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Khatulistiwa Vol 13, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : The Pontianak State Institute of Islamic Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24260/khatulistiwa.v13i1.2372


Every child has different basic spiritual needs that must be met in life. If spiritual needs are met, it will create peace, tranquility, and security in the lives of children in their families. BIMS Purwokerto Kindergarten as an early childhood education institution takes a strategic role. From here, this research focuses on the strategic model of spiritual habituation in inculcating moral and religious values in early childhood. This research uses field research or analysis data according to the phenomenon with the description. The data collection technique is through observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Observations and interviews with teachers, parents, and class A students at BIMS South Purwokerto Kindergarten, Banyumas Regency. While the documents are archives, anecdotal notes, photos, and other works related to the model of children's spiritual habituation. The results of this study focus on the model of spiritual habituation in inculcating moral and religious values through four points, namely; (1) spiritual habituation through programmed, (2) spiritual habituation through routine activities, (3) spiritual habituation through spontaneous, and (4) spiritual habituation through example. These four are the success of the early childhood spiritual habituation model with the development of children's religious abilities (knowing the religion they follow, compassion for fellow creatures of God, imitating worship movements in order and order, recognizing praiseworthy and despicable behavior), respect for tolerance of other religions, knowing Islamic holidays, being able to pray with good ethics, and helping to stimulate spiritual intelligence and other intelligence.
Eksistesialisme Menurut Maria Montessori Dalam Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Nur Hafidz; Maemonah; Baryati
Jurnal Tumbuh Kembang Anak Usia Dini Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Purwokerto

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Little humans have great potential, develop optimally by involving teachers, parents and children. Teachers and parents contribute to early childhood education (PAUD) services applying various lessons and curricula according to their basis. In this study, it examines the idea of ​​existentialism according to Maria Montessori in Early Childhood Education. This study used a library research method which refers to the data sources on Montessori existentialism in early childhood education. Research is empirical and theoretical by examining theories on objects and phenomena that are the focus of research from rational expressions of ideas. The results of the study describe the thoughts of children that have an impact on the training of daily life skills, sensory training, and children's language development. then in the concept of PAUD existentialism according to Maria Montessori emphasizes learning and curriculum through children's experiences that naturally involve the roles of teachers, students, and parents. The impact of Montessori existentialist thinking is respect for the child, the mind that absorbs the child, and the environment that is ready. This has an impact on the substance of Montessori-based existentialism.
The Concept of Ethno Parenting Early Childhood in The Samawa Tribe Siti Zubaedah; Nur Hafidz; Yuyun Ayu Lestari; Emi Fatmawati
International Proceedings of Nusantara Raya Vol. 1 (2022): Culture In The Frame Of Multicultural Religiousity
Publisher : Lembaga Kajian Nusantara Raya UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24090/nuraicon.v1i1.106


Indigenous culture has always been an interesting thing to research. This is because certain ethnic groups are located in Sumbawa, such as the Samawa tribe. This tradition that has been attached will be difficult to remove. The Samawa tribe has ethno parenting for early childhood to do things from an early age with a tradition of trust, such as Pay Intentions, Biso' Tian, Besunat, Entek Beng, and Bequris. These five things are done from an early age in parenting since childhood which has become a Sumbawa culture. From here, this researcher focuses on analyzing the concept of ethno-parenting for early childhood in the Samawa tribe. This study uses a qualitative descriptive study in West Nusa Tenggara which is located in the Sasambo tribe and is divided into three tribes, namely the Sasak tribe, the Samawa tribe, and the Mbojo tribe. This research uses observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The data source uses secondary data and primary data. Observations in 5 Samawa families in parenting, interviews with parents who use the five traditions in parenting, documentation in the form of photos and other writings as supporting references for researchers. The results of this study indicate that there are five ethno-parenting activities for early childhood in the Samawa tribe, namely, (1) Pay Intentions, (2) Biso' Tian, (3) Besunat, (4) Entek Beng, and (5) Bekuris. These five rituals are carried out by the Samawa tribe in the development of children from an early age to maximize their potential, and skills, and preserve the culture of the Samawa tribe
The Influence of Reading Aloud Islamic Stories on The Spiritual Intelligence of Children Aged 5—6 in RA Wadas Kelir, South Purwokerto Siti Zubaedah; Nur Hafidz; Farhati Riska Nofianti
International Proceedings of Nusantara Raya Vol. 2 (2023): Nowadays: Indonesia and South Korea in Literarture and Culture
Publisher : Lembaga Kajian Nusantara Raya UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto

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Spiritual intelligence is the privilege of every individual related to human behavior or actions. Human action begins in early childhood. One of the media to hone children's spiritual intelligence is through reading Aloud Islamic children's storybooks, books presenting stories of prophets, stories of friends, and exemplary values for children. Reading aloud Islamic children's storybooks have the characteristics of simple language 2-4 sentences, attractive illustrations, and easy to reflect content. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of reading Aloud Islamic children's storybooks on the spiritual intelligence of children aged 5-6 years in Raudhatul Athfal Wadas Kelir Purwokerto Selatan. This study uses quantitative data analysis with simple regression, using the SPSS 25 application to conclude, collecting data by distributing questionnaires to 20 guardians of students. The results showed that there was a significant 83.2% effect of reading aloud Islamic children's storybooks on the spiritual intelligence of children aged 5-6 years in Raudhatul Athfal Wadas Kelir, South Purwokerto. The resulting data obtained a calculated value of 9,450, while the table with N = 20 with a significance level of 0.05 is 1,910, meaning count > count. From here, the conclusion Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. The impact of this research on simple linear regression data, namely Y = 11, 264+860 X is positive. The contribution of Islamic children's storybooks to the spiritual intelligence of early childhood is 83.2% and 16.8% is influenced by other factors.
Ethnoparenting: Pengenalan Bahasa Krama Inggil Sejak Dini dalam Lingkungan Keluarga Komunitas Kejawen Kalitanjung Siti Zubaedah; Nur Hafidz; Suci Wulandari
Generasi Emas: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): Generasi Emas:Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini
Publisher : UIR PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/ge: jpiaud.2023.vol6(2).13941


this research will discuss how to introduce the Krama Inggil language from an early age in the family environment in the Kejawen Kalitanjung Community in Tambaknegara Village, Rawalo District, Banyumas Regency. The subjects of this study were five families in the Kejawen Kalitanjung Community. This research method uses field qualitative methods (field research) through data collection techniques by conducting observations, interviews, and documentation. Informants in the study were traditional leaders, parents and children. Results of the study prove that the introduction of the Krama Inggil language from an early age in the family environment of the Kejawen Kalitanjung Community uses four methods of language recognition, namely; (1) introduction to the Krama Inggil language through parental experiences, (2) introduction to the Krama Inggil language through storytelling media, (3) introduction to the Krama Inggil language through surrounding objects, (4) introduction to the Krama Inggil language through interaction and communication. These four habits are carried out by families in the Kejawen Kalitanjung Community in instilling attitudes, actions, and words from ancestors who adhere to Javanese cultural traditions. Implication is that children are able to gain good Javanese language tools, communicate politely and politely, develop a sense of sympathy, and have Javanese nobility skills.