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Menyelidiki Loyalitas Millenial pada Transportasi Online; Studi Mediasi berbasis SEM-PLS Muhammad Ashoer; Muhammad Haerdiansyah Syahnur; Rezky Ratnasari Taufan; Andi Nursiskawanti Siangka
Benefit: Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Volume 5 No 2 Desember 2020
Publisher : Program Studi Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/benefit.v5i2.11179


The massive transformation of consumer behaviour on the online transportation network platform in Indonesia has still not yet answered comprehensively. We have identified and evaluated several latent constructs based on prior research review. Hence, we investigate the effect of electronic customer relationship management (e-CRM) on e-satisfaction and e-loyalty of online transportation costumer. We applied a causality approach method to measure the primary data, and then we selected respondents with purposive sampling technique which have met the predetermined criterion. In total, there was 142 customer have participated in this online survey. To examine the primary data, we used the variance-based analysis of Structural Equation Model (SEM) - Partial Least Square (PLS) analytical instruments. The results have a significant managerial and theoretical contribution to the stakeholder to make a customer keep loyal in ever-changing e-commerce business in Indonesia.
Analisis Bauran Pemasaran Jasa Dan Kepercayaan Konsumen Terhadap Pengambilan Keputusan Berwisata Di Masa Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru Di Kota Makassar Munawir Nasir; Muhammad Haerdiansyah Syahnur
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Publikasi Nobel Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37476/akmen.v19i1.2085


The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the marketing mix and trust on tourism industry decision-making during the adaptation period of the Covid 19 in Makassar City. Explanatory Research is a type of social research in which the purpose is to provide a brief definition or explanation of the concepts or patterns studied. A purposive sampling technique was used to select 75 respondents who met the criteria of visitors to tourism locations in Makassar City. The data were gathered via online questionnaires and descriptive data analysis, and the results indicated that it was expected to demonstrate the influence of variables on consumer travel decision-making during the adaptation period of new habits. According to the study's findings, the marketing mix of services and trust has a positive and significant effect on tourists' decision to visit Makassar City during the implementation of the new normal in Makassar.
Peran Lingkungan Keluarga Dan Efikasi Diri Yang Memotivasi Mahasiswa Untuk Menjadi Young Entreprenuer Munawir Nasir; Muhammad Haerdiansyah Syahnur
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Publikasi Nobel Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37476/akmen.v18i3.2385


The open unemployment rate (TPT) for university graduates with a bachelor's degree is becoming increasingly concerning, owing largely to an increase in the workforce that has not been fully absorbed by employment. The first observations were made on 50 students who were interviewed about their interest and motivation to become young entrepreneurs. It was discovered that only 28% of students were interested in becoming entrepreneurs, while 72% were not. The purpose of this study was to determine what factors, in terms of family environment and self-efficacy, can motivate students to become young entrepreneurs. This study employs a quantitative method of causal experimental design to determine the influence and relationship between two variables. The research questions were developed using three operational variables: family environment, self-efficacy, and motivation to pursue a career as a young entrepreneur. The research questions were distributed online to students still enrolled at the strata-1 level, and a total of 329 respondents were obtained. The PLS-SEM application is used to conduct testing and analysis. The study's findings indicate that Family Environment and Self-Efficacy both have a positive, significant effect on motivation to become a young entrepreneur. In the original sample, the T statistic for self-efficacy was greater than the T statistic for the family environment. Thus, this demonstrates that the self-efficacy variable plays a larger role in motivating students to become young entrepreneurs than the family environment does. Additionally, the indicators examined in this study can be used to motivate education providers, particularly universities, to take a more proactive role in motivating students to be motivated by a strong desire to pursue employment opportunities upon graduation.
Determinasi Nilai Perusahaan oleh Profitabilitas dan Leverage (Pada Sektor Perusahaan Telekomunikasi di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2015-2019) Suriyanti Suriyanti; Nur Annisa Sakka; Muhammad Haerdiansyah Syahnur
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32528/jmbi.v8i2.8526


