hasil dari media massa berupa program acara, teks berita akan dipengaruhi oleh pekerja pers dan kepemilikan media. Di sini, Rosianna dalam talkshow Rosi mengkontruksi isu ganja untuk pemanfaatan sebagai kebutuhan medis.
Pengaruh Kampanye Media Online ‘Kitabisa.Com’ Terhadap Minat Berdonasi Meganing Laras Saputri; Nurtyasih Wibawanti Ratna Amina
DIGICOM : Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Edisi April 2022
Publisher : LPPM Stikosa-AWS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37826/digicom.v2i2.317

Abstract is a crowdfunding platform that is quite popular for raising funds in the form of a donation campaign since 2013 by raising the issue of social problems produced through Kitabisa to be distributed to the public to be used as a tool to get financial improvement. This research was conducted to measure how much influence the campaign on the website as a crowdfunding platform has on the interest in donating members of the Community, namely #OrangBaik Selected 100 respondents who meet the criteria of researchers from 5000 members taken from the community. This study uses AIDDA theory which explains a psychological process that occurs in the communicant audience in receiving communication messages. The method in this study uses quantitative correlation by providing a questionnaire via google form. With data obtained through a questionnaire distributed to 100 respondents. The results of the study show that the campaign can influence so that the interest in donating is equal to 58.2 percent. So it can be said that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that there is a relationship or there is a significant influence between the campaign on interest in donating community members.
Pola Komunikasi Pembelajaran Guru dan Siswa Group Nusa Oktav Orkestra SMA NU 1 Gresik Fahmi Prastyo Utomo; Nurtyasih Wibawanti Ratna Amina
DIGICOM : Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): Edisi Juli 2022
Publisher : LPPM Stikosa-AWS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37826/digicom.v2i3.350


In the world of education, teachers and students are involved in the communication process. The communication process can occur in the classroom or outside the classroom. Combining learning methods with effective communication patterns is needed so that knowledge can be accepted and understood by students. The research entitled Effectiveness of Communication Between Teachers and Students in Group Learning Nusa Oktave Orchestra SMA NU 1 Gresik was motivated by the researcher's curiosity about the effectiveness of communication between teachers and students in learning in groups. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of communication between teachers and students in learning in groups. This research is a type of qualitative-descriptive research, the researcher conducts interviews with key informants and informants. This study refers to Lasswell's theory combined with the s-r (stimulus-response) model. To measure the effectiveness of communication, the researcher used the communication effectiveness indicators of Stewart L. Tubbs and Sylvia Moss, namely understanding, pleasure, influencing, social relations and action. Through research that has been carried out by researchers, communication between teachers and students in group learning Nusa Oktav Orchestra SMA NU 1 Gresik is effective. Both teachers and students can understand each other's material, have fun in the activity, can have a good influence, and students develop and learn according to the expectations and directions of the teacher.
Rebranding Program Rumpi Kuliner SHE Radio 99,6 FM Surabaya Yuliana Sukma Dewi; Nurtyasih Wibawanti Ratna Amina
DIGICOM : Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media Vol. 2 No. 4 (2022): Edisi Oktober 2022
Publisher : LPPM Stikosa-AWS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37826/digicom.v2i4.379


This study aims to investigate how the programming approach of a Surabaya radio station, She Radio 99.6 FM, in rebranding the Rumpi Kuliner program to catch listeners' interest. One of She Radio 99.6 FM's rebranding initiatives is the Culinary Rumpi program, which features broadcasts in the style of small talk from resource people and presenters who previously hosted the Rumpi Kuliner Dapur Manda program This name change was made to adjust the segmentation of middle-class housewives and to remove the figure element from the program name, this was also done due to a change in the program announcer. This study will conduct a qualitative descriptive analysis using the concepts of compatibility, habit formation, control of audience flow, and resource conservation from the data that has been gathered through interviews and direct observation (resource conservation). Sydney W. Head proposed the idea of broad reach, program power, and the urge to investigate She Radio 99.6 FM's strategic program in the Rumpi Kuliner rebranding initiative. Researchers have discovered that She Radio 99.6 FM is capable of rebranding the Rumpi Culinary program in accordance with the five factors by taking into account the preferences and interests of the audience.