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The Effect of Population Density on income Inequality in Maluku and Papua Island Siti Martiah; Heru Subiyantoro; Meirinaldi Meirinaldi
Return : Study of Management, Economic and Bussines Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Return : Study of Management, Economic And Bussines
Publisher : PT. Publikasiku Academic Solution

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57096/return.v2i1.29


Population density is one of the parameters of population pressure in an area. Density in an area is expressed in terms of population per square kilometer and compared to the residential area. The uneven distribution of population that occurs in the Maluku and Papua islands can be seen in the differences in the level of GRDP per capita between regions. Rapid population growth not only has an impact on the problem of equitable distribution of living areas and opportunities in the world of work. This study will examine the effect of population density on income distribution through case studies in the Maluku and Papua islands. The research method uses Panel Data Testing with 13 years of data (2009 – 2021).
JABE (Journal of Applied Business and Economic) Vol 9, No 4 (2023): JABE (Journal of Applied Business and Economic)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30998/jabe.v9i4.18339


Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui dan mengkaji Pengaruh Ekonomi Digital, Pola Investasi, Pandemi Covid-19, Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja terhadap Struktur Pasar Tenaga Kerja Sektor Kesehatan di Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Variabel tingkat investasi signifikan dalam menjelaskan perubahan dari penyerapan tenaga kerja sektor kesehatan di provinsi DKI Jakarta. Terkait ekonomi digital, dengan adanya aplikasi Go-Jek terhadap struktur tenaga kerja medis atau kesehatan tidak memberikan pengaruh besar dikarenakan tenaga kerja medis rata-rata mempunyai tingkat pendidikan tinggi dan penghasilan yang sudah diatas Rp 2 juta per bulan, sehingga kehadiran Go-Jek tidak begitu mempengaruhi permintaan tenaga kerja medis  atau kesehatan. Dengan adanya pandemi Covid-19 permintaan terhadap tenaga kerja sektor kesehatan semakin meningkat bahkan saking banyaknya permintaan sampai menyebabkan tenaga kerja sektor kesehatan mengalami burnout atau kelelahan yang berpotensi besar keluar dari pekerjaannya saat ini. RUU Cipta Kerja tidak begitu mempengaruhi secara khusus tenaga kerja sektor kesehatan, tetapi berpengaruh secara umum terhadap semua sektor tenaga kerja
HR Development Through Capacity Building To Increase Company Productivity Adhi Susano; Heru Subiantoro; Meirinaldi Meirinaldi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains Vol. 4 No. 06 (2023): Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains
Publisher : CV. Publikasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59141/jiss.v4i06.838


In the era of globalization, human resources (HR) is an important asset for every company to gain competitive advantage. For the organization to continue to exist on a national and international scale, human resource development (PSDM) is a decisive factor in achieving goals and objectives. The research is included in the type of qualitative research, namely research with descriptive methods. This study intends to provide an in-depth description related to the research object, namely the development of human resource capacity (HR). To achieve the company's performance and goals, it is very important to implement an HR capacity-building program on an ongoing basis. Organizational human resource development has a direct impact on talent development, employee resilience, and career development. It also offers companies a new paradigm to develop their human capital. The fundamental components that determine the existence of an organization in a cruel corporate environment include aspects of competence, talent, and resilience. Companies that implement competence must pay attention to management levels and HRM stages. Potential employees who perform well under pressure contribute to organizational consistency and competition. By considering the two strategic options of matching people to roles and matching roles to people, talent-based HRM needs to be contextualized. produce workers who have the knowledge, skills, money, affluence, talents, attitudes, and dispositions necessary to inspire others. It is important to create AQ-based human resources who can deal with any problem, act responsibly, set boundaries for problems, and refuse to give up quickly. With the aspect of resilience, employees can calm their intentions, smother, and catch problems to take advantage for the sake of organizational effectiveness to achieve success and exist in a competitive world.
Investment Contribution as a Driver of the Fisheries Subsector in Eastern Indonesia Meirinaldi Meirinaldi; Said Latuconsina; Darwati Susilastuti; Widiyarini Widiyarini
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains Vol. 5 No. 01 (2024): Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains
Publisher : CV. Publikasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59141/jiss.v5i1.945


The potential of the fisheries sector in Eastern Indonesia is very large. Investment as a driving force for the fisheries subsector is not only needed for infrastructure, but the fish processing industry sector also requires very large investment. Even though foreign investment is helping to drive this sector, the amount is still not optimal, the main reason is that licensing is long and complicated. Limited investment gives rise to illegal fishing and overfishing which cannot be avoided even though prevention is always carried out in various ways. This research uses a panel data linear regression method to determine the magnitude of the contribution of investment as a driver of the fisheries sector. The result is that investment, employment and the fish processing industry sector can jointly influence the growth of the fisheries sector. Investment in infrastructure development must be followed by investment for the needs of the fish processing industry