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Khazanah: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Humaniora Vol 18, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : UIN Antasari Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/khazanah.v18i2.3825


Qur’anic Interpretation in Indonesia has been long interconnected with the tradition in the Middle East, especially in Haramayn and Egypt. Many Indonesians studied many Islamic disciplines from prominent ulama in these regions. One of them is Mahmud Yunus, who studied at Al-Azhar University, Cairo. He was influenced by the prominent ulama of Al- Azhar, i.e., M. Abduh. Abduh is famous for his thought of Islamic revivalism. This research investigates the possible influence of Abduh’s reformation thought to Mahmud Yunus Qur’anic interpretation, which called tafsir Qur’an Karim. This research employs a qualitative method with a historical approach and content analysis to analyze the data. This research shows that Mahmud Yunus is influenced significantly by Abduh’s reformation thought and can be seen from Yunus’ interpretation in his tafsir. The influence includes combating blind taqlid (unquestioning acceptance of religious thoughts), rationalizing the ‘mythical’ understanding of the Qur’anic texts, and emphasizing the belief that the Qur’an is compatible with science and the changing social reality. Kajian tafsir di Indonesia memiliki keterkaitan yang erat dengan pemikiran tafsir di Timur Tengah. Hal ini dapat dipahami karena banyak ulama Indonesia belajar di sana terutama Haramayn dan Mesir. Salah satu ulama yang memiliki keterpengaruhan tersebut adalah Mahmud Yunus yang sempat belajar di Al-Azhar, Kairo, Mesir. Secara spesifik, Yunus banyak mengadopsi pemikiran pembaharuan dari tokohpembaharu Mesir yakni M. Abduh. Penelitian ini bermaksud menelusuri keterpengaruhan pemikiran pembaharuan Mahmud Yunus dalam karya Tafsirnya Qur’an Karim dari pemikiran pembaharuan M. Abduh. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menggali kajian pustakaatas naskah tafsir Mahmud Yunus dan Al-Manar dengan menggunakan analisi isi dan historis. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh pembaharuan Abduh terlihat dalam penafsiran yang dilakukan oleh Mahmud Yunus dalam Tafsirnya berkaitan dengan beberapa aspek diantaranya adalah: penolakan atas taqlid, bid’ah dan khurafat, rasionalitas atas beberapa pemahaman yang bersifat mitis dan kesesuaian antara al-Qur’an dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan perkembangan masyarakat.
Analysis of the Debate Around Religious Pluralism in Indonesia Siti Rahmah; Asep Abdul Muhyi
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 4 (2021): The 1st Conference on Ushuluddin Studies
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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This study aims to discuss the thoughts of religious pluralism (interreligious relations). This research is a type of qualitative research that applies literature study. Here the authors collect data from books and journals relevant to the research title. The findings and discussion of this study include the thought of kalam in Islam, religious pluralism and analysis of debates around religious pluralism. This research concludes, based on existing references that religious pluralism is not a solution to the diversity of religions and the harmony of human life. However, pluralism has even sparked new inter-religious debates that force their understanding to equalize all religions. In fact, the concept of each religion is clearly different and cannot be equated. This study recommends further research on the thought of religious pluralism from various perspectives.
Pandangan Islam tentang Feminisme dan Kesetaraan Gender dalam Al-Qur’an Agniya Rihadatul Aisy; Alya Shafira Octaviani; Aslaa Nabiilah; Asma Sabrina Nurain; Asep Abdul Muhyi
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 24 (2023): Multidisciplinary Research
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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Islamic scholars and specialists never cease to find the phenomenon of feminism an interesting subject of research. Islam views feminism as a movement carried out by women who want equal rights as a creation of Allah SWT. This study aims to find out how Islamic views in the Quran about feminism and gender equality. This study uses the method of tafsir maudhu'i to examine the asbabun nuzul and plausibility of the verses studied. There are five steps, namely determining the theme studied, collecting verses related to the theme, looking for asbabun nuzul and plausibility from these verses. Research findings found that in Islam the position of women and men is equal.
Pandangan Radikalisme dan Terorisme dalam Al-Qur’an Alya Rohaly; Anisa Salsabila; Asya Noer Izzatin; Asep Abdul Muhyi
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 24 (2023): Multidisciplinary Research
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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Radicalism and terrorism are still endless topics to be discussed and studied. As we already know, radicalism thrives in society, especially in an era of increasingly advanced technology. Various information is easy to access, ranging from good news to even bad news. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method which is a method by processing data into a descriptive form. Descriptive research itself is a research method that presents a complete picture of a phenomenon or situation. Meanwhile, in interpreting it, we use the maudu’i interpretation method for finding answer about a topic in the Qur’an. The method is to collect the verses of Qur’an related to topic or theme discussed, then arrange and explain the reasons for the revalation and the linkage of the verses to one another and then interpret them by taking the opinions of commentators.
