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Journal of Regional and City Planning Vol 30, No 3 (2019)
Publisher : Center for Research and Community Services ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/jpwk.2019.30.3.5


This study aimed to determine the morphology of the residential environment of Singengu Village in Mandailing Julu between 1880 and 2019. This time frame was taken because primary data that available were refer to that range of years. This research is an interpretive historical research that narratively constructs the morphology of the residential environment in Singengu Village through four sources: archives, documents, evidence from the location, and explanations from interviewees/eyewitnesses. The result showed that the morphological component of Singengu Village?s residential environment includes three main aspects, namely: land-use pattern, building layout, and the road network. The roads in Singengu Village?s residential environment are quite unique because they were formed after the construction of the residential area and not vice versa. Aspects of the land use and urban design patterns have a typical Mandailing character because they are consistent with the local concept of bincar-bonom.Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan morfologi lingkungan perumahan di Desa Singengu di Mandailing Julu antara tahun 1880 dan 2019. Kerangka waktu ini diambil karena data primer yang tersedia merujuk pada rentang tahun tersebut. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian sejarah interpretatif yang secara naratif membangun morfologi lingkungan perumahan di Desa Singengu melalui empat sumber: arsip, dokumen, bukti dari lokasi, dan penjelasan dari narasumber/saksi mata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komponen morfologis lingkungan perumahan Desa Singengu meliputi tiga aspek utama, yaitu: pola penggunaan lahan, tata letak bangunan, dan jaringan jalan. Jalan-jalan di lingkungan perumahan Desa Singengu cukup unik karena terbentuk setelah pembangunan daerah perumahan dan bukan sebaliknya. Aspek penggunaan lahan dan pola desain perkotaan memiliki karakter Mandailing yang khas karena konsisten dengan konsep lokal bincar-bonom.Kata kunci. Morfologi, lingkungan perumahan, penggunaan lahan, tata letak bangunan, bincar-bonom.
Morphology of Residential Environment of Singengu Village in Mandailing Julu, North Sumatra Cut Nuraini
Journal of Regional and City Planning Vol. 30 No. 3 (2019)
Publisher : The Institute for Research and Community Services, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/jpwk.2019.30.3.5


This study aimed to determine the morphology of the residential environment of Singengu Village in Mandailing Julu between 1880 and 2019. This time frame was taken because primary data that available were refer to that range of years. This research is an interpretive historical research that narratively constructs the morphology of the residential environment in Singengu Village through four sources: archives, documents, evidence from the location, and explanations from interviewees/eyewitnesses. The result showed that the morphological component of Singengu Village's residential environment includes three main aspects, namely: land-use pattern, building layout, and the road network. The roads in Singengu Village's residential environment are quite unique because they were formed after the construction of the residential area and not vice versa. Aspects of the land use and urban design patterns have a typical Mandailing character because they are consistent with the local concept of bincar-bonom.Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan morfologi lingkungan perumahan di Desa Singengu di Mandailing Julu antara tahun 1880 dan 2019. Kerangka waktu ini diambil karena data primer yang tersedia merujuk pada rentang tahun tersebut. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian sejarah interpretatif yang secara naratif membangun morfologi lingkungan perumahan di Desa Singengu melalui empat sumber: arsip, dokumen, bukti dari lokasi, dan penjelasan dari narasumber/saksi mata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komponen morfologis lingkungan perumahan Desa Singengu meliputi tiga aspek utama, yaitu: pola penggunaan lahan, tata letak bangunan, dan jaringan jalan. Jalan-jalan di lingkungan perumahan Desa Singengu cukup unik karena terbentuk setelah pembangunan daerah perumahan dan bukan sebaliknya. Aspek penggunaan lahan dan pola desain perkotaan memiliki karakter Mandailing yang khas karena konsisten dengan konsep lokal bincar-bonom.Kata kunci. Morfologi, lingkungan perumahan, penggunaan lahan, tata letak bangunan, bincar-bonom.
