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Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Informasi Jurusan Dakwah Terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Mahasiswa Tentang Informasi Akademik (Studi Kasus di Jurusan Dakwah FUAD IAIN Bengkulu) Fatmawat, Risma; Damayanti, Poppi; Rahmat, Ihsan
Al-Idaroh: Media Pemikiran Manajemen Dakwah Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): September, Al-Idaroh: Media Pemikiran Manajemen Dakwah
Publisher : Program Studi Manajemen Dakwah Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi Islam Institut Agama Islam (IAI) Al-Azhaar Lubuklinggau

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Students' knowledge of academic information is considered important in order to accelerate the completion of the study period. This study builds a hypothesis that the quality of information services has an influence on the level of student knowledge. The researcher uses a survey method, the indicators of the quality of information services follow the directions of Parasuraman (1988), while the level of knowledge follows Notoadmojho (2003). The research population was the students of the Da'wah Department, FUAD IAIN Bengkulu, a sample of the students of the Da'wah Department, class of 2017-2018. Of the five indicators of service quality and six indicators of the level of knowledge, 63 questionnaires were built. After conducting the validity and reliability tests, only 46 questionnaires met the requirements. The researcher forwarded the questionnaire to 80 students in the da'wah department consisting of students from the KPI, BKI and MD study programs. The questionnaire data was tabulated using Excel 2007 and then continued with data processing using the SPSS 16.0 application. This study found that there is a significant influence between the quality of information services on the level of knowledge of students. This can be proven through a simple linear regression test which shows the Constanta value and Constanta value coefficient (a) of 107,396, while the value of service quality (b) Regression coefficient) is 1.412 which means that the coefficient is positive, so that there is an influence between the Service Quality variables. Information on Da'wah Department on the variable of Student Knowledge Level About Academic Information. The main findings of this study have strengthened previous studies such as: the results of almost all studies with the conclusion that there is a significant positive effect between variable X and variable Y. Finally, this study recommends digging deeper into how to explain how service quality affects the level of knowledge using qualitative method. This study is limited to testing the effect, it is necessary to deepen future studies to examine qualitatively how the explanation of the effect of information service quality on the level of student knowledge. Pengetahuan mahasiswa tentang informasi akademik dinilai penting guna mempercepat penyelesaian masa studi. Penelitian ini membangun hipotesa bahwa kualitas layanan informasi memiliki pengaruh terhadap tingkat pengetahuan mahasiswa. Peneliti menggunakan metode survei, indikator kualitas layanan informasi mengikuti arahan parasuraman (1988), sedangkan tingkat pengetahuan mengikuti Notoadmojho (2003). Populasi penelitian mahasiswa Jurusan Dakwah FUAD IAIN Bengkulu, sampel mahasiswa Jurusan Dakwah angkatan 2017-2018. Dari lima indikator kualitas layanan dan enam indikator tingkat pengetahuan dibangun 63 butir kuesioner, setelah melakukan uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas hanya 46 kuesioner yang memenuhi syarat. Peneliti meneruskan kuesioner kepada 80 mahasiswa di jurusan dakwah yang terdiri dari mahasiwa program studi KPI, BKI dan MD. Data kuesioner ditabulasi menggunakan exel 2007 kemudian dilanjutkan dengan olah data menggunakan aplikasi SPSS 16.0. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara Kualitas Layanan Informasi teradap Tingkat pengetahuan Mahasiswa. Ini dapat dibuktikan melalui uji regresi linier sederhana yang menunjukan nilai Constanta dan koefisien nilai Constanta (a) sebesar 107.396, sedangkan nilai kualitas layanan (b) Koefisien regresi) sebesar 1.412 yang dapat diartikan bahwa koefisien tersebut bernilai positif, sehingga ada pengaruh diantara variabel Kualitas Layanan Informasi Jurusan Dakwah terhadap variabel Tingkat Pengetahuan Mahasiswa Tentang Informasi Akademik. Temuan utama studi ini telah menguatkan studi terdahulu seperti: hasil penelitian yang hampir seluruh penelitian dengan kesimpulan bahwa ada pengaruh positif yang signifikan antara variable X dan variabel Y. Akhirnya, penelitian ini merekomendasikan untuk menggali lebih dalam terkait bagaimana menjelaskan kualitas layanan berpengaruh kepada tingkat pengetahuan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Studi ini terbatas pada uji pengaruh, perlu adanya pendalaman untuk studi masa mendatang untuk menguji secara kualitatif bagaimana penjelasan tentang pengaruh kualitas layanan informasi terhadap tingkat pengetahuan mahasiswa.
Jurnal Pariwisata Pesona Vol 4, No 1 (2019): Edisi Juni 2019
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (418.715 KB) | DOI: 10.26905/jpp.v4i1.2214


