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Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Vol 12, No 1 (2012): Volume 12, Nomor 1, April 2012
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/bs_jpbsp.v12i1.3612


Abstrak Kaba: Cerita Klasik Yang Mengandung Kekeliruan dengan Tolok Ukur ABS-SBK. Kajian ini menyajikan Kaba, sebuah cerita rakyat di masyarakat Minangkabau yang sudah ditulis dalam bentuk buku. Kaba biasanya disampaikan oleh seorang pencerita dengan diiringi musik sebagai pengantar. Banyak cerita kaba yang masih diakui dan dikenal keberadaannya di masyarakat Minangkabau, namun dalam kajian ini hanya disajikan dua cerita kaba: (1) Magek Manandin dan (2) Anggun Nan Tongga. Latar kedua cerita tersebut berisi larangan perjudian dengan mengikuti ketentuan ajaran Islam. Dalam Anggun Nan Tongga dikisahkan tentang syirik (menyekutukan Allah) yang dikecam dalam Islam. Kisah ini tidak dikenal baik karena bertentangan dengan filsafat hidup masyarakat Minangkabau: adat atau tradisi berdasarkan hukum Islam, hukum Islam berdasarkan Al-Quran, Hukum Islam memandu adat atau tradisi. Filosofi ini menjadi kesepakatan masyarakat Minangkabau dan dilarang diubah hingga kapan pun. Sayangnya, dalam kedua cerita Kaba ini, kisah tentang perjudian dan keyirikan dianggap sebagai sebuah kebenaran meskipun dalam beberapa ayat Al-Quran dijelaskan sebagai sebuah pelanggaran (penyimpangan). Kata Kunci: kaba, adat, syarak, Minangkabau, syirik, perjudian Abstract Kaba: Deviations of Oral Classic Story with ABS-SBK Rules. This study discusses kaba, the oral classic story in Minangkabau society that has been written as the book. The kaba is usually told by the story tellers accompanied by he music instruments. Many kabas exist in the Minangkabau community, but in this study I only discuss two kabas (1) Magek Manandin and (2) Anggun Nan Tongga. Based on both kabas, I found that the gambling forbidden by Islam as if allowable. Within Anggun Nan Tongga, there are many discourses which are syirik (do worship other than Allah) that is slammed by Islam. These discourses should have not existed because they oppose to the philosophy of life in Minangkabau: custom/tradition founded upon Islamic law, Islamic law is founded upon the Qur’an, Islamic law dictates customs/traditions. This philosophy as the agreement among Minangkabau people is forbidden to change forever. Ufortunately, in these two kabas, the discourses about the gambling and kesyirikan are regarded as if he truth even though so many verses in the Al-Quran explain about these deviations. Keywords: kaba, custom, syarak, Minangkabau, syirik, gambling   
Parameter Vol 29 No 1 (2017): Parameter
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (409.765 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/parameter.291.06


