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Jurnal Abdi Insani Vol 9 No 3 (2022): Jurnal Abdi Insani
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/abdiinsani.v9i3.685


Humans underwent a massive transformation and launched themselves into a fully modern and digital approach to society. But on the other hand there are threats in the advancement of the application of this digital technology. The purpose of this community service is to provide education about the opportunities and challenges for lecturers and students in dealing with changing times in the Era of Digital Society Transformation 5.0. This service activity was carried out through a web seminar due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This activity was organized by Catur Insan Cendekia University and Cirebon City ICT Volunteers. This activity was attended by lecturers and students from, West Java, DKI Jakarta, Central Java and East Java. The method of implementing this activity consists of several stages, namely the planning stage, delivery of material and discussion and continued online discussion. Based on the input obtained from the participants, this activity is very useful for the participants and motivates the participants to improve the competencies that students must have in entering the Era of Digital Society Transformation 5.0. No less important contribution of this activity for lecturers is to be able to increase understanding of appropriate learning methods for students who will enter the Transformation Era Digital Society 5.0. This activity concluded that the education provided by the resource persons could be well understood by students. The knowledge includes 1.) student challenges, 2.) student opportunities and 3.) student attitudes in optimizing Opportunities and Challenges in the Transformation Era Digital Society 5.0.
Prioritization of the Best Online Platform for MSMEs Using Simple Additive Weighting Method Sutrisno Sutrisno; Wulandari Wulandari; Vivid Violin; Agung Supriyadi; Muhammad Risal Tawil
Journal on Education Vol 5 No 3 (2023): Journal on Education: Volume 5 Nomor 3 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Many MSMEs have begun embracing online marketing platforms to sell their products and services in the current digital era. This is because online platforms facilitate MSMEs' access to a larger market and streamline the transaction process. With so many online platforms accessible today, it is tough to determine which is the best for MSMEs. Hence, a decision-making method is required to aid micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in identifying the online promotion platform that best meets the evaluation criteria. Using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method, the primary purpose of this study is to aid micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in selecting the online platform that best meets their business objectives. The ranking results demonstrate that decision-making processes can be utilized to rank the most effective internet promotion platforms for MSMEs. From the final results, it is determined that the criteria for segmenting consumer reach and ease of use of applications are important in determining online promotion platforms, with the results of platform prioritization indicating that Instagram and Whatsapp chat media continue to dominate as an alternative online promotion platform for MSMEs.
LITERATURE REVIEW: DETERMINASI KEPATUHAN WAJIB PAJAK UMKM MELALUI DJP ONLINE Agung Supriyadi; Aditya Kurniawan Chandra; Angelica Ivone Putri Lestari; Febry Cristi Yanti; Gytha Nurhana Dhea Praadha Gitama
Jurnal EBI Vol 5, No 2 (2023): Jurnal Ekonomi Bisnis dan Industri
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52061/ebi.v5i2.170


Tax is one of the main sources of state revenue for Indonesia. However, the awareness level of taxpayers is still low and is a big problem for the state. This is evident from the fact that the number of MSMEs in Indonesia is greater than the number of taxpayers registered with the DGT, which is 8.71 million business units in 2022. Therefore, the DGT has developed DGT Online, which is a digital platform that allows MSMEs to manage and comply with their tax obligations electronically. This research was conducted to analyze how much influence DGT Online has, tax sanctions, taxpayer awareness, and service quality on the level of taxpayer compliance in fulfilling their obligations. The method used in this research is qualitative research with a literature study approach. The results of this study indicate that the application of technology in tax administration, such as e-Registration, e-Filing, and e-Billing, has a positive impact on the level of taxpayer compliance. This technology not only simplifies the process of reporting and paying taxes, but also improves the efficiency and accuracy of reporting, reduces the potential for errors, and provides significant benefits for taxpayers in fulfilling their tax obligations.Keywords: DJP Online, Taxpayer Compliance, Technology
Jurnal EBI Vol 5, No 2 (2023): Jurnal Ekonomi Bisnis dan Industri
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52061/ebi.v5i2.168


The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of the marketing mix (Product, Price, Promotion, Location, People, Physical Facilities, and Process) on PT. Bank BNI Tuparev Cirebon Branch Office. This research was conducted at PT. Bank BNI Tuparev Cirebon Branch Office. Respondents of this study are savings customers of PT. Bank BNI Tuparev Cirebon Branch Office with a sample of 100 people. Research using multiple linear regression analysis with the help of SPSS. Conclusions from this study: 1. the marketing mix consisting of product, price/interest rate, promotion, location, people, physical evidence, and process together have a positive influence and significantly to customer decisions in choosing savings products at BNI Tuparev Bank Cirebon 2 Branch Office. Of the seven variables studied, only location and people have a positive and significant influence on customer decisions. 3. Other variables such as product, price/interest rate, promotion, physical evidence, and process do not show a significant effect on customer decisions. Therefore, companies need to focus on aspects of location and quality of employee service as an effort to increase the number of customers and improve customer decisions in choosing savings productsKey words: marketing mix, Saving Decision
Aplikasi Sistem Pencatatan Pengeluaran Atas Transaksi Pengajuan Restitusi Pensiunan Pada PT. Telkom Witel Cirebon Maylinda Maylinda; Agung Supriyadi; Marsani Asfi
Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi Vol 1, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Catur Insan Cendekia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51920/jurminsi.v1i3.191