Studi Komparasi Seting Tempat Aktivitas di Lingkungan Perumahan Kawasan Perdesaan Pegunungan Cut Nuraini
Tesa Arsitektur Vol 18, No 2: Desember 2020
Publisher : Unika Soegijapranata Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24167/tesa.v18i2.2231


A residential area has its own character according to the cultural background of the community. The residential area in Hutagodang and Habincaran has a unique arrangement in terms of placing several public facilities as places of community activity. This study aims to find out what the setting of activities in the residential area of mountainous countryside/rural areas, especially in Hutagodang and Habincaran, than comparing with previous research in Singengu. This research is a explorative-qualitative research with descriptive analysis. The data collection technique was carried out through a mini-tour to collect a number of field facts related to the settings for the activities recorded in the logbook and field sketchbooks. The results showed that the setting of activities in the residential area of Hutagodang and Habincaran villages can be grouped into two major parts, namely 1) places of worship, and 2) places of gathering. The place of worship for men is the mosque, and the setting is in the western area from alaman bolak/the center of the residential area, while the place of worship for women is the prayer room/musholla, and the setting is nearby of alaman bolak as centre area. The gathering place for men is lopo (coffee shop) whose settings are nearby of alaman bolak, precisely on the west side, while the gathering place for women is parjagalan (warung) whose settings are located east of the center of alaman bolak. Men and women have separate settings for activity, but there is one place that is used together as a gathering place, the center of the environment called alaman bolak (large yard).
Pakarangan di Permukiman Desa Singengu Mandailing Julu, Sumatra Utara Cut Nuraini; Achmad Djunaidi; S Sudaryono; T Yoyok Subroto
Forum Teknik Vol 35, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada

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A yard in Singengu Village has a different meaning with a yard in general. Pakarangan or yard in Singengu Village comparises of side area and front area of Bagas (house). It means that the backside area is not a yard. Pakarangan does not has variety vegetation as many house yard, except decorated  plant like flower. The objective of this research is to find out pakarangan concept, factors infuenced its concept and what the meaning of pakarangan phenomenon. This research used phenomenological paradigm with naturalistic approach and inductive-qualitative analysis methode. The result of this research are pakarangan comparises of alaman (space in front of bagas), pamispisan (space beside of bagas) and taruma bagas (space underneath of bagas). The backspace of the house is not part of pakarangan but it is a separate space called parik. The concept of pakarangan is based on Mandailing cosmology's belief about Banua Partoru (bottom word). Parik is cnsidered to Banua Portoru, therefore parik is not a part a pakarangan. The meaning of pakarangan is Singengu village is the whole of  bagas area except parik.Keywords: Pakarangan, Alaman, Bagas, Parik, Banua Partoru
International Journal on Livable Space Vol. 2 No. 2 (2017): URBAN-RURAL SPACE: Problematic and Cultural Values
Publisher : Jurusan Arsitektur - FTSP - Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25105/livas.v2i2.4820


AbstractTraditional societies have always retained unique experiences and understanding about their houses. The experiences and understanding tend to be subjective, yet there is a real manifestation. This study aims to explain the concept of sacred-profane on room arrangement of heirloom houses at Mandailing society. This rationalistic study has been conducted in a descriptive-explorative way of using sacred-profane theory. The result shows that the room arrangement on heirloom houses of Mandailing society retain one space that is persistently existed, although the house is continued to grow, i.e., “Pantar Tonga” (middle room as living room). The room has become a universal pillar or axis mundi as well as sacred object. The sacred value of pantar tonga has reinforced the existence of the heirloom house until now without any significant change. Keywords: Heirloom House, Sacred-Profane, Axis-Mundi, Pantar Tonga
