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Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jpki.v2i1.2848


ABSTRAKMeningkatnya usia harapan hidup penduduk dapat menyebabkan peningkatan jumlah lansia dari tahun ketahun. Peningkatan jumlah lansia akan menyebabkan berbagai masalah kesehatan seperti meningkatnya penyakit degeneratif dan kanker yang menyebabkan penurunan produktifitas lansia. Penurunan produktifitas pada lansia terjadi karena penurunan fungsi, sehingga dapat menyebabkan lansia mengalami penurunan kemandirian dalam melaksanakan kegiatan harian.Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi gambaran tingkat kemandirian dalam memenuhi activities daily living.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling sebanyak 21 lansia yang berusia 60 – 69 tahun di Panti Sosial Tresna Wredha Senjarawi. Instrumen menggunakan barthel index.Teknik analisa data menggunakan distribusi frekuensi.Hasil penelitian gambaran tingkat kemandirian lansia (60 – 69 tahun) dalam memenuhi activities daily living menunjukan bahwa sebagian besar lansia sebanyak 15 orang (72%) termasuk dalam ketergantungan sebagian, 3 orang (14 %) termasuk mandiri dan3 orang (14%) termasuk dalam ketergantungan total. Bahwa sebagian besar lansia di Panti Sosial Tresna Wredha Senjarawi memiliki ketergantungan sebagian dalam menjalani aktifitas kehidupannya.Diharapkan dapat dikembangkan program – program kesehatan bagi lansia yang dapat meningkatkan kemandirian lansia. Kata Kunci : kemandirian, lansia activities daily living  ABSTRACTThe increase in people’s life expectancy may result to the rise in elderly people population from year to year. The rise number in elderly people will lead to various health problems such as the increase of degenerative diseases and cancer that affect the decline in elderly people’s productivity. The decrease in elderly people’s productivity is caused by the reduction in function so that it will lead to the decrease in elderly people’s independence level in following daily activities. The purpose of this research is to identify elderly people’s independence level in fulfilling activities of daily living. The current research employed descriptive quantitative, which also applied total sampling as the technique to collect data. The samples were 21 elderly people (aged 60 – 69 years old) in Senjarawi Social Residential. Barthel index was utilized as the research instrument, while frequency distribution was also employed to analyze the research data. The research result on elderly people’s independence level (aged 60–69 years old) in fulfilling activities daily living revealed that most of elderly people, 15 persons (72%), were considered to be partially dependent, 3 persons (14 %) were categorized as independent, while the other 3 persons (14%) were considered as fully dependent. Based on the findings. That most of elderly people in Senjarawi Social Residential are considered as partially dependent. Suggests that healthcare programs for elderly people should be developed in order to improve elderly people’s independence. Keywords: independence, elderly people activities daily living
Pengaruh Faktor Demografi Terhadap Quality of Nursing Work Life (QNWL) Perawat di Puskesmas Kota Bandung pada Era BPJS Suparto, Tirta Adikusuma; Puspita, Asih Purwandari Wahyoe; Hermayanti, Yanti; Rohaedi, Slamet; Fitriani, Lisna Annisa
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jpki.v4i1.12338


ABSTRAK Sistem jaminan kesehatan nasional di Indonesia baru beroperasi sejak 2014 melalui Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) kesehatan. Dalam pelaksanaannya, pemberian pelayanan kesehatan pada pasien BPJS menggunakan sistem rujukan berjenjang, dimulai dari Fasilitas Kesehatan (FasKes) tingkat pertama, salah satunya yaitu Puskesmas. Hasil studi pendahuluan menunjukkan bahwa program BPJS kesehatan ini, teridentifikasi dapat memengaruhi pemberi pelayanan kesehatan, termasuk salah satunya dapat memengaruhi Kualitas Kehidupan Kerja Perawat/Quality of Nursing Work Life (QNWL) perawat di Puskesmas Kota Bandung. Padahal QNWL tersebut, pada akhirnya sangat memengaruhi komitmen dan kinerja perawat (Gray Smelzer, 1990). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran QNWL dan mengetahui gambaran faktor demografi beserta pengaruhnya terhadap QNWL. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan  cross-sectional survey. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tahun 2017 di 15 Puskesmas Kota Bandung. Data dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner, dan dianalisis menggunakan  uji beda 2 mean independen (uji t) dan uji Anova (α=5%). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa:  1) perawat di Puskesmas Kota Bandung memiliki nilai QNWL secara keseluruhan dan dimensi-dimensi QNWL yang berada dalam kategori baik. Namun demikian terdapat 3 komponen yang masih bermasalah, yaitu: masih banyaknya tugas non keperawatan, alat dan bahan untuk perawatan pasien yang kurang memadai, tempat perawat/tempat istirahat/loker yang kurang memadai; 2) tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan faktor-faktor demografi (umur (p=0.096), jenis kelamin (p=0.776), status pernikahan (p=0.953), tingkat pendidikan (p=0.183), status kepegawaian (p=0.217), lama bekerja sebagai perawat (p=0.162))  terhadap Quality of Nursing Work Life (QNWL) perawat di Puskesmas Kota Bandung. Implikasi penelitian ini adalah perlu adanya upaya perbaikan komponen-komponen dan faktor-faktor QNWL yang masih bermasalah. Selain itu, perlu adanya upaya peningkatan status kepegawaian perawat kontrak BLUD menjadi PNS atau minimal setara dengan PNS ABSTRACT National health insurance system in Indonesia has been operated since 2014 by the Social Insurance Administration Organization (BPJS). Practically, the provision of health services used tiered referral system, from the first-level health facilities (FasKes), such as Health Center. The result of preliminary studies showed that BPJS program may affect health care providers, including one that can affect the Quality of Nursing Work Life (QNWL) nurses at the health center of Bandung. In the end, QNWL affects the commitment and performance of nurses (Gray Smelzer, 1990). This research aimed to describe QNWL and to find out demographic factors and its influence on QNWL.  The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive cross-sectional survey. This research was conducted in 2017 in 15 health centers in Bandung. The data were collected through questionnaire and analyzed using independent sample t Test and Anova. The results of this study showed (1) Nurses at the health center of Bandung were in a good category on both overall scores of QNWL and dimensions. However, there are three components which are still problematic, namely: a huge number of non-nursing tasks, inadequate tools and materials for patients’ care, inadequate nurses’ restrooms/locker rooms; (2) There is no significant effect of demographic factors, age (p=0.096), sex (p=0.776), marital status (p=0162), level of education (p=0.183), employment status (p=0.217), length of nursing experience (p=0.162)  to the Quality of Nursing Work Life (QNWL) nurses in 15 health centers in Bandung. The implications of this research are the need to improve problematic components and factors of QNWL. Moreover, improving the employment status of contract nurses BLUD to civil servants or at least equal to PNS is also needed
Tingkat Stres Dan Indikator Stres Pada Remaja Yang Melakukan Pernikahan Dini Rahmawati, Mega Nur; Rohaedi, Slamet; Sumartini, Sri
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jpki.v5i1.11180


