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Kontribusi Hasil Ujian Nasional terhadap Kelulusan Siswa SMP Laboratorium UPI Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016 Abdullah, Mulyana
MIMBAR PENDIDIKAN Vol 2, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/mimbardik.v2i2.8626


ABSTRAKSI: UN (Ujian Nasional) tahun 2016 tidak lagi menjadi penentu kelulusan peserta didik dari suatu jenjang pendidikan. Kelulusan peserta didik ditentukan berdasarkan pertimbangan hasil pembelajaran pada seluruh mata pelajaran. Apakah hasil ujian nasional ini berpengaruh terhadap kelulusan peserta didik, khususnya di SMP (Sekolah Menengah Pertama) Laboratorium UPI (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) di Bandung? Untuk mengetahuinya dilakukan penelitian atas kontribusi nilai UN terhadap kelulusan siswa. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian “causal associative” (korelasi), subjek penelitian adalah 134 orang siswa kelas IX SMP Laboratorium UPI. Hasil penelitian menunjukan: (1) Siswa kelas IX SMP Laboratorium UPI tahun pelajaran 2015/2016 secara keseluruhan dinyatakan lulus dengan kategori “sangat baik”; (2) pencapaian nilai hasil UN yang diperoleh siswa kelas IX SMP Laboratorium UPI secara keseluruhan menunjukan kategori “cukup”; serta (3) pencapaian nilai hasil ujian nasional yang diperoleh siswa kelas IX SMP Laboratorium UPI tahun pelajaran 2015/2016 secara keseluruhan memberikan kontribusi positif secara signifikan terhadap tingkat kelulusan siswa yang bersangkutan dengan kontribusi sebesar 69.7%.KATA KUNCI: Ujian Nasional; Kontribusi; Kelulusan Siswa; Hasil Pembelajaran; SMP Laboratorium. ABSTRACT: “Contribution of National Examination Results to Students Graduation of UPI Laboratory SMP Lesson Year 2015/2016”. UN (National Examination) in 2016 is no longer a determinant of graduation of students from an educational level. Graduation of learners is determined based on consideration of learning outcomes in all subjects. Do the results of this national examination affect the graduation of students, especially in UPI (Indonesia University of Education) Laboratory SMP (Junior High School) in Bandung? To find out it, the research on the contribution of the UN score to the student’s graduation. By using research method "causal associative" (correlation), the subject of research is 134 students of class IX UPI Laboratory SMP. The results show that: (1) class IX students of UPI Laboratory SMP in school year 2015/2016 as a whole passed with category is “very good”; (2) the achievement of the score of UN results obtained by grade IX students of UPI Laboratory SMP as a whole shows with “enough” category; and (3) the achievement of score of the national exam results obtained by grade IX students of UPI Laboratory SMP in the academic year 2015/2016 as a whole gives a significant positive contribution to the student's passing rate with a contribution of 69.7%.KEY WORD: National Examination; Contribution; Graduation of Students; Learning Outcomes; Laboratory Junior High School.About the Author: Dr. Mulyana Abdullah adalah Dosen di Departemen Pendidikan Umum FPIPS UPI (Fakultas Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia), Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No.229 Bandung 40154, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Alamat e-mail: abdullahmulyana@gmail.comHow to cite this article? Abdullah, Mulyana. (2017). “Kontribusi Hasil Ujian Nasional terhadap Kelulusan Siswa SMP Laboratorium UPI Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016” in MIMBAR PENDIDIKAN: Jurnal Indonesia untuk Kajian Pendidikan, Vol.2(2), September, pp.163-172. Bandung, Indonesia: UPI [Indonesia University of Education] Press, ISSN 2527-3868 (print) and 2503-457X (online). Chronicle of the article: Accepted (June 1, 2017); Revised (July 30, 2017); and Published (September 30, 2017).
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Vol 17, No 3 (2017): MANAJEMEN MUTU PENDIDIKAN DAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jpp.v17i3.9612


