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Markedness in Word-Order Typology of Minangkabaunese Jufrizal; Lely Refnita; M. Affandi Arianto
ELITE JOURNAL Vol 5 No 1 (2023): ELITE JOURNAL: Journal of English Linguistics, Literature, and Education
Publisher : ELITE Association Indonesia

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The typological analyses on word-order typology of Minangkabaunese have been becoming topics of typological studies in some aspects, but those which are based on the markedness theory are still limited. Therefore, the analysis on markedness values of word-order typology of Minangkabaunese is linguistically meaningful. This article, as the development and further discussion of a part of the results of a research conducted in 2020/2021, analyzes and discusses the markedness values of word-order typology of Minangkabaunese. There are two questions to be answered in this paper: (i) what are the word-word order typology of Minangkabaunese?; and (ii) what is the markedness value of each word-order typology of Minangkabaunese? The data analysis and discussion are based on the related theories of word-order typology and markedness developed and used in Grammatical Typology. The data presented in this paper are the clause constructions which were collected by means of a descriptive-qualitative research and practically executed as of a field research in West-Sumatera and supported by a library study. The result of data analysis reveals that there are three productive patterns of grammatical constructions in Minangkabaunese identified as SVO, VOS, and OSV. However, there are only two patterns of the three grammatical-clause constructions that can be assigned as the basic word-order typology in this local language, namely: SVO and VOS. Therefore, the basic clause constructions with SVO and VOS word-order are unmarked meanwhile those with OSV word-order are marked ones. Furthermore, the markedness value of SVO is higher than that of VOS. In hierarchy, the markedness value of the three productive grammatical constructions in Minangkabaunese can be formulated as: SVO < VOS < OSV. This grammatical-typological analysis contributes to the more specific description of grammatical properties of Minangkabaunese as one of main local languages in Indonesia. Keywords: grammatical-typol
English Language Education and Current Trends (ELECT) Vol 1 No 2, October 2022
Publisher : Universitas Bung Hatta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37301/elect.v1i2.55


This article presents the result of a descriptive research on the students’ ability in writing a narrative paragraph at the English Department of Bung Hatta University. The research sample comprises 37 sophomores and they were selected by using total sampling technique. The data were collected by administering a paragraph writing testand analysed by using a descriptive statistics. The results of data analysis show that most students had very high ability to express the content and to apply mechanics in writing a narrative paragraph, but less than half students had very high ability to use vocabulary and to apply correct grammar. Moreover, the majority of students had moderate ability to organize a narrative paragraph. Based on the accumulative result of data analysis, it can be concluded that the students had a high ability in writing a narrative paragraph, and further research is needed to find out why their ability to organize the paragraph is not high.   REFERENCES Andayani, T &Arono. (2016). Improving Students’ Ability in Writing Narrative Text by Using Picture Series for the Eighth Grade Students of Junior High School. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literature.2 (2),1-10. Anker, S. 2010. Real Writing with Readings: Paragraphs and Essays for College, Work, and Everyday Life. Boston: Bedford. Aulia, M. D.(2017). Students’ error analysis of cohesive devices in writing narrative paragraph (a case study of the seventh semester students of English Education Department at FKIP UMSU).Jurnal UMSU-Jurnal Online UniversitasMuhammadiyah Sumatera Utara.Retrieved December 6, 2020, from Brown, H. Douglas &Abeywickrama, Priyanvada. (2010). Language Assessment: Pronciples and Classroom Practices (Second Edition). New York: Pearson Education, Inc. Checkett, G. F., &Checkett, L. (2010).The Write Start: Sentences to Paragraphs with Professional and Student Readings. Fourth Edition.Boston: Wadsworth. Evans, V. (2000).Successful Writing Proficiency.Berkshire: Express Publishing. Frestisia, S. (2017).An Analysis of the Second Year Students’ Difficulties in Writing Argumentative Paragraph at English Department of Bung Hatta University.(Unpublished Thesis). Padang: Bung Hatta University. Gay, L.R., Mills, G. E., &Airasian, P. W. (2012).Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (10thed.) New Jersey: Parson Education, Inc. Heard, J., Tucker, T. (2016).Advanced Writing: An Accelerated Method for University Students.(E-book Available Online) Jayanti, I. D. (2017). An Analysis of the Second Year Students; Ability to Write a Descriptive Paragraph at the English Department of Bung Hatta University.(Unpublished Thesis). Padang: Bung Hatta University. Murthofi?ah, A. (2019). An analysis of grammatical errors in students’ narrative paragraph of the fourth semester students of English Department of IAIN Salatiga in the academic year 2019/2020.Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies.Retrieved March 5, 2021, from Oktawati, H. (2020). Students’ Writing Ability in Narrative Paragraph at Third Semester of English Education Program of STKIP YPM Academic Year 2020/2021.Inovish Journal, 5 (2).Retrieved March, 15, 2021 from Pardiyono. (2016). Genre: Mastering English Through Context. Yogyakarta: Andi Offset. Refnaldi., Al-Hafizh, M., &Ardi, H. (2016). Writing: From Paragraphs to Esssays. Padang: UniversitasNegeri Padang. Refnita, L. (2016). Writing: From Sentence to Paragraph. Padang: Bung Hatta University Press. Refnita, L. (2018). Educational Research: A Guide for Beginners. Padang: LPPM Universitas Bung Hatta. Refnita, L. (2020). Writing: From Paragraph to Paragraph. Padang: LPPM Universitas Bung Hatta. Savage, A., &Shafiei, M. (2007).Effective Academic Writing 1: The Paragraph. New York: Oxford University Press. Sonanda, S. N. (2018). Analysis of the Second Year Students’ Problem in Writing a Narrative Paragraph at the English Department of Bung Hatta University.(Unpublished Thesis). Padang: Bung Hatta University. Sunarwan, A. (2016). Increasing Students’ Narrative Paragraph Writing Ability through the Use of Picture Sequence.Pedagogy: Journal of English Language Teaching. 4 (1), 29-39. Yuliani, R. (2018). The First Year Students’ Vocabulary Mastery in Education Topic at English Department of Bung Hatta University.(Unpublished Thesis). Padang: Bung Hatta University.
GERUND IN ENGLISH: A Morpho-Semantic Note for EFL Learners in Indonesia Jufrizal Jufrizal; Lely Refnita
Lingua Didaktika: Jurnal Bahasa dan Pembelajaran Bahasa Vol 15, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : English Department FBS UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/ld.v15i2.114512


