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Promotion Strategy Of Pacu Jawi Event in Pariangan District, West Sumatra Province Siska Mandalia; Taufik Hidayat; Elvina
Journal of Mandalika Review Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Journal of Mandalika Review
Publisher : Politeknik Pariwisata Lombok

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55701/mandalika.v2i2.81


Introduction: This study aims to determine the promotion strategy for the Pacu Jawi (cow race) event in Pariangan District, West Sumatra Province. There are three indicators of the promotion strategy used to promote the Pacu Jawi event in Pariangan District, West Sumatra: identifying the target audience, designing messages, and choosing appropriate media. These three indicators need to be a concern to help the Youth and Sports Tourism Office in Tanah Datar Regency to attract tourists and compete with other tourism events in West Sumatra so that in the future, the Pacu Jawi Event is right on target, according to the needs and interests of tourists, and visitors who are targeted are more effective and efficient. Methodology: The research method used is a descriptive qualitative approach with a case study design. The subjects of this study consisted of six informants, two main informants from the Youth and Sports Tourism Office Tanah Datar Regency, one supporting informant from the chairman of the Pariangan District Tourism Travel Awareness Group (Pokdarwis), one Head of Pacu Jawi Association (Porwi), and two informants from the Travel Agents. Data collection techniques and data sources were carried out using interview methods with interview guidelines and documentation in the form of direct photos and voice recordings from the informants. Findings: The results of this study show that research informants identify target audiences using special techniques by expanding the selected audience based on tourist visits. Is there any increase or decrease? Identifying the target audience is also through the Pacu Jawi photography competition; the target is photographers and domestic tourists who can affect economic growth for residents and are expected to increase the amount of regional income because many tourists come from outside of the region. Besides that, designing messages by creating an attractive event calendar design and uploading it on social media, such as Instagram, every week for the Pacu Jawi event and making it a tour package is one of the strategies to promote the event. Another strategy is to spread messages through the event calendar, namely the flagship program of the Tanah Datar Regency Government, namely the One Nagari One Event Program. The flagship One Nagari One Event program has been facilitated by the Tanah Datar local government since 2022 to revive the tourism sector and rise from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This program is expected to be able to attract tourists to Tanah Datar Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia. In addition, traditional culture and traditions that have disappeared are now reappearing, and also through this program, it is possible to drive tourism and the creative economy. On this event calendar, there are black, red, and yellow symbols, which symbolize the Marawa (a tricolor flag consisting of three vertical charts showing the typical Minangkabau colors, that is black, red, and yellow) as the official flag of Minangkabau. In designing the message, it has fulfilled the aspects and paid attention to the content of the message to be disseminated. However, it should also be noted that before creating a message, it is important to use communicative sentences to make it easy for the audience to understand. Media selection is made personally and non-personally. Personal media is communication carried out face-to-face between two or more people as done by the Tourism, Youth and Sports Office of Tanah Datar Regency, which is attending events and promoting them directly through making videos containing information about the Pacu Jawi event. Meanwhile, non-personal communication is carried out indirectly or with the help of print / online media such as social media (Instagram, Facebook, TikTok), flyers, and posters. Conclusion: The Pacu Jawi Event Promotion Strategy in Pariangan Regency, West Sumatra Province, uses three indicators; the first is identifying the target audience using special techniques in determining the target audience by inviting photographers for the Pacu Jawi photo competition and classifying demographics that target audiences of all ages, genders, and professions. The second is designing messages with simple language, which does not mean simplifying the concept but presenting information in a way that is more easily understood by the audience and also telling an overview of the content of the philosophy of Pacu Jawi in Pariangan itself to attract tourists with events in Nagari Pariangan. The design of the message has a particular meaning and is different for each message conveyed because the message depends on the event to be promoted. Third, the selection of media used is based on print media such as posters and billboards and online media such as social media like Instagram, Facebook, Tanah Datar District Government website, TikTok and uploading documentary videos about the Pacu Jawi event and through radio broadcasts. Keywords: Promotion Strategy, Pacu Jawi, Event, Pariangan
Strategy for the Development of Kampuang Minang Tourism Village in Nagari Sumpu, West Sumatra Siska Mandalia; Nadrah Apriliana
Jurnal Ilmiah Poli Bisnis Vol 15 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30630/jipb.v15i2.1156