Ayat-ayat Terkait Radikalisme dalam Al-Qur’an Muhammad Miftah Fauzi; Muhammad Taufik Faturrahman; Muhammad Fawwaz Dwizahran; Rasihon Anwar; Asep Abdul Muhyi
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 25 (2023): Seminar Isu Kontemporer
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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There is often a history of radicalism and terrorism in the name of religion. It is clear from these actions that religious dogma has considerable power. Including Islam, which from the beginning claimed to have principles of peace, these principles were used by a handful of people as a claim to commit violence. One of the causes is a misunderstanding of the Qur'anic verses and Prophetic Hadiths about jihad and Qital. This paper aims to examine the verses related to radicalism and terrorism by using the at-tafsir al-mawdu'iy method, which is by collecting all Qur'anic verses that have the same purpose and theme. The results of the study show that Islam is in principle strongly opposed to radicalism and terrorism and concludes that jihad and war (qital) in the Qur'an are different from acts of radicalism and terrorism. The main purpose of jihad is to refer to human welfare rather than conflict. Thus, jihad is unconditional and unrestricted, making it the responsibility of Muslims at all times. As for qital, it is limited by certain circumstances and is only used as a last resort when all other options have failed.
Pandangan Islam tentang Moderasi Beragama dalam Al-Qur’an Muhammad Yazka; Popi Maspupah; Saif Mujahidin Muhammad; Asep Abdul Muhyi
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 25 (2023): Seminar Isu Kontemporer
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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Demokrasi dalam Islam Perspektif Al-Qur’an Ahmad Abdus Salam Aura Rusyda; Arasyid Isnandar; Ahmad Badrul Amin; Rosihon Anwar; Asep Abdul Muhyi
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 25 (2023): Seminar Isu Kontemporer
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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In the current era, many countries use a democratic system as the basis of their country. However, in Islam, this needs to be specified. So that many scholars question this democratic law. This study tries to discuss these contemporary problems with a qualitative method approach and uses the maudhu'i interpretation method in discussing related verses in the Qur'an. The verses discussed are verse 165 of sura al-Baqarah and verse 44 of sura al-Ma'idah. From the various interpretations used, surah al-Baqarah verse 165 discusses the regret of people who make rivals other than Allah Azza wa Jalla and they love those they follow as they love Allah. When in the afterlife, the person being followed is separated from the person following when they know the punishment of Allah Azza wa Jalla. As for surah al-Maidah verse 44, it discusses ruling other than what Allah sent down. In terms of democracy, many make this letter al-Maidah verse 44 as an argument. However, in reality, many people do not understand this verse so that many cases are based on this argument, even though what is related to disbelief requires detail. Based on the opinion of the scholars that the law of democracy is haram and even includes shirk. The perpetrators can be categorized into three, namely: infidels, tyrants, and fasiq according to the conditions they experience. So not necessarily declared infidel.
Ayat-ayat Terkait Radikalisme dalam Al-Qur’an Muhammad Miftah Fauzi; Muhammad Taufik Faturrahman; Muhammad Fawwaz Dwizahran; Asep Abdul Muhyi
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 25 (2023): Seminar Isu Kontemporer
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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There is often a history of radicalism and terrorism in the name of religion. It is clear from these actions that religious dogma has considerable power. Including Islam, which from the beginning claimed to have principles of peace, these principles were used by a handful of people as a claim to commit violence. One of the causes is a misunderstanding of the Qur'anic verses and Prophetic Hadiths about jihad and Qital. This paper aims to examine the verses related to radicalism and terrorism by using the at-tafsir al-mawdu'iy method, which is by collecting all Qur'anic verses that have the same purpose and theme. The results of the study show that Islam is in principle strongly opposed to radicalism and terrorism and concludes that jihad and war (qital) in the Qur'an are different from acts of radicalism and terrorism. The main purpose of jihad is to refer to human welfare rather than conflict. Thus, jihad is unconditional and unrestricted, making it the responsibility of Muslims at all times. As for qital, it is limited by certain circumstances and is only used as a last resort when all other options have failed.
Demokrasi dalam Islam Perspektif Al-Qur’an Ahmad Abdus Salam Aura Rusyda; Arasyid Isnandar; Ahmad Badrul Amin; Asep Abdul Muhyi
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 25 (2023): Seminar Isu Kontemporer
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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In the current era, many countries use a democratic system as the basis of their country. However, in Islam, this needs to be specified. So that many scholars question this democratic law. This study tries to discuss these contemporary problems with a qualitative method approach and uses the maudhu'i interpretation method in discussing related verses in the Qur'an. The verses discussed are verse 165 of sura al-Baqarah and verse 44 of sura al-Ma'idah. From the various interpretations used, surah al-Baqarah verse 165 discusses the regret of people who make rivals other than Allah Azza wa Jalla and they love those they follow as they love Allah. When in the afterlife, the person being followed is separated from the person following when they know the punishment of Allah Azza wa Jalla. As for surah al-Maidah verse 44, it discusses ruling other than what Allah sent down. In terms of democracy, many make this letter al-Maidah verse 44 as an argument. However, in reality, many people do not understand this verse so that many cases are based on this argument, even though what is related to disbelief requires detail. Based on the opinion of the scholars that the law of democracy is haram and even includes shirk. The perpetrators can be categorized into three, namely: infidels, tyrants, and fasiq according to the conditions they experience. So not necessarily declared infidel.
