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Usulan Kebutuhan Layanan Website Pada Zest Hotel Dengan Menggunakan E-service Quality Dan Metode Kano Muhammad Noor Fazri; Husni Amani; Wawan Tripiawan
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 6, No 2 (2019): Agustus 2019
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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Abstrak Zest hotel merupakan perusahaan hotel berbintang tiga yang memiliki fasilitas, seperti kamar, meeting room, restoran, pusat bisnis, parkir mobil, dan meja concierge. Zest hotel memiliki arti yaitu hotel yang menawarkan keamanan dan kebersihan kamar dengan harga terjangkau. Pada peneliltian ini dilakukan wawancara kepada pengguna layanan Zest hotel, terdapat beberapa keluhan serta ketidakpuasan pelanggan terhadap layanan. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, penulis melakukan analisis mengenai kebutuhan pelanggan yang mengunjungi website untuk dijadikan rekomendasi perbaikan bagi perusahaan. Terdapat 25 atribut kebutuhan pelanggan yang dikelompokan menjadi 6 dimensi berdasarkan Voice of Customer (VoC) yang didukung oleh penelitian terdahulu. Pada penelitian ini digunakan metode E-Service Quality untuk menentukan atribut lemah dan atribut kuat. Kemudian dilakukan pula penelitian Model Kano untuk mengkategorikan atribut must-be (M), one dimensional (O), attractive (A), indifferent (I), dan reserve (R). Integtasi Metode E - Service Quality dan Model Kano menunjukkan tindakan yang perlu dilakukan perusahaan, yakni pengembangan, pertahanan, dan peningkatan. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data dari 100 responden, didapatkan 14 atribut kuat, 11 atribut lemah, 3 atribut kategori must-be, 2 atribut kategori one dimensional, 17 atribut kategori attractive, dan 3 atribut kategori indiffirent. Integrasi Metode E-Service Quality dan Model Kano menghasilkan True Customer Needs, yakni 11 atribut yang perlu ditingkatkan dam 9 atribut yang perlu dikembangkan. Kata Kunci: Analisis Kebutuhan, Service Quality Model Kano, Integrasi Metode Service Quality dan Model Kano, Zest Hotel. Abstract Zest hotel is a three star hotel company that has facilities, such as rooms, meeting rooms, restaurants, business centers, car parking, and concierge desk. Zest hotel has the meaning of a hotel that offers security and cleanliness of rooms at affordable prices. In this research interview with users of Zest hotel services, there were several complaints and customer dissatisfaction with the service. Based on these problems, the authors conducted an analysis of the needs of customers who visited the website to be made recommendations for improvement for the company. There are 25 attributes of customer needs grouped into 6 dimensions based on Voice of Customer (VoC) supported by previous research. In this study, the E-Service Quality method was used to determine weak attributes and strong attributes. Then the Kano Model research was conducted to categorize must-be (M), one dimensional (O), attractive (A), indifferent (I), and reserve (R) attributes. Integration of EService Quality and Kano Models shows the actions that companies need to take, namely development, defense, and improvement. Based on the results of data processing from 100 respondents, 14 strong attributes, 11 weak attributes, 3 attributes of must-be categories, 2 attributes of one-dimensional category, 17 attributes of attractive categories, and 3 attributes of the indiffirent category. Integration of the E-Service Quality Method and the Kano Model produces True Customer Needs, which are 11 attributes that need to be improved and 9 attributes that need to be developed. Keywords: Needs Analysis, Service Quality, Kano Model, Integration of Service Quality Methods and Kano Model, Zest Hotel.