M Pramono Hadi, M Pramono
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Pemahaman Karakteristik Hujan Sebagai Dasar Pemilihan Model Hidrologi (Studi Kasus di Das Bengawan Solo Hulu) Hadi, M Pramono
Forum Geografi Vol 20, No 1 (2006): July 2006
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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The research was conducted at the Upper Bengawan Solo Catchment, which was categorized as critical catchment. The problems of flood and drought became the main issue, and need to be handled sooner, therefore it need hydrological modelling to coupe the problems. As we know that the role of rainfall as an input to the model is very significant parameter in generating output (discharge), then the objective of this research is to know the rainfall characteristics. The rainfall distribution in the research area can be known by doing the spatial analysis, especially using Kriging method. It does the rainfall mapping for a certain duration to describe the spatial rainfall distribution. It uses the rainfall data from 20 rainfall stations with 5 minutes interval recording. It does the inter-stations correlation analysis on the amount of rainfall and the distance of inter-stations. The significant level used in this study is 5%. The result shows the tendency that the more of the station number decreased, the smaller the rainfall correlation coefficient inter-stations are. It can be meant that the numbers of the rainfall stations in catchment area have optimum number of gauge. The coverage area for each station is 13 km2 when we use 5’s minute interval data. Most of the rainfall which have intensity > 30 mm/hr occur at minute 20th to 125th. As much as 17.5% of these rainfall have randomly distribution. There is a significant relationship (R2=65.2%) between daily maximum rainfall and minimum values of inter-stations correlation coefficient Base on above results it is very important to consider that in chosing the size of catchment area for hydrological modeling it should be related with its rainfall chracteristics.
Pemahaman Karakteristik Hujan Sebagai Dasar Pemilihan Model Hidrologi (Studi Kasus di Das Bengawan Solo Hulu) Hadi, M Pramono
Forum Geografi Vol 20, No 1 (2006): July 2006
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/forgeo.v20i1.1804


The research was conducted at the Upper Bengawan Solo Catchment, which was categorized as critical catchment. The problems of flood and drought became the main issue, and need to be handled sooner, therefore it need hydrological modelling to coupe the problems. As we know that the role of rainfall as an input to the model is very significant parameter in generating output (discharge), then the objective of this research is to know the rainfall characteristics. The rainfall distribution in the research area can be known by doing the spatial analysis, especially using Kriging method. It does the rainfall mapping for a certain duration to describe the spatial rainfall distribution. It uses the rainfall data from 20 rainfall stations with 5 minutes interval recording. It does the inter-stations correlation analysis on the amount of rainfall and the distance of inter-stations. The significant level used in this study is 5%. The result shows the tendency that the more of the station number decreased, the smaller the rainfall correlation coefficient inter-stations are. It can be meant that the numbers of the rainfall stations in catchment area have optimum number of gauge. The coverage area for each station is 13 km2 when we use 5’s minute interval data. Most of the rainfall which have intensity > 30 mm/hr occur at minute 20th to 125th. As much as 17.5% of these rainfall have randomly distribution. There is a significant relationship (R2=65.2%) between daily maximum rainfall and minimum values of inter-stations correlation coefficient Base on above results it is very important to consider that in chosing the size of catchment area for hydrological modeling it should be related with its rainfall chracteristics.
MAJALAH ILMIAH GLOBE Vol 14, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Badan Informasi Geospasial

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1008.465 KB) | DOI: 10.24895/MIG.2012.14-1.134


