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Efektivitas Program Pencegahan dan Pengentasan Generasi Bebas Stunting (P2GBS) Melalui Edukasi Gizi Seimbang pada Murid TK Dharma Wanita di Desa Sumberjambe Dewi Rokhmah; Khusnul Hidayati; Rista Dwi Hermilasari
FKIP e-PROCEEDING 2022: Seminar Nasional N-ConferSE III 2022
Publisher : Pendidikan Fisika FKIP UNEJ

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The main health problem in Sumberjambe is stunting. This is known from the prevalence of stunting under five, which is 80.8%, so a health program is needed such as P2GBS (Prevention and Alleviation of Stunting-Free Generations) which includes balanced nutrition education activities. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of balanced nutrition education activities in Sumberjambe Village in the P2GBS (Prevention and Alleviation of Stunting-Free Generation) program through activities. Balanced nutrition education activities are carried out using the socialization method of discussions and cooking demonstrations using posters containing my plate, booklets on preventing stunting, emodemo modules, lunchboxes with balanced nutrition stickers, powerpoints, and pre-test and post-test sheets with the target being students of Dharma Wanita Sumberjambe Kindergarten. . The results of this study found three priority problems that cause stunting, including low family economy, parenting patterns for consumption in infants, many couples of childbearing age are too young. Based on the priority issues, the P2GBS program was carried out in which there were activities including balanced nutrition education. The activities carried out showed that there was an increase in target understanding of balanced nutrition education by 9.43% with pre-test results of 67.99% and post- test of 77.42% where the activity has an effectiveness result of >1 so that the program is effectively carried out to help reduce the prevalence of stunting in Sumberjambe Village.
Efektivitas Kegiatan Edukasi Pernikahan Dini dan Tablet Tambah Darah pada Siswa MTSn Al-Wafa SumberjambeEfektivitas Kegiatan Edukasi Pernikahan Dini dan Tablet Tambah Darah pada Siswa MTSn Al-Wafa Sumberjambe Dewi Rokhmah; Evi Riski Permatasari; Anita Dewi Prahastuti Sujoso; Rista Dwi Hermilasari
FKIP e-PROCEEDING 2022: Seminar Nasional N-ConferSE III 2022
Publisher : Pendidikan Fisika FKIP UNEJ

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The main health problem in Sumberjambe is stunting. It is known from the prevalence of toddlers who experience stunting of 80.8% which is caused by one of the stunting factors, namely early marriage. Sumberjambe Village has a fairly high number of early marriages. As many as 40% of couples of childbearing age are too young with marriages that are too early and have the potential to increase the incidence of LBW (Low Birth Weight) so that health programs are needed such as P2GBS (Prevention and Eradication of a Stunting Free Generation) which includes educational activities regarding early marriage and giving blood tablet. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of early marriage education activities and giving blood tablets. The activity was carried out using the socialization and discussion method with the target students of MTs Al-Wafa Sumberjambe using poster media, educational videos, early marriage modules and blood-adding tablets, power points, early marriage tote bags, and pre-test and post-test sheets. The results of this study from the activities carried out showed that there was an increase in target understanding in early marriage education by 9.42% with a pre-test result of 32.83% and a post-test of 42.25% where the activity had an effectiveness result of >1 so that the activity was effectively carried out to help reduce the prevalence of stunting in Sumberjambe Village.
Vitamin D and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: A Literature Review Rista Dwi Hermilasari
MEDIA ILMU KESEHATAN Vol 12 No 3 (2023): Media Ilmu Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30989/mik.v12i3.1148


Background: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is one of public health concerns that can increase risk of harmful pregnancy outcome. Diabetes in pregnancy often associated with vitamin D level, it means that lack of vitamin D in pregnancy could raise the risk of gestational diabetes.Objective: To describe the vitamin D blood level and pregnancy-related gestational diabetes incidence.Methods: This literature review was taken from PubMed and Science Direct database. Screening of reviewed article based on inclusion and exclusion criteria.Results: Seven articles that had been reviewed said pregnancy with gestational diabetes mellitus had lower 25(OH)D serum level than in non GDM group. The proportion of pregnant women which are sufficient of vitamin D is very low.Conclusion: Pregnancy-related low vitamin D levels are linked to an elevated risk of gestational diabetes mellitus. Sufficient vitamin D levels are protective against GDM
Faktor-Faktor Preventif Obesitas pada Anak: Review Rista Dwi Hermilasari
Jurnal Gizi dan Kuliner Vol 4 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Gizi dan Kuliner
Publisher : Program Studi Gizi UNSIKA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35706/giziku.v4i2.10906


Childhood obesity has become a health problem in the world because of the risk of developing chronic diseases. Children with obesity tend to experience premature death to a greater extent than children who are not obese. The main cause of obesity in children is diet accompanied by genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors. This review aims to determine the factors that play role in preventing obesity in children. The database sources used in the literature search were Google Scholar, PubMed, and Science Direct published in the last 5 years. Preventing obesity in children using a comprehensive intervention through family-based intervention, schools, dietary management and community-based intervention is important for fostering healthy living behavior to avoid the risk of metabolic disease. In the current technological era, implementing physical activity in children must be done from an early age. Keywords: Children, Intervention, Obesity