Sarliana Sarliana
Prodi Sarjana Terapan Kebidanan, Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu, Palu, Indonesia

Published : 8 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Pencegahan Stunting Melalui Pelatihan Senam Bayi (Baby Gym) di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tipo: Prevention of Stunting Through Baby Gym Training in the Working Area of ​​the Tipo Health Center Hastuti Usman; Sarliana Sarliana; Asri Widyayanti
Poltekita: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 4 (2022): Oktober - Desember
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian & Pengabdian Masyarakat Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (956.081 KB) | DOI: 10.33860/pjpm.v3i4.1244


The quality of children is determined by the continuity of the process of growth and development. One of the growth and development disorders is stunting which is caused by lack of nutritional intake for a long time, if monitoring and detection is not carried out early, it will have an impact on the physical and cognitive development of children in the future. The incidence of stunting in Donggala Regency was 29.5% and the Tipo Health Center contributed 44.4%. Interventions carried out in preventing stunting are varied, baby gymnastics can be an alternative to help stimulate the hypothalamic hunger center so as to trigger the desire of infants to breastfeed/eat. Baby gymnastics requires skill and knowledge. Analysis of the situation at the Tipo Health Center, the knowledge of the community, especially mothers, is still low, lack of skills and limited facilities and infrastructure. This activity aims to increase the knowledge and skills of mothers in infant gymnastics. This activity was carried out at the Tipo Health Center, with 20 respondents. The method used is lecture and discussion. Evaluation is done in the form of a pre-post test. The mean result of the pre-test score was 64.20 and an increase in the post-test score was 91.56, an increase in the score was 27.36. Giving baby gymnastics is very important to support the growth and development of babies which can prevent stunting ABSTRAK Kualitas anak ditentukan oleh keberlangsungan proses tumbuh-kembangnya. Salah satu gangguan tumbuh-kembang adalah stunting yang disebabkan kurangnya asupan gizi dalam waktu yang cukup lama, apabila tidak dilakukan pemantauan dan deteksi secara dini, akan berdampak pada perkembangan fisik dan kognitif anak di masa depan. Kejadian stunting Kabupaten Donggala 29,5% dan Puskesmas Tipo menyumbang sebesar 44,4%. Intervensi yang dilakukan dalam pencegahan stunting beragam, senam bayi dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif untuk membantu merangsang pusat lapar hipotalamus sehingga memicu keinginan bayi balita untuk menyusui/makan. Senam bayi memerlukan keterampilan dan pengetahuan. Analisis situasi di Puskesmas Tipo pengetahuan masyarakat terutama ibu masih rendah, kurangnya keterampilan dan terbatasnya sarana dan prasarana. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan ibu dalam senam bayi. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di Puskesmas Tipo, dengan 20 responden. Metode yang digunakan ceramah dan diskusi. Evaluasi dilakukan dalam bentuk pre-post test. Hasil rerata skor pre-test 64,20 dan terjadi peningkatan skor post-test 91,56, terjadi peningkatan skor sebanyak 27,36. Pemberian senam bayi sangat penting untuk mendukung tumbuh kembang bayi yang dapat mencegah terjadinya stunting.
Knowledge and Attitudes of Young Women about the First 1000 Days of Life (HPK) in Stunting Prevention Sarliana; Yuli Admasari
Journal of Global Research in Public Health Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022): December
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat IIK Strada Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (118.155 KB) | DOI: 10.30994/jgrph.v7i2.398


Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem, globally stunting affects around 21.3% of. Nationally, the prevalence of stunting is 24.4%, which is still far from the government's target of 14% in 2024. The government's efforts to improve nutrition include the Nutrition Improvement Movement program in the first 1000 days of life or the 1000 HPK Movement. Good knowledge and attitude regarding the 1000 HPK is especially important for adolescents, it needs to be equipped early on so that in the future they can prepare for a good quality pregnancy and become the basis for changing nutritional behavior to reduce nutritional problems. The purpose of this research is to know the description of the knowledge and attitudes of young women about 1000 HPK in stunting prevention. The research method used descriptive research carried out in April-June 2022 with a total sample of 100 grade 11 and 12 students at SMAN (State High School) in the Palu city area which was taken using a cluster stratified sampling technique. The research instrument used a questionnaire. Data were analyzed by univariate analysis. The results showed that most of the respondents had sufficient knowledge about 1000 HPK, namely 66%, and had a negative attitude, namely 67%. The conclusion of this study is that the description of the knowledge and attitudes of young women in SMAN Palu city is mostly with sufficient knowledge and a negative attitude. In order to maximize the increase in knowledge and attitudes of young women about 1000 HPK, the school should cooperate with the puskesmas (public health center) to provide health education about 1000 HPK as a form of stunting prevention.
Judika (Jurnal Nusantara Medika) Vol 7 No 1 (2023): Vol 7 No. 1 April 2023
Publisher : Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Stunting adalah masalah serius karena terkait dengan risiko morbiditas dan mortalitas pada anak, perkembangan otak dan motorik yang buruk serta terhambatnya perkembangan mental. Pada tahun 2019 di Sulawesi Tengah prevalensi stunting masih cukup tinggi yaitu 32,2 % jauh dibawah target penurunan stunting di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan dan sikap remaja putri tentang 1000 HPK di SMAN Wilayah Kota Palu. Metode berupa penelitian kuantitaif dengan cross sectional. Sampel sebanyak 100 remaja putri kelas XI dan XII di lima SMAN wilayah Kota Palu secara teknik cluster stratified random sampling. Pengukuran pengetahuan dan sikap menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis menggunakan univariat dan uji pearson product moment. Hasil rata – rata nilai pengetahuan 75,95 sedangkan sikap rata-rata nilai 67,70 dengan nilai p value 0,000 dan nilai r sebesar 0,391. Analisis ini menunjukan ada hubungan antara pengetahuan dengan sikap remaja putri tentang 1000 HPK di SMAN Wilayah Kota Palu. Disarankan pemberian edukasi tentang 1000 HPK lebih digalakan kembali kepada remaja putri.
Effect of Free-Range Chicken Eggs on Perineal Wound Healing among Postpartum Women Hastuti Usman; Muliani Muliani; Niluh Nita Silfia; Sarliana Sarliana
EMBRIO Vol 15 No 1 (2023): EMBRIO: Jurnal Kebidanan (MAY)
Publisher : Program Studi S1 Kebidanan - Fakultas Sains dan Kesehatan Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36456/embrio.v15i1.6994


10percent of maternal mortality during the postpartum period are caused by infection due to bleeding from tears in the birth canal (perineal wound). The wound healing process is influenced by the intake of protein-rich nutrients. Free-range chicken eggs from are a high source of protein (Komala, 2021). This study aims to determine the effect of free-range chicken eggs on perineal wound healing among postpartum women. This was a pre-experimental study with intact group comparison. There were 32 samples who were selected using purposive sampling technique. The samples were assigned into the Intervention Group (administered with free-range chicken eggs) and the Control Group (were not administered with free-range chicken eggs). Data collection was performed through direct observation of perineal wounds using the REEDA scale score. Data were analyzed using the Fisher Exact statistical test. The results showed that there was a faster wound healing process among respondents who were administered with free-range chicken eggs (81.2percent) compare to those who were not administered with free-range chicken eggs (25percent) with a p value of 0.002 less than 0.05. It can be concluded that the administration of free-range chicken eggs chicken eggs had an effect on perineal wound healing among postpartum women. It is expected that postpartum women who experience perineal wound starting from the second grade will consume boiled free-range chicken eggs to speed up the wound healing process.
Pengetahuan dan Minat berhubungan dengan Keikutsertaan Ibu Hamil dalam Program Vaksinasi Covid-19 Sumiaty Sumiaty; Hastuti Usman; Christina Entoh; Ni Ketut Hendriani; Sarliana Sarliana; Yuli Admasari
Jurnal Bidan Cerdas Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33860/jbc.v5i1.1666


Introduction: Pregnant women infected with Covid-19 are at risk of experiencing miscarriage and preterm birth. From a total of 232 pregnant women, 8 individuals (3.4%) have been vaccinated against Covid-19 at Kinovaro Primary Health Center. Objective: To identify factors associated with the participation of pregnant women in the Covid-19 vaccination program. Method: This study employed an analytical research design with a Cross-Sectional approach. The population consisted of all pregnant women in the working area of Kinovaro Primary Health Center. The sample size was 43 respondents, selected using consecutive sampling technique. The research instrument was a questionnaire, and data analysis included univariate and bivariate analyses using the chi-square test. Results: There is a significant association between knowledge and interest with the participation of pregnant women in the Covid-19 vaccination program (p value 0.000). There is no association between residential distance and the participation of pregnant women in the Covid-19 vaccination program (p value 0.56). Conclusion: There are two factors (knowledge and interest) that are associated with the participation of pregnant women in the Covid-19 vaccination program, and one factor (distance) that is not associated. Recommendations: Healthcare professionals are encouraged to enhance their efforts in providing effective education to individuals and families, especially pregnant women, to maintain a positive mindset and seek information about health, particularly regarding Covid-19 vaccination.
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 7, No 5 (2023): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v7i5.16593