NALARs Vol 20, No 1 (2021): NALARs Volume 20 Nomor 1 Januari 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/nalars.20.1.61-72


ABSTRAK. Space-attachment adalah konsep keterikatan ruang yang dikembangkan dari teori place- attachment atau keterikatan tempat yang menggambarkan keterikatan manusia dengan tempat hidupnya berdasar atribut sosial dan lingkungan. Konsep space-attachment pertama kali diungkap berdasar analisis pengembangan teori place-attachment berbasis bincar-bonom di salah satu lingkungan perumahan perdesaan pegunungan di Mandailing, yaitu Singengu. Menarik untuk diteliti apakah lingkungan perumahan/ permukiman lain di kawasan tersebut memiliki ciri yang sama sesuai dengan temuan  riset sebelumnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memverifikasi hasil riset sebelumnya dan merumuskan karakter desain perumahan perdesaan pegunungan yang berbasis space-attachment khususnya dalam konteks adaptif dan responsif lingkungan. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma rasionalistik dengan metode kombinasi (mixed-methods) antara deskriptif-kualitatif dan studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakter desain perumahan berbasis space-attachment yang adaptif dan responsif ditunjukkan pada: 1) aspek keterbacaan (kemudahan mengenali tempat), 2) unsur keragaman (variasi dan perbedaan tempat aktifitas), 3) aspek temporal (ruang-ruang temporal), dan 4) setting tempat (sesuai dengan kondisi lingkungan/ kontur). Empat karakter tersebut menegaskan karakter lingkungan perumahan berbasis space-attachment, bahwa lingkungan perumahan perdesaan di Mandailing tidak hanya terikat dengan tempat (place) yang menitikberatkan pada ‘fisik tempat’ yang bersifat fisik, tetapi lebih terikat kepada space (ruang) yang menitikberatkan pada ‘non-fisik ruang’ dan bersifat tak teraga. Kata kunci : Karakter, Lingkungan Perumahan, Space-Attachment, Adaptif, Responsif. ABSTRACT. The concept of space attachment is developed from place-attachment theory, which describes humans' attachment to their place of life-based on social and environmental attributes. The concept of space-attachment was first revealed based on an analysis of the development of a place-attachment theory based on bincar-bonom in one of the mountainous residential areas in Mandailing, namely Singengu. It is interesting to study whether other housing/settlement environments in the Mandailing area have the same characteristics as previous research findings. This study aims to verify previous research results and formulate the character of the mountainous housing environment based on space-attachment, especially in the context of adaptive and environmentally responsive. This study uses a rationalistic paradigm with a mixed-method between descriptive qualitative and case studies. The results showed the adaptive and responsive character of the housing environment based-on space-attachment in legibility aspects (ease of recognizing places), elements of diversity (variations and differences in places of activity), temporal aspects (temporal spaces), and setting of the place (according to environmental conditions/contours). These four characters emphasize the character of the housing environment based on space-attachment. The rural housing environment in Mandailing is tied to a place that focuses on 'physical place,' which is physical. Still, it is more tied to space focuses on 'non -physical space 'and intangible. Keywords : Character, Housing Environment, Space-Attachment, Adaptive, Responsive
NALARs Vol 14, No 2 (2015): NALARs Volume 14 Nomor 2 Juli 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/nalars.14.2.%p


