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Jurnal Kesehatan Terpadu Vol 1, No 1 (2017): JURNAL KESEHATAN TERPADU EDISI MARET
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Dhyana Pura

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ABSTRAKKasus stroke banyak dijumpai di lapangan, dimana penanganan pada pasien pasca stroke hanya menitik beratkan pada kemampuan motorik dan kurang memperhatikan kontrol postural. Sedangkan pada pasien pasca stroke memiliki masalah dengan kontrol postural yang berfungsi mengontrol posisi badan agar tetap tegak. Adanya masalah tersebut menghambat gerakan pada pasien pasca stroke dan mengakibatkan bertambahnya gangguan keseimbangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manfaat latihan stabilisasi postural terhadap perbaikan keseimbangan statis dan dinamis pada pasien pasca stroke. Rancangan penelitian one group pre-test and post-test design dengan sampel sebanyak 6 orang yang diberikan latihan stabilisasi postural sebanyak 3x/minggu selama 1 bulan. Hasil Penelitian FRT sebelum perlakuan didapatkan rerata±SD sebesar 19,67±6,28 sedangkan rerata±SD FRT setelah perlakuan sebesar 25,50±5,28 dan p=0,004 (p<0,05). Hal ini menunjukkan ada pengaruh antara latihan stabilisasi postural terhadap keseimbangan statis pada pasien pasca stroke. Hasil TUG test sebelum perlakuan didapatkan rerata±SD sebesar 31,17±1,82 sedangkan rerata±SD TUG test setelah perlakuan sebesar 18,50±5,17 dan p = 0,027 (p < 0,05). Data ini juga menunjukkan ada pengaruh antara latihan stabilisasi postural terhadap keseimbangan dinamis pada pasien pasca stroke. Latihan stabilisasi postural meningkatkan keseimbangan statis dan dinamis pada pasien pasca stroke.Kata kunci: Latihan, Keseimbangan , StrokeABSTRACT Many cases of stroke in the field, where the handling of post-stroke patients only focuses on motor skills and lack of attention to postural control. While in post-stroke patients have problems with postural control that controls the position of the body to remain upright. The existence of these problems hamper the movement in post-stroke patients and lead to increased disturbance of balance. This study aims to know the benefits of postural stabilization exercises to improve static and dynamic balance in patients with post stroke. This was an experimental pre using the design of a one group pre-test and post-test design. The number of subjects as many as 6 people, get as much 3x/minggu postural stabilization exercises for 1 month. Result of FRT before treatment obtained a mean ± SD of 19.67 ± 6.28 while the mean ± SD FRT after treatment for 25.50 ± 5.28 and p = 0.004 (p <0.05). It shows atients with post stroke. Results TUG test before and after treatment. TUG test results obtained before treatment the mean ± SD of 31.17 ± 1.82 while the mean ± SD TUG test after treatment for 18.50 ± 5.17 and p = 0.027 (p <0.05). It means there is influence between postural stabilization exercises on dynamic balance in patients with post stroke.The postural stabilization exercises enhance static and dynamic balance in patients with post stroke.Keywords: Exercise, balance, Stroke