Ancaman banjir pada lahan sawah dapat menyebabkan berkurangnya luas panen dan produksi beras. Banjir genangan di wilayah pantura Jawa Tengah ini disebabkan oleh tingginya curah hujan dan/atau pasang air laut (rob). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui persepsi petani terhadap banjir genangan pada lahan sawah. Persepsi masyarakat petani yang digali mencakup persepsi mengenai kejadian banjir pada lahan sawah baik yang disebabkan karena hujan atau rob, atau gabungan antara keduanya, dan dampaknya terhadap produksi padi. Persepsi petani merupakan dasar perilaku adaptasi yang dilakukan petani. Adaptasi mencakup segala usaha yang dilakukan sebagai upaya untuk mengurangi risiko, dari risiko pengurangan produksi padi hingga hilangnya seluruh lahan sawah karena tergenang secara permanen. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melakukan observasi lapangan dan wawancara, dengan sampel terpilih dan terbatas pada petani di wilayah yang terkena banjir. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa petani di wilayah penelitian telah melakukan adaptasi guna mengurangi risiko kerugian karena banjir sesuai dengan persepsi dan kapasitasnya yang diwujudkan dalam pembangunan infrastruktur penahan banjir dan/atau modifikasi bentuk pola tanam.Kata Kunci: Sawah, Banjir Genangan, Persepsi ABSTRACTFlood inundation over the paddy field threatens the rice production by degrading the harvest area and rice production. Flood inundation in the area of study occurs due to high rainfall and/or sea water tide. This research aims to study farmers’ perception towards the flood inundation over the paddy field. Farmers’ perception investigated includes perception towards the occurrences of flood inundation resulted from rainfall and/or sea water tide and the impact to the rice production. The farmers’ perception is the based of farmers adaptation behaviour. Meanwhile, the adaptation investigated includes any efforts that have been carried out to reduce the risks, from the reduction of rice production into the lost of paddy field due permanent inundation. This research carried out by doing field observation and interview, with sample selected purposively inclusively to farmers in the flooded area. The result shows that the farmers have been performed adaptation based on their perception and capacity by building flood control and modification of crop calendars.Keyword: Paddy Field, Flood Inundation, Perception
INVESTIGATING THE EFFECT OF CONSERVATION TECHNIQUES ON THE LAND DEGRADATION OF TROPICAL CATCHMENT PRONE TO LANDSLIDE Christanto, Nugroho; Sartohadi, Junun; Setiawan, Muhammad Anggri; Hadi, M Pramono; Jetten, Victor G; Shrestha, Druba Phika
Jurnal Geografi : Media Informasi Pengembangan dan Profesi Kegeografian Vol 14, No 2 (2017): July 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jg.v14i2.11513


Land degradation in Serayu watershed is a major concern in central Java and in Indonesia. As part of a broader effort to develop a land degradation assessment tool in tropical area, this study implemented a process-based watershed hydrology to assess the effect of conservation technique upon land degradation by using PCRaster. STARWARS was used to assess the watershed hydrology in the area based on their land use/ land cover, soil, and slope profiles. The results from STARWARS were used as inputs for the PROBSTAB model to simulate the slope stability in the area. DEM scenario were used, they are with terraces and without terraces.The models show that the landuse practice in the study area work like two edges of sword. The promoting of bench terrace can be reducing the risk of soil erosion but in the other hands it increases in the risk of landslide. From the slope-stability modeling, we can see that the terrace increases the pore-water pressure significantly which lead to the ideal conditions for the failures. The extremely high intensity rainfall, in the other hands, may build a sharp increase of pore-water pressure. The increasing probability of failure might cause the soil erosion even worse. Therefore, in order to make the terrace practice is effective to control the land degradation process; the terrace has to be well maintained.
Investigating the Role of Rainfall Variability on the Hydrological Response of Small Tropical Upland Watershed Christanto, Nugroho; Sartohadi, Junun; Setiawan, Anggri; Hadi, M Pramono; Jetten, Victor; Shrestha, Dhruba Phika
Jurnal Geografi : Media Informasi Pengembangan dan Profesi Kegeografian Vol 16, No 1 (2019): January
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jg.v16i1.9879


Excessive soil losses found in many upper basins in Java which causing severe problem in the lowland areas due to extreme hydrological response. The objective of this research is to study the role of rainfall variability (spatial variability, intensity and duration) on the hydrological response of small tropical upland watershed. To run and test this scenario, a watershed with a good weather dataset and experience soil loss problem was selected. Therefore, Bompon Watershed were selected to perform the model. In order to investigate the hydrological response of different rainfall variability, LISEM was sed. Three scenarios of comparison were designed: different rainfall interpolation, different direction of rainfall movement, high intensity-short duration and low intensity-long duration rain. Initial moisture content (thetai) was found as the most sensitive variable for all indicators when all input variables value increased. When the input variables values decreased, thetai was found as the most sensitive variable for changing in total discharge, whereas saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) was the most sensitive variable for changing in peak of discharge.
Study of Groundwater Vulnerability to Pollution in the Tambakbayan Watershed in 2006 And 2017 Widyastuti, Margaretha; Suprayogi, Slamet; Hadi, M Pramono; Christanto, Nugroho; Tivianton, Tommy Andryan; Fadilah, Gita Oktaviani; Rahmawati, Laelina
Jurnal Pendidikan Geografi Gea Vol 21, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Indonesia University of Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/gea.v21i1.28368


