Julian Amriwijaya
Department Of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty Of Dentistry, Universitas Padjadjaran

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Web Therapy for Internet Addicts: A Case Study of Self-Healing by Social Media Addicts in Indonesia KURNIASIH, NUNING; Amriwijaya, Julian
Record and Library Journal Vol 4, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : D3 Teknisi Perpustakaan Fakultas Vokasi Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (636.841 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/rlj.V4-I1.2018.37-45


This study aims to analyze how the information sources on the internet used as therapy treatment (Web Therapy) by internet addicts, especially social media addicts. The method used is qualitative method based on case study perspective. The method used to collect data incorporates in-depth interview, observation, and literature study.  The informants are seven internet addicts who acknowledge themselves as internet addicts, especially social media addicts  not by medical diagnostic as one and been using internet sources as a treatment to overcome their mental issue. Triangulation is conducted by interviewing a psychology expert. The study results show that (1) The informants admit that information sources on the internet help them reduce stress while under pressure. (2) The informants admitted the initiative comes within themselves to use information sources on the internet in order to reduce stress. (3) There are some ways for informants to identify their personal problems, that is (a) When they feel like they have no one around to talk with, to share their problems with, they use chatting platform to talk with and positive feedbacks from social media. (b) When they encounter negative psychological condition, they need entertainment from internet sources to be relaxed and refresh. (c) When they need contemplation they will look up for some information sources on the internet which might help them to contemplate. (4) To employ self-healing using Web Therapy, the informants choose (a) Entertaining information sources that can help them laugh and relax (b) Information sources contain references on how to cope with their problems. (c) Information sources that can help them to contemplate when encounter problems. (d) Interactive information sources where they can interact and communicate with friends online. (5) The informants prefer social media such as online games with multiple players, youtube, facebook, online forums longue such as kaskus.com and detik.com, and the form of information including games, movies, music, articles on health, food, humor series, chatting, memes, sarcasms, and satyrs (6) The informants agree that although they feel better after using some information sources on the internet as a treatment for self-healing therapy, but it is only temporary not a permanent one. They are also aware of the significant to face their own problems and cope with it.  This study results can be the groundwork for libraries to develop Web Therapy services.
Trans-adapted, reliability, and validity of children fear survey schedule-dental subscale in Bahasa Indonesia Arlette Suzy; Julian Amriwijaya; Efi Fitriana
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 48 No. 1 (2015): March 2015
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga https://fkg.unair.ac.id/en

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (165.075 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v48.i1.p1-6


Background: The most frequently used measuring instrument for determination of dental fear in children nowadays is the children’s fear survey schedule-dental scale (CFSS-DS). Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the reliability and validity of the scale with Indonesian trans adapted version of the scale, thus the scale can be reliable to be used in other similar research in Indonesia. Methods: Total of 113 participants, who were parent’s 3 to 12 years old children. Children were divided into two age groups, group I 3-6 year old (83 children) and group II 7-12 year old (30 children). Eighty three children from the first group were divided into first dental visit group (30 children) and non first dental visit group (53 children). Test-retest approach was applied to 30 first dental visit children aged 3-6 year old. Original scale was translated to Indonesian language. Result: The result showed the high value of the Cronbach’s coefficient of internal consistency α=0.956. Three factors were extracted by screen test method with Eigen values higher than 1, which explained 93.05% variance of results. Conclusion: CFSS-DS scale is reliable and valid psychometric instrument for dental fear evaluation in children in Bahasa Indonesia. The differences between this study and those of others may appear due to many factors.
Pemahaman Pelajar Terhadap Bahaya Sampah Plastik Lingkungan Rumah dan Sekolah Julian Amriwijaya; Sunggoro Trirahardjo; Tutty I. Sodjakusumah
Cakrawala Repositori IMWI Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): Cakrawala Repositori IMWI
Publisher : Institut Manajemen Wiyata Indonesia & Asosiasi Peneliti Manajemen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52851/cakrawala.v6i1.207


The purpose of this study was to determine the understanding of high school students about the dangers of plastic waste in the home and school environment. Some of the indicators used to measure it are students' access to information about the dangers of plastic waste in the home and school environment, adolescent knowledge about the dangers of plastic waste in the home and school environment, attitudes and behavioral control that are internalized. The method used in this study is qualitative with direct interview data collection techniques. The research location is in Bandung with consideration, the number of plastic waste in the city of Bandung is quite high. The results showed that the understanding of high school students about the dangers of plastic waste in the home and school environment. This low understanding is because teenagers do not have a level of concern for waste, especially plastic waste, lack of understanding of students about the harmful effects of plastic waste in the environment and in schools, one of the factors that can be used as suggestions for development is to make efforts to promote the dangers of waste. plastics aimed at high school students in the city of Bandung.
Differences in Place Attachment Profiles in Adolescents in the Home and School Environments in the Formation of Self-Identity Julian Amriwijaya
Scientia Psychiatrica Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Scientia Psychiatrica
Publisher : HM Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37275/scipsy.v4i3.160


Introduction: Place attachment influences the way adolescents form their identity. The home and school environments, as the two main environments, provide the foundation for the development of adolescent identity. Positive attachment to both of these environments can provide adolescents with a sense of stability and consistency, helping them understand who they are, where they come from, and what is important to them. This study aimed to explore the place attachment profile of adolescents in the home and school environment in the formation of adolescent self-identity. Methods: This study was a descriptive observational study, where as many as 592 research subjects were observed in this study. Attachment scale observation was carried out using the Bortholomew and Griffin attachment scale questionnaire, where observations were made on four aspects. Results: The attachment aspect that stands out in the attachment to the home environment is the secure attachment aspect. As many as 74.83% of respondents tend to have a place attached to this aspect, in contrast to the attachment aspect, which is prominent in the attachment to the school environment, where the secure attachment aspect still stands out but is not as dominant as the attachment to the home environment. The secure attachment aspect with the school is only 50.34%, and the rest is spread over other aspects of attachment. Conclusion: The place attachment profile of adolescents differs between home and school environments. Adolescents feel more secure (secure attachment) in the home environment than in the school environment.