Two questions are to answer as the basis for data analysis and discussion, namely: (i) does English gerund belong to nominalization or verbalization?; and (ii) why do EFL learners in Indonesia academically need to understand the morpho-semantic properties of the English gerunds? The data presented and analyzed in this paper were collected by means of a short-limited research in the form of library study and supported by writers’ experience as the lecturers of English Grammar and Linguistics. The data analysis and discussion are based on relevant linguistic theories of morpho-syntactic properties of gerunds and those which belong to the principles of Pedagogical Grammar of EFL. The result of data analysis reveals that gerund in English is both nominalization and verbalization with certain morpho-semantic characteristics. As English gerunds are practically productive and linguistically unique, the EFL learners in Indonesia undoubtedly need the linguistic-grammatical knowledge and they are proceeded to have the ability to use gerunds grammatically. The idea delivered through this paper is believed as a significant note for EFL learners, particularly in Indonesia.
Ergative and Antipassive Construction in Minangkabaunese: Are There? Jufrizal Jufrizal; Lely Refnita; M. Affandi Arianto
Linguistik Indonesia Vol. 42 No. 1 (2024): Linguistik Indonesia
Publisher : Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/li.v42i1.585


That Minangkabunese has active-passive dichotomy is not questioned anymore since it has been treated as an accusative language. Further typological analysis toward grammatical constructions of this language leads to a claim that it may be treated as an ergative language in which the ergative and antipassive constructions exist. That Minangkabaunese has ergative and antipassive construction is still questioned in some matters. Therefore, further grammatical-typological data, analysis, and discussion are needed. This paper, which is based on and developed from a part of results of research conducted in 2021-2022, particularly analyses whether Minangkabaunese has ergative and/or antipassive constructions. Two questions are raised, namely: (i) are there ergative and antipassive constructions in Minangkabaunese? and (ii) what is the linguistic implication of such claim toward grammatical typology of Minangkabaunese? This descriptive-qualitative study was practically operated as a linguistic field research and supported by a library study. Native speakers as represented by selected informants and written texts of Minangkabaunese were the sources of data. The data are in the form of clause constructions of Minangkabunese identified as the standard ones and were analyzed based on related theories of grammatical typology. The result of data analysis reveals that Minangkabaunese has ergative and antipassive constructions. Implicationally, this language may be typologically treated as an ergative language at the syntactic level beside as an accusative language.