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Analisis Bibliometrik Pemetaan Tafsir Jalalain Fitri Andaryani
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 23 (2023): Religious Studies
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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The Qur'an as a guide for human life, its truth is absolute and non-negotiable for every Muslim. To practice all the instructions of the Qur'an, such an obligation will not be carried out without first understanding the intentions contained therein. This study tries to answer the shortcomings of previous studies, namely regarding the Jalalain interpretation. This study uses a bibliometric approach by using mapping analysis keywords using bibliometrics. In the research category, the dominant Jalalain interpretation is researched in the field of Philosophy and the Study of Religions. Researchers are interested in studying the grammatical in writing the Jalalain interpretation, namely explaining the Jalalain interpretation comprehensively.
Problematika Keadilan mengenai Hak Asasi Manusia pada Masyarakat Indonesia: Analisis Metode Tafsir Maudhu’i Fitri Andaryani; Iqrimatunnaya Iqrimatunnaya; Jauharah Khairun Nisa; Asep Abdul Muhyi
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 25 (2023): Seminar Isu Kontemporer
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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The problem of justice regarding human rights in Indonesia has always been a very hot issue to be studied. This study aims to discuss verses about human rights. This study uses a qualitative approach by applying the descriptive-analytical method in searching for interpretations and discussion, this study also uses the maudhu’i interpretation method in searching for verses that are relevant to human rights. The formal object of this research is the science of the Qur’an and interpretation, while the material objects are verses about human rights in (Q.S. al-A’raf: 24), (Q.S. asy-Syu'ara: 183), (Q.S. an-Nisa: 58), (Q.S. al-Maidah: 32). The results and research show that human rights have existed since ancient times and the verses we found are very relevant to existing problems, especially on human rights issues. This study concludes that (Q.S. al-A’raf: 24), (Q.S. asy-Syu'ara: 183), (Q.S. an-Nisa: 58), (Q.S. al-Maidah: 32) is relevant as a reference that a person must have fairness, especially in upholding human rights.