Tambakbayan is one of the watersheds in Yogyakarta, Indonesia that is experiencing changes in land use. The research aims to analyze the distribution of intrinsic and specific groundwater vulnerability in the watershed that was influenced by land-use changes from 2006 to 2017. The data used are the RBI maps (containinh topographic and land-use information, 2006 and 2017), SRTM imagery, rainfall recorded at the Kambil, Prumpung, Bronggang, Santan, Gemawang, and Karang Ploso stations (2006-2017), soil map, and aquifer map. Land-use change was analyzed by comparing the RBI maps of 2006 and 2017; while the groundwater vulnerability was assessed with the Susceptibility Index a development of the DRASTIC method. The intrinsic groundwater vulnerability was generated based on physical conditions, including depth to the water table, aquifer media, groundwater recharge, and topography, while the specific groundwater vulnerability was a function of these attributes added with one anthropogenic parameter : land-use. Then, all of these parameters were analyzed with map ovelay. The results showed two levels of intrinsic vulnerability : low (2.18% of the watershed area) and medium (97.8%); and three classes of specific vulnerability : low (0.02%), medium (5.06%), and high (94.92%)in 2006. From 2006 through 2017, the areal percentage of the medium vulnerability  increased, while that of the high vulnerability decreased due to the conversion of agricultural land to a reservoir in 2009. 
Investigating the Role of Rainfall Variability on the Hydrological Response of Small Tropical Upland Watershed Christanto, Nugroho; Sartohadi, Junun; Setiawan, Anggri; Hadi, M Pramono; Jetten, Victor; Shrestha, Dhruba Phika
Jurnal Geografi : Media Informasi Pengembangan dan Profesi Kegeografian Vol 16, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jg.v16i1.9879


Excessive soil losses found in many upper basins in Java which causing severe problem in the lowland areas due to extreme hydrological response. The objective of this research is to study the role of rainfall variability (spatial variability, intensity and duration) on the hydrological response of small tropical upland watershed. To run and test this scenario, a watershed with a good weather dataset and experience soil loss problem was selected. Therefore, Bompon Watershed were selected to perform the model. In order to investigate the hydrological response of different rainfall variability, LISEM was sed. Three scenarios of comparison were designed: different rainfall interpolation, different direction of rainfall movement, high intensity-short duration and low intensity-long duration rain. Initial moisture content (thetai) was found as the most sensitive variable for all indicators when all input variables value increased. When the input variables values decreased, thetai was found as the most sensitive variable for changing in total discharge, whereas saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) was the most sensitive variable for changing in peak of discharge.
Jurnal Geografi Lingkungan Tropik (Journal of Geography of Tropical Environments) Vol. 3, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Data acquisition using unmanned aircraft is increasingly being done. This study models elevation data from field measurements using unmanned aircraft. The purpose of this study: (1) to test the ability of unmanned aircraft to acquire elevation data, and (2) to compare elevation data if added point cloud data and bathymetry measurement data. The processing method using point cloud data is done by first matching key points. Matching key points links all aerial photography results to forming a single unit area that has been photographed. Next, a tie point is carried out in the area formed from matching key points. Tie points function as data correction when unmanned aircraft take data. Corrected aerial photos are then processed to obtain point cloud data. Point cloud is useful as orthophoto compiler data and Digital Surface Model (DSM) data. Point cloud data processing to produce DSM is done using Pix4D and Agisoft photoscan software. The results obtained showed that there was an increase in DSM capabilities when point cloud data was added to the tie point data and bathymetry measurement data. So, it can be concluded that data acquisition using unmanned aircraft is able to produce reliable data. Besides being reliable, data acquisition with unmanned aircraft is cheaper compared to data acquisition with aerial photography.