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The Use of Game Media Engklek for Introducing The Value of Nationalism in Elementary School Nina Nurhasanah; Iva Sarifah
Jurnal Ilmiah Sekolah Dasar Vol 7 No 1 (2023): February
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jisd.v7i1.44518


Based on the needs analysis, it was found that there still needed to be more variety of media used by teachers and students to form character in Civics learning in elementary schools. The right learning media will make it easier for teachers to shape the character of students in elementary schools. Therefore, this study aims to produce Civics learning media in forming the character of loving the motherland in elementary schools with field and effectiveness tests. The research method uses design and development. This type of research is development. Methods of data collection using observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The research subjects were material, media, and language experts using validation sheets. The test subjects were 18 grade IV students. The instruments used in data collection were questionnaires, interview guides, and documents. The technique used to analyze the data is descriptive qualitative and quantitative analysis. The results were that Engklek Karkater (EKA) was effective as a Civics learning medium for introducing the value of nationalism in elementary schools. The output of the research results is in the form of traditional game media that is scientifically feasible and has been tested for its effectiveness, along with a guidebook for using the Engklek Karanter game media to introduce the character values of Nationalism in Elementary Schools. This study implies that teachers can use the character crank game media to introduce the character values of love for the motherland (nationalism) which is the goal of Civics subjects.
Pendampingan Penggunaan Media Engklek Karakter Untuk Pembelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaran di Sekolah Dasar Garut Jawa Barat Nina Nurhasanah; Gusti Yarmi
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Nusantara Vol. 4 No. 4 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Nusantara (JPkMN)
Publisher : Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi (Sisfokomtek)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Pentingnya pendidikan karakter menjadi isu utama dalam mewujudkan profil pelajar Pancasila. Pendidikan karakter ini menjadi pondasi utama dalam mensukseskan program menyongsong Indonesia Emas 2025. Namun pelaksanaan pendidikan karakter di wilayah Desa Sindanglaya dan Desa Mekarsari Kecamatan Karangpawitan Garut Jawa Barat belum berjalan dengan optimal. Melalui kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan dalam upaya untuk menambah wawasan dan keterampilan guru dalam menumbuhkembangkan karakter siswa melalui proses pembelajaran.  Siswa di sekolah dasar penting memiliki karakter yang kuat agar siap menghadapi interaksi global      di masyarakat internasional dengan mampu berkebhinnekaan global tetapi tetap mempertahankan kearifan lokal. Salah satu upaya dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran yang berasal dari kearifan lokal yaitu Engklek Karakter. Setelah kegiatan pendampingan, diharapkan dapat menambah kompetensi profesional guru khususnya dalam menyusun program Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter. Metode yang digunakan berupa seminar dan workshop/pelatihan, pendampingan dalam penerapan media pembelajaran Engklek Karakter untuk pembelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila di sekolah dasar. Hal ini yang mendorong kegiatan pendampingan perlu diadakan dan hasil yang didapat dari kegiatan pengadian masyarakat dapat membantu pemerintah untuk mensukseskan penanaman karakter siswa melalui kegiatan belajar dengan menggunakan media Engklek Karakter yang memiliki kearifan lokal.
Google Sites Based on Guided Inquiry to Improve Social Studies Critical Thinking in Elementary Schools Kori Sundari; Arita Marini; Nina Nurhasanah
Journal of Education Reseach and Evaluation Vol 8 No 1 (2024): February
Publisher : LPPM Undiksha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jere.v8i1.70079


The increase in Indonesian internet users will reach 215 million people in 2023, increasing from 77.02% to 78.18%. Apart from that, students' critical thinking, evaluation, inference, explanation and self-regulation skills still need to be improved. This research aims to develop Google sites based on guided inquiry. This type of research is development research using the Borg and Gall model procedure. The research subjects are learning media experts, material experts and language experts. The test subjects were 30 students and 2 teachers. Data collection methods use observation, interviews, questionnaires and tests. Data collection instruments use questionnaires and test questions. Data analysis techniques use descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistical analysis. The results of the research were that media expert validation produced an average of 4.64, material experts produced an average of 4.67 and language expert validation results were 4.7. Based on teacher and student trials, it shows that the media is in the very good category, declared suitable for use in learning. The effectiveness test results obtained an N-gain of 56.2 in the "quite effective" category. Student response activities obtained an N-gain of 77.99 in the "effective" category. It was concluded that Google Sites-based media integrated with guided inquiry can improve the critical thinking of fifth-grade elementary school students compared to conventional learning. This research implies that the guided inquiry-based Google Sites developed can be used in learning.