The study delves into crafting a holistic development plan for Kampuang Minang, a promising tourism village in Nagari Sumpu, West Sumatra, utilizing the SWOT analysis framework. It aims to identify the village's internal strengths and weaknesses while leveraging external opportunities and mitigating threats for sustainable tourism growth. Through an extensive SWOT analysis, the research uncovers Kampuang Minang's strengths in cultural heritage, natural beauty, and traditional practices. Using these findings, it proposes a strategic framework aligned with responsible tourism principles, emphasizing the preservation and promotion of local customs to offer authentic experiences. The strategy suggests investing in infrastructure and accommodations to address weaknesses and enhance visitor experiences. To seize opportunities and tackle threats, it emphasizes sustainable practices, positioning the village as an environmentally conscious destination. Marketing strategies are recommended to attract a diverse tourist base. Collaboratively designed with local stakeholders and experts, this strategy holds the potential to boost the village's economy while safeguarding its cultural and natural essence. Continuous monitoring and adaptation are crucial for its success and alignment with evolving community and industry needs.
POTENSI EVENT BUDAYA SEBAGAI DAYA TARIK PARIWISATA (Studi Kasus Pada Sepekan Alek Anak Nagari Andaleh Baruh Bukik Sumatera Barat) Siska Mandalia
Journal of Tourism Sciences, Technology and Industry Vol 1, No 1 (2022): JTSTI-Journal of Tourism Sciences, Technology and Industry
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26887/jtsti.v1i1.2586


Pemerintah Kabupaten Tanah Datar, Sumatera Barat mendorong setiap nagari di daerah menciptakan satu event guna menunjang kepariwisataan. Dengan adanya program unggulan Satu Nagari Satu Event yang difasilitasi oleh pemerintah daerah untuk membangkitkan kembali sektor pariwisata dan bangkit menghadapi tantangan akibat pandemi COVID-19, diharapkan program ini mampu menjadi daya tarik pariwisata. Metode penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan melakukan studi pustaka pada tulisan berupa jurnal, artikel dan dokumen-dokumen terkait penyelenggaraan event budaya Sepekan Alek Anak Nagari Andaleh Baruh Bukik. Hasil penelitian adalah Tanah Datar Sumatera Barat  memiliki beragam festival yang cenderung mengangkat tema tradisi, seni dan budaya Minangkabau. Event Budaya ini terselenggara sebagai wadah kreatifitas bagi masyarakat, sebagai ikon kawasan dan untuk memperingati peristiwa yang terjadi pada kawasan tersebut. Festival juga memiliki potensi dikembangkan sebagai pariwisata berbasis kreatif namun penyelenggaraannya tidak semata hanya sebagai ajang promosi dan pergelaran seni. Sebaiknya, penyelenggaraan festival juga meliputi kegiatan yang melibatkan wisatawan selain itu keterlibatan masyarakat yang menjadi vendor juga perlu mendapat perhatian.Kata Kunci: Pariwisata, Event Budaya, Tanah Datar, 
Journal of Tourism Sciences, Technology and Industry Vol 1, No 2 (2022): JTSTI-Journal of Tourism Sciences, Technology and Industry
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26887/jtsti.v1i2.3245


Pada penelitian ini melihat bagaimana peran dari duta wisata sebagai ikon pariwisata, promotor pariwisata, dan edukator pariwisata Jenis penelitian yang penulis gunakan adalah penelitian lapangan yang menggunakan metode deskriptif dengam menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Dalam penelitian ini penulis mencoba untuk mendeskripsikan mengenai peran dari duta wisata Kabupaten Dharmasraya. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi lapangan, wawancara dan dokumentasi yang di peroleh dari DISBUDPARPORA. Sumber data dari penelitian ini berasal dari Kepala DISBUDPARPORA, Kabid Pariwisata, dan dua orang duta wisata tahun 2019. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian peran dari Duta wisata sebagai ikon adalah untuk menjadi brend amabsador pariwisata kabupaten Dharmasraya yang dapat memberikan citra yang baik bagi generasi muda kabupaten Dharmasraya. duta wisata juga sudah mencoba untuk malakukan beberapa peran diantaranya melakukan edukasi mengenai pariwisata kepada masyarat maupun kepada para siswa dengan datang langsung ke skolah-sekolah yang ada di Kabupaten Dharmasraya untuk melakukan sosialisasi mengenai kepariwisataan
Journal of Islamic Tourism Halal Food Islamic Traveling and Creative Economy Vol 3 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam - Universitas Islam Negeri Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21274/ar-rehla.v3i1.6349