PT. Telkom Indonesia (persero) Tbk. sebagai Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) yang bergerak dalam bidang pelayanan jasa telekomunikasi, dituntut untuk selalu melakukan perbaikan pada proses pelayanannya dengan memperhatikan penggunaan sumber daya yang dimilikinya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat aplikasi pencatatan transaksi pengajuan restitusi pensiunan pada PT, Telkom Witel Cirebon.. Human Capitalakan memberikan tempat untuk pensiunan mengenai pengajuan Restitusi Pensiunan sebagai dana pengganti kerugian yang dipakai untuk berobat dimitra kesehatan melalui Yayasan Kesehatan (Yakes).Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah aplikasi pencatatan pengeluaran atas transaksi pengajuan Restitusi Pensiunan, yang diharapkan dapat membantu proses penginputan data lebih cepat dan lebih efektif. Perancangan yang saat ini saya buat yaitu menggunakan software MySQL
SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan Vol 7, No 4 (2023): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jpmb.v7i4.19755


ABSTRAKPotensi pasar penggunaan parfum yang terus meningkat seiring peningkatan kualitas dan gaya hidup masyarakat. Parfum sering digunakan oleh banyak orang berbagai kalangan dan usia. Fiar Parfum Store merupakan salah satu industri/usaha rumah tangga penjualan parfum merk Garuda Lavina. Pada beberapa aktifitas dari penyediaan stok parfum, promosi, pemasaran, penjualan serta pengiriman saat ini terdapat beberapa permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra. Permasalahan tersebut adalah dalam hal manajemen administrasi promosi, pemesanan, pemasaran serta penjualan dan komplain konsumen. Permasalahan yang muncul adalah seringnya tumpang tindih informasi pemesanan, data-data pemesanan yang seringkali terabaikan dan terlupakan karena penangan pemesanan konsumen dilakukan melalui WhatsApp. Status penanganan transaksi pemesanan, pengiriman dan komplain dari konsumen sering terabaikan dan lama. Aplikasi MyPMP merupakan aplikasi manajemen administrasi promosi, pemasaran dan penjualan. Aplikasi MyPMP dapat digunakan oleh UMKM untuk memonitoring setiap aktifitas manajemen khususnya dalam administrasi promosi, pemasaran serta penjualan. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan sosialisasi penggunaan aplikasi MyPMP ditawarkan sebagai solusi permasalahan tersebut. Sosiolisasi dilakukan oleh narasumber yang kompeten di bidang digital marketing, pembuatan sistem informasi serta kewirausahaan. Hasil kegiatan sosialisasi menunjukkan 71% tingkat pemahaman sangat setuju dan 29% tingkat pemahaman setuju akan penggunaan aplikasi. Selanjutnya aplikasi tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan oleh pihak UMKM untuk kegiatan operasional di fiar store. Kata kunci: MyPMP; sosialisasi; PkM; UMKM. ABSTRACTThe perfume industry is witnessing steady growth due to improvements in product quality and changing consumer lifestyles. Perfume is a popular choice for people of all ages and backgrounds. Fiar Parfum Store, a home-based business, specializes in selling the Garuda Lavina brand of perfumes. However, the company faces various challenges in its daily operations, including promotional management, order processing, marketing, sales, and addressing customer complaints. One significant issue is the mishandling of order information, which often leads to overlapping orders and overlooked data. The orders are primarily managed through WhatsApp, resulting in delays in order processing, deliveries, and addressing customer complaints. To streamline these operations, Fiar Parfum Store has introduced the MyPMP application, designed for promotional, marketing, and sales administration. This innovative application has proven beneficial for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) by providing efficient management of various activities. Through socialization activities, competent experts in digital marketing, information systems, and entrepreneurship have educated MSMEs about the MyPMP application's utility. The results of the socialization activities indicate a 71% rate of very agreeable understanding and a 29% agreeable understanding level regarding the use of the application. As a result, this application has become an invaluable tool for improving the day-to-day operations of Fiar Parfum Store and other businesses within the same industry. Keywords: MyPMP; socialization; PkM; MSMEs.
PELATIHAN SOFTSKILL TIM PPK ORMAWA UCIC DI DESA MUNDU PESISIR – KABUPATEN CIREBON Widyani Ayu Lestari; Kevin Paskah Hirawan; Agung Supriyadi; Chandra Lukita; Amroni Amroni; Rifqi Fahrudin; Marsani Asfi; Suwandi Suwandi
Jurnal Abdimas Universitas Insan Pembangunan Indoneisa Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Abdimas Unipem
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Insan Pembangunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58217/jabdimasunipem.v2i1.30


Tujuan kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) tim PPK Ormawa Universitas Catur Insan Cendekia (UCIC) ini adalah untuk meningkatkan keterampilan komunikasi yang efektif di Desa Mundu Pesisir, Kabupaten Cirebon. Keterampilan komunikasi yang efektif merupakan kunci untuk membangun hubungan yang harmonis, meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat dalam berbagai program pembangunan, serta meningkatkan pemahaman antarindividu di masyarakat. Metode penelitian melibatkan pendekatan partisipatif dengan melibatkan aktifitas interaksi langsung antara tim peneliti dan masyarakat Desa Mundu Pesisir. Tahap awal melibatkan identifikasi kebutuhan komunikasi masyarakat melalui survei dan wawancara. Selanjutnya, berdasarkan temuan dari tahap awal, dilakukan penyusunan program pelatihan keterampilan komunikasi yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan masyarakat. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pengembangan program pelatihan yang mencakup keterampilan dasar komunikasi verbal dan non-verbal, serta keterampilan dalam berkomunikasi secara efektif dalam berbagai situasi, termasuk dalam pertemuan masyarakat, diskusi kelompok, dan presentasi publik. Program ini didesain untuk meningkatkan rasa percaya diri dan keterampilan berbicara masyarakat Desa Mundu Pesisir.