This study discusses kaba, the oral classic story in Minangkabau society that has been written as the book. The kaba is usually told by the story tellers accompanied by his music instruments. Many kabas exist in the Minangkabau community, but in this study I only discuss two kabas (1) Magek Manandin (2) Anggun Nan Tongga. Based on both kabas, I found that the gambling forbidden by Islam as if allowable. Within Anggun Nan Tongga, there are many discourses which are syirik (do worship other than Allah) that is slammed by Islam. These discourses should have not existed because they oppose to the philosophy of life in Minangkabau: custom/tradition founded upon Islamic law, Islamic law is founded upon the Qur'an, Islamic law dictates customs/traditions. This philosophy as the agreement among Minangkabau people is forbidden to change forever. Unfortunately, in these two kabas, the discourses about the gambling and kesyirikan are regarded as if the truth even though so many verses in the Alquran explain about these deviations. Abstrak Penelitian ini mendiskusikan tentang kaba, cerita turun temurun suku Minangkabau dituliskan ke dalam sebuah buku. Kaba biasanya diceritakan oleh seseorang dengan iringan musik. Banyak Kabas terdapat dalam suku Minangkabau. Tapi dalam penelitian ini hanya mendiskusikan dua Abas (1) Magek Manandin, (2) Anggun Nan Tongga. Berasal dari kedua kaba tersebut, saya menemukan larangan judi oleh Islam yang seolah-seolah diizinkan. Dalam Anggun Nan Tongga, terdapat banyak ceramah yang mana sirik (menyembah sesuatu selain Allah) adalah menghancurkan islam. Ceramah ini tidak seharusnya ada karena mereka menentang filosofi kehidupan suku Minangkabau: baju/ tradisi yang ditemukan berdasarkan hukum islam, hukum islam ditemukan berdasarkan AlQur’an. Hukum islam diktat tradisi. Filosofi ini sebagai persetujuan orang-orang Minangkabau yang melarang perubahan selamanya. Sayangnya, dalam dua Kaba ini, ceramah tentang perjudian dan kesyirikan dianggap seolah-olah suatu kebenaran. Walaupun, banyak versi Alqur’an yang menjambarkan tentang penyimpangan ini.
Socialization of Literacies Assessment in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era for Elementary School Teachers in the Province of Jakarta in Indonesia MS, Zulela; Marini, Arita; Safitri, Desy; Lestari, Ika; Zahari, Musril; Iskandar, Rossi; Sudrajat, Ajat; Nuraini, Sri; Rihatno, Taufik; Suntari, Yustia; Nafiah, Maratun; Rosinar, Rosinar
International Journal of Community Service Learning Vol 6, No 1 (2022): February 2022
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/ijcsl.v6i1.39566


Partner of this international collaboration of community service is RMIT University in Australia, Prof. Dr. Heather Fehring, to be invited to collaborate in giving socialization about effective literacies assessment in the covid-19 pandemic era to encourage development of elementary school teachers’ competences in the province of Jakarta in Indonesia.  Location of this international collaboration of community service is in the Province of Jakarta in Indonesia.  The target of this community service is elementary school teachers in the Province of Jakarta in Indonesia.  The problem with the target audiences is that the elementary school teachers’ competences in the province of Jakarta in Indonesia to deal with effective literacies assessment in the covid-19 pandemic era has not been optimal.  In addition to this, the socialization of effective literacies assessment in the covid-19 pandemic era for elementary school teachers in the Province of Jakarta in Indonesia has not been done before.  In order to develop elementary school teachers’ competences in the province of Jakarta in Indonesia in dealing with literacies assessment in the covid-19 pandemic era to achieve optimal learning quality, the solution is socialization of effective literacies assessment in the covid-19 pandemic era for them.  The output targets to be achieved in this international collaboration of community service are pocket book, certificates, videos on YouTube, articles in journal of community service, publications in mass media, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), seminar, report.The methods used in conducting this international collaboration of community service are cooperative learning, problem-based learning, and giving assignments.  This socialization is conducted through video conferences in the form of learning activities to improve the competence in dealing with effective literacies assessment in the covid-19 pandemic era to achieve optimal learning quality for elementary school teachers in the province of Jakarta in Indonesia. The socialization of virtual classroom given is related to technical guidelines of effective literacies assessment implementation in order to achieve optimal learning quality. This international collaboration of community service is conducted at elementary schools in the Province of Jakarta in Indonesia because those elementary schools are regularly coached by Universitas Negeri Jakarta.  Evaluation of process and results is done to find out the competences of elementary school teachers in the province of Jakarta in Indonesia in dealing with effective literacies assessment in the covid-19 pandemic era to achieve optimal learning quality.  This international collaboration of community service is started with a pre-test about effective literacies assessment implementation to know the prior knowledge of target audiences about effective literacies assessment and ended with a post-test after socialization is completed to determine the success of implementing this activity.