Innovation important to achieve sustainable organization. Innovation studies in the tourism sector not yet found a reliable theoretical framework and work system. As a result, 8 Tourism Villages in Gunung Kidul Regency threatened to fail. Desa Wisata Nglanggeran (DWN) is claimed to be growing rapidly due to continuous innovation. This study understands the innovation process in DWN using qualitative methods with the Live-in Program as the case. We adopted the innovation framework as a reference for analyzing field findings. The finding is the workings of the DWN community innovation starting from initiation: formulation of the problem, idea generation, and promotion of ideas. Then the development phase is the development of work concepts. Last phase of execution: marketing and post marketing evaluation. The innovation process can work because driven by many factors: involving many actors, having a solid team, oriented to the needs of tourists, building informal communication, and getting community support. The low competence of human resources, unpreparedness, and risk management are the main obstacles. Implications for the rural tourism innovation literature gets community innovation has a relatively similar working with service innovation. The mobilizing the role of key actors and community support is a typical finding this study. We recommended the importance of developing innovation competencies in tourist villages, linking new access to knowledge, and providing special funds.
Al-Idarah: Jurnal Manajemen dan Administrasi Islam Vol 3, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : UIN Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (914.946 KB) | DOI: 10.22373/al-idarah.v3i1.4764


Negara tidak mampu bermain tunggal untuk menyelesaikan kehendak warganya. Kemudian banyak aktor yang ikut bermain mulai dari pemerintahan yang sah, sektor privat, komunitas, hingga aktor tunggal. Studi ini mendiskusikan fenomena pelayanan publik karena hadirnya berbagai komunitas dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan di Indonesia. Pengamatan fokus pada model-model pelayanan publik yang telah dipraktikkan oleh komunitas. Kajian ini dibangun melalui dukungan literatur jurnal, buku, dan berita media online. Semua bahan dibaca secara interaktif, direduksi, kemudian intisari bacaan dikembangkan sesuai penalaran induktif. Kami menemukan bahwa mekanisme pasar yang sengaja dibuka oleh pemerintah ternyata tidak menghentikan gerak komunitas. Alih-alih mengekang, justru memberikan daya tawar tersendiri. Ini disebabkan oleh negara memiliki keterbatasan anggaran dan sumber daya manusia, sistem privatisasi yang dibangun tidak mampu menjangkau secara menyeluruh, dan masih banyak desakan dari warga. Kemudian, enam model yang terlihat adalah full community, community-public partnership, community-private partnership, community-public-private partnership, community-community partnership, dan community-campus partnership. Bahasan tiap model dilengkapi dengan contoh kasus.
Jurnal MD Vol 2, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Kalijaga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (254.771 KB) | DOI: 10.14421/jmd.2016.%x


Judul buku:Dakwah Entrepreneurship Ala JK: Solusi Masjid, Kemakmuran Umat, dan RadikalismePenulis:Hery SuciptoPenerbit:Grafindo Books MediaTebal:203 halamanCetakan pertama:Juni 2016Kota terbit:Jakarta
Jurnal MD Vol 2, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Kalijaga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (970.504 KB) | DOI: 10.14421/jmd.2016.%x