ABSTRAK. Desa Singengu sebagai hasil karya arsitektur masyarakat Mandailing memiliki sejumlah fenomena tempat-tempat yang terkait dengan ruang luar dan tatanan massa bangunan hingga membentuk tatanan lingkungan yang khas Mandailing. Elemen-elemen pembentuk permukimannya tidak hanya yang berbentuk fisik dan kasat mata tetapi juga berbentuk non fisik dan tak kasat mata. Hasil penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa tata ruang desa Singengu dibentuk oleh filosofi Bincar-Bonom. Studi ini bertujuan untuk melihat posisi atau kedudukan teori bincar-bonom terhadap beberapa teori elemen-elemen pembentuk permukiman lainnnya menurut beberapa pakar.Studi yang telah dilakukan tentang desa Singengu dengan elemen-elemen pembentuknya menunjukkan bahwa sebuah permukiman tidak hanya terkait dengan socio-spatial saja, yang menekankan relasi antar manusia dengan benda-benda; atau bukan hanya terkait dengan socio-symbolic spatial saja, yang juga menekankan relasi antar manusia dengan benda-benda; atau bukan juga hanya sekedar global-element space yang menekankan relasi manusia dengan benda tetapi lebih dalam lagi, yaitu terkait dengan socio-symbolic-spiritual spatial. Relasi socio-symbolic-spiritual spatial yang menjadi basis pembentuk tata ruang permukiman bukan hanya mengacu pada relasi antara manusia dengan benda atau benda dengan benda, atau artefak dengan benda, atau artefak dengan manusia tetapi mengacu kepada zat tertinggi, yaitu Tuhan. Elemen-elemen pembentuk permukiman desa Singengu dengan ciri relasi socio-symbolic-spiritual spatial terdiri atas empat elemen, yaitu alam, manusia, leluhur dan TuhanKata Kunci: Socio-symbolic-spiritual Spatial, Alam, Manusia, Leluhur dan Tuhan ABSTRACT. Singengu village as a result of architectural work of Mandailing communities has a number of phenomena of places that was associated with landscapes and arrangements of building mass up to built a unique environment of Mandailings. The elements which shaping the settlement not only physical and visible but also non-physical and invisible. The results of previous studies show that Singengu village arrangement was formed by Bincar-Bonom philosophy. This study aims to look at the position of bonom-bincar theory against several theories about the settlement forming elements according to some experts in certain field.The studies that have been done in Singengu village with its elements indicate that a settlement is not only related to the socio-spatial course, which emphasizes the relationship between humans and objects; or not only related to the socio-symbolic spatial only, which also emphasizes the relationship between humans and objects; or not only a global space-element space that emphasizes human relationships with objects but deeper, which is associated with socio-symbolic-spiritual spatial. Socio-symbolic-spiritual spatial relationships has been forming the basis of spatial settlement not only refers to the relationship between humans and objects or objects with objects, or artifacts with objects, or artifacts with humans but refers to the highest substance, namely God. The elements that forming Singengu village settlement with socio-spiritual-symbolic spatial relations feature consists of four elements, namely nature, humans, ancestors and GodKeywords : Socio-symbolic-spiritual Spatial, Nature, Humans, Ancestors and God
Kajian Kritis Teori, Metode dan Aplikasi Dalam Penelitian Sistem Visual Cut Nuraini
NALARs Vol 8, No 2 (2009): NALARs Volume 8 Nomor 2 Juli 2009
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/nalars.8.2.%p


ABSTRAK. Kota merupakan suatu kompleks lingkungan yang didalamnya terbentang banyak arti seperti keindahan , kenangan, pengalaman, harapan, keramaian banyak orang dan lain sebagainya. Suatu kota juga merupakan kontruksi sejarah sepanjang waktu dalam berbagai bentuk yang bervariasi dan sangat dipengaruhi dengan konteks tempat, peristiwa dan wujud kota, sehingga sifatnya sangat dinamis. Konteks tersebut sangat berpengaruh dalam pembentukan identitas dan citra dari sebuah kota sehingga dapat dengan mudah dipahami.Identitas dan citra sebuah kota terbentuk karena adanya elemen-elemen yang memberikan kualitas tertentu sehingga akan memunculkan suatu tanda-tanda pembeda yang menunjukkan karakter tertentu. Elemen, tanda, karakter, identitas dan citra  akan membentuk satu kesatuan sistem visual kota yang dapat diketahui melalui beberapa cara seperti yang akan dikemukakan dalam pembahasan tema tentang sistem visual kota.Pemahaman manusia tentang lingkungannya dapat terbentuk melalui kesan visual yang dapat ditangkap oleh indra