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Sistem Pengontrol Dan Pemonitor Kualitas Udara Pada Lahan Parkir Bawah Tanah (basement) Allbowaghis Di-Gandra Kheirisko; Porman Pangaribuan; Ramdhan Nugraha
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 5, No 3 (2018): Desember 2018
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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Abstrak Masalah pada lahan parkir bawah tanah adalah penurunan tingkat kualitas udara akibat pengaturan sistem ventilasi udara yang kurang baik. Oleh sebab itu, dirancang sistem monitor dan kontrol kualitas udara secara otomatis. Sistem dirancang untuk memonitor dan mengontrol kualitas udara khususnya kadar gas CO dan NO2 . Pembacaan kadar gas tersebut menggunakan sensor MiCS-4514. Ketika pembacaan kadar gas CO mencapai 35 PPM dan atau kadar gas NO2 mencapai 3 PPM, maka, ventilasi mekanik bergerak secara otomatis, sehingga, dapat menurunkan kadar gas CO dan NO2 . Namin, ketika pembacaan nilai kadar gas masih di bawah batas normal, maka, ventilasi mekanik tidak bergerak, sehingga meningkatkan efisiensi dalam kontrol kedua gas tersebut. Sistem monitor dapat dilakukan melalui platform ThingSpeakâ„¢. Penerapan sistem kontrol pada prototipe basement mampu mengontrol kadar gas CO dan NO2 agar kembali ke kondisi aman dengan uji coba dari empat kendaraan yang berbeda dengan rata-rata waktu kembali ke kondisi aman paling cepat 36.13333 detik mampu merubah rata-rata kadar gas CO 526.0125 PPM menjadi 11.11007 PPM dan paling lama 293.6 detik mampu merubah rata-rata kadar gas CO 1761.142 PPM menjadi 9.68165 PPM. Penerapan sistem monitor mampu memonitor kadar gas CO dan NO2 secara real time dalam bentuk grafik besaran kadar gas (PPM) terhadap waktu. Kata Kunci : basement, CO, NO2 , kualitas udara, MiCS-4514 Abstract The problem of basement parking system is the decrease of air quality levels due to poor air ventilation system adjusment. Therefore, it is designed the automation of air quality monitoring and controlling system. The system is designed to monitor and control the air quality, especially the CO gas and NO2 gas levels. The measurement of both gas levels use MiCS-4514. When the measurement of CO levels reaches 35 PPM and/or the NO2 levels reaches 3 PPM, then, mechanical ventilation will automatically turns on, so, it will decrease the CO and NO2 levels. However, when the measurement of both gas levels is still within normal conditions, then, the mechanical ventilation stays off, thus, increasing the efficiency in controlling both gas levels. Monitoring system can be done by using ThingSpeakâ„¢ platform. The implementation of control system on the basement prototype is able to control the CO and NO2 levels to return to safe conditions with trials of four different vehicles with the fastest average return time is 36.13333 seconds which able to decrease the average CO gas levels from 526.0125 PPM to 11.11007 PPM and the longest average return time is 293.6 seconds which able to decrease the average CO gas levels from 1761.142 PPM to 9.68165 PPM. The implementation of monitoring system is able to monitor the CO and NO2 levels in real-time in the form of graph of the gas levels over time. Keywords : basement, CO, NO2 , Air Quality, MiCS-4514