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh profitabilitas (Return On Assets) terhadap nilai perusahaan (Tobins'q) dan pengaruh moderasi leverage (Debt To Asset Ratio) terhadap pengaruh profitabilitas terhadap nilai perusahaan. Penelitian dilakukan pada pelaku usaha telekomunikasi yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2015-2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik regresi yang sebelumnya telah dievaluasi validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan uji parsial (uji t), uji simultan (uji F), dan koefisien determinasi (R2). Hasil pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa profitabilitas (ROE) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan secara statistik terhadap nilai perusahaan (Tobins'q). Sementara itu, leverage tidak mampu memoderasi dampak profitabilitas terhadap nilai perusahaan perusahaan telekomunikasi yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa investor biasanya menafsirkan penurunan atau kenaikan dividen di bawah kenaikan normal sebagai indikasi bahwa perusahaan akan menghadapi masa-masa yang menantang di masa depan. Sebaiknya dilakukan penelitian tambahan untuk menambah sampel penelitian berdasarkan kriteria yang dipersyaratkan, serta menambah disiplin ilmu lain yang terkait dengan industri pertambangan atau manufaktur lainnya untuk dijadikan referensi.
Jurnal Abdi Insani Vol 9 No 4 (2022): Jurnal Abdi Insani
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/abdiinsani.v9i4.739


Kreasi Rihlah Tourism Cooperative (Wasilah) is a service cooperative engaged in plant and vegetable processing services. With 20 members, this cooperative has not been able to develop a business on a par with other cooperatives. Marketing that still expects from visits to stores, human resource capabilities are still low. This condition was exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic at the beginning of 2020. This PKM activity is to provide education about entrepreneurial marketing. This education teaches production process improvements through the creation of Standard Operating Procedures, and the development of entrepreneurial skills in Cooperative HR. The materials consist of Business Model Canvas, preparation of SOPs, Product Standardization, Digital Marketing, Product Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Market access strategies, and Preparation of Financial Reports. The result of this PKM activity is an increase in participants' knowledge about the importance of making a business model canvas before starting a business, so that the business becomes focused. In addition, participants have been able to find out what are the strengths and weaknesses of their products, opportunities or challenges faced in doing business and how to explore product potential in order to be able to compete in the market. Participants also have additional knowledge about how to prepare SOPs and its importance for the smooth flow of production activities. It can be seen that there is an increase in the knowledge and abilities of cooperative human resources as evidenced by the selection of the best participants who are able to complete tasks during training. Thus, there has been a transfer of knowledge regarding entrepreneurial marketing, through the importance of compiling a Business Model Canvas. In addition, there has been an increase in HR capabilities in compiling SOPs, conducting online marketing, product innovation, entrepreneurial skills, and preparing financial reports to be able to access banking.
Determinants of Strategic Factors for Digital Transformation in Micro and Small Enterprises in Makassar City Imran Tajuddin; Amir Mahmud; Muhammad Haerdiansyah Syahnur
Signifikan: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi Vol 12, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Faculty of Economic and Business Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/sjie.v12i1.31070


The Indonesian government aims to promote information and communication technology (ICT) among micro and small enterprises to enhance their competitiveness in the global market. A survey was conducted among 180 micro and small enterprise owners in Makassar City using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model. The results showed that Performance Expectancy (PE) and Effort Expectancy (EE) insignificantly affect the Behavioral Intentions (BI) of the enterprise owners. It also indicated that Social Influence (SI) and Facilitating Conditions (FC) positively influence the adoption of ICT in micro and small enterprises. This study is novel and significant as it addresses a gap in the literature on digital transformation strategies, particularly in Makassar City, where such investigations are rare. Consequently, this study presents an original contribution to the field.JEL Classification: M2, O3, R2How to Cite:Tajuddin, I., Mahmud, A., & Syahnur, M. H. (2023). Determinants of Strategic Factors for Digital Transformation in Micro and Small Enterprise in Makasar City. Signifikan: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi, 12(1), 131-144.