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Peran Perpustakaan dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Secara Mandiri di Perguruan Tinggi Hanoum, R. Nadia
Edulib Vol 2, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/edulib.v2i1.2264


AbstrakTujuan akhir dan utama dari pembelajaran bahasa adalah kemampuan pembelajar bahasa untuk menggunakan bahasa yang dipelajari. Namun sayangnya lembaga pendidikan formal selama ini terpaku pada pendekatan-pendekatan tradisional yang lebih banyak memberikan penekanan pada struktur bahasa dan bukan pada bagaimana menggunakan bahasa untuk berkomunikasi. Selain karena faktor ukuran kelas yang besar yang tidak ideal untuk pembelajaran bahasa, hal ini juga dipicu oleh terbatasnya waktu tatap muka di kelas yang tidak memungkinkan terjadinya suatu proses pembelajaran bahasa yang efektif. Di tingkat perguruan tinggi dimana seorang peserta didik dituntut untuk lebih mandiri, permasalahan ini seharusnya dapat diatasi dengan meningkatkan peran dan layanan perpustakaan yang mendukung terlaksananya proses pembelajaran bahasa Inggris secara mandiri. Perpustakaan yang dapat menjalankan fungsinya dengan baik akan mampu menciptakan suasana pembelajaran mandiri yang dapat menunjang pembelajaran tatap muka di kelas. Selain itu, keberadaan sebuah Self Access Center (SAC), yaitu sebuah sarana belajar bahasa mandiri yang menungkinkan pengguna untuk belajar sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kemampuannya akan mampu secara signifikan meningkatkan minat dan motivasi mahasiswa untuk belajar secara mandiri sehingga tujuan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dapat tercapai. Kata Kunci: perpustakaan, pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, belajar mandiri, Self Access Center AbstractThe ultimate goal of learning English is the ability to use the target language. Unfortunately, formal education tends to use tradisional approach which focuses more on the language form instead of language use. This is triggered not only by the large class size but also by the limited time allocated for learning process in the class. In tertiary level where students are expected to be more independent in their learning, this problem should have been able to be solved by increasing the role and service of university library which supports self-directed independent learning. Library which can fulfill its functions well will be able to create the athmosphere of independent learning that assist learning process in the class. In addition, the establishment of a Self Access Center (SAC) in the library which enable students to learn according to their own needs and abilities will significantly increase students’ interest and motivation to learn independently so that the goal of learning English can be accomplished. Keywords: library, English learning, self-directed independent learning, Self Access Center  
Publisher : Prodi Teknologi Pendidikan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/edutech.v13i3.3093


Abstract. Social media allow their users to share, collaborate, and making network more flexibly without having to be in the same place and time. The use of social media in learning gives students more opportunities to interact and exchange information with each other through various activities like discussion, peer correction, and peer evaluation. Viewing from social learning and social constructivism theories, using social media in learning will affect students’ behavior and learning outcomes. The learning outcomes explored in this paper is the cognitive domain of analyze, evaluate, and create aspects. These three aspects are considered as higher order thinking skills which should be mastered by college students as it is at university level that quality human resources are expected to be generated.Keywords: higher order thinking skills, social media, social learning theoryAbstrak. Media sosial memungkinkan para penggunanya untuk berbagi, berkolaborasi, dan berjejaring secara lebih fleksibel tanpa harus berada pada tempat dan waktu yang sama. Penggunaan media sosial dalam pembelajaran memberikan kesempatan yang lebih banyak kepada peserta didik untuk berinteraksi dan bertukar informasi dengan peserta didik lainnya melalui berbagai kegiatan seperti diskusi, mengoreksi informasi yang diberikan oleh teman atau kelompok lain atau memberikan penilaian terhadap kinerja atau penampilan teman sekelas. Jika dilihat dari teori belajar sosial dan teori konstruktivisme sosial, maka penggunaan media sosial dalam pembelajaran akan berdampak pada perilaku dan hasil belajar peserta didik. Hasil belajar yang dieksplor dalam artikel ini adalah domain kognitif aspek menganalisis, mengevaluasi, dan menciptakan. Ketiga aspek ini merupakan keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi yang harus dapat dikuasai oleh mahasiswa mengingat pada level pendidikan tinggi lah diharapkan akan dihasilkan SDM yang berkualitas.Kata Kunci: keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi, media sosial, teori belajar sosial
Instructional Needs Analysis and Cultural Values in Online Learning Hanoum, Nadia; Silvana, Hana
International Journal of Education Vol 12, No 1 (2019): August 2019
Publisher : UPI Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ije.v12i1.17776


From a cultural perspective, the nature of online learning is related to learners’ high individualism and low power distance between learners and instructor, which is in contradictory with Indonesian cultural values of high collectivism and high power distance. This study aimed to analyze the cultural values of Indonesian learners, identify the instructional needs that were compatible with the learning culture, and design an instructional design framework which is compatible with the learning culture of Indonesian students in general so that the learning process can be maximized. This study employed quantitative descriptive method and a questionnaire was used as the instrument to gather data from a sample taken purposively, that is students who took online learning via Integrated Online Learning System (SPOT) learning management system. The results suggested that Indonesian students exhibited high power distance, low tolerance for uncertainty and were culturally more collectivist and feminine. These cultural values have implications on the process of online learning in three different areas, namely assessment, instruction, and communication. Thus, a framework of learning strategies has been proposed to overcome the problems posed by the learning culture of Indonesian students so that the online learning can be more effective.
PEDAGOGIA Vol 18, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/pdgia.v18i1.29465


The Implementation of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)-Based E-Learning System for College Level Learners Hana Silvana; Nadia Hanoum
ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications Vol. 8 No. 2 (2017): ComTech
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/comtech.v8i2.3754


This research aimed to find out how the implementation of MOOCs-based e-learning system was as an attempt to provide equal access to education athigher education level in Indonesia and to describe the user profile of MOOCs based e-learning. This research used a descriptive quantitative method, and the subjects of the research were 30 MOOCs participants drawn randomly. The design of the MOOCs-based e-learning implementedhad following features. Those were a) Bahasa Indonesia content; b) responsive media interface that can be accessed from a variety of devices; c) the use of short duration video content to facilitate buffering process; d) the use of interactive multimedia content; e) the use of social learningprinciples through the feature of discussion forum; and f) the use of gamification principles through the provision of badges for participants. The results of this research indicate that MOOCs-based e-learning system has the potential to improve the equal access to higher education with severalindicators. First, the majority of participants are females. Second, the latest education of most users is high school or vocational high school. Last, most have been working as employees.