Berbicara tentang pendidikan, hal pertama yang tersirat dalam benak kita adalah “sekolah”. Sekolah dalam hal ini merupakan suatu organisasi publik yang memberikan jasa layanan pendidikan bagi masyarakat dalam rangka peningkatan kualitas individu masyarakat itu sendiri. Oleh karenanya, menjadi suatu hal yang wajar apabila masyarakat menuntut tersedianya “sekolah yang baik” yang tercermin dari efektifitas kinerja sekolah yang bersangkutan. Di sinilah manajemen mutu pendidikan di sekolah menutut peran kepemimpinan kepala sekolah, profesionalisme guru, serta partisipasi masyarakat secara optimal. Mutu atau lebih sering disebut dengan istilah kualitas merupakan gambaran karakteristik menyeluruh dari barangatau jasa yang menunjukkan kemampuannya dalam memuaskan kebutuhan pihak pengguna. Berkaitan dengan pendidikan di sekolah, mutu pendidikan senantiasa merujuk pada spesifikasi pelayanan pendidikan yang sesuai dengan tujuan atau manfaat dari pendidikan itu sendiri. Itulah sebabnya, dapat dikatakan bahwa keberhasilan suatu program pendidikan yang diselenggarakan oleh suatu organisasi sekolah akan sangat sulit dicapai tanpa adanya keselarasan pandangan antara kepala sekolah, guru dan masyarakat tentang makna pendidikan yang sebenarya, serta bagaimana seharusnya proses pendidikan di sekolah itu dilaksanakan. Oleh karenanya, sudah seharusnyalah pimpinan sekolah yang dalam hal ini adalah kepala sekolah, guru dan masyarakat bekerjasama secara terpadu dalam mewujudkan setiap cita-cita pendidikan untuk membentuk generasi penerus yang berkualitas baik dalam hal pengetahuan, keterampilan, maupun sikap dan moralnya.
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Vol 16, No 1 (2016): PENGEMBANGAN DAN STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jpp.v16i1.2492


Pemberlakuan KTSP memungkinkan perlunya pengkajian strategi pembelajaran untuk mempersiapkan bahan ajar PAI yang ditandai dengan terbukanya pintu terhadap desentralisasi kurikulum pendidikan. SMP Lab UPI, telah mengembangkan program-program unggulan yang sesuai dengan visi dan misi sekolah RSBI. Hal ini menarik untuk diteliti untuk mengetahui pengembangan indikator-indikator tersebut. Penelitian terfokus pada (1) Pengembangan bahan ajar PAI ditinjau dari aspek filosofisdan pragmatis; (2) proses pengembangan IKKT khususnya pengembangan bahan ajar dalam matpel PAI; dan (3) implementasi pengembangan bahan ajar matpel PAI. Untuk mengungkap fokus penelitian di atas, maka kajian teori terdiri atas konsep pengembangan bahan ajar, konsep RSBI, dan kajian penelitian terdahulu yang relevan. Metode penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan alat pengumpul data yaitu wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) Pengembangan bahan ajar didahului dengan kegiatan perencanaan stratejik dalam bentuk visi dan misi sekolah. (2) Model pengembangan bahan ajar PAI yang dilakukan ternyata sudah cukup efektif. (3) Implementasi inovasi yang dilakukan para guru PAI ditunjukkan dengan strategi dan pendekatan yang terfokus pada siswa.Kata kunci: kinerja kunci tambahan, rintisan sekolah internasional
Developing Learning For Children With Special Needs In Inclusive Education Through Mitra Bimbing Learning Model Abdullah, Mulyana
International Journal Pedagogy of Social Studies Vol 3, No 1 (2018): Research Social Study
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ijposs.v3i1.13488