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bahwa The CelestialManagement (TCM) merupakan sebuah proses internalisasi nilai-nilai Islamdalam budaya organisasi, sekaligus menjawab tuduhan dari Branine dan Pollardyang mengatakan bahwa organisasi di negara yang mayoritas penduduknyaberagama Islam masih terus menerapkan prinsip-prinsip manajemen organisasiversi barat meskipun terbukti telah terjadi insinkronisasi. Jauh sebelum itu,Rahman dan Al-Buraey telah mengingatkan bahwa terjadi paradoks padaorganisasi Arab yang cenderung mengadopsi (mimesis isomorphis) manajemen barat ketimbang mengembangkan model yang sesuai dengan budaya lokal berbasisspiritualitas. Kajian ini menjadi penting mengingat hampir tiga dekade organisasiIslam tumbuh dan berkembang tetapi dinilai masih belum memiliki model-model“kristalisasi konsep” yang bisa diadopsi atau menjadi sumber rujukan penerapanbudaya organisasi yang Islami.Kata Kunci: The Celestial Management, Budaya Organisasi Islam,Spiritualitas
Jurnal MD Vol 6, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Kalijaga

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Setelah Covid-19 menyerang, kini dunia telah memasuki tatanan new normal. Disebabkan pembatasan aktivitas di luar rumah, masyarakat Indonesia melakukan berbagai cara untuk membunuh rasa bosan ketika di rumah. Dalam konteks akademik, yang menarik dibahas adalah adanya peningkatan minat literasi. Data dari laman The Digital Reader menyebutkan masyarakat Indonesia menghabiskan waktu enam jam per minggu untuk membaca buku di kala pandemi. Secara kuantitatif memang belum ditemukan data yang jelas tentang tingkat literasi akademisi MD. Tetapi jika dilihat dari sisi ketersediaan bahan bacaan untuk menunjang disiplin keilmuan ini, luar biasa kekurangan. MD belum memiliki buku babon yang dapat menjadi rujukan utama. Kemudian, bahan bacaan teks offline juga tidak banyak, pun itu susah untuk didapatkan. Untuk teks online, juga sangat terbatas karena hanya segelintir perguruan tinggi yang menyediakan platform berkualitas. Jurnal MD, adalah salah satu jurnal manajemen dakwah terbaik yang ada saat ini. Secara fair semua kita dapat melihat konsistensi terbit, reviewer berkualitas, editor yang mumpuni di bidangnya, menggunakan sistem sayembara untuk mendapatkan naskah terbaik, dan terpenting telah maju ke ARJUNA untuk bisa diakui oleh Kemenristekdikti sebagai jurnal terakreditasi nasional SINTA. Yang sangat membanggakan dari Jurnal MD adalah naskah yang di-publish bersifat up to date sehingga artikel terbitan Jurnal MD menjadi tolak ukur bagi akademisi MD di perguruan tinggi lain untuk melihat sejauh mana lokus dan fokus MD berkembang di Indonesia. Untuk lebih mendiskusikan hal tersebut lebih mendalam, mari kita simak tujuh naskah dalam edisi ini secara seksama. Inilah edisi pertama Jurnal MD di masa pandemi Covid-19.
Jurnal MD Vol 5, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Kalijaga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (567.406 KB) | DOI: 10.14421/jmd.2019.52-02


This study aims to explain the innovation process and driving factors in the mosque. This is important because innovation is too focused on the economic sector, forgetting religious institutions. Modern mosques continue to display stretching innovation, but previous studies have not been explaining how to the process. 12 innovative programs in Masjid At-Taqwa Anggut owned by Bengkulu City Government have been appointed as cases. We conducted in-depth interviews with 11 mosque officials and 7 days were used for observation. Seeing how the innovation process, we have used keyword discovery techniques and data categorization. We found a relatively similar pattern in every program. The innovation process in At-Taqwa Anggut starts the needs of worshipers, idea generation, Islamic focus discussion, development, and program execution. Requesting perspective to the Mosque Sharia Council (Islamic expert) is an interesting process. It turned out to be a unique finding because the general framework had not yet been published. Three of the driving factors considered to have a strong influence are the mayor's leadership, the love of the mosque, and the spirituality motivation in the motto of fastabikul khairat.Keywords: Innovation, Mosque Management, Religious Institution
Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Islam: Sejarah, Nilai, dan Benturan Ihsan Rahmat; Netta Agusti
JURNAL ILMIAH SYI'AR Vol 18, No 1 (2018): Februari 2018
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (625.893 KB) | DOI: 10.29300/syr.v18i1.1568


