Filma Alia Sari
Pendidikan Ekonomi Universitas Riau

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KAMPUS MENGAJAR ANGKATAN 4 DAN PENINGKATAN LITERASI NUMERASI PESERTA DIDIK BERKEBUTUHAN KHUSUS Hariyanti Hariyanti; Gigieh Cahya Permadi; Saefudin Kartasasmita; Filma Alia Sari; Alrafni Alrafni; Suryanef Suryanef
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 7, No 2 (2023): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v7i2.13721


Abstrak: Artikel ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan peranan program kampus mengajar Angkatan 4 (KM 4) dalam meningkatkan literasi numerasi peserta didik berkebutuhan khusus (PDBK) di SDN 001 Air Tiris. KM 4 merupakan program yang diinisiasi oleh kementerian Pendidikan kebudayaan dan Pendidikan tinggi sebagai sebuah upaya pengabdian civitas akademika di persekolahan. Pengabdian tim KM4 di SDN 001 Air Tiris dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus- Desember 2022. Tim KM4 terdiri dari 5 orang mahasiswa yang berasal dari berbagai perguruan tinggi di kota Pekanbaru dan seorang dosen pendamping lapangan (DPL) yang berasal dari Universitas Riau. Kegiatan pengabdian dimulai dari analisis kebutuhan sekolah, penyusunan program, hingga kegiatan pendampingan belajar PDBK. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa (1) program KM 4 terdiri dari literasi, numerasi, adaptasi teknologi dan administrasi; dan (2) program kampus mengajar berperan dalam membantu PDBK dalam belajar membaca, berhitung, dan bernyanyi, melalui pendampingan khusus. Hal ini dibuktikan dari pernyataan kepala sekolah saat kegiatan penutupan KM 4 maupun dari skor kepuasan yang diberikan pihak sekolah melalui guru pamong terhadap tim KM4 di akun MBKM sehingga peserta KM dapat mencapai nilai 92 (baik sekali).Abstract: This article aims to describe the role of the campus teaching program Batch 4 (KM 4) in improving the numeracy literacy of students with special needs (PDBK) at SDN 001 Air Tiris. KM 4 is a program initiated by the Ministry of Culture and Higher Education as an effort to serve the academic community in schools. The KM4 team's service at SDN 001 Air Tiris was carried out in August-December 2022. The KM4 team consisted of 5 students from various tertiary institutions in the city of Pekanbaru and a field assistant lecturer (DPL) from the University of Riau. Community service activities start from analyzing school needs, preparing programs, to PDBK learning assistance activities. The results of the dedication show that (1) the KM 4 program consists of literacy, numeracy, technology adaptation and administration; dan (2) the teaching campus program plays a role in assisting PDBK in learning to read, count, and sing, through special assistance. This is evidenced from the statement of the school principal during the closing activity of KM 4 and from the satisfaction score given by the school through the tutor to the KM4 team in the MBKM account so that KM participants can achieve a score of 92 (very good).
Campus teaching: an effort to enchance the primary education quality in remote area Hariyanti; Gigieh Cahya Permady; Irma Irayanti; Filma Alia Sari; Anif Istianah; Lisa Retnasari
Jurnal Fundadikdas (Fundamental Pendidikan Dasar) Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): Juli 2023
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/fundadikdas.v6i2.7850


The purpose of this study was to describe the activities, roles, challenges, and opportunities of Batch 3 of the campus teaching program. This research was qualitative and employed descriptive methods. The study was conducted in SDN 08 Lubuk Dalam, Siak Regency, Riau. This study's informants were field supervisors and students of the campus teaching program, as well as the principal, teachers, and a number of students of SDN 08 Lubuk Dalam. Observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation research were employed to collect data. Moreover, source triangulation was utilized for the technical testing of data validity. According to the study's result, the activities and duties of the campus teaching program included literacy, numeracy, administration, and technology adaptation. These programs all contribute to improving student literacy and numeracy, learning motivation, and implementing the school's Minimum Competency Assessment. In addition, there are also challenges and opportunities in the campus teaching program at the school, including the location of the school, which is in a remote area. Access to the school is very challenging because it has to go through the oil palm plantation road; internet access at the school location and the non-existent electricity network are challenging, so school activities rely on generators. In contrast, the opportunities analyzed include the high tolerance at SDN 08 Lubuk Dalam among the diverse ethnicities, cultures, and religions that are strong in the school environment and the high teaching and learning spirit of the students and teachers amid challenges and limitations.This research contributes as evaluation material for schools.