penglihatan manusia dari tiap-tiap elemen atau komponen yang ada pada suatu lingkungan tertentu. Kesan visual merupakan respon langsung yang dapat diterima dari hubungan antara manusia dengan lingkungannya. Di satu sisi, masyarakat awam biasanya menunjukkan reaksinya terhadap suatu elemen visual tertentu secara verbal dan di sisi lain para arsitek lebih sering merespon secara visual. Hal ini kemudian menjadi lebih berbeda lagi jika membandingkan pemahaman visual masing-masing individu dengan latar belakang yang berbeda.Kata Kunci : Kota , Elemen, tanda dan karakter, Identitas, Citra, Sistem VisualABSTRACT. A City is regarded as an environmental complex with many meanings within it such as aesthetics, memories, experiences, hopes, crowded, and many more. A city can be defined as a historical construction from time to time with its variety and influenced by some contexts: place, event, and form of the city. That is why a city has a dynamic character. Those contexts have strong impact in forming an identity and image of the city.An identity and image of the city has been formed from elements which delivered a particular quality, thus will define a differentiable sign which will designate a particular character. Elements, sign, character, identity and image will form a united visual system of the city which will be identified by some methods.Human understanding about their environment could be formed from visual image which can be caught by human visual sensory from each element as well as each component within a particular environment. Visual image can be defined as a direct response from a relation between human and their environment. Usually, general community have shown their reaction of a particular visual element verbally, on the other hand architects have responded it visually. It shows that there are differences in comparing a visual understanding from each individual with different background. Keywords: City, elements, character and sign, identity, image, visual system
NALARs Vol 9, No 1 (2010): NALARs Volume 9 Nomor 1 Januari 2010
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/nalars.9.1.%p


ABSTRAK. Permukiman penduduk di Mandailing terdiri atas beberapa desa yang letaknya tersebar di wilayah Mandailing Julu dan Mandailing Godang. Desa-desa tersebut pada awalnya merupakan huta adat yang dalam perkembangan selanjutnya disebut desa. Pola hidup yang menetap sudah lama ada di Mandailing sejak bermukimnya orang-orang yang pertama datang ke daerah ini. Dengan adanya pola hidup menetap, maka terbentuklah kampung-kampung (perkampungan) yang disebut huta.  Desa-desa yang terdapat di Kotanopan Mandailing dewasa ini secara tidak langsung telah mempengaruhi perencanaan dan pengembangan wilayah setempat. Fenomena ini semakin diperkuat dengan adanya kenyataan bahwa sebagian besar wilayah pedesaan di Mandailing selalu didominasi oleh keberadaan alaman bolak selangseutang (halaman luas di depan rumah raja sebagai penanda bahwa desa tersebut telah melakukan proses adat) Pembahasan ini menjelaskan bahwa berdasarkan status letaknya, desa-desa di Kotanopan merupakan desa pedesaan, sedangkan berdasarkan mata pencahariannya, desa-desa tersebut terkategori dalam kelompok desa-desa pertanian dan desa-desa tambak. Jika ditinjau berdasarkan nilai sosial, desa-desa ini memiliki dua karakter, yaitu desa-desa yang berorientasi kultural dan sekaligus juga desa-desa yang berorientasi agama dan kepercayaan. Bentuk desa berdasarkan tiga kelompok, yaitu (1) Orientasi Rumah : merupakan bentuk desa dengan letak rumah-rumah yang membentuk kelompok terpusat (konsentris); (2) Aspek Fisiografis : merupakan desa lembah/ pegunungan dan (3) Aspek Non-Fisiografis : merupakan desa sepanjang jalan raya. Sedangkan Pola desa-desanya memiliki ciri linier dan radial.  Kata Kunci : Kawasan Permukiman, Huta, Konsentris, Linier, Radial  ABSTRACT. People Settlement in Mandailing consist of some villages that distribute on Mandailing Julu and Mandailing Godang district. In the beginning, those villages has been tradition huta expand to be a village in the future. Living to reside have been exist in Mandailing since those residence people came first in this region. With living to reside, so they have been created kampong-kampong as called huta.  