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Istigfar dalam Alqur’an: Perspektif Sayyid Quthb dalam Tafsir Fi Zhilal Al-Qur’an Hasibuan, Ruwaida; Nasution, Muhammad Ali Azmi; Sulidar, Sulidar
Jurnal Pendidikan Tambusai Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): April 2024
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai, Riau, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jptam.v8i1.13849


Manusia tidak ma’sum dari kesalahan dan dosa. Hal ini karena tabi’at sebagai manusia, yakni tidak luput berbuat salah dan lupa. Juga dikarenakan musuh manusia yang banyak. Misalnya, nafsu yang ada di dalam jiwanya, yang selalu menghiasi dan mengajaknya kepada keburukan dan dosa. Salah satu cara untuk menutupi kelupaan dan kesalahan adalah dengan beristighfar (memohon ampun kepada Allah SWT). Istighfar adalah sesuatu yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan manusia setiap harinya, khususnya kaum muslimin, akan tetapi masih banyak sekali dikalangan kaum muslimin tidak memposisikan istighfar sebagai sesuatu yang sangat penting. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian pustaka (library reserarch), yang menampung data primer berupa Tafsir Fi Zhilalil Qur’an sebagai sumber utama, serata data sekunder berupa kitab-kitab tafsir maupun refrensi yang berkaitan. Maka hasil dari penelitian ini dapat dipahami bahwa istighfar memiliki banyak penafsiran dari beberapa mufassir terdapat dalam ayat di dalam Al-Qur’an. Konsep istighfar menurut Sayyid Quthb dalam Tafsir Fi Zhilalil Qur’an adalah orang yang beristighfar atas kesalahan selama ini diiringi dengan taubat, hidup akan menjadi lapang, bahagia, dilipat gandakan hartanya, keturunan yang sambung-bersambung dan rizki tak disangka-sangka.
Academy of Education Journal Vol. 14 No. 2 (2023): Academy of Education Journal
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47200/aoej.v14i2.1660


The rise of cases of perpetrators and perpetrators in social networks has made researchers try to examine what causes these cases to occur. And how does the view of Islamic law respond to the case. Until the term takhbib arose in Islam. Until it is known that takhbib is an act of seducing one of the legitimate married couples by inviting them to commit adultery, both adultery of the eyes, hands and heart to the point of genital adultery so that the husband or wife hates their legal husband or wife
Eksplorasi Kesahihan Hadis dalam Tradisi Sufi Aceh: Studi Kasus Majelis Pengkajian Tauhid dan Tasawuf Indonesia Mawardi, Mawardi; Drajat, Amroeni; Sulidar, Sulidar
AL QUDS : Jurnal Studi Alquran dan Hadis Vol 7, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/alquds.v7i3.8579


Exploring the Authenticity of Hadith in the Sufi Tradition of Aceh: A Case Study of the Majelis Pengkajian Tauhid dan Tasawuf IndonesiaThis article explores the Majelis Pengkajian Tauhid dan Tasawuf Indonesia (MPTT-I), a Sufi group, and its critique of Hadith. Drawing on data from the book "Ajaran Tauhid Tasawuf dan Tauhid Sufi," it identifies several Hadith used by MPTT-I, which hadith scholars classify as fabricated. Despite their dubious status, MPTT-I employs these Hadith to substantiate their Sufi teachings. Theoretical disparities in standards for authenticating Hadith between Hadith scholars and Sufi scholars prompt an inquiry: Does MPTT-I lean towards the Sufi scholars' method, involving kashf, or the Hadith scholars' method, prevalent among Acehnese scholars, or do they strike a balance by internalizing the Sufi scholars' approach for teaching while deploying the Hadith scholars' method as a negotiation strategy with the majority's teachings? To answer this, data from interviews and documentation are subjected to content analysis and an interdisciplinary approach. Findings reveal that MPTT-I's Hadith criticism method differs from both Sufi and Hadith scholars. They eschew the kashf method, prioritizing content quality over the chain of narration (sanad). Moreover, MPTT-I accords equal importance to the authority of core and ancillary texts when assessing Hadith quality, especially in legitimizing their Sufi teachings.
Ibn Ḥajar’s Thoughts On Criticism Of Hadith Narrators: A Study Of The Book Lisān Al-Mizān Yuslem, Nawir; Sulidar, Sulidar; Qomarullah, Muhammad
El-Ghiroh : Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 22 No 1 (2024): Maret
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAI) Bumi Silampari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37092/el-ghiroh.v22i1.722