Human resource management (HRM) in Western perspectives continue to be questioned in the East, especially from Islamic academics. There is hope to implement religious teachings in the organizational sphere. Generally, this paper discusses issues in Islamic HRM, questioning the extent to which Islam (text and context) governs people in organizations. Putting forward the literature sourced from the pages of Ebsco and Emerald using the keywords "Islamic Human Resources Management." Found 96 journals, but only 21 contained the themes we meant. Then read intensively, make mapping, determine the main ideas of each journal, and group ideas based on themes. These themes were discussed: the internalization of Islam in HRM, Islamic values in HRM, developments in Muslim countries, and the challenges of Islamic HRM. This paper found religion entered the organizational realm not far after the discussion of industrial psychology was discussed. Using framework of 'the management theory jungle', the role of religion in organizations can be explained. HRM is a Western product that emerged after the industrial revolution. The argument positions Islam as a regulator of halal-haram restrictions on human activities in the organization. Furthermore, the cultural phenomenon above religion is also a hot issue. Managers know, understand, and acknowledge the goodness of Islam, but not yet for practice. So far, the expert study of Islamic HRM is still merely exploring values based on four sources, namely the Qur'an, Hadith, Ijma ', and Qiyash. Need best practice research, so that later it will be able to bring up the Islamic HRM curriculum.
Can Deliberative Policy Reconcile Religious Conflict? A Construction from the Insight of Jamaah Ahmadiyah Indonesia Ihsan Rahmat; Indra Pratama Putra Salmon; Amrih Setyo Raharjo
NALAR Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Religious Moderation
Publisher : IAIN Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23971/njppi.v5i1.2445


The state has failed to manage religious conflicts. Not only from the side of the government apparatus, which helped provoke the mass to the loss of life, but also weak and biased central regulations. The fact is that national policies do not complete the agenda and content of interests. This study argues that an important deliberative policy is made in each conflict area as a reinforcement for national policy. We construct a deliberative policy flow for religious conflicts based on academic guidelines and the case of the Jamaah Ahmadiyah Indonesia (JAI) in Colo Village, Kudus Regency, Central Java Province. This study is sourced from data collected in November 2018 through documentation, interviews, and observations. We have interviewed the village government, religious leaders, active congregations, and residents. The results of the interviews were processed through the process of transcription, determining keywords, categorizing, and defining. Data refined in October 2020 through literature studies and news clipping. We have described policies as triggers of conflict, identified four patterns of JAI conflict in Indonesia, and explained the dynamics of Ahmadiyyah diversity with local Muslims in Colo. Primarily, this study contains a deliberative policy-making process. The key to this policy is a participatory, informative, balanced, and thorough discussion of all parties. The task in the future is the need to examine the deliberative policy flow that we have constructed to ensure that this can be applied.Keywords : Religious Conflict; Deliberative Policy; Jamaah Ahmadiyyah Indonesia
Al-Maslahah : Jurnal Ilmu Syariah Vol 14, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah (Syari'ah Faculty )

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (739.024 KB) | DOI: 10.24260/al-maslahah.v14i2.1193


Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk membahas praktik terbaik pemberdayaan ekonomi masjid. Disfungsi masjid merupakan masalah utama dalam studi manajemen masjid dan telah menjadi konsentrasi di Kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia. Toko Baitul Pangan atau Tobatan dianggap eksis di tengah sumber daya yang terbatas melalui strategi kolaboratif. Logika kualitatif digunakan untuk mendukung penelitian ini. Kami menemukan sejarah, manajemen Islam, dan proses membangun kolaborasi. Tobatan lahir melalui perspektif orang dalam. Ini memberikan pengetahuan baru dalam studi masjid yang harus dikembangkan berdasarkan kebutuhan lokal. Selanjutnya, kemampuan Takmir untuk berinovasi menjadi kunci utama dalam mengatur manajemen Tobatan. Mulai dari rekrutmen, keuangan, hingga rantai suplai kolaborasi. Skema Tobatan telah dijelaskan dalam kekuatan nilai-nilai Islam (ta'awun, ifa al-'Aqd, al-'adl, amanah, iman). Selanjutnya, terdapat tiga tahap dalam membangun kolaborasi, yakni penilaian, negosiasi, dan implementasi. Studi ini merekomendasikan pentingnya mempromosikan nilai-nilai Islam dan mengidentifikasi kebutuhan masjid daripada mengikuti tren masa lalu.