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Burden of Pediatric Cancer Treatment: Results of Online Pediatric Cancer Registry Prototype 1 at A Third Referral Hospital in Indonesia Sari, Nur Melani; Reniarti, Lelani; Suryawan, Nur; Susanah, Susi; Wahyudi, Kurnia
Althea Medical Journal Vol 4, No 3 (2017)
Publisher : Althea Medical Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (606.214 KB) | DOI: 10.15850/amj.v4n3.1204


Background: Despite the impressive progress of high-income countries, childhood cancer survival remains low in low and middle-income countries. Cancer is yet to be considered as a significant public health issue which has implicate only few pediatric cancer registry has been well established. The study aimed to describe the burden of pediatric cancer treatment in a third referral hospital in Indonesia through pediatric cancer registry.Methods: A-three-year retrospective analysis of 15 pediatric cancer diagnosed in children aged under 14 years was conducted at Dr Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung.  Data were extracted from Online Bandung Pediatric Cancer Registry Prototype 1 and analyzed for age, gender, type of cancer. The outcomes were classified as treatment abandonment, treatment refusal, interrupted treatment, death during treatment, and completed treatment.Results: Seven-hundred and seventy-three children, 452 males and 321 females, were diagnosed with 15 types of malignancies.  Peak incidence for each malignancy was different: at a young age was found in retinoblastoma and hepatoblastoma (mean; 3yo) while at adolescence in bone tumor and chronic myelocytic leukemia (9.1; 10 yo respectively). Distribution of the foremost malignancies recorded was: acute lymphoblastic leukemia (44.5%), retinoblastoma (15.2%), and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (8.9%). The cancer cure rate was very low (9.5%), treatment abandonment was still high (41.7%) and most patients died (27.8%) in the course of therapy either from advanced disease, infection, or late presentation. Meanwhile, 167 patients still continued the interrupted treatment.Conclusions: Cancer management is the burden for hospital, however the general outcome is very poor. 
Burden of Pediatric Cancer Treatment: Results of Online Pediatric Cancer Registry Prototype 1 at A Third Referral Hospital in Indonesia Nur Melani Sari; Lelani Reniarti; Nur Suryawan; Susi Susanah; Kurnia Wahyudi
Althea Medical Journal Vol 4, No 3 (2017)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (606.214 KB) | DOI: 10.15850/amj.v4n3.1204


Background: Despite the impressive progress of high-income countries, childhood cancer survival remains low in low and middle-income countries. Cancer is yet to be considered as a significant public health issue which has implicate only few pediatric cancer registry has been well established. The study aimed to describe the burden of pediatric cancer treatment in a third referral hospital in Indonesia through pediatric cancer registry.Methods: A-three-year retrospective analysis of 15 pediatric cancer diagnosed in children aged under 14 years was conducted at Dr Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung.  Data were extracted from Online Bandung Pediatric Cancer Registry Prototype 1 and analyzed for age, gender, type of cancer. The outcomes were classified as treatment abandonment, treatment refusal, interrupted treatment, death during treatment, and completed treatment.Results: Seven-hundred and seventy-three children, 452 males and 321 females, were diagnosed with 15 types of malignancies.  Peak incidence for each malignancy was different: at a young age was found in retinoblastoma and hepatoblastoma (mean; 3yo) while at adolescence in bone tumor and chronic myelocytic leukemia (9.1; 10 yo respectively). Distribution of the foremost malignancies recorded was: acute lymphoblastic leukemia (44.5%), retinoblastoma (15.2%), and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (8.9%). The cancer cure rate was very low (9.5%), treatment abandonment was still high (41.7%) and most patients died (27.8%) in the course of therapy either from advanced disease, infection, or late presentation. Meanwhile, 167 patients still continued the interrupted treatment.Conclusions: Cancer management is the burden for hospital, however the general outcome is very poor. 
Parents’ Knowledge and Children’s Toilet Training Practices: Study in Kindergartens in Jatinangor Anne Shafira Purnama Claytonia Aziz; Yudith Setiati Ermaya; Nur Melani Sari
Althea Medical Journal Vol 6, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (49.152 KB) | DOI: 10.15850/amj.v6n2.1659