Pandangan Islam terhadap Fundamentalisme: Analisis Tafsir Maudhu’i Farhan Bahrul Ulum; Kholid Nurrohman; Fahad Fauzi; Hana Mariatul Qibtiyah; Asep Abdul Muhyi
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 25 (2023): Seminar Isu Kontemporer
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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This research aims to get to know Islam and Fundamentalism. This research is qualitative research with a descriptive method and maudhu`i interpretation. This type of qualitative approach is based on secondary data sources which are literature related to the topic of this research originating from journal articles, books, and others. Data analysis techniques are taken through the stages of inventory, classification, and interpretation. The technique of checking the validity of the data is carried out by means of library research. The research results obtained indicate that there are several findings that the author obtained, namely, among others, a description of the concept of fundamentalism, fundamentalism and religion, how the history of the birth of fundamentalism, several problems of Islamic fundamentalism, and the results of research on verses of the Qur'an with maudhu`i interpretations related to Islamic fundamentalism.
Co-Authors Abdurrofi Muhammad Zainuri Adhelia Ananta Adnan Sulaiman Adnin Abdul Majied Afif Arrasyidi Afwan Abdul Hakim KH Agniya Rihadatul Aisy Agung Fauzan Ahmad Abdus Salam Aura Rusyda Ahmad Badrul Amin Ahmad Nurali Shadiqin Ahmad Satria Ahmad Zaki Yamini Aisyah Safitri Alya Agustina Alya Huriah Assegaff Alya Rohaly Alya Shafira Octaviani Andi M. Arfandi Anida Farroh Anisa Salsabila Ara Farhanul Ibad Arasyid Isnandar Aria Rahman Aslaa Nabiilah Asma Sabrina Nurain Asri Muthiyal Haq Asya Noer Izzatin Charitsatun Najah Dida Maulidah Rukoyah Dinda Hidayatul Dini Fitriyani Dzu Hulwin Dzul Adli Mudzoffar Al Arifi Eca Dwi Yandra Evan Raif Fadhil Rahman Utama Fadia Luthfi Riyani Fadly Alanka Fahad Fauzi Farhan Bahrul Ulum Fatur Rahmat Saifullah Tawil Fitri Andaryani Fitria Fitria Fursan Ruhbani Gea Pramudyah Gery Hummamul Hafid Ghina Mutmainnah Ghina Salsabila Hafizah Irfani Azkiah Hana Mariatul Qibtiyah Hanifatul Akmila Hanifatul Auliya Hasan Muhammad Alfatih Hasna Rafidah Salsabila Hikmawan Akbar Husna Dhiya’ul Ilmi Husna Nabila Ia Aulia Ilham Bastanta Panjaitan Ilham Musthofa AQ Ilma Aulia Imam Abdul Aziz Imam Musyaffa Mujahadah Ina Nurseha Indi Ariqah Putri Dadi Iqrimatunnaya Iqrimatunnaya Irma Riyani Jauharah Khairun Nisa Kaka Reza Abdullah Khalishah Sajidah Khoirunnisa Khoirunnisa Kholid Nurrohman Lazuardy Azra Lidya Maharani Lindiani Nur Fadillah Luthfatul Millah Luthfi Khoirunnisa Fadhila Luthfi Luthfi Miftahul Anwar Luthfi Muhammad Hamdani Maulida Fatihatusshofwa mitha ratu apriliani Mohamad Wardan Muhammad Fawwaz Dwizahran Muhammad Haekal Fatahillah Akbar Muhammad Hamzah Nashrullah Muhammad Miftah Fauzi Muhammad Sa’id Muhammad Taufik Faturrahman Muhammad Yazka Nurafni Alva Prasanti Nurzannah Damyanti Popi Maspupah Priscilla Elsya Adila putrie dewi mayang sari Rahayu Novaliana Putri Raka Meirwanto Soba Ramizard Kumbi Rasihon Anwar Raudotul Aini Rik’an Mughiry Rosyadi Rosihon Anwar, Rosihon Ryan Abdurrahman Fitriansyah Sabila Aida Nurazizah Sabrina Farah Fuadia Saif Mujahidin Muhammad Siti Rahmah