Najichah Najichah
Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang

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Reconstruction of Islamic Family Law in Indonesia Through Constitutional Court Decisions Najichah Najichah
Walisongo Law Review (Walrev) Vol 4, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/walrev.2022.4.2.13407


No law is perfect as well as in the Marriage Law, there are many criticisms of the articles in the UUUP which are considered not to follow the spirit of family law reform. Many articles are considered discriminatory, have multiple interpretations, and do not provide legal justice. The proposed revision of the contents of the UUP began during the Reformation period, but the debate just ended. Amid the impasse in 2003 the Constitutional Court (MK) was born as one of the judicial institutions in Indonesia through the amendment of the 1945 Constitution. The birth of the Constitutional Court gave fresh air to groups who felt that their constitutional rights were violated by Marriage Law No.1 of 1975. This research is a descriptive-analytic library research, the problem approach used is a normative-juridical approach. The results of the study found that the Constitutional Court acted as an interpreter, and reinforcer changed Islamic family law, and even made a new Islamic family law using the glasses of the constitution. Based on the decision of the Constitutional Court which is final and binding, the Constitutional Court's decision functions as a negative legislator and a positive legislator as in Decision No.46/PUU-VIII/2010, Decision No.69/PUU-XIII/2015 and Decision No.22/PUU- XV/2017. In addition, the Constitutional Court also provides interpretation and strengthening of Islamic family law as stated in decision No.68/PUU/XII/2014. Based on the four decisions of the Constitutional Court, the Constitutional Court has an important and effective role in reforming Islamic family law in Indonesia.Undang-undang tidak ada yang sempurna begitu pula dalam UU Perkawinan, banyak kritisi tentang pasal-pasal dalam UUP yang dianggap tidak sesuai dengan semangat pembaharuan hukum keluarga. Banyak pasal yang dianggap diskriminatif, multitafsir dan tidak memberikan keadilan hukum.  Sesungguhnya usulan revisi terhadap isi UUP sudah mulai pada masa Reformasi, namun perdebatan tersebut berhent begitu saja. Di tengah kebuntuan tersebut pada tahun 2003 Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) lahir sebagai salah satu lembaga yudisial di Indonesia melalui amandemen UUD45.  Lahirnya MK memberikan angin segar bagi kelompok yang merasa hak-hak konstitusi dilanggar dengan adanya UU Perkawinan No.1 tahun 1975. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian pustaka (library research) bersifat deskriptif-analitik, pendekatan masalah yang digunakan adalah pendekatan normatif-yuridis. Hasil penelitian menemukan MK berperan sebagai penafsir, penguat, mengubah hukum keluarga Islam bahkan membuat hukum keluarga Islam yang baru dengan mengunakan kacamata kontitusi. Berdasarkan putusan MK yang bersifat final and binding maka putusan MK berfungsi sebagai negatif legislator dan postitif legislator sebagaimana dalam putusan Putusan No.46/PUU-VIII/2010, Putusan No.69/PUU-XIII/2015 dan Putusan No.22/PUU-XV/2017.  Selain itu MK juga memberikan penafsiran dan penguatan hukum keluarga Islam sebagaimana dalam putusan No.68/PUU/XII/2014. Berdasarkan empat putusan MK maka MK mempunyai peranan yang penting dan efektif dalam pembaharuan hukum keluarga Islam di Indonesia.
Pemberian Nafkah Iddah dan Mut’ah Akibat Pembatalan Nikah karena Murtad M. Khoirur Rofiq; Siti Fauzizah; Najichah Najichah
Qanun Vol. 1 No. 1 Mei 2023
Publisher : Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Apostasy in Indonesian marriage law can be the reason for the termination of a marriage through divorce or Fasakh (annulment of marriage) as in 2 decisions of Pengadilan Agama Kendal Nomor 2186/Pdt.G/2019/PA.Kdl dan 1727/Pdt.G/2020/PA.Kdl. Initially, both were divorce cases which were decided by the panel of judges based on the ex officio rights of the judge. Fasakh decision is because one of the husband and wife apostates and determines the iddah and mut’ah expenses. This research includes legal research with a juridical and case approach. The results of this study are (1) Judges use ex officio rights in deciding divorce cases due to apostasy being a marriage phase according to the judge's interpretation in addition to the lack of clarity of marriage marriage law because of apostasy in Indonesian marriage law. (2) The determination of the iddah income due to the marriage phase is analogous to the iddah income due to talak divorce (proposed by the husband) and the wife is not nusyuz. As for the determination of mut’ah living due to apostasy due to apostasy, it is equated with the provisions of mut’ah living due to divorce on the condition that the wife has intercourse and is not nusyuz.