Abstrak: Salah satu gangguan dalam pertumbuhan anak adalah stunting. Keterbatasan tenaga kesehatan menyebabkan daya cakup pelayanan kesehatan khususnya dalam penanganan stunting masih belum optimal. Jumlah kasus stunting terbanyak di Sulawesi Tengah terjadi di Kabupaten Donggala mencapai 6977 balita. Dibutuhkan optimalisasi pengetahuan dan ketrampilan kader untuk melakukan deteksi dini tumbuh kembang (DDTK) balita. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan kader dan orang tua dalam melakukan DDTK di Desa Guntarano sebagai salah satu desa lokus stunting dan daerah binaan Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu. Mitra pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah pemerintah dan bidan Desa Guntarano. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di Balai Desa dan Posyandu Desa Guntarano pada tanggal 17-18 April 2023 yang diikuti oleh 31 peserta terdiri dari kader dan orang tua balita. Metode pengabdian berupa ceramah, demonstrasi dan praktik langsung. Evaluasi kegiatan dilakukan dengan penilaian ketrampilan DDTK menggunakan Kuesioner Pra Skrining Perkembangan (KPSP). Hasil evaluasi menunjukan bahwa 74% peserta memiliki ketrampilan baik setelah dilakukan pengabdian.Abstract: One of the disturbances in children's growth is stunting. The limited number of health workers means that the coverage of health services, especially in treating stunting, is still not optimal. The highest number of stunting cases in Central Sulawesi occurred in Donggala Regency reaching 6977 toddlers. Optimization of the knowledge and skills of cadres is needed to carry out early detection of growth and development (DDTK) for toddlers. This service activity aims to improve the skills of cadres and parents in conducting DDTK in Guntarano Village as one of the stunting locus villages and the assisted areas of the Health Ministry Polytechnic of Palu. The community service partners are the government and the Guntarano village midwife. This activity was carried out at the Guntarano Village Hall and Posyandu on 17-18 April 2023 which was attended by 31 participants consisting of cadres and parents of toddlers. Methods of devotion in the form of lectures, demonstrations, and direct practice. Evaluation of activities is carried out by assessing DDTK skills using the Developmental Pre Screening Questionnaire (KPSP). The evaluation results showed that 74% of participants had good skills after serving.
Pregnancy Massage and Deep Breathing Relaxation Reducing Back Pain in Third Trimester Pregnant Women: Pijat Hamil dan Relaksasi Nafas Dalam Menurunkan Nyeri Punggung Ibu Hamil Trimester III Sarliana Sarliana; Hadriani Hadriani; Suci Ismawati
Napande: Jurnal Bidan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): April
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33860/njb.v1i1.1050


Background: Back pain will affect the quality of life of the mother which has an impact on the mother's pregnancy. The results of interviews with 15 third-trimester pregnant women at the Lasoani Public Health Center showed that 13 pregnant women experienced lower back pain. Massage therapy and deep breathing relaxation are two complementary therapeutic options that can be given to mothers in reducing back pain. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of pregnant massage and deep breathing relaxation on reducing back pain in third-trimester pregnant women at the Lasoani Public Health Center. The method used is a Pre Experiment design with a one-group pretest-posttest design approach. The sampling technique is consecutive sampling with a sample of = 15, Wilcoxon test data analysis. The results Giving pregnant massage and deep breathing relaxation has an effect on reducing back pain for pregnant women in the third trimester at the Lasoani Public Health Center where at Pre-post 10 pregnant women (67.7%) experienced severe pain levels and during Post-test there was a decrease in pain levels to mild, as many as 10 pregnant women (67.7%). Value sig=0.000<0.05 Conclusion: Pregnancy massage and deep breathing relaxation are effective in reducing back pain for pregnant women in the third trimester at the Lasoani Auxiliary Health Center. It is hoped that the class service for pregnant women can always be improved so that pregnant women who experience complaints, especially low back pain, can be resolved.
Knowledge and Attitudes of Young Women about Early Detection of Breast Cancer through Breast Self-Examination (BSE) Siska Farlina; Muliani Muliani; Lili Suryani; Sarliana Sarliana; Nurfatimah Nufatimah; Sumiaty Sumiaty
Napande: Jurnal Bidan Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): April
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33860/njb.v2i1.2057


Background: Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, is a malignant tumor that grows in breast tissue. Data from the Health Office of Central Sulawesi, the percentage of tumors/lumps in 2018 was 0.18%. in 2019 0.2%. in 2020 increased 0.4%. One of the efforts to detect breast cancer early is BSE. Purpose To know the effect of health education on the level of knowledge and attitudes of young women about early detection of breast cancer through Breast Self Examination in the Huntap Tondo area. Methods The type of research is quasi-experimental with one group pretest-posttest design. The research sample was young women aged 14-19 years totaling 55 respondents taken by purposive sampling. The research instrument used a standardized questionnaire with a total of 20 knowledge questions and 10 attitudes. The research was conducted on 2-5 July in Huntap Tondo. The analysis used the Wilcoxon signed rank test. Results showed that the knowledge of young women with a mean pretest value of 9.6 and a mean posttest value of 17.3 (p = 0.000 <0.05). The attitude of young women with a mean pretest value of 20.8 and a mean posttest value of 35.7 (p = 0.000 <0.05). Conclusion There is an effect of health education on the knowledge and attitudes of young women about early detection of breast cancer through Breast Self-Examination. It is expected that young women in the Huntap Tondo area will continue to improve their knowledge and attitudes toward preventing breast cancer by participating in counseling and being active in youth Posyandu activities.