A teacher as educators, is required to create a system environment or conducive conditions so that learning activities can achieve its goals effectively and efficiently. Thus, it is necessary to determine learning approach that would be used to establish a strategy or model of learning as a conceptual framework that describes a systematic procedure in organizing the learning experience of learners to achieve specific learning and serve as guidance to designers of learning and teachers in planning and implementing activities of teaching and learning. Basically, the implementation of strategies and models of learning for learners who have normal physical and psychological conditions can be said easy for experienced educators  to implement. Various models of learning can be implemented smoothly and finely. Different with learning that cater learners with special needs. Model and learning strategies for students with this category need to consider various aspects of their physical and psychological, considering they have a deficiency in them, both in terms of physical, psychological, intellectual, and emotional. This is where the design of “Mitra Bimbing” learning model for children with special needs become one of the alternative. This design of Mitra Bimbing learnig model for children with special needs shows that there has been three phases of learning which it should be applied in more integrated, which is concentrating students to one learning domain that they can rich, encouraged students feeling or revealing his opinion freely, so that it wouldn’t there is an impression impose the students to acquire something, but it develop their ability on their own, show the common examples or analogy that was familiar for them which deals with the material is being studied. In practice, the Mitra Bimbing learning model cannot be separated from many factors that influence it, which is teachers involvement directly who have basic of special education, either in planning or implementing and evaluating of learning, the availability of adequate learning facilities and infrastructure for children with special needs,  and the attention and awareness of from the government, parents, community, and stakeholders to the efforts of special needs education
International Journal Pedagogy of Social Studies Vol 4, No 1 (2019): Research Social Studies
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ijposs.v4i1.17961


The advance of political system in Indonesia show that there is the involvement of the political party that is in the interests of each party. It is causing diversity of consideration voters to determine the choice. For Indonesian people today, The rational aspects apparently started to influence the behavior of voters strongly to determine the choice either in general or regional election. The question that arise is hoe the educated young voter, as well as the students of UPI, to choose the leader of government, especially in election? Is the political rationality become the characteristics of their political behaviour? Through the research which is applied the quantitative research approach design and the object be focused in University of Indonesian Education (UPI), revealed that the main aspects which is becomes the consederation of the majority of respondents is vision and mission of political party/candidate. So does with the consideration of the candidate’s experience and performance used as the basis of their decision to vote. Meanwhile, the assessment of political party will be a basis of respondents consideration in determining their choice. It is apparent from their assessment to the political parties that are during compete. So that, it can be conclude that people awareness, especially respondents as the voters show the political attitude critically in examining and assessing vision and mission of politicians. People have participated in politic actively with reviewed the political values of politician’s promises as a form of their rationality of politic.
Religiousity Choosen: Was It Affected to Young Generation’s Election Behavior? Abdullah, Mulyana; Hakam, Kama A; Wilodati, Wilodati; Ratnafitria, Ratnafitria
IJISH (International Journal of Islamic Studies and Humanities) Vol 2, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (747.655 KB) | DOI: 10.26555/ijish.v2i2.1181


To assess the influence of religious faith, especially Islam, to the point of view and election behavior on the young generation, this research is focused upon UPI students was carried out by applying the associative causal method and quantitative approach. By taking samples to youngest students as voter novice which is determined by probability sampling,  the result proved that there is a significant influence of the religious aspect to election behavior among students of UPI. But, it seems that religious faith isn?t a dominant factor. It can be seen from how major of the influence of religious faith to the election behavior was only 11.9 %. So that, it is recommended that as the effort to give political understanding and implementation for young generations of Moslem, religion need to be implemented holistically, not partial, to avoid misinterpretation on Islamic terms and laws that as the basis of the political participation process.
Perbandingan Hasil Tes Pendidikan Agama Islam Siswa Kelas III SMU Korpri Unit Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Abdullah, Mulyana
Jurnal Sabilarrasyad Vol 2, No 2 (2017): SABILARRASYAD: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu Kependidikan
Publisher : Universitas Dharmawangsa

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PERSPECTIVE OF DIENUL-ISLAM IN REVIEWING LEADERSHIP FOR THE PEOPLE Abdullah, Mulyana; Wilodati, Wilodati; Abdulhakam, Kama; Fitria, Ratna
International Journal Pedagogy of Social Studies Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Social Studies Issues
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ijposs.v6i1.36389


Raising leader is a must at the same time as the demand for muslims. The problem is what are the policies and the act of us as the muslims whose stay and live in a country which it’s not an Islamic state like Indonesia in the case of choosing the leader? Trough the implementing literacy and documentation study to a view of literature and report, this study found that The differences opinion among the clergies seen the one hand  emphasized that the charge of muslim is forbidden being raised from among non-muslim. It is also the same with the other who insisted that raised the leader of the people from non-muslims it is permitted. In addressing these difference oppinions, the muslims who stay and live in Indonesia as a country with plural communities, should getting wiser to choose. The thing that most important to be understood is based on welfare for all citizens, there are some common law of syara’.