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Pengaruh Customer Relationship Management Berupa Goclub Feature terhadap Loyalitas Pengguna Aplikasi Gojek di Kota Bandung Resti Resti; Cut Irna Setiawati
SEIKO : Journal of Management & Business Vol 5, No 1 (2022): January - Juny
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana STIE Amkop Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37531/sejaman.v5i1.2214


Abstrak Kondisi persaingan perusahaan berbasis digital semaikin ketat, saat ini perusahaan dituntut untuk dapat memberikan yang terbaik agar dapat mempertahankan dan meningkatkan loyalitas pelanggan. Salahnya satu cara bagi perusahaan adalah dengan menerapkan customer relationship management (CRM) yaitu dengan adanya program loyalitas pelanggan. Adanya program loyalitas yang dilakukan oleh Gojek yang di namakan GoClub memiliki banyak keunggulan, namun dari banyaknya keunggulan yang dimiliki masih banyak ditemukan keluhan mengenai GoClub. lPenelitian lini lbertujuan luntuk lmengetahui ldan lmenganalisis lcustomer lrelationship lmanagement l(CRM) lterhadap lloyalitas lpengguna laplikasi lGojek ldi lKota lBandung. lMetode lpenelitian lyang ldigunakan ladalah lmetode lkuantitatif ldengan ljenis lpenelitian ldeskriptif-kausalitas. lPengambilan lsampel ldilakukan ldengan lteknik lnon lprobability lsampling lyang ldigunakan ladalah lnon-probabiblity lsampling ldengan l100 lresponden lpengguna laplikasi lGojek ldi lKota lBandung. lTeknik lanalisis ldata lyang ldigunakan lanalisis ldeskriptif ldan lanalisis lregresi lsederhana. lBerdasarkan lhasil lanalisis ldeskriptif lcustomer lrelationship lmanagement l(CRM) ldan lloyalitas lpelanggan lsudah ltermasuk ldalam lkategori lsangat lbaik. lBerdasarkan lhasil lpenelitian lmenunjukan lbahwa lcustomer lRelationship lmanagement lberupa lGoClub lfeature lmemiliki lpengaruh lyang lsignifikan lterhadap lloyalitas lpengguna laplikasi lGojek ldi lKota lBandung ldengan lpersentase lsebesar l83,9% ldan lsisanya l16,1% ldipengaruhi loleh lfaktor llainnya lyang ltidak lditeliti lpada lpenelitian lini. Kata Kunci: Customer Relationship Management, Loyalitas Pelanggan. Abstract The competitive conditions of digital-based companies are getting tighter, currently companies are required to be able to provide the best in order to maintain and increase customer loyalty. One way for companies is to implement customer relationship management (CRM), namely by having a customer loyalty program. The existence of a loyalty program carried out by Gojek called GoClub has many advantages, but from the many advantages it has, there are still many complaints about GoClub. lThis lstudy laims lto ldetermine land lanalyze lcustomer lrelationship lmanagement l(CRM) lon lthe lloyalty lof lGojek lapplication lusers lin lthe lcity lof lBandung.The lresearch lmethod lused lis la lquantitative lmethod lwith lthe ltype lof ldescriptive-causality lresearch. lSampling lwas ldone lby lnon-probability lsampling ltechnique lused lwas lnon-probabiblity lsampling lwith l100 lrespondents lusing lthe lGojek lapplication lin lthe lcity lof lBandung. lThe ldata lanalysis ltechnique lused lwas ldescriptive lanalysis land lsimple lregression lanalysis. lBased lon lthe lresults lof ldescriptive lanalysis lof lcustomer lrelationship lmanagement l(CRM) land lcustomer lloyalty lis lincluded lin lthe lvery lgood lcategory. lBased lon lthe lresults lof lthe lstudy, lit lshows lthat lcustomer lrelationship lmanagement lin lthe lform lof lGoClub lfeature lhas la lsignificant linfluence lon lthe lloyalty lof lGojek lapplication lusers lin lthe lcity lof lBandung lwith la lpercentage lof l83.9% land lthe lremaining l16.1% lis linfluenced lby lother lfactors lnot lexamined lin lthis lstudy. Keywords: Customer Relationship Management, Customer Loyalty.