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LEX CRIMEN Vol 9, No 2 (2020): Lex Crimen
Publisher : LEX CRIMEN

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Dalam perdagangan internasional penyelesaian sengketa dengan berlandaskan itikad baik (good faith) atau penggunaan jalur damai, dilakukan untuk mencegah timbulnya konflik lain yang dapat mengancam kedamaian antar negara. Itikad baik dapat dikatakan sebagai prinsip fundamental dan paling sentral dalam penyelesaian sengketa. Penyelesaian sengketa dengan damai hingga penggunaan kekerasan, dapat digunakan untuk menyelesaikan suatu sengketa internasional oleh suatu negara. Penggunaan penyelesaian sengketa dengan kekerasan, memang disarankan untuk tidak digunakan lagi semenjak lahirnya The Hague Peace Conference pada tahun 1899 dan 1907. Mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa dalam dunia perdagangan internasional dapat dibagi dalam beberapa bentuk yaitu negosiasi, mediasi, konsiliasi, dan arbitrase. Alternatif penyelesaian sengketa adalah mekanisme yang baru berkembang dan dikembangkan seiring dengan kemajuan transaksi komersial (kebutuhan pelaku usaha), meskipun secara historis sudah muncul lebih dahulu dari pada institusi pengadilan bentukan negara.Kata Kunci : Hukum, Alternatif, Sengketa, Perdagangan Internasional
Kewenangan Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (Lapas) dalam Pembinaan Narapidana Grenaldo Ginting; Jhonly Wendur; Karel Wowor; Nopesius Bawembang; Johanis Polii
Jurnal Pro Hukum : Jurnal Penelitian Bidang Hukum Universitas Gresik Vol 11 No 5 (2022): Jurnal Pro Hukum : Jurnal Penelitian Bidang Hukum Universitas Gresik
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gresik

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Tujuan dari pembinaan yang dilakukan oleh Lembaga Pemasyarakatan adalah agar narapidana tidak mengulangi lagi perbuatannya dan bisa menemukan kembali kepercayaan dirinya serta dapat diterima menjadi bagian dari anggota masyarakat. Selain itu pembinaan juga dilakukan terhadap pribadi dari narapidana itu sendiri. Tujuannya agar narapidana mampu mengenal dirinya sendiri dan memiliki tingkat kesadaran diri yang tinggi. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah dengan cara meneliti studi bahan kepustakaan atau library research. Pembinaan Top Down Approach adalah bentuk pembinaan dengan melakukan pembinaan dari atas ke bawah. Pembinaan ini diterapkan oleh petugas lapas terhadap narapidana sesuai dengan kemampuan dan kepribadian narapidana. Pembinaan Bottom Up Approach merupakan pendekatan dari bawah ke atas. Dalam pendekatan ini narapidana diperbolehkan untuk memilih atau menentukan wujud pembinaan yang diinginkan dan sesuai dengan bakatnya. Metode Top Down Approach atau pembinaan dari atas kebawah dapat kita ketahui pada waktu petugas menghimbau narapidana untuk menjalankan wujud pembinaan kepribadian yang disediakan Lapas tanpa terkecuali misalnya ibadah sesuai dengan kepercayaannya.
Juridical Analysis of Legal Implementation of Those Who Refuse the Covid-19 Vaccine Grenaldo Ginting
Journal of Social Research Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): Journal of Social Research
Publisher : International Journal Labs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55324/josr.v2i4.795


