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Challenging modernity: The Luntas, modern ludruk and young audiences’ acceptance Firtha Ayu Rachmasari; Delmarrich Bilga Ayu Permatasari
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/sml.v3i2.7879


The Luntas, a modern ludruk group from Surabaya, is bringing back ludruk with a new style. This is an effort and strategy to attract urban communities, especially young people. This study aims to determine whether the strategies and efforts of The Luntas are successful. The researcher explores the audience’s acceptance by using Stuart Hall’s theory of how the message is conveyed (encoding) and the attitude of receiving the message (decoding). The data was collected through in-depth interviews with the founders of The Luntas as the encoder and the audience as the decoder. The process of selecting audiences as informants must meet several criteria: the informant is the audience for the show “Arti Sebuah JAS” performance; age between 15 to 30 years old; has watched The Luntas live performance more aged between 15 and 30 years; have watched The Luntas live performance more than once; have watched other ludruk shows besides The Luntas at least once. Based on these criteria, the researcher found nine informants. The study results found that five informants in accordance with the dominant-hegemonic category agreed with and accepted The Luntas strategy. Meanwhile, four other informants understood the strategy but tended to negotiate.
Identitas dan Seksualitas dalam Akun Instagram Waria_Vip Evelin Giovani; Firtha Ayu Rachmasari; Nurul Istiqomah; Survey Sijabat
Jurnal Ilmiah Mandala Education (JIME) Vol 9, No 1 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Mandala Education (JIME)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pendidikan Mandala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58258/jime.v9i1.4741


This research aimed to look at identity and sexuality in the social media Instagram account of waria_vip. The cyber world was currently often used as a medium for spreading sexual content and as a medium for promoting prostitution. One account that used social media as a platform for existence was waria_vip which offered promotion services for transgender accounts that open prostitution services. The Waria_vip account had becoming a catalog containing photos of transgender vying to attract followers and users of their services. The uploaded photos feature photos of transvestites in vulgar and seductive poses to attract new followers to their account. The method used in this research was a qualitative approach with Maxwell's concept of cybersex. Cybersex was a form of transformation of the satisfaction of sexual desire which marks a change in culture related to sexuality which transformed to futuristic era because the fulfillment of sexual desire had been separated from space and time. Social media such as Instagram was becoming the perfect platform for transgender people to exist because identity and sexuality in social media were fluid.
Penggemar Grup Idola Arashi di Indonesia: Fenomena Budaya Populer Global dan Fan Culture Firtha Ayu Rachmasari; Almira Fidela Artha; Dhaniswari Ananta Ayu
Diglossia: Jurnal Kajian Ilmiah Kebahasaan dan Kesusastraan Vol. 15 No. 2 (2024): April
Publisher : Unipdu Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26594/diglossia.v15i2.4657


Munculnya istilah budaya populer global ditandai dengan fenomena mudahnya budaya populer suatu negara menjadi tren secara global. Salah satunya adalah budaya populer yang berasal dari Jepang, seperti anime, manga hingga musik J-Pop. Kepopuleran musik J-Pop secara tidak langsung ikut mengenalkan grup-grup idola Jepang seperti Arashi. Arashi memiliki cukup banyak penggemar di seluruh dunia, termasuk di Indonesia. Penggemar Arashi di Indonesia layaknya penggemar Arashi di negara asalnya yaitu Jepang, juga melakukan berbagai macam aktivitas yang berhubungan dengan Arashi. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini meneliti bentuk-bentuk aktivitas yang dilakukan penggemar Arashi di Indonesia, seperti aktivitas konsumsi, produksi hingga membentuk dan bergabung dalam suatu komunitas penggemar seperti Arashindo. Penelitian ini juga mengamati budaya penggemar di Indonesia, serta melihat bagaimana penggemar melakukan proses adaptasi dan negosiasi pada saat melakukan aktivitas tersebut. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah para anggota komunitas Arashindo yang dipilih menggunakan teknik purposive sampling berdasarkan beberapa kriteria, seperti pernah berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan komunitas Arashindo; pernah menonton konser atau menghadiri event Arashi; pernah berkunjung atau tinggal di Jepang. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam. Dari hasil wawancara tersebut diperoleh hasil: aktivitas konsumsi penggemar Arashi di Indonesia tidak hanya ditandai dengan membeli CD, DVD, goodies konser dan produk iklan yang dibintangi Arashi saja, tetapi juga berupa datang ke konser dan menonton acara televisi; penggemar tidak hanya menjadi konsumer, tetapi juga produser yang menghasilkan sebuah fanwork; penggemar mengalami proses adaptasi dan negosiasi ditunjukkan dengan keinginan belajar bahasa Jepang hingga keinginan mengetahui lebih banyak tentang budaya Jepang. Kata kunci: arashi, budaya penggemar, budaya populer global, komunitas penggemar     Abstract The term of global popular culture is marked by the phenomenon in which the popular culture of a country easily becomes a global trend, for example, Japanese popular culture, such as anime, manga and J-Pop music. The popularity of J-Pop music indirectly introduced many Japanese idol groups such as Arashi. Arashi has quite a lot of fans around the world, as well as in Indonesia. Similar to Japanese fans, Indonesian fans carry out various activities related to the idol. Therefore, this study examines the forms of activities carried out by Arashi fans in Indonesia, such as consumption, production as well as forming and joining a community, namely Arashindo. This study also observes fan culture in Indonesia and sees how fans through the adaptation and negotiation process while carrying out these activities. The informants, in this study, were members of the Arashindo who were selected using a purposive sampling technique based on several criteria, that are having participated in Arashindo community activities; been to an Arashi concert/event; have visited or lived in Japan. The data collection method used is in-depth interviews. From these interviews, the results obtained that: the consumption activities of Arashi fans in Indonesia are not only marked by buying CDs, DVDs, concert goodies and advertising products starring Arashi, but also by coming to concerts and watching television programs; fans are not only consumers, but also producers who produce a fanwork; fans go through the process of adaptation and negotiation shown by the desire to learn Japanese, and also the desire to know more about Japanese culture. Keywords: arashi, fan culture, global popular culture, fan community