ABSTRAKRemaja adalah individu yang sedang dalam tahap perkembangan transisi antara masa anak-anak dan masadewasa awal, merupakan masa yang mengalami banyak perubahan, baik secara anatomis, fisiologis, fungsi emosional dan intelektual serta hubungan di lingkungan sosial. Pernikahan dini diartikan pernikahan yang pasangan masih muda dan belum bisa memenuhi persyaratan  yang telah ditentukan untuk melakukan pernikahan. Usia Remaja yang melakukan pernikahan dini beresiko tidak dapat beradaptasi dengan baik dengan lingkungan dan situasi barunya maka beresiko mengakibatkan timbulnya stres. Gejala stress dapat menjadi masalah kesehatan yang cukup serius yang dapat menyebabkan dampak secara psikologis, sosial dan ekonomi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi tingkat stres dan indikator stress yang terjadi pada usia remaja yang melakukan pernikahan dini.Penelitian ini menggunakan  metode deskriptif  kuantitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan instrument kuesioner DASS-21. Sampel yang diteliti adalah pasangan remaja telah menikah pada usia 16-20 tahun sebanyak 104 pasangan yang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dan hasil penelitian dianalisa data dengan perhitungan distribusi frekuensi dan presentase (%). Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa setengah dari responden (46,1%) dikelompokan dalam keadaan stres normal, hampir setengahnya dari responden (29%) dikelompokan dalam keadaan stress ringan, sebagian kecil dari responden (15,3%) dikelompokan dalam keadaan stress sedang, sebagian kecil dari responden (8,6%) dikelompokan dalam keadaan stress berat, dan sebagian kecil dari responden (1%) dikelompokan dalam keadaan stress sangat berat. Simpulan penelitian ini bahwa secara psikologis, menikah pada usia dini merupakan suatu beban psikis. ABSTRACT Teenagers are individuals who are in the developmental transition from childhood to young adults. is a time of humans experience well on anatomic, physiologic, emotional changes, as well as their social and intellectual relationship. Early age marriage is defined as young couples who have not met the requirements needed to get married in marriage. Teenagers who commit early age marriage that could not adapt quite well with their new social environment may become stressful. Symptoms of stress can be quite serious health problems which can cause psychological, social and economic. This research has the aim to identity the stress level happens amongst teenagers who commit early age marriage.This research uses descriptive quantitative descriptive, which uses DASS-21 questionnaire as its instrument to obtain the data. The samples for the research are 104 teenagers couples aging from 16 to 20 whi have gotr married. That are obtained through purposive sampling and the result of research analyzed data with the calculasion of distribution frequency and percentage. The result of the research show that a half of the participants (46,1%) are categorized into normal stress, (29%) of the respondent are is categorized into mild stress, (15,3%) of the participants are is categorized into average stress, (8,6%) are in heavily stressful category, and only 1% categorized into very heavily stressful. The conclusion of this study that psychologically, married at an early age is a psychologoical burden. 
The Influence of Video Guide to Using the iPosyandu Application on Increasing Recording and Reporting Skills for Cadres in Purwarkarta Regency Vanny Fabianti; Fedri Ruluwedarata Rinawan; Nita Arisanti; Lisna Anisa Fitriana; Slamet Rohaedi
JURNAL PENDIDIKAN KEPERAWATAN INDONESIA Vol 9, No 1 (2023): Volume 9, Nomor 1, Juni 2023
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jpki.v9i1.55765


The iPosyandu application is an innovation in the health sector in the form of mobile technology to assist cadres in recording and reporting. Implement cadres can record and report using iPosyandu. Video as a communication channel for the diffusion of innovations is an attempt to convey messages so that the knowledge, attitudes, and skills of someone who watches the video change. The study aimed to identify the effect of video guides on cadre skill improvement in recording and reporting using the iPosyandu application. The pre-post test study in 120 cadres in Purwakarta Regency was divided into two groups, 60 cadres in the intervention group and 60 in the control group. The intervention group received modules and videos on using the iPosyandu application, while the control group only received modules on using the iPosyandu application. iPosyandu recording and reporting skills using observation sheets. The study shows that video guide influences improving the skills of cadres when using the iPosyandu application (p0.001). Video as a media guide that suits the needs of cadres and media experts can affect the skills of cadres in recording and reporting through iPosyandu.