The Covid-19 pandemic has brought many changes to the world, including economic setbacks. So, it needs to be handled with handling efforts in the form of vaccination to form herd immunity. However, this effort still has resistance from people who do not want to carry out the Covid-19 vaccination. This research aims to determine the juridical review of the implementation of the law against those who refuse the Covid-19 vaccine. This research uses normative research methods with literature study data collection techniques obtained from laws, books, journals, and various other information relevant to the research. The results showed that those who refused the Covid-19 vaccine were subject to criminal and administrative sanctions according to presidential regulation number 14 of 2021 in the form of imprisonment for six months to one year or a fine of five hundred thousand to one million rupiahs. However, the World Health Organization advises forcing individuals to vaccinate but suggests a persuasive approach. In addition, the implementation of this law is carried out by looking at the context of the event, and the condition of individuals who do not want to be vaccinated, considering that there are people who should not be vaccinated.
Kajian Hukum Penerapan Ketentuan Hukuman Mati dalam Undang-Undang Tindak Pidana Korupsi Grenaldo Ginting
AL-MANHAJ: Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah INSURI Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/almanhaj.v5i1.2442


Corruption is categorized as an extraordinary crime where the impact can be very detrimental to the country and can even have a very bad impact on the economy and development of the country. Efforts to deal with and eradicate criminal acts of corruption as meant in Law Number 31 of 1999 which has been amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes, put forward several important points and main ideas and are considered capable of providing a deterrent effect against the perpetrators of this extraordinary crime, namely the principle of reversed proof and severe legal sanctions, including the death penalty. This research is a normative legal research. The main characteristics of normative legal science research in conducting legal studies are primary and secondary legal materials, using interpretation methods, and using normative juridical analysis. The result of this research is that the regulation on capital punishment in the PTPK Law is stated in Article 2 paragraph (2) which formulates "in the event that a criminal act of corruption as referred to in paragraph (1) is committed in certain circumstances the death penalty can be imposed". The specific situation in question is a situation that can be used as a reason for criminal aggravation for perpetrators of corruption, namely if the crime is committed against funds earmarked for overcoming a dangerous situation. Article 1 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution formulates that: "Indonesia is a state based on law". The consequence of a rule of law is the protection of human rights, including the right to life. Thus, the imposition of death penalty for corruptors who have been hampered by human rights issues, especially the right to life can be upheld.
Keterlibatan Masyarakat Dalam Sistem Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Lingkungan Di Indonesia Martha Mareyke Sendow; Karel Wowor; Grenaldo Ginting
AGRI-SOSIOEKONOMI Vol. 19 No. 1 (2023): Agri-Sosioekonomi
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (180.18 KB) | DOI: 10.35791/agrsosek.v19i1.46925


This study aims to determine community involvement in the law enforcement system for the environment in Indonesia. The research was carried out from June to September 2020. The research data collection technique was carried out deliberately. The data used in the research is through literature studies or document studies based on secondary data. Research refers to increasing public awareness in developing the ability and willingness to manage and maintain a pristine environment against pollution and environmental destruction. Apart from its influence, the concept of development is to create physical and moral concepts on a micro basis and support environmental development with the enactment of Environmental Law No. 4 of 1982. With the attention and awareness of the environment based on legal norms, it is an effort to overcome the problems of people's lives, improve the quality of human resources in the field of comprehensive education. Law enforcement is closely related to obedience for users and implementers of laws and regulations, the community is also subject to environmental laws.
Legal Study of the Existence of Electronic Evidence in Corruption Crimes Rohyani Rigen Is Sumilat; Grenaldo Ginting
Gema Wiralodra Vol. 14 No. 2 (2023): gema wiralodra
Publisher : Universitas Wiralodra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31943/gw.v14i2.494