Background: Constipation has serious threats for children, however, this condition can be treated by toilet training. The level of parents’ understanding of defecation affects the success of the training to reduce the symptom of constipation. This study aimed to assess the knowledge of the parents and their children’s practice in toilet training at kindergarten. Methods: This was an analytic study with a cross-sectional method which conducted at kindergartens in Jatinangor, selected by a total random sampling method. A self-made validated questionnaire was distributed to parents asking about knowledge and toilet training. Incomplete answer sheets and parents who did not come to school by the time of the study were excluded. Result: In total, 111 parents returned the questionnaire, and most of the parents (98.19%) had good knowledge regarding toilet training. Moreover, most of the children (96.39%) were also good at practicing the toilet training. There was a strong and significant correlation between parents’ knowledge and the children’s practice of toilet training with coefficient correlation 0.701 and p-value <0.05.Conclusions: Good knowledge of parents help the children practicing toilet training, therefore, education to new parents is necessary.
Clinical Characteristics of Pediatric with Germ Cell Tumor: Experience in a Developing Country Lelani Reniarti; Anisah Febri; Nur Melani Sari
Althea Medical Journal Vol 8, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15850/amj.v8n1.1876


Background: Germ cell tumor (GCT) occurs in 3% of pregnancy malignancies and increases by 15% during adolescence. In developing countries, the five-year survival rate is 98% and 80% for GCT earlier stage and malignant tumor, respectively. This study aimed to gather information about clinical manifestations of GCT and to evaluate the treatment outcome in pediatric GCT patients at Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung, IndonesiaMethods: A descriptive cross-sectional study design with a total sampling method was conducted using secondary data from the medical record of pediatric patients diagnosed with GCT from 2015 to 2018. Data on nutritional status, clinical characteristics, histopathology stage, hematological profiles, chemical markers, treatment methods, completeness of treatment, and outcome at the end of treatment were collected and presented using tables and charts.Results: Of the 44 subjects, girls (77.3%) were predominant, with a mean age of 2 years old and normal nutritional status (59.1%). Patients generally had abdominal mass (97.7%) and most had intragonadal GCT (95.5%), with ovarium (76.2%) as the most common location. The most frequent GCT histopathology was yolk sac tumor (34.1%), with an Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) level of >100.000 (6.8%). Almost all patients (97.7%) had undergone surgery; however, 47% of patients did not complete their treatment. At the end of treatment, the majority of patients survived (86.4%).Conclusion: Germ cell tumor has various clinical characteristics. Understanding these characteristics will enable clinicians to make a proper diagnosis and provide immediate management that will lead to a better prognosis.
Dharmakarya Vol 7, No 2 (2018): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (271.283 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/dharmakarya.v7i2.20208


Anemia is commonly found in Indonesia especially in infants, children and adolescents. Adolescent  suffering a double burden of anemia including iron deficiency anemia and carriers of thalassemia. Iron deficiency anemia can affect brain function, growth and development process , and  weaken  the immune system. Thalassemia is a chronic disease passed down from parents to their children. The symptoms of these two diseases are very difficult to distinguish, namely  mild anemia and sometimes asymptomatic. The incidence of new cases needs to be controlled, one of them is by using screening tests and education to the community. This program was carried out in the form of increasing the knowledge of health workers, junior high school teachers and students regarding thalassemia and iron deficiency anemia regarding talasemia screening policy from the Health Ministry. The method used is survey, observation and socialization lecture. The results of this study showed an increase in knowledge of Tempuran Middle School students, teachers, and health workers after socialization of thalassemia. The voluntary level of students to join the anemia screening program was 81.89% in Combat 1 Junior High School, and 66.67% in Combat Middle School 2. The percentage of anemia in adolescent girls was 11.68%, while in boys it was 25.53%.
Bula Hemoragik dengan Komplikasi Perforasi Gaster Sebagai Manifestasi Klinis Purpura Henoch-Schonlein yang Tidak Biasa pada Anak Budi Setiabudiawan; Reni Ghrahani; Gartika Sapartini; Nur Melani Sari; Herry Garna
Sari Pediatri Vol 13, No 4 (2011)
Publisher : Badan Penerbit Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia (BP-IDAI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14238/sp13.4.2011.257-64


Purpura Henoch-Schonlein (PHS) merupakan vaskulitis pada pembuluh darah kecil tersering terjadi pada anak. Penyakit ini ditandai dengan purpura palpablenontrombositopenia disertai salah satu gejala nyeri perut, artritis atau atralgia, glomerulonefritis, dan hasil biopsi jaringan berupa gambaran vaskulitis leukositoklastik. Bula hemoragik disertai edema jaringan subkutan merupakan gambaran yang tidak umum pada PHS dan sering terlewatkan. Manifestasi klinis vesikobulosa PHS sering ditemukan pada pasien dewasa, 16%–60% kasus, sedangkan pada anak kurang dari 2% kasus. Walaupun PHS secara tipikal merupakan penyakit selflimiting, tetapi komplikasi serius dapat terjadi. Perforasi gaster sangat jarang dilaporkan sebagai komplikasi PHS. Kami melaporkan 2 kasus PHS dengan manifestasi kulit yang berat, yaitu timbulnya bula hemoragik disertai dengan perforasi gaster. Pada kedua kasus dilakukan tindakan operatif dengan keluaran yang berbeda, pada kasus pertama pasien dipulangkan dalam kondisi baik pascaoperasi setelah dilakukan laparatomi eksplorasi, walaupun masih menderita nefritis. Sedangkan pasien kedua meninggal setelah tindakan diagnostic peritoneal lavagedisebabkan sepsis berat. Simpulan, bula hemoragik dapat dipertimbangkan sebagai prediktor komplikasi perforasi gaster pada PHS yang akan meningkatkan kewaspadaan dalam tata laksana PHS
Laporan kasus berbasis bukti: Pedoman Skrining Populasi dengan Risiko Tinggi Talasemia Nur Melani Sari; Irene Arini; Nur Suryawan; Susi Susanah; Lelani Reniarti; Harry Raspati Achmad; Ponpon Idjradinata
Sari Pediatri Vol 21, No 5 (2020)
Publisher : Badan Penerbit Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia (BP-IDAI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14238/sp21.5.2020.322-8


