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Journal : Jurnal Kedokteran Klinik

JKK (Jurnal Kedokteran Klinik) Vol 1, No 2 (2017): JURNAL KEDOKTERAN KLINIK

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The sources of  drinking water should be qualified both in chemistry, physics, radioactive or bacteriological. One of the parameters in terms of the quality of water is the amount of deposits of minerals such as calcium and magnesium ions. Water consumption of high calcium can increase urine calcium excretion and the process of early occurrence of kidney stones. This research aims to analyze the difference of urinary calcium excretion in children based on the consumption of well water, bottled water and water from a drinking water company and there is not kristaluria. The design of the study was observational, analytic approach to cut the latitude. This research was conducted in three places, on the island of Gangga, Manado and Bitung in April until the month of November 2016. Urinary calcium excretion was measured by calculating the ratio of urine calcium against creatinin urine. And measured also levels of calcium in drinking water. Data were analyzed with Anova test followed by the Fisher test is meaningful and logistical regression. The result p 0.05 was considered meaningful <. On this research obtained 112 children met the criteria of inclusion, the mean excretion of urinary calcium is obtained from the overall sample is 0.143 mg/dl. There is a very meaningful distinction between samples mengkonsumi water Company drinking water and bottled water as well as samples that consume water Company drinking water and well water with a value of p < 0.0001. In the sample who consume bottled water and well water not obtained urine calcium excretion that difference means p = 0.073. In this study also brings about the relationship between calcium excretion meaning apparent urine hiperkalsiuria of events. These relationships meet the logistical regression equations p = 1/1 + e (0,722-+4, 55x). From this research it can be concluded that calcium levels from each different drinking water and may cause a difference in calcium excretion of urine as well as related events kristaluria. Key words: water, kristaluria, kidney stones
Luaran Pada Anak-Anak Dengan Sindroma Nefrotik Sensitif Steroid Di RSUP PROF. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado Umboh, Valentine; Tandiawan, Ledy; Umboh, Adrian
JKK (Jurnal Kedokteran Klinik) Vol 3, No 2 (2019): JURNAL KEDOKTERAN KLINIK

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ABSTRACTBackground : Nephrotic Syndrolme (NS) is the most common kidney disorder in children. Based on therapy, NS consist of steroid sensitive nephotic syndrome (SSNS) ans steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS). Nearly 50% of children with SSNS have a frequently relapsing (FR) or steroid dependent (SD) course, experiencing steroid toxicities. Objective :To examine the outcome in childrens with SSNS at Prof. DR. R.D.Kandou Manado Hospital  Methods : A retrospective study of patients from January 2013 to December 2017. 123 of patients diagnosed SSNS, from 6 month to 18 years of age admitted in the Pediatric Nephrology clinic of Prof. DR. R.D.Kandou Manado Hospital. We record the clinical and laboratory presentation of these patients from medical records. Result : Sample (n=123) children with SSNS. 62 children  include inclusi criteria. There are 36(58%) children experience FRNS, and 26(42%) children experience SDNS. The median age of onset was 36 months. The median time to the first relapse was 3 months in FRgroup, and 14 day in SD group. There are 9(25%) children with FR and 6(23%) with SD,  experiences SRNS. Conclusion : Treatment in the first periode and shorter median time in SSNS is a predictor of FRNS or SDNS.Keywords : Nephrotic syndrome, sensitive steroid, steroid resistant, steroid dependent, frequent relap.ABSTRAKLatar Belakang : Sindroma Nefrotik (SN) merupakan kelainan ginjal tersering pada anak. Berdasarkan respon terhadap terapi, SN dibagi menjadi Sindrom Nefrotik Sensitif Steroid (SNSS) dan Sindrom Nefrotik Resisten Steroid (SNSR). Sebagian besar anak dengan SNSS memiliki kemungkinan terjadi sindrom nefrotik relaps sering (SNSR) atau sindrom nefrotik tergantung steroid (SNDS), dikarenakan mengalami toksisitas steroid Tujuan : Untuk melihat luaran dari anak-anak dengan SNSS di RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado. Metode : Penelitian retrospektif, yang dilakukan pada anak-anak dengan diagnosa SNSS dari Januari 2013 sampai dengan Desember 2017, yang dirawat di unit rawat jalan Nefrologi anak bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Anak RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado. Data pemeriksaan dan hasil laboratorium diambil dari rekam medis  Hasil : Sample (n=123) anak dengan SNSS. 62 anak yang termasuk kriteria inklusi. Didapatkan 36 (58%) anak menfalami SN relap sering, dan 26 (42%) anak mengalami SN dependen steroid. Dengan rata-rata umur onset yaitu 36 bulan.  Dan rata-rata waktu kambuh pertama kali adalah 3 bulan pada relaps sering dan 14 hari pada kelompok dependen steroid. Dan didapatkan 9 (25%) anak dengan relaps sering dan 6 (23%) anak dengan dependen steroid mengalami sindrome nefrotik resisten steroid. Kesimpulan : Pengobatan adekuat pada episode pertama dan waktu paruh yang singkat pada pengobatan SNSS merupakan prediktor terjadinya SN relaps sering atau SN dependen steriod.Kata kunci     : Sindroma nefrotik, steroid sensitif, resisten steroid, dependen steroid, relaps sering.       Â