The use of electronic information or documents as evidence in examinations of corruption cases is becoming increasingly important. Law Number 19 of 2016, concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions, regulates the use of information or electronic documents as valid evidence in the examination process in criminal trials in general. However, there is a lack of regulation regarding documents and electronic transactions as evidence in resolving criminal corruption cases in the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP). Therefore, efforts are needed to harmonize the ITE Law and the Criminal Procedure Code regulations regarding the use of information or electronic documents as evidence in corruption cases. The data used in this research is secondary data obtained from various literature sources such as books, laws, literature, and journals. Although the Criminal Procedure Code does not regulate the position of electronic evidence and the definition of evidence itself, Article 39 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code states that objects that can be confiscated can be considered as evidence. However, Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions and Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes recognize that electronic information or documents are valid legal evidence in the judge. Although the Criminal Procedure Code does not regulate the position of electronic evidence and the definition of evidence itself, Article 39 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code states that objects that can be confiscated can be considered as evidence. However, Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions and Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes recognize that electronic information or documents are valid legal evidence in the judge. Although the Criminal Procedure Code does not regulate the position of electronic evidence and the definition of evidence itself, Article 39 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code states that objects that can be confiscated can be considered as evidence. However, Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions and Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes recognize that electronic information or documents are valid legal evidence in the judge.
ANAYASA : Journal of Legal Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 Januari (2024): Anayasa: Journal of Legal Studies
Publisher : PT. Altin Riset Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61397/ays.v1i2.90


Objective study This is for analysing legal protection for female workers in the industrial era 5.0. The method used is a qualitative method study with type study studies as references. Types of studies References used for digging deep understanding about a topic or phenomenon with an analysis of literature and where are the relevant sources? in study This relates to legal protection for female workers in the Industrial Era 5.0. As for the data, it was obtained through study and analysis of various references, like journal books, scientific articles, and documents related to the topic being researched. Then, the researcher found an interesting thread in red. Finally, draw conclusions based on the results, findings, and study. Results study This leads to the conclusion that protection laws for workers and women both within and outside of the country become the primary focus of guard supremacy laws in various countries. Protection for working women can be significantly improved by implementing strong policies, enforcing strict regulations, and taking active roles from the government, international organisations, and society. In the Industry 5.0 era, protection laws for women need adaptation to the dynamics just brought by technology. Comprehensive regulations and implementation technology For detection early, education, encouraging gender equality, cooperation between government and private sector, as well as enforcement of strong laws, become elements important in ensuring effective protection for women in the environment.
Diplomacy and International Law ASEAN's Role in the South China Sea Conflict Nabih Amer; Grenaldo Ginting; Mohamad Hidayat Muhtar; Viorizza Suciani Putri; Liza Utama; Ni Putu Suci Meinarni
Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/innovative.v4i1.8239


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana kekuatan geopolitik Indonesia dalam menghadapi sengketa Laut Cina selatan dalam persepsi kekuatan dan diplomasi militer. Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah kajian pustaka metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan teknik historis di mana data penelitian didapatkan dari berbagai literatur dari berbagai sumber seperti jurnal, buku, laporan dan sumber-sumber lainnya yang dipublikasi baik secara domestik maupun internasional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa meskipun Indonesia bukan termasuk sebagai negara claimant dalam sengketa Laut Cina Selatan, sebagai negara bagian dari ASEAN dengan ketertarikan nasional di wilayah Laut Cina Selatan, Indonesia berperan aktif dalam mengawasi kedaulatan negara, terutama pada kasus kedaulatan Laut Natuna Utara. Pemerintah Indonesia beserta seluruh jajaran pertahanan yang terlibat terus memantau dinamika yang terjadi di Laut China Selatan serta mendorong perdamaian negara-negara ASEAN melalui upaya diplomasi perdamaian di tingkat bilateral dan regional dalam penyelesaian sengketa Laut China Selatan dalam rangka melindungi kestabilan keamanan. Tindakan diplomatik dan militer Indonesia dapat dikatakan berhasil seiring dengan hasil signifikan dari Kerjasama bilateral dan internasional dalam menghadapi ketegangan di Laut China Selatan. Kedepannya, koordinasi antar institusi nasional Indonesia terus ditingkatkan guna melindungi kepentingan nasional Indonesia. Upaya penyelesaian sengketa Laut China Selatan dapat dipusatkan pada upaya bilateral, regional (pertemuan Menteri Luar Negeri maupun melalui aktor legislatif seperti ASEAN Inter-Parlimentary Assembly dan forum internasional dalam menjaga stabilitas dan mendorong perdamaian di ASEAN.