Abstrak: Pengaruh penerapan pelayanan Cleanliness, Health, Safety, Environment (CHSE) terhadap Kepuasan Wisatawan di kawasan Istano Basa Pagaruyuang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah pelayanan Cleanliness, Health, Safety, Environment (CHSE) berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan wisatawan di kawasan Istano Basa Pagaruyuang. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan regresi linear sederhana. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner yang sudah divalidasi dengan total sampel sebanyak 100 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelayanan Cleanliness, Health, Safety, Environment (CHSE) berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan wisatawan di kawasan wisata Istano Basa Pagaruyuang Batusangkar Sumatera Barat. Nilai ini diperoleh dari Uji t dari variabel X yang adalah Cleanliness, Health, Safety, Environment (CHSE)thitung=5,097, dimana thitung>ttabel yaitu 5,097 > 1,987. Maka Keputusannya H0 ditolak H1 diterima, maka dapat diartikan pelayanan Cleanliness, Health, Safety, Environment (CHSE) berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan wisatawan di kawasan Istano Basa Pagaruyuang Kata Kunci: CHSE; Kepuasan wisatawan; Istano Basa Pagaruyuang Abstract: Implementing cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environment (CHSE) services on Tourist Satisfaction in the Istano Basa Pagaruyuang. This study aimed to determine how much Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environment (CHSE) services influence tourist satisfaction in the Istano Basa Pagaruyuang area. The type of research used is a quantitative approach with simple linear regression. The data collection technique used a validated questionnaire with a total sample of 100 respondents. The results showed that the Cleanliness, Health, Safety, Environment (CHSE) service had an effect on tourist satisfaction in the IstanoBasaPagaruyuang Tourist Destination. This result is obtained from the t-test of the X variable is Cleanliness, Health, Safety, Environment (CHSE) t-count = 5.097, where tcount>ttable is 5.097 > 1.987. Then the decision H0 is rejected, H1 is accepted, in conclusion it can be interpreted that Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environment (CHSE) services affected tourist satisfaction in the Istano Basa Pagaruyuang area Keywords: Cleanliness; Health; Safety; Environment (CHSE); Tourist Satisfaction

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59193/jmn.v2i1.98


This study aims to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the Kue Sapik Gula Aren   as a support for the tourist attraction of South Solok Regency. The research method used is through a qualitative approach using the SWOT analysis method and the data used in this study are primary and secondary data, data collection techniques by observation and interviews. The data obtained from the results of data collection is then analyzed using SWOT analysis to find out what are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the Kue Sapik Gula Aren as asupporting tourist attraction in South Solok Regency. Based on the results of the study, it shows that the Kue Sapik Gula Aren has the strengths 1 it has a unique taste that comes from palm sugar 2 Kue Sapik Gula Aren can only be found in South Solok 3 has been certified halal from the MUI, and the opportunity 1 can be a support for new tourist attractions in South Solok Regency 2 promote traditional culinary 3 promote the economy of the surrounding community. With these strengths and opportunities, can take advantage of existing opportunities while minimizing weaknesses and also being able to overcome various kinds of threats from the Kue Sapik Gula Aren. Thus, this Kue Sapik Gula Aren can be used as a support for the tourist attraction of South Solok Regency.    

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59193/jmn.v2i2.175


Culinary is an inseparable part of tourist destinations because culinary is one of the basic human needs. Even culinary can be a special attraction when visiting a tourist destination. West Sumatra is one of the provinces that has many advantages, especially in its traditional cuisine. One example is Dadih (Dadiah in the Minangkabau language) which is made from fermented buffalo milk. The objectives of this research are: 1 To identify as a traditional culinary supporting tourism in West Sumatra, 2 Identify the problems faced in the process of developing Dadih as a traditional culinary supporting tourism in West Sumatra, 3 Efforts that can be made in developing Dadih as a traditional culinary supporting tourism in West Sumatra. This research uses a qualitative approach using the literature study method of several writings in journals, articles, and documents related to analyzing traditional culinary in supporting the tourism business. The results of this study indicate that Dadih has the potential to support tourism in West Sumatra as a traditional cuisine.