Latar belakang. Talasemia merupakan penyakit keturunan akibat kelainan sel darah merah yang belum dapat disembuhkan, tetapi dapat dicegah. Berbagai studi memperlihatkan bahwa program pencegahan melalui skrining talasemia jauh lebih menguntungkan dibandingkan pengobatan. Skrining dapat dilakukan melalui berbagai metode, di antaranya skrining populasi umum dan populasi khusus. Sampai saat ini belum ada pedoman skrining khusus pada populasi dengan risiko tinggi. Tujuan. Mengumpulkan bukti ilmiah mengenai validitas, manfaat, dan rekomendasi metode skrining keluarga (cascade family screening) pada penyandang talasemia.Metode. Penelusuran pustaka secara daring lewat Pubmed Clinical Queries, Cochrane Library, dan Google Scholar.Hasil. Didapatkan tiga artikel studi potong lintang yang berhubungan dengan pertanyaan klinis penelitian. Ketiga penelitian tersebut mempraktikan skrining kaskade pada anggota keluarga pasien talasemia-β mayor dalam tiga generasi. Studi pertama (Ansari, dkk) menunjukkan 62,2% anggota keluarga yang diskrining merupakan pembawa sifat talasemia beta. Studi kedua (Gorakshakar, dkk) menunjukkan angka pembawa sifat sebesar 21,9%. Studi ketiga (Baig, dkk) menunjukkan angka pembawa sifat sebesar 44,4%. Angka ini lebih besar dari frekuensi pembawa sifat talasemia dari populasi umum sebesar 5−8%. Kesimpulan. Skrining kaskade merupakan pilihan yang efektif dan praktikal dibandingkan dengan skrining populasi pada negara-negara dengan keterbatasan biaya dan sumber daya fasilitas kesehatan.
Gambaran Tumbuh Kembang Anak Pada Periode Emas Usia 0-24 Bulan Di Posyandu Wilayah Kecamatan Jatinangor Hapsari Maharani Sugeng; Rodman Tarigan; Nur Melani Sari
Jurnal Sistem Kesehatan Vol 4, No 3 (2019): Volume 4 Nomor 3 Maret 2019
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (256.111 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jsk.v4i3.21240


Periode emas merupakan periode kritis yang terjadi sekali dalam kehidupan anak, periode ini terjadi pada 1000 hari pertama dan berdampak terhadap perkembangan fisik dan kognisi anak. Penilaian perkembangan anak pada periode ini sangat penting dilakukan agar apabila ditemukan kecurigaan penyimpangan dapat segera dilakukan stimulasi dan intervensi dini sebelum kelainan terjadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran tumbuh kembang anak usia 0-24 bulan di Posyandu. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain deskriptif potong lintang. Sampel penelitian yaitu balita usia 0-24 bulan yang tercatat di Posyandu wilayah Kecamatan Jatinangor. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah randomisasi bertingkat dengan jumlah sampel 49 responden. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar balita memiliki pertumbuhan yang normal yaitu sebanyak 82%, 6% mengalami gizi lebih, 4% beresiko gizi lebih, 4% mengalami gizi rendah, 2% balita mengalami gizi sangat rendah dan 2% balita mengalami obesitas.  Perkembangan yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan KPSP adalah 81,6% sesuai, 12,2 % balita meragukan, 6,12% terdapat penyimpangan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian masih ditemukan balita yang mengalami status gizi kurang baik dan ditemukan anak dengan status perkembangan meragukan dan penyimpangan sehingga diperlukan adanya deteksi lebih dini lebih lanjut untuk meminimalisir angka kejadian penyimpangan yang lebih besar.Kata Kunci : Perkembangan, Pertumbuhan, Posyandu