The Villages in Kotanopan, Mandailing has effected the planning as well as the development of the region. This phenomenon has been strengthening by the fact that mostly on the village areas in Mandailing have been dominated by the existence of alaman bolak selangseutang (Wide yard in front of King House as symbolize that the village has been done the tradition proses). The discussion has tried to explain and describe that according to setting statue the villages in Kotanopan has been traditional village and according to people job the villages has been categoried in farm and lake villages. According to social value, the villages has been two caracter namely cultural oriented villages and religion oriented villages. The form of villages which has been delivered by 3 groups, namely (1) Houses Orientation : are villages form which have consentris house setting, (20 Fisiografis Aspect : are valley villages/ mountain villages and (3) Non-Fisiografis Aspect : are village along the main street. The pattern of Mandailing Villages has been linier and radial caracter.  Keywords:  Regional Settlement, Huta, Concentris, Linier and Radial
ANALISA APLIKASI KONSEP ARSITEKTUR BIOKLIMATIK PADA ASRAMA HAJI, RUMAH SUSUN, DAN SEKOLAH MENENGAH KEJURUAN (Studi Kasus : Asrama Haji Embarkasih Medan, Rumah Susun Kayu Putih, dan SMK N1 Percut Sei Tuan) Ilham Mulya; Bayu Arwan; Ramadhansyah Hsb; Cut Nuraini; Saufa Yardha Moerni
PURWARUPA Jurnal Arsitektur Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Purwarupa Vol 4 No 2 September 2020
Publisher : Arsitektur UMJ

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ABSTRAK. Rendahnya tingkat kepuasan masyarakat terhadap fasilitas sosial (fasos) disebuah kota / provinsi yang menjadi tujuan masyarakat dalam berbagai urusan pelayanan administrasi, kependudukan dan pendidikan, adalah masalah yang perlu dikaji dalam penelitian ini, dalam kasus ini peneliti memilih Asrama Haji Embarkasih Medan, Rusunawa kayu Putih dan SMK N1 Percut Sei Tuan sebagai objek penelitian, Dimana ketiga objek tersebut banyak melakukan aktivitas  didalam ruangan dan memiliki tingkat mobilitas yang padat pada kawasan bangunan tersebut, Sudah semestinya sebagai negara beriklim tropis kita menjadikan eco-building sebagai solusi dari kebutuhan tersebut agar tidak sepenuhnya bergantung terhadap energi buatan untuk setiap operasional bangunan, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan prinsip arsitektur bioklimatik dalam menganalisa objek penelitian untuk mengetahui penyebab rendahnya kepuasan masyarakat terhadap fasos yang ada. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui konsep arsitektur pada bangunan fasos tersebut. Metode analisis kualitatif yang dilakukan menggunakan teori-teori yang relevan dengan penelitian, yang menghasilkan kesimpulan penggunaan arsitektur bioklimatik pada ketiga fasos tersebut melalui beberapa indikator. Kata kunci : bioklimatik, prinsip arsitektur bioklimatik, fasilitas sosial. ABSTRACT. The low level of community satisfaction with social facilities (fasos) in a city / province which is the goal of the community in various administrative, population and education services, is a problem that needs to be examined in this study, in this case the researchers chose the Hajj Embarkasih Medan, Rusunawa Kayu Putih and SMK N1 Percut Sei Tuan as research objects, where the three objects carry out a lot of indoor activity and have a high level of mobility in the building area. As a tropical country, we should use eco-building as a solution to these needs so as not to depend entirely on artificial energy for each building operation, researchers used the principle approach of bioclimatic architecture in analyzing the research object to determine the cause of the low level of community satisfaction with existing social facilities. This research was conducted to determine the architectural concept of the social facilities, the qualitative analysis method was using the relevant theorys to the research, wich resulted in conclusion on the used of bioclimatic architecture in that three social facilities through several indicators Kata kunci : bioklimatik, theprinciples of bioclimatic architecture, social facilities.