This article aims to reveal a hadith scholar ibn Ḥajar in assessing the narrators of hadith in the book Lisān al-Mīzān. His thinking is a way of assessing hadith narrators as an effort to clarify the thoughts of previous scholars such as al-Żahabī in the book Mizān al-I'tidāl and other scholars who have judged individuals in hadith narrations as d}aīf for various reasons. He has revised the names of the existing but missing narrators (rijāl al-hadīṡ) in the sittah book, then explained the names of the unclear or ambiguous hadith transmitters by using explanations such as their real names, nicknames, pseudonym , or father's names and his lineage. From this book he has explained information using codes and symbols as well as additional information which is sometimes just a brief but clear explanation, so that the information from the book is very helpful for hadith experts to know hadith narrators who are foreign to other hadith experts. Ibnu Ḥajar advised that the assessment of hadith from the perspective of rāwi must be thorough, so that the assessment of the quality of the hadiths of ṣaḥīḥ, ḥasan and ḍaīf can be clear and clear by subsequent hadith researchers and not a misjudgment. So, hadith research that is considered to be of weak quality because one scholar has a problem with a rāwī may be of ṡiqah or ṣadūq for other scholars because the rāwī is actually a different person.
Analysis Study of Hadiths Towards the Fatwa Book on Several Issues by H.M. Arsyad Thalib Lubis Yuslem, Nawir; Sulidar, Sulidar; Mukhlis, Mukhlis
International Journal of Social Service and Research Vol. 4 No. 03 (2024): International Journal of Social Service and Research (IJSSR)
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/ijssr.v4i03.732


This study delves into the analysis of Hadith in H.M. Arsyad Thalib Lubis' Fatwa Book, titled Some Problems, with a specific focus on investigating the status of the Sanad and Matan, as well as exploring the method of Fiqhul Hadith employed in the book. The primary inquiries include determining Sanad's status, Matan's status, and the Fiqh al-Hadith method employed by Arsyad Talib Lubis. The research utilizes a literature-based approach with a scientific and methodological orientation. The findings reveal that out of 154 hadiths in the book, 97 are Sahih, 34 are Hasan, 14 are Da'if, 1 is Munkar, and 8 are not found in the Mutun al-Hadith. The Matan's status affirms that the contained hadiths align with the principles of the Qur'an, hadith, Ijma', Qiyas, and commendable Muslim practices, encouraging their incorporation into daily worship. The Fiqh al-Hadith method outlined in the book encompasses understanding the hadith following Quranic instructions, considering background, situational conditions, and purpose, distinguishing between variable means and fixed ends, discerning expressions of haqiqi and majadzi, recognizing the distinction between the unseen and the real, and ascertaining the meaning of words in the hadith. These findings contribute to a nuanced understanding of Hadith analysis and offer valuable insights for scholars and practitioners of Islamic jurisprudence.
Wahbah Zuhaili's View of Tawazun Suroh Al-jumu'ah Verses 9 -11 in Tafsir Al- Munir Siregar, Maisarah; Sulidar, Sulidar
Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 8 No 1 (2024): Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33487/edumaspul.v8i1.8009


Tawazun is a concept in Islam that refers to balance, harmony, or proper proportion between various aspects of life. The purpose of this writing is to examine Wahbah Zuhaili's view of the concept of tawazun (balance) in his interpretation of Surah Al-Jumu'ah verses 9-11 contained in the Al-Munir commentary book. Through qualitative methods, this research identifies Zuhaili's approach to these verses, explores understanding of the concept of tawazun, and highlights its theological and practical meaning. The findings from this research indicate that Zuhaili understands tawazun as an important principle in religious and social life. Although there is no direct reference to Tawazun in Al-Munir's commentary. However, he emphasized the importance of maintaining a balance between worship and world affairs, as well as between rights and obligations, especially during Friday prayers. This concept explains integration within the broader framework of Islamic thought, providing a comprehensive view of how Muslims should live their lives with harmony and balance. It can be concluded that Zuhaili's understanding of tawazun provides valuable insight for Muslims in living life holistically